19 minutes of Remnant: From the Ashes gameplay


This looks honestly amazing.

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>that weapon swap

Lol good joke of a game.

>muh realism

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Seems pretty monotonous to me. What about this game seems amazing to you?

>over the shoulers camera
>bullet sponges
>showcasing your game with a controller

Honestly looks like uninspired garbage.

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So its a soulslike shooter with boring enemy designs? i mean it doesnt look bad...

This doesn't look good user. Maybe like resident evil if it was made by ruskies.

>gunfire games
after darksiders 3? jesus just put this studio to rest already

It has great visuals and a nice aesthetic and the gameplay looks decent, definitely gonna be a lot of fun with friends.

The dev is also based and said if you want to cheat you can and they won't ban anyone.


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>slow as fuck
looks like a perfect game for dsp

where else you want to have that camera? would making it be an fps be more inspired? lol

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Is this Strife's human form gameplay?

>muh darksiders tie-in

Hunt Showdown didn't make sense so they made this boring Darksider shooter


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Why does this look like a soulslike?

I thought this was a 4 player co-op game like L4D or something?

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It just comes off as generic cinematic console trash with that camera.

Looks like an order 1880 rip off tbf

>Why does this look like a soulslike?

Because you are a grand Sperglord and have invested all your self worth in Dark Souls. This gives you a superior sense of self compared to the normies that enjoy all other genres of video game.

Everything is Souls like to you. Anything that isn't is no good.

you are a special retard

No, monkey. You're so wrong it's not even funny anymore.
In fact the devs other game Darksiders 3 ripped off Dark/Demon's Souls hard, but did so clumsily and awkwardly while abandoning everything that made the first two Darksiders games enjoyable.
I don't want more clumsily made soulslike games.


they need to stop being about this being related to darksiders or not.

generic third person shooter
generic over the shoulder camera
generic everything
why should i care
protip: a third person camera locked behind to the side of your character is basically a first person shooter anyway
the advantage of third person is that you can make the camera dynamic
an advantage that virtually nobody has taken advantage of because game developers are creatively bankrupt, the fanbase ignorant and the media subservient.

t. Only isometric camera for me

Looks like an enjoyable weekend with friends. It probably has some grinding to it that will shorten how fun it is.

I find the 3 player limit weird though. The standard was always 4 players. Why did Destiny change that? What's the purpose?

i watched the 1st minute and turned if off
looks like shit, shill man


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