Fire Emblem Three Houses

Which house are you going to choose and why is it the Blue Lions?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Going to roll male (canon) Byleth
>Join the Blue Houses because of justice of Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd and because Felix Hugo Fraldarius haves a major crest along with myself.
>Going to recruit both Lorenz Hellman Gloucester for economic reasons and his Noble influence in the Alliance.
>Going to recruit Ferdinand von Aegir due to his family influence of being the prime ministers of the Empire.
>Going to S-Rank Archbishop Rhea for more religious-political reasons as well.
It’s time that Fódlan to benefit from strong leadership and a merciful heart through the old traditions and chivalry. The Alliance is too focused on greed while the Empire wishes to destroy all that we hold dear that made these lands great. I will do my part to save this land from those that would persecute or manipulate the weak. This is my vow my countrymen. I come to you not as your Professor, nor as a Mercenary for hire; I come to you as your brother. We must come together under one banner, one creed, one people to fight the true threat that plagued our home! Together we will destroy the machinations that aim to destroy the Crests and revive the Shadow Dragon and show them the true might of humanity! Make me proud men! Make yourselves proud!

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Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.

Time to settle this once and for all. Who are you picking, Yea Forums?

I wanna fuck Byleth!

>sipping expensive tea with leonie and watching her face wrinkle at the taste
>encouraging leonie to study hard and get the best scores in class
>laughing as leonie angrily pouts at you when you hand her back a lousy grade
>placing your hand over leonie's while you help steady her aim during archery practice
>watching leonie puff out her chest with pride after a well fought battle
>getting an embarrassed thank you from leonie after defending her from an enemy's blade
>secretly helping leonie peek under furniture for lost coins around the school
>comforting leonie as she tearily reads a letter from everyone in her hometown wishing her well
>teasing leonie when she unawaredly exposes her feminine side and watching her turn red
>watching leonie grow up into a strong, beautiful woman
>getting punched in the arm by leonie when you tell her you love her
>marrying leonie and sharing a happy, wholesome life together

Attached: leonie.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

Tranny and queers franchise.



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nsp leak when

167 days until bikini dlc

I'm gonna turn everyone inte an armor knight just to spite horsefuckers

Any news on localization and how much did they feel like script writers? I don't know if I need to order Japanese version or just buy western one.

Why is everyone so mean?

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You are mistaking Ms Eldegard. Professor clearly is a lady of more moral leanings that prefer the company of a man over such degenerate fantasies you think she would entertain with you.

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Is Catherine one of the girls you can marry? I can't really choose between her, Edelgard and Petra.

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next week

dude the localization meme is dead. they have a financial incentive not to fuck with the script too much since the Switch is region free. Basically if you were okay with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 you'll be fine here.

Is there a full list of supports yet?

Yes, you can fugg Catherine

Wow, this whore is being too real.

Choose the canon wife.

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Does this game even have cute girls anymore or is it just fujoshi and tumblrite territory

well fuck you to, dyke

Based Claude about to steal sensei from the Blue fags!

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Good thing Caspar got taller in post-timeskip.

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Is it true that you can yuri her?

>not riding on a giant falcon

Marianne and Ingrid are cute, though

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>Only Byleth and Felix have a major crest.
What do they mean by this?

Xenoblade 2 was the most butchered game which I've ever seen. They rewrote literally everything. No I wasn't okay. I sold my western preorder copy immediately and bought Japanese collectors one.
Thats probably the worst example of "localization meme is dead" that you could use.
Even fates wasn't THAT butchered.

Isn't she one of the straight ladies?

She needs the biggest design change.

That's nice to know. Harder for me to choose then.
They all have traits I like. I need to make up my mind when I get the game.

Yes. She is a Sensei-sexual and you can romance her with either gender. Mainly because she’s the creator’s pet.

Lysithea is the cutest student and you literally can't prove otherwise.

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Unfortunately yes and her fanbase will be toxic because of it

Too young

>Xenoblade 2 was the most butchered game which I've ever seen.

oh you're a IT'S NOT MYTHRA IT'S HIKARI fag huh?

Generic blond knight.

Brutal, and unexpected considering her need to find a man
On the other hand she seems to like Edelgard well enough even though she hates arrogant nobles
I can only imagine the venom she'll have with Sylvain

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These threads are so fucking pathetic like jesus christ what the fuck is this fanbase. Why does this series even have gameplay if everybody just talk about how horny they are and how much they want to fuck a character.

Cope fag

Ugly granny hair

I want to class her as a Pegasus Knight under the sole reason that she is a “Cordelia”.

this is the cringiest shit I've read in weeks, congrats user


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Her timeskip portrait better remove her retarded pasted on hat.

Nearly too old.

That Felix is going to cuck Dimitri and stick his dick into tiddy sensei first.

Nu FE is all about that

Which one lets me be Hitler?

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>all names changed
>lore changed
>world basics changed
>all Christian references censored (this game is basically based on Christian references)
>90% of dialogue completely altered
>almost all key characters with completely altered personalities
>all popculture/anime tropes and references removed (again this a game is basically based on this as well)
>all Asian culture and history removed

Truly localization meme is dead. user please.

user? Once we have a leak to discus SOMETHING new about gameplay, we don’t have anything else to talk about.


Black Eagles

Why does only Byleth get to FUCK?

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Now i don't know which gender to pick when i fuck her.

>Sylvain gets A support with her when he can only reach B with other Golden Sluts
Her mind is a mystery.

How is it that its all about that when the fucking ''dating sim' and romance elements of 3H is basically non-existent at all? This shit blow my mind.

Your ignarance is cringy. Fucking shit eaters.

Reminds of that teacher netorare hentai

just a reminder if you do not pick golden deer you are wrong

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wow are you really one of faggots seething about the christian iconography getting changed? I'm pretty sure people just cared about whether or not the tiddies were covered up.

Is that supposed to be a laugh? Who the fuck laughs like "gogogogogo"?

The characters faces and hair in this game legit make me not want to play this game.
That and the fact that the map screen and characters look straight out of Path of Radiance despite the fact that sprites for each character and class are in the game.

I'm gonna make the right choice here and pick none.

This game is trash and you know it.

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>game come out
>thread are still the same and just full of horny ironic weebs

>only 100% straight house
I'm in

None because everyone dindu nuffin and it's all an evil dragon's fault.

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How to spot a fake nu-xeno shitter that never played gear and saga.

I saw a website that had character starting stats and shit the other day and now I can't find it. Does anyone have know?

Sexual education and social interaction professor
What did you expect from a Mercenary really

I fucking hate you shitposters
Leave the thread if you hate it so much

her discussing how much crimes Duscurians commit may have provided some worldbuilding, but I thought it was a bit on the nose from Nintendo

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Reminder that Edelgard is stronger than Dimitri and also has higher HP than him.


fuck off Censored Gaming, that video was more desperate to nitpick anything than anything else

The shitposters are the pathetic retards acting like FE is a dating sim VN despite 3H having one single fucking S rank.

this but I'm going to poach Linhardt and S rank him because he's cute

Uhhhh guys?!

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>Imagine unironically thinking that Xenoblade 2 wasn't completely butchered

These faggots only care about titts not being censored. Script butchering is way worse than visual censorship.



>Golden Chad

yes user I'm aware of the Gnostic overtones of the franchise what the fuck does any of that have to do with LITERAL NAMES FOR FIRE AND LIGHT getting changed in english making you seethe?

>teacher hentai

How do I get them to get married to each other

Censored gaming didn't show even 5% of what actually was altered. I was able to compare it directly with my friend when I used Japanese version and he used western release.
You know fucking nothing. Just don't be fucking ignorant at least.

Why does Byleth have a budding talent in faith?

The fascist girl has the most powerful empire and her entire motivation is expansionism.
Also her logo is a black eagle

you can steal two students from the two separate houses

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Mercedes turns into a whore, huh

how do you increase faith and why is it budding


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Post-timeskip lorentz leaked too

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Apparently some characters have "budding skills" which means if you train it and can become a preferred skill and you get a special ability or something.

post claudes

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>empire is evil meme

we know dimitri

you are literally just mad that chritian iconography got changed. I've seen the scripts. NOTHING was changed. you are just a baka gaijin complaining that since you can understand moonrunes you think you can be an elitist faggot about localiztion despite the fact you know nothing about translation work and the fact that one for one machine translations ARE SHIT. Just look at why Persona 5 got delayed and why Ys VIII was such a shit script job since the basically just 1 4 1'd it again.

Don't bother; those shit eaters only consider it censorship when titties get covered up.
Who cares about the script getting butchered?

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Who cares about your shitty beliefs.
You don't need to be Christian to enjoy well used references. This game has hundreds references to Christianity and it's one of these thing that is making it great.
And name changes are always cringy. It doesn't matter that it means flame or light. These names are completely common Japanese names. Altering it is just retarded.

But Dimitri ia literally the edgy rebel house fighting for equality and degeneracy

Edelgaed is the justice/law route

Lysithea was revealed to have a minor Charon crest and major Gloucester crest.

Lookin' fr hentai porn w/ student x teachurs with big tiddy, any recs?

Yeah I didn't play some shit old JRPGs.

>And name changes are always cringy.


He became his own waifu, what tenacity


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>Could never get a girl in school
>5 years HRT
Just like some people here on Yea Forums

So do you pick a house right away or is that something you do at the end of Hogwarts phase before the timeskip?

Saga IS shit but don't go t

This shitpost doesn't really work when he was one of the first post-timeskip designs we ever saw already.

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right away

An hour in iirc


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>nothing was changed
You're retarded. Really.
Translation means persevering as much as u you can. Localization and culturalization is nothing but convenient term for censorship.
Translation doesn't mean rewriting, replacing culture and original tropes.
These things should be only done for kiddie dubs. If you need this kind of alternation, you're just mentally retarded. That's all.

it's about an hour in, you get to talk to different students and stuff first

Holy fuck

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Teachers have big tiddy or students have them?
Genkaku cool na sensei ga aheboteochi has a big tiddy teacher and nurse getting fucks
Second episode ends in threesome pregnant sex end

Anyone else going to avoid these threads when story leaks/game release happens?

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She hates arrogance, not nobility by default, and we know that Sylvain's more flippant and might have some sense of self depreciated humor at least so they might hit it off. Ferdinand is pretty much the poster boy of arrogant nobility.

Empire = Law/Justice.

Edelgard hates crests. She wants to make humanity pure

Dimitri = Chaos/Anarchy

He wanta revenge for the massacre of his family and goes nuclear. Undoubtedly wants Edelgards head on a pike

Claude = Neutral/Law

Probably just taking the chance to get rid of both sides and establish peace. But in a kinda indirect and mercenary ish way

>Final dlc route is teaming up with demon loli. True chaos route. Byleth is a demon vessel. He hasna pentragram on his chest and his name is also a demons name

T. Former 4kids owner.

I don't get it.

yes because I'll be playing the pirated copy

>holy fuck
holy fuck what?

Can someone explain to me why the character models looks this messy? Like, they aren't sharp at all. I don't know if there's a terminology for it. A nonmeme one.

The Thanibomb (which is pretty much confirmed) leak says she dies regardless of route.

It was over before it began Lysitheabros.

>mfw I'm going to bro it up with Dmitri and Claude
>try to lead them successfully to be good leaders with the powers of friendship
>mfw I'm also going to dyke it up with Edlegard
>lead her into a disastrous reign as monarch with the powers of no dick

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holy fuck

>But Dimitri ia literally the edgy rebel house fighting for equality and degeneracy.
Edgy? Yes. Equality? Yes. Degeneracy? No. He fights for justice because he’s a moralfag. His country has Crests and appeal to traditions and chivalry.
>Edelgaed is the justice/law route
Law? Yes. Justice? Fuck no. She wishes to destroy the Crests and bring in new “progressive changes” because she know best for everyone. Highest rate of homosexuality doesn’t help her cause either.

Censored gaming didn't even give a shit in his Xenoblade 2 video. He said almost nothing about actual rewrites and straight fuck ups. .

but some guy that played said one student seemed to die regardless, but that was before the timeskip. Lysithea is clearly showed in ther timeskip design.

what a qt. I'm liking him more and more

aliased, noob.
the quality that anti-aliasing counteracts

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Which reviewer said that?

The devs are incompetent and have no clue how to make models for a "modern" piece of hardware same problem Gamefreak is in though perhaps less outright lazy.

Thanks brother you are doing god's work.

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No anti-aliasing

alright alright, i'll take the bait
>the script is literally the same. I'd argue that English version make a lot of things much, much heavier ie. commends about how people kill the blade users, took the blade core, and sell them with portraits. basically implying blade traficking and prostitution. While the japanese script is only "blade stealing for mercenary and various purpose"
>Blades name change was under the policy of "invoke a god-like feeling when the players hear the name, thus making them otherworldly". NoE changing them into various fitting myths was stellar. And Takahashi himself approved that
>The titans' names werent really changed, just altered to another more obscured definition of the 7 sins. Tantal, for example, is "ruination from luxury", which corresponded the the OG name of Luxuria aka greed

>She wishes to destroy the Crests and bring in new “progressive changes
The crests literally turn people into demonic beasts

>His country has Crests and appeal to traditions and chivalry.
Hes literally trying to destory the caste system. Hes an actual progressive

yes user I love Falcom translations too


So this game requires anti-aliasing to fix this ugly mess? Am i saying this right?

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Linhart is great, he's stuck between all sorts of shitty shipping wars which is sad because he seems like fun.
>I'm tired
>my feet hurt
>caspar is too loud
>edelgard keeps trying to get me into politics
>I wish I was back in my room playing with magic


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based as fuck. I want to recruit him and Ferdinand now

user I am going to blow your mind

4Kids wasn't that bad. They actually had really good VAs and people working on these shows it's just that the directors and FOX corporate had final say on shit getting changed.

and if you are asking about the localization process under NoE, the devs said this in an interview
>In the US, the names of many blades and characters were changed, could you tell us the origins of some of the Western blades’ names, like Dromarch?

>Yokota: The localisation for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was handled by Nintendo of Europe. After laying out the overall translation policy they could follow with Monolith, they left the smaller localisation decisions to them to do with as they saw fit.


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>She wishes to destroy the Crests and bring in new “progressive changes”
user people with crests were drafted into the military and sent to war before the Church intervened.

The ass on that bitch goddamn
>also blushing
Can't believe the pope is a bisexual milf that gets off on punishing sinners

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Why won't devs use this shit if they know the game looks like fucking shit without it?

haha that's our xseed

Step on me, i'm a sinner


Byleth is a slut! A SLUT!

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Is Byleth a total chad like Rean? Both are teachers and everyone wants their dick.

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Switch can't handle it I guess.

Not her fault Dimitri has a dusky for a retainer.

anti-aliasing eliminated jagged edges
this is preschooler grafix class homie get with it

user. The Crests are bloodlines. She wishes to genocide everyone who bears a Crest.

I’m gonna steal Petra and put her alongside Dedue

tonight or tomorrow

it's the sound this guy makes

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And? That's what I just said. This game except visuals and character models I'd basically completely different in the west. It's completely different experience when you actually know the true meaning of this story, true personalities, true world building and true culture references (including folk tales).
Western version has 0 impact on anything. I'm not even talking about these idiots that played it dubbed, because this is just complete disaster. A nail in the coin.
You can make fun of people that actually cares about the story and characters but it's nothing but pure ignorance.

Memory has been updated. Thank you.

she should start with herself

>She wishes to genocide everyone who bears a Crest
Where does she say that?


I'd let her punish my sinner

SLANDER! Professor is pure! PURE!

Ega is cute! CUTE!

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Dedue x Lysithea, I want to see what comes out of there

why do you spoil yourselves so much with this game? wouldn't it be better if you just go and play it blindly?

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I hate her


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I love her

I will choose blue lions because mercedes is my wife

Well. I'm not really surprised. If you're defending this shit what happened to X2, it's only natural that you'll be defending 4kids trash too. You're just a target audience of trash like this.


The cutest!

Oof. Is someone gonna tell him?

Retarded larper, why did you ignore my post

Also nowhere does she say she wants to kill Crest ownera. She says Crests are to blame for the state of the world.

Crest cucks cant do anything without abusing their crests and become retarded monsters.

Because i'm a poorfag and don't have a switch


should i play fire emblem heroes?

Xseed is treehouse tier in most cases too. It's the same level of retardation.



Blessed post


not him, but what is this about?

>Gacha shit


>All of the reviewers are comparing this game to persona instead of Cold Steel.
I'd actually be pretty happy if the first half lets you do field assignments like CS does.

That dusky is more loyal than her. Slut.

>get told why things were altered with sources
>literally just go NUH UH

Fire Emblem is going full dating sim now isn't it

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She’s bi but people think she’s gay.

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I'm saving my money for Cold Steel 3 rather than buying 3 tranny houses


>buying a nisa game

She is in the same boat as Edelgard being called a dyke

Except the fact that I don't need external sources because I experienced it myself.

Actually some games uses this without much issue or any at all. Maybe the devs are stupid and couldn't figure out how to implement this without making the game lag a lot. Since it ready has framerate issues as it is.


I play other gatcha games and FEH is shit gameplay wise. The powerlevel creep ruins character building when you invest shit loads of resources into a unit and the meta changes and that character is useless. Only whales can keep on top of the meta if they are also rolling for characters they like that are useless.
If you just like FE characters though and don't care about the gameplay, it might be okay to play.

I have never played Fire Emblem. Will I have fun with Fire Emblem Three Houses?

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How do stats work?

I would argue only "Aegis" make no sense coming from "Ten no Seihai" (literally Heaven's divine cup, which is tb h a bit redudant cause in jp religious text they just do 聖杯 Seihai when refering to The Grail)
Everything else makes sense. And dont pretend shits like Suzaku, a bird that signify royalty, working as a fucking mercenary, or Kagutsuchi, a deity of literally volcanos meant to create the world with his own bodies, is fitting on a blade that's all about lol, fire
the cultural refference you said "deep" is knee deep user
and lets not polute a FE thread with these meaningless bullshit

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Do not bully my wife

Isn't that woman with green hair the pope? Why is the pope bi?

When Xseed meme will finally die? They are as retarded as almost all other western publishers of Japanese games. Sometimes even more with thier hypocrisy.

How can Byleth train students in skills he is not a master of?

Why are church people swinging both ways? Isnt that sinful?

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Chad? A chad wouldn't go for someone so ugly.

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Pope tends to never really marry, so they can fuck anyone they like. and in this instant, sensei is just too irressistible

wtf where's gay representation I want to suck more dick!???

>Petra calls Dorothea's cooking horrendous
>Dorothea tells Ferdinand straight out she hates him
>both Hubert and Linhardt dunk on Caspar
>Bernadetta is a shut in loser who keeps trying to keep everyone away from her garbage self
Black Eagles are really starting to look like the disaster house
I love it

Are there any gay only characters?

You get nothing! You lose! Good day faggot!

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She may be ugly but she has a really nice body, just make her wear a sack and you're good to go

nope. bi or goodbye

wtf I hate nintendo now???

Straight or Bi only

People who are bi are the master race.

Has any leaker actually hard confirmed it? Last I heard, both pope lady and dragon loli were being assumed because one leaker hard confirmed the other girls but said the others would be spoilers.

This isn’t Earth nor is the Church in this game Christian.

absolutely never play a mobile gacha game. no matter who you are, your time is more valuable than that.

That will never happen in a non strictly gay dating sim. Sorry.

Gays don't exist and never did, they are just a leftist propaganda. Everyone is either straight or bi

It ain't a christian church, now is it?

sounds like a fun family

I cannot wait to see the Black Eagles supports. They all seem so good so far, they're such fun characters.

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>Gays get a trap who is too tired to suck dick and 50 year old dick. Both of the 50 year olds have children.

fates was worse with the waifu / husbando faggotry

Bros I think I might be gay...

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Why isn't it out already?

Have you never seen the 3DS games?

>golden queers
You and dimitri fags are the most homo.

it wouldn't make sense at all since they both have separate ranks

>trap who is too tired to suck dick
ideal bf tbdesu. cuddling only

Jesus the guys are ugly.

Then I suppose saving Ferdinand and making him kill Dorothea will heal that particular burn. Bernadette can join him for good measure.

Because isn't the 26th yet?

What's gay about my wife Lysithea?


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This game actually reduced the matchmaking mechanics. (You) are the only one who can get pussy.

But I want it now!!!!

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>be burned so badly need to straight up kill the girl to feel better again
That's some next level pathetic right there

Digital or Physical copy?

It's 3, right

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And there are no kids in the picture either. The only reason the S supports are still in at all is to accommodate self-insertfags' sexual fantasies.

So did they figure out what causes people to be gay yet? I remember hearing all sorts of shit like it's a natural thing to avoid overpopulation.

I wish you could bully your students

I get the feeling she's going to be very single-minded in her disdain for the crests and not just because of the "the crests are to blame!" meme. She's probably not entirely misguided or wrong (with all the demon beasts bearing creasts), but I'm going to take a wild guess that she goes too far in eliminating or dealing with them. She likely makes enemies with the church in some form.

I imagine that because Dmitri's house appears to be the most pious and more closely connected to the church, this would have the most immediate effect on his people, and I'm going to take a wild guess that Edelgard commits (o r seems to commit) some perceived injustice to him or his people in a vulnerable time because I think in the trailer he was the one ranting about how he wants to "end the cycle of the strong stepping on the weak" and when he ordered his men to kill, it seemed very emotionally charged.

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Chosing between digital and physical is like choosing between dub and original voices.
Digital is as trashy and nonsensical as dubs.

I bought a 500GB SD from Prime Day

If anything this game has it the least.

do we know more classes yet? (besides the ones IGN showed)

Grandpatrannies have the biggest persecution complex ever.

Homosexuality isn't natural

Hubert is actually one of the only men the game with decent facial bone structure you'd actually find attractive in real life. Ferdinand is adorable and so is Linhardt with his white bow.

Attached: fire-emblem-three-houses-hubert-details.jpg (1200x675, 94K)

Just like in real life am I right? At least Ferdie has the Great War excuse to preserve his dignity.

Smash is 1080p 60fps with anti-aliasing and runs just fine.
IS are just incompetent. They even had to ask KT to help because they couldn't even do it themselves.

It's their first actual HD game after years of developing low-effort handheld shit and those Tellus games with the N64 graphics

And on top of the messy graphics, the game is 30 fps too.

Attached: Junpei's_reflection.png (512x384, 276K)

>scheming bro tier bow lord
>all the best girls with one exclusive to us
>gigachad Lorenz and the big guy
>supposedly has the best maps
why would you choose any other house?

There apparently are hidden classes which you unlock while advancing in the game

Because nobles are stuck up assholes and you're in a school full of them
Have fun

Physical, is that even a question?

Bloated face

Attached: unknown-14.png (245x281, 82K)

I dunno. Warriors looks and runs fine.

a reviewer said the maps are the same between houses, only the character quests are different so you can just recruit the characters with the maps you want.

The models are made for a higher resolution than the Switch can output. A side effect of that is aliasing

It’s a mental illness for sexual depravity. It’s not a generic disease that makes you “born that way”, neither is caused by environmental factors like chemicals. You were either abused as a child or you just find pleasure in deviant behavior nothing more.

Homosexuality is a choice. Nothing more.

He looks like a generic mage boss you kill in the starting chapters

Is Revelations style of route to be expected in Three Houses?


yeah, but at timeskip they change

i swear nintendo's 1st parties are just too comfortable in their low graphic, decent gameplay games territory for far too long. Only the folks at Mario (of all things), Smash and maybe Zelda tried to break the mold
like, hell, IS really didnt learn anything from the time they work with Atlus for #FE
At least Monolith is consistent

I know you're not serious, but how can you be all it's a mental illness, but also a choice? Since when is being mentally ill a choice?

Dedue is the only decent looking big guy.

Probably the possible forth route hidden when you choose the black eagles. Apparently there is a “leak” that the Black Eagles have two routes.

You choose to either seek help and rehabilitation? Or do you choose to entertain and revel in your madness?

Edelgard really was the true end

maybe? they can deliver a Torna or Octo-expansion tier DLC later down the line. well, if they are competent enough for that

Byleth is a titty monster ingame but a chestlet in cinematics. Which is it?

Attached: 7HpQu1Z.png (695x464, 631K)

Can we really trust this leak? I honestly have hard time to believe anything I see here.

Even if you get help, you're still mentally ill. Hardly any of them can be outright cured.

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This is why Ingrid can opt to leave you, Dimitri.

>decent jaw line and chin
>defined cheekbones
>above statements mean he's got a great body too
>cute nose
He's one hot generic mage boss.

Attached: 1519547665722.jpg (500x470, 90K)

What causes it though? Something has to make it happen right? Is it some weird form of autism? Is it some mutated gene?

BotW had the excuse of being a Wii U game that had to be hastily ported to the Switch at the last minute, that's why it was 900p and had fps drops in every village/stable/busy area.

I'm expecting the sequel to be at least 1080p with solid 30 fps.

she likes dick too

Funny meme. But compared to Dedue Raphael looks like Shrek.

But the review embargo is still not lifted on timeskip.

But then I have to wait like 8 extra hours for them to deliver it.

This game's writing is going to be so much fun

Him and Dmitri remind me of Full Metal Alchemist from Fort Briggs.

Doesn't matter, if she's willing to fuck another girl she's a dyke for me and deserves to die


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Just go to a physical store then? Fire Emblem's not so niche you need to order online or anything.

It is there temptation, their “cross” that they must bear.

I don't drive man I'm a neet.

Attached: 7029597F-5EDC-4844-8D66-0A8C3651B582.jpg (500x353, 52K)

take a taxi, take the buss, take a train!

Rural areas don't tend to have any of those...

well, being gays has many root cause:
>abuse/ptsd/generally bad experience that make them stay away the opposite sex/ strange attachment to the same sex
>gender dysmorphia: this is a serious mental illness, just like every other body dysmorphia, which can lead to self-harm and suicide. i hate how the woke bunch are making it much, much harder to do a diagnosis/categorize this tho. even DSM-V had to caved and stated "definitely-not-an-illness". fucking hell
>environmental cause: no, its not 'chemical that make the frogs gay", just peer pressure, attention seeking or conforming behavior, general confusion during puberty and early adult (where gender self-identification takes place)

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>phone screenshot of resetera
I hate every single one of you

Walk then man. Or bike.

Is this gif supposed to loop?

How do you feel about having Leonie as your mom?
also big

Attached: dirtybigtittytomboy.png (1361x1043, 910K)

>if she's willing to fuck another girl she's a dyke
I hate to break it to you, but all girls are naturally attracted to other girls, user.

I didn't even bother to reply. That's way too retarded or bait.

is this USA? I've heard your public transportation systems suck ass.
Busses always go in rural areas around here.

Attached: 8BDF4298-5F1C-460A-83CD-58740DF13AA9.jpg (500x353, 47K)

Does she grow her hair out and stop acting like a man post-timeskip

Bruh I'd have to walk like 5 miles.

I know it's just a joke, but that literally can't happen and makes me think the tumblr artist doesn't actually have a switch.

This means you have an account there. Go back.

>Golden Chad
>sylvain or Felix

post the last one

Attached: C4EFBAE6-E494-4B60-9A95-37311CC5F4F6.jpg (500x353, 77K)

Yeah USA sucks for public transport. Outside of big cities, don't count on there being anything at all.

Is she the Female version of Male Byleth?

>not even a pro-controller

Attached: 1563216652928.png (640x756, 543K)

Finna steal bernie and annette. Get all the best girls into the Golden chads.

Dorothea’s going to be a great character. We already know she helps Ingrid escape a horrible marriage.

I saw the timeskip. She gets a new hat.

>5 miles.
that's eight kilometers. Literally nothing if you want the game bad enough. Or just do digital.

>You just did
this game is going to be a ton of fun

What a fucking legend, now I have to poach him

Attached: 288476.png (599x718, 1.19M)

>not gay
>blond Aryan

Attached: IamaDemon.jpg (959x960, 339K)

It can
>My brand new Nintend switch
>what are these buttons underneath the shoulder buttons do?

damn bro, that sounds awful

it happened to me. the lock-notches wear out surprisingly quickly. easy fix tho

If you're a neet, getting in the habit of walking daily wouldn't hurt you at all.

We can only hope.

They need to nip this shit at the bud then. Go full on with abuse, harder punishments, less bureaucracy. Have those abusees get the help they need. This goes especially for trannies. That new study said a large large majority of trannies are also autistic. That shit is linked.

There’s a screenshot of him clocking Caspar for his manletness basically being a hindrance in battle

Faggot weab incel
Unironically have sex

>Not counting that Dimitri’s Professor will serve as his morality chain and temper his shadows that hover over him.
Any house you pick will be the good guys in your playthrough.

As a teacher myself this game makes me uncomfortable, I guess I'll just go for the other teachers.

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Like 95% of the leak turned out to be real. The only stuff that isn't confirmed yet is the double Black Eagles route and a few other things.

As a teacher you should learn how to appreciate individuals such as your students, not grow apart from them

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Based as fuck teacherbros

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how does one loose their undershirt
how does one only have one of it

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Honestly promising protection for the weak seems pretty Law to me
And hating chains, outdated values, crests and basically the church seems pretty chaos.
imo as an smtfag Edelgard is more chaotic than Dimitri

This is obviously the start of a cheap porn

fucking commoner

You can’t S-rank them until AFTER they graduated and it’s 5 years later.

>tfw my mother is a teacher and constantly gossips to me about her coworkers and students
>get a kick out of the Three Houses teachers doing the same thing


I want to see his reaction when he sees Caspa chaded up after the timeskip and his gay heart goes doki doki

Shamir is my wife

Attached: shitty meme.png (1080x1285, 813K)

How’d you fix?

No shit, she's an axe user.


Attached: leovain.png (700x91, 32K)

Fuck, her and Manuela look so much better than any student.

user please

I won't be able to buy the game for another 3 months, how do I best avoid spoilers?

Attached: 22983.png (193x299, 96K)

There's also no big age gap either. This isn't:
>hey, I'm 15, I'm in high school and I'm dating my 40 something math teacher
it's more like:
>I'm 24, he's 27, we met my freshman year, he was my TA for Psych 101, but we didn't start dating until I graduated

Also Shamir isn't a teacher, she's a member of the Knights of Seiros like Catherine, but she can still teach seminars about fighting in Fog of War which makes no sense but gotta incorporate the gameplay elements I guess

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i just bought 1 of those thin, transparent backplate that can hold the whole thing until i got the fund to buy a new set of them, and retired the old ones to co-op play permanently
well you can 3d print the notch too, there's file floating everywhere. didnt bother to do it tho

Pack it up boys. /feg/s attention whore has invaded the thread
Nothing but samefagging and discord fags beyond tbis point

Get out. Now. Specifically before the time skip embargo is lifted. Don't pay attention to games media about it or reviews and don't come in threads here.

I hope we can save them all.

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Fakin it till ya make it!

One of the reasons why I never go into /feg/. Suprisingly Yea Forums threads are still better than those. Most of the time.

Fuck that just ignore that stupid spic.

chad and stacy

>not being able to disconnect fiction and reality
Go back.

FByleth can fuck everyone in this picture

How many trailers favor make Byleth and Edelgard?

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on a scale from 1(conquest) to 10(echoes) how is the writing looking this time around?
from what i've glossed over here it seems like a 5 or 6

You don't even know how retarded you actually are. No one with healthy brain would ever use idiotic buzzwords like this. Just kill yourself.

byleth's gonna die in the end, isnt it


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Professor is not a slut! She is pure! PURE!

did it get banned again?

Because she's shilled by IS. Of course they're going to make their precious waifu super strong. She's also stronger than all the other males who's stats we've seen so far, even Raphael despite being tiny and having no muscles.

From the info I've seen from the leaks and previews, people seem to like the writing and story this time. Hard to give any scores yet though.

Unless you S-rank someone

Then come back to life post credits.

Does the sprite look retarded?

Attached: DQybnm3.jpg (1200x500, 158K)

the house with the chick is the one I'm choosing

Clearly treehouse changed panties to undershirt

Don’t forget that reviewers are illiterate and deluded themselves into believing Fates had good writing

>no MILFs to prey on as FByleth

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Only real faggot incels are insulting other people using these grade school words, so unironically shut the fuck up.

Doesn't this guy like fates' story?

she has the Seiros crest, aon, like, its THE CREST
even if its just minor, its a great one


Mentally ill teachers that can't distinguish fiction from reality shouldn't be a teachers.

>trusting a "veteran" of the series that started with Awakening
>much less game journalists at all
I don't trust this shit eater to understand how to play anything but easy for any game, let alone know how to tell good writing from shit writing.

Not being able to lesbian fuck either Catherine or Shamir was the biggest mistake

>I'd put it at Conquest/Birthright level.
Abandon ship, the dream is dead bros

He does, he's probably an idiot, but at any rate every other reviewer has sung endless praises on the story.
I'd still be cautious after how badly Fates fucked us but all accounts are good at least.

So is Mortal Savant basically Dread Fighter?

I barely know anything about the story in this. What is this Crest thing and does Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude all have that?

Why are you niggers so triggered? Lmao. Degenerates

If I walks 3 mph that's over a 3 hour round trip in 100 degree weather man.

Good man. It's so refreshing to see someone actually have a creative mind and interesting plans instead of the faggots that want to play as a female and "heal" Dimitri.

Don't apply burger standards for the rest of the world. And fiction especially.

Crests work similar to bloodlines from genealogy of the holy war. Most nobles have them since they are descended by heroes and saints. The three Lords indeed have them, yes. Edelgard though apparently hates them and believes they are too blame for everyone’s problems.

He's a neet, it's better to be out doing anything than in his house all day long.

what is Dimitris stance?

Steal a bike, nigger.


Claude and Dimitri haven’t commented on them which is why people believe Edelgard is the main character, among other reasons

Unconfirmed. Mostly more closely tied to the Church and going to be antagonistic to Eldegard, he might be trying to prevent their destruction since they are probably work the same as the fire emblem.

>He doesnt own the Xbc2 pro controller

>one day Seiros, head of the church, saw a vision of the Goddess giving mankind a gift in the form of crest
>crest give power and stuffs, and is awakened/inherited through bloodline
>people with crests gain political power
>war of heroes happened

Attached: muralcrest.png (1000x895, 1.1M)

T. Pedo

if anything that's Splatoon's

Attached: splatoon controller.jpg (1024x519, 42K)

Why are alt righties such pedos and degenerate despite harping on about MUH TRADITION.

>people who started with Awakening and Fates
>being the judges of quality for the series
Anyone that started out with the 3ds games has no valid opinion on the matter till they played at least 1 entry from each of the consoles Fire Emblem was released on

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why did someone attempt to do this with tarot cards?

Instead you can have your own desperate cake drinking club, isn't that nice?

I can't ride a bike and it's still 100 degrees.


Edelgard is the only one with Divine level Crest?

>echoes is 10


T. Pedophile psycho who is disconnected fron reality

you mean this one? well, with how there's 22 crests, and how Marianne's strange crest and the devil crest are just so conveniently place, maybe he draw conclusion from that?
Bit of a stretch tho

Attached: marcana.png (1000x895, 1.12M)

So, I'm hoping we can talk a bit in-game with the different house leaders or something before we commit, if it's gonna affect the whole game, might as well make an informed decision.

Byleth's Crest of Flame (or Nemesis) is divine tier too
basically his fight against Edelgard is a repeat of Nemesis vs Seiros fight at the end of the war of heroes (pretty much the game's opening cinematic)

Sad to be you to be honest. It must be hard being unable to tell if something is real or not. Go to resetera. This place is full of brain damaged people. It's like psychiatric facility. Too bad that they lacking of therapists.

Just play all 3

Said retard who is arguing about fiction.
And I'm retarded too that I pulled this cheap bait.

a numerical scale of conquest to echoes ordinal, not objective.

I was thinking more of my first playthrough. I'd rather go with my hunch for the first one, but I don't wanna end up feeling like I made a wrong decision.

Are dimitri and claude bros okay if black eagles really get two different routes?

You can apparently talk with everyone before you choose your house.

Calling the main plot now.

The crests basically creates a cycle of history that is hard to break out of. The true ending is distruction of that god and all the crests.

>don't want to get spoiled
>but want to keep reading these threads little before and after the release
I hate this

>approaches desk
>I have a question
>Actually I don't have a question how would I think of one?
What? Wouldn't it make more sense if she just said nevermind or something? Who claims to have a question and then says they never had one right after?

Speaking of echoes does anyone have that Alm picture from awakening about compassionate stabbing

so its the plot of dark souls

t. Edelgard

An autist

I cant understand what the hell youre saying you retarded esl.

Yet i bet you throw tantrums over slightly dark skinned people in your vidya. Lmao keep coping you autist pedophile. Or cure yourself withna bullet

Like Echos?

Post your wifes.

The trailer already showed the crests have the potential to turn you into monsters

Attached: 1563204651726.png (800x600, 462K)

you're an esl yourself. Most likely a spic to boot.

Attached: Marianne_Portrait.png (1000x1000, 593K)

>How would I even think of one?
Even an autist knows to say "nevermind"

Image source?

arent those pretty much experiments gone wrong?

Can I give her a good night's rest?

Marianne is so cute, I want to heal her!

The benefits of abstinence

Maybe Byleth asked everyone to come up and ask questions? She's asking to be skipped and Dorothea's waiting behind her.

Nice projecting mutt. Back to the border Pablo

Can we marry her?

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I think I found it searching for Soren images on fireden

Exactly what a seething spic would say.

Still unconfirmed. But I’m sure that it’s the main reason why time skip Edelgard hates Crests even more.

Stop replying to obvious trolls or mentally ill retards (in the end its the same).

This game has Durability and the Weapon Triangle back right?

Attached: 1563220675051.jpg (1063x1200, 94K)

No. Bern said "I have a question" right beforehand, as my post said.

I want to have sex with Byleth in exchange for her giving me a better grade.

Attached: IMG_20190718_134845.png (500x880, 322K)

Durability in that weapons break but just suffer stat penalties until you repair them, and the weapon triangle has been done away with.

durability, yes. Weapon triangle, no.

It's great that you used falcom as an example since Trails has a great localization.

Durability is back and there're more shenanigans related to it. No true weapon triangle but you can unlock breaker skills among other things which is what divides weapon type functionality.


Attached: IMG_1199.jpg (1242x700, 121K)

Wasn't it that people who didn't have holy blood trying to use the crests turns them into monsters?

T. Seething spic who really wishes and thinks hes white

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>rub a girl the wrong way so badly she doesn't even bother pretending she doesn't hate your guts
Goddamn, and I thought Lorenz was bad with women

>weapon durability is in, and can be fixed after battle
>no weapon triangle. instead we have skills that cost more durability (like 5 comparing to the normal 1), and have unique effects.
>just your usual stuffs tho: anti calvary, anti knight, increase range (bow)

It would be nice if Byleth can be a Lord alongside his house leader.

Do we have official heights for those two? I want to laugh at Caspar for being an ultra manlet.

Stop projecting Pablo


Go fuck yourself

>three major story figures can lez it up
>no major story figures can fag it up
my guess is they probably tried but internal whining and bitching about making the main males bi harangued everything until it was all relegated to a married dude(who you can develop a relationship with before his wife dies, which is SUPER fucking trashy and whoever does is garbage) and the other has kids already but no spouse and the third is just a generic prettyboy gay option
I mean shit, they triple our options and they're all not very good(possibly even worse than Niles,) though I guess I'll reserve full judgment for after seeing their supports and character growth

woops didn't mean to quote

>closet pedo is also a phonenigger


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Rent free

My apologies. I mistook you for the seething pedophile spic

which girl is the tallest

I wish I could give edgelord Dimitri someone like Dorothea. She seems fun.

This is 100% talking about panties.

Could he even handle her?

Why the fuck does there constantly have to be a Three Houses thread up? This isn't /vg/ dude

still counts

Because the VG one is dead and boring

When will they learn?

Attached: manlet.png (400x240, 168K)

>panties the same color as Blyeth's hair

Attached: 1544865596661.png (381x288, 151K)

Damn it all, so many excellent girls, how the fuck am I supposed to decide? I want to spend time with all of them simultaneously, why can't they all fuse into one big mass and absorb me?

Wrong. The only canon playthroughs are straight MBlyeth and homo deamon FBlyeth

Am I allowed to still like Awakening and Fates if I've done so?

/vg/ is fucking garbage for discussion, especially with obcessed waifufags

>lose an undershirt
>when panties is fine

I'll never understand translators sometimes

Yea Forums isn't any better with all these mentally ill idiots that are offended by fiction.

Is it so fucking hard?

True, but it's still easier to discuss things around here, only by the fact that no heroes talk lingers


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