Brehs I can't seem to get good attack items since the new class update.
Risk of Rain 2
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Just play a good survivor lmao
because stickies got gutted
enjoy your new no damage runs against extreme sponge enemies
Who is good now? And don't fucking say Engi
Ten man Risky 2 soon.
Play mercenary.
Commando's still good with his immense proc rate.
What's he gonna proc that makes him gonna be competitive? Stickies?
I enjoy artificer and the plant
>enjoy your new no damage runs
Look who hasn't unlocked Guillotine yet.
Arti and Merc are the big winners of the most recent patch. Commando is dumpster tier now, Rex is pretty good but very item dependent, Huntress and Engie are basically the same.
Guillotine is a shit bandaid for the issue that Hopoo's created. An item that literally just cuts down an enemies HP passively? That's retarded, especially in an online coop game.
Yeah, it's a pretty poorly balanced item, but getting a stack of 10 of those is equivalent to getting 40 stickies so "no damage runs" isn't really accurate.
Merc. Best mobility and can do well early without relying on items. Once you start stacking brooches, you start gaining stupid amounts of barrier while being untouchable with his utility skill and R.
Which is it?
Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Sacrifice is 37%
>Permanent mountain stack of 1
>No shop
>Can spawn gilded coast portal
>Players can join whenever
I'm in the United States, so if you're from Russia you will have lots of lag. Some UK anons have told me they get okay connection.
>Can spawn gilded coast portal
What's the purpose of this?
To fight Aurelonite.
guys every time I put the resources and sharedassets .assets files into my gamefile it just makes the game crash on startup
how do I into mod? I have the api and bepis installed but they didn't help
Are you sure they're up to date? You shouldn't need anyhting else for them to work.
shit, I didn't think about that..
are there any good editors out there for .assets files?
alternately, are there any other decent lewd/thicc mods out there? aside from thiccmod which just looks weird
Dunno about editing them, and it's the only good lewd mod I know of. There should be a currently working version of this mod unless there was an update today.
Guillotine rework fucking when? It's by far the worst item RoR has ever witnessed.
>do much more damage than literally any non-usable item in game while being fucking white item
>5-10 guillotines do more damage than your whole 100+ items inventory combined while having fucking literally virtually zero visual effect, zero impact, zero feel
>has zero effect on play-style
>has zero synergy with other items
>has zero synergy with other players, if you have less guillotines than any other player you might just have zero of them, they do _LITERALLY_VIRTUALLY_ABSOLUTELY_FUCKING_ nothing
>because of that best strategy is to dump all of them into single player, and then this player can just sit afk on his ass 99% of the fight, all he has to do is shoot _one_single_ bullet and he will magically do more damage than his whole team combined
>you HAVE to stack this abomination because otherwise killing green elites or any elite on monsoon takes hours
Alright just found the mega for the latest in an archive, hadn't realized he'd posted an update.
Thanks for the tip, it's up and working!
For those of you suffering like me:
Okay so that's squared away, now are there any mods that turn the other chars into cute girls?
I don't think you could combine them without editing the files even if there were.
reee desu
I've got hot thicc versions of the three characters I never play, I just want muh engie now.
Oh well.
Wait there's a third?
How do i make the gilded coast portal appear, its the only achievement left and played 3h on a single run on easy and didnt spawn
Hit up a gold shrine before you initiate the teleporter event.
The gold shrine is very rare.
No, just that the thiccmod works over the ryu/non mod because it goes through the injector and modifies existing meshes, so I've got klk merc, thicc klk arti, and thicc vanilla huntress
Yeah I don't think I'll ever use the thick mod, it just looks too weird.
I know that but never in 40+ stages? Thats odd
It's really fucking rare.
a friend and I did 62 stages the other day and only came across 2 gold shrines in the final ten
it's a pretty rare thing
Is this game good yet? I bought it but have yet to play it.
Play the game and form your own opinions. Also fap to Huntress.
get the coatless artificer mod and fap to her instead
Re-open. Going to attempt Spite, but I'm pretty sure this will end badly.
So that's what's taking Hopoo so long to add artifacts
Why work when you're rich?
Re-open with spite off.
f u n b a l l s
Is that in the 10man server?
How's the fps holding up?
Disabled it after the first stage. Was awful. Risk of powerpoint.
kek that's what I figured
Anyone have a text file with all the items unlocked?
no. play the game and unlock them yourself like you're supposed to.
shut your fucking mouth and suck start a shotgun
>this is Yea Forumss reaction to being told to play video games
im going to host and wait 15 minutes to see if anyone joins
also pls use risky pictures in op so they're easier to find
coming to you live from the caliphate of britbongistan
but desu who cares i play on america fine with no issues
Thanks to those who joined. Sorry I had to take off like that.
Open? I got Invalid ID
Is there a better item for Artificer and Rex?
yes its called "pick a better character"
For greens maybe Hopoo feather. If any item is allowed Hardlight is the best mobility item for Rex hands down.
Like who? Commando?