Are older HITMAN games worth playing at all or they're just boomer trash that aged like stale goat milk?

Are older HITMAN games worth playing at all or they're just boomer trash that aged like stale goat milk?

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>[insert relative coordinates in timespace continuum] BAD
>[insert relative coordinates in timespace continuum] GOOD

Dumb timecist


Nothing as good as it ever once has was.

C47 is shit, avoid it.
Silent Assassin is a step forward but some levels are still awful while others are great.
Contracts is better than both.
Blood Money is when they finally decided to embrace what they had created by letting the player use all of the options given to them without randomly punishing you for doing something wrong.

Contracts, Blood Money and Absolution are worth it, u can skip the first 2

>low quality meme answer that contributes absolutely nothing to the thread
>most likely an attention whoring tranny too
Every fucking time. Filtered.

2, Contracts, BM are great games.
47 is worth checking out too if you liked the rest just to see how it all started, plus atmosphere is amazing in all games.
>boomer trash
Stop talking like idiot zoomer.

I want to know if the Hitman HD collection is available in BC, anyone knows? I want to play Blood Money

Yeah no. Silent Assassin is GOAT. Blood Money babbies gtfo.

>Silent Assassin is GOAT

I personally haven't played Codename 47 yet, but I do own it.
Silent Assassin 2 gets flack now days because the AI is a product of it's time, which is to say it can range from just functional enough to completely unreasonable to occasionally brain dead.
Contracts is where the core elements of the franchise are refined, and the game features a somber tone which most seem to like.
If you haven't heard the praise Blood Money gets by now, just play the game and see for yourself.

The soundtrack for these three games is simply amazing because of the hyper talented Jesper Kyd. He can match the atmosphere of any game perfectly.

Contracts and Bloody Money are both pretty great. Silent Assassin can be fun, but has some jank to it. C47 is very janky and not fun.

Absolution is totally unlike everything else in the series, hence why a lot of the hardcore fans disliked it, and is more suited for people who enjoy Splinter Cell games than Hitman ones.

Hitman 2016 and Hitman 2 are where it's at, since they are a 'return to form' in terms of the gameplay.

I'm a huge fan of the orignal series. Their 2016 release really took the game in a terrible direction where IO Interactive is clearly just trying to milk as much money out of people as possible.

The earliest games are quite linear and restrictive compared to the later games. They haven't aged the greatest. Contracts, Blood Money, and Absolution all have the "modern" feel to them.

Blood Money was fun.

Absolution was all about the gunplay relative to stealth.

Hitman 1 and 2 (the most recent) take it back to Blood Money and the games that came before Blood Money, which now in hindsight, I don't like at all.

Hitman Absolution was peak Hitman imho, I know I'm in the minority on this, but I had more fun in that game than I did in Blood Money. Setting up kills and with high stealth type action is more fun to me than sneaking around changing clothes and poisoning food and shit. I liked suit only and gun only gameplay.

>more fun to me than sneaking around changing clothes and poisoning food and shit.
So the entire point of Hitman you dislike.
Go fucking play a generic Sony movie game then if you're only wanting action, zoomer.


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How about making EVERYTHING a generic 3rd person shooter?
- Splinter Cell Modern Warfare
- Call of Thief
- Fallout 1942
- Sekiro Shadows Shoot Twice
- Hollow Gunfight
- Firefight Fantasy XV

>zoomer cause i don't like your boring taste in games
hilarious, faggot.

i played blood money, i loved it. but i can't go back to that. absolution looked better and was more satisfying to play. especially since it focused on gun play.

all hitman games are the same, they have the exact same mechanics

>- Splinter Cell Modern Warfare
>- Fallout 1942
You mean SC Conviction and Fallout 3?


zoom zoom

>Hollow Gunfight
>Firefight Fantasy XV
>Call of Thief
Fantastic. It really sucks when you see a game series you love decide that they need to add more action to it. Styx 2: Master of Shotguns

Attached: haha.jpg (1600x900, 151K)

You won't like them, don't even bother

asking if the old ones are boomer tier if pointless if they all have the same gameplay

That's the thing you bonehead. Absolution wasn't a generic 3rd person shooter. 3rd person shooters are specifically my shit. It was a balance of high quality 3rd person shooter in terms of challenge, while adding just enough to the unanimated and stiff robotic agent 47.

I like replaying missions for aesthetic playthroughs of action more than I like replaying missions just for the sake of "oh ok, this time I'll try the hammer, this time I'll try to the poison, this time I'll try the saw, axe, gas can whatever the fuck etc etc"

I much rather prefer flawless action playthroughs with aesthetic gameplay. Which Aboslution offered in spades.

Also you autistic faggots can calm down, you won. The game went back to the its old roots from what I can tell.

whatever floats your boat

codename 47 and silent assassin are different from the rest. check out blood money and contracts

Absolution's problem ironically enough wasn't that it was a TPS, but rather that it was this awkward middle ground between the classic Hitman formula and a full blown TPS. The level design encourages playing it like a TPS, but the scoring system wants you to play it like classic Hitman. The best thing to come out of the game were certain mechanically improvements which the new games carried over. I think Absolution would be a good template for a John Wick game as well.

I agree with most of what you said, minus the awkward middle ground. Hitman is awkward period, 47 moves like he's got a fucking 2x4 rammed up his ass. He seems more robot than human. Aboslution offered some quickness to him in the sense you had to be quick and accurate and on your toes for flawlessness and aesthetics.

As for a Wick game...bro, a combination of Sleeping Dogs, Splinter Cell Conviction/Blacklist, and some Absolution would nail it. Obviously we're generalizing but you get the point.

Also add some pvp relative to a game like that and my butthole would drip. Jussayin.

Reminder that these are the type of people that complain about tripfags

more robot than human is fitting considering he's a test tube baby whose formative years was spent in solitary confinement within a psycho house where the only people he meets tries to inject him with sedatives or other test tube babies

Blood Money is still great. If you enjoy the new stuff you'll enjoy that.
You may enjoy some of the others, depending on your tolerance for sort of archaic gameplay and level designs, and exactly how much you're into the Hitman formula to begin with.
Absolution is trash no matter what. Play it if you want a mediocre 3rd person shooter from the early 2010s, and you've ran out of all of the competent ones.

Robotic movements give him a terminator/Anton Chigurh vibe which fits his character in BM.

In the new games he strides like a fashion model and is a bit more agile. I think that suits the fact that he's more cheeky and humourous in the new games.

I get that, the methodical movement makes sense but adding the quickness and literal killer reflexes that Aboslution offered expanded in the right direction imo.

The only one looking weak in comparison today is Codename 47, mainly because of mission design.
Silent Assassin has issues like the ninjas getting run over by trucks, causing alarms but for the most part it is the blueprint for all future games.
Contracts is moody and delves into grimdark themes, I like it for what it is, I mean you get to infiltrate a rave, a British castle and a Russian submarine base in the same game FUCK YEAH.
Blood Money needs no explanation
Absolution is quite different, closest thing in my mind is Splinter Cell Absolution, you might like it but for me it was wayyy too linear.
Get nu H2 and the 2016 levels, in terms of levels and "recent" Hitman titles it doesn't get much better, Remember to customize your UI and difficulty

Blood Money is absolutely worth playing. If you like it and want more, they get way clunkier the further back you go. They're all great games but if you didn't play them at the time it might be hard to adjust to them now. Contracts isn't that bad with it, Silent Assassin is kind of jank and disguises are finicky. Codname 47 is damn near a proof of concept. I love them all.

just try it dude, you can get BM for a buck nowadays or just pirate it

Hitman 1 = no reason to play this, it's not even that similar to later games
HItman 2 = some will say play this, I think zoomers would cry from how difficult it is
Hitman Contracts = also difficult, but slightly less so. Amazing atmosphere, kinda clunky
Hitman Blood Money = you're gonna want to play this game. It's a bit less difficult than Contracts. Probably the sweet spot of difficulty. Great game
Hitman Absolution = pee pee poo poo modern AAA cancer infection

>playing hitman on PC

>consolebabby thinks people will ever stop laughing at him


>not playing them on PC
They're the best versions, user.

Blood Money is great but just don't expect the QoL refinements of the reboot, obviously

kill yourself tripfaggot

>he actually bought (or most likely got his parents to buy) an overpriced paperweight

For me,
it's Tom Bowen and his walkthroughs.

nah, because I don't play on pc.


like poetry

>probably a phone poster or posting from his console
Shut up, kid, you're in the cesspit at the bottom with him.

Sounds based to me.

None of them are really worth playing compared to the new HITMAN and HITMAN 2.
Blood Money is pretty good but the jank is noticeable.

if you liked Sniper Assassin Hitman 2(018)'s DLC must've been heaven sent just for you

How powerful is Sean Bean in Hitman's lore?

I guess if even 47 can't kill him that makes him the strongest human in that universe.

I haven't played Hitman 2â„¢ yet. I got Hitmanâ„¢ with Humble recently-ish and only just played through it in the last month.

You just made me want Hitman 2â„¢ even more though

Blood Money and Absolution are

I don't think Hitman Absolution was peak of the series but definitely thought it was good compared with most people here. Sure there's parts where it's essentially a TPS but there's also parts (Chinatown, Nightclub, Kidnapping Lenny, The Courtoom) that are both fun as fuck and a very good challenge on either professional or purist or doing suit only runs like you said

Absolution was a good game

>Absolution was a good game
i agree

You're gonna be disappointed to learn that all of Hitman 1 is playable in Hitman 2 but progress from 1 doesn't transfer over so you're going to have to unlock stuff from the H1 levels again in H2.

>There are people in this very thread defending Absolution

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I wouldn't say Absolution was a good game, but I think that now with the power of hindsight and the knowledge that it didn't actually kill the series like we thought it would, it did have some good elements to it.

Personally I liked being able to toggle between single or dual pistols, and being able to take the silencer on or off at will. Point shooting was also fun to use and I'm surprised it hasn't shown up as a perk on a weapon in the new games.

All the old ones are crap. I cant even look at blood money its so ugly. Just stick with the new games

just goes to show you how far this board has fallen.

As much as I thought Absolution was an insult to the series initially, there are definitely elements of what could have been a great Hitman game there.

Shaving Lenny and the Vixen Club were genuinely great missions.

Only decent one is Contracts.
Agent 47 is straight trash and they had no idea what the fuck they were trying to make.
Silent Assassin is good if you want mostly a pure ghosting game - you'll get to knock out maybe 2 guards at best and t hen kill the target for the best rating. Disguises are mostly useless other than keeping your distance.
Blood Money is piss easy once you get the right disguise the guards don't bother you
Contracts has the best blend of disguises/stealth because unlike Blood Money, some guards get suspicious if you hang around and at the same time, it's not stealth only and you can still take out the guards.

The reason BM is shilled a lot is because of "le epic memes", like A New Life (wow you can killl everyone on the map and dump the bodies in a garbage truck) but really the entire game is a pile of shit that introduced one of the worse fucking mechanics: let's throw things to distract guards.

Yeah, great job now we have the newer games considering silent assasin/suit only on master difficulty to mean "knockout these guards then hope the AI goes where you want it to"

So people that actually talk about video games and OP's topic?. Why do all tripfags want attention.

Kill yourself.

>Dump hundreds of hours in to the game on OG Xbox
>Dumb hundreds more in on PS2
>Dump 320 hours in on PC
>Start getting a bit bored
>Download trainer
>Get another few hundred hours out of it free of charge
PC is the best way and I don't even like PC gaming.

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The only bad things it did were too many missions without actual assassinations in them and expanded on the retarded "USE THROWN OBJECTS TO DISTRACT GUARDS!!!!" mechanic that BM brought.
Even the instinct was better than the fucking magic map you had in the past games.

I know. It's no big deal, Hitman is designed with replayability in mind.

Attached: hitman rating.jpg (2446x802, 435K)

Blood money is trash kid.


Nice LARP there, zoomer.

Blood Money is pure Ludo kino

C47 is literally an alpha prototype of the series, extremely clunky, only limited and mostly one way to kill a target and some awful missions.
Silent Assasin is a huge upgrade, still clunky on some edges but lots of memorable missions
Contracts is a sort of remake of the first and the improved gameplay that will ultimately be improved on Blood Money and 2016/2018.
I would say go for them but c47

>Codename 47
Skip. All the best levels are remade in Contracts.
>Hitman 2 SA
Give it a try. You might get bored, you might not. This game was a coin-toss even when it released, I liked the level designs and the maps, whereas some people didn't.
Short game, but everything is refined in quality. Very atmospheric game. Would recommend.
>Blood Money
Fun levels, bigger loadout, better methods. This game's a must play.
Linear and more action-driven. Some good ideas but it's hard to ignore everything they've thrown out the window.
>Hitman (2016)
Short but sweet. Better to pick up Hitman 2 and get the Legacy Pack on sale.
>Hitman 2
An improvement on Hitman (2016) and all the other games, but sorely lacking in variety and maps. I've still yet to complete this game.

Are The first two titles absolutely impossible to play today, or do they just require a lot of patience? I've seen bits of SA and it seems reasonable by today's standards.

>Are The first two titles absolutely impossible to play today, or do they just require a lot of patience?
In terms of controls/jankiness or technical stuff like bad ports? Last time I played C47 was in early 2017 on PC and it ran fine. The jank was still fully intact but it wasn't my first time playing it so I didn't mind.

They're jank as fuck, but still great games. Well, SA is a great game, anyway.

First is just buggy and had no idea what type of game they wanted to make.
Some are stealth and some are FPS and it's overall just weird and bad.

Second is perfectly fine, if not a bit hard for new players

The real Hitman 2 is still the best game in the series and by far the most challenging to get silent assassin in. You get 2 knockouts per level and they only last a few minutes before the person wakes up and alerts nearby guards. Disguises are mostly useless and force you to walk reeeeal slow

Attached: Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Screenshot 2019.07.03 - (1920x1080, 1.47M)

Play the first four games and forget about the squeenix zoomer edition games of 2012 2016 and 2018.

>the main mechanic is mostly useless and that turns the game into a slog, but it's hard
It's so weird to see people dick measuring over Hitman, of all games.

the series started on pc, you ugly little tranny

play 2, contracts and Blood Money.
First one is unplayable boomer core trash

t. that one autist on hitmanforums

Nah, I got bored of how BM was mostly either: get the magic disguise to let you wander around unmolested or just use those magic infinite coins to get guards out of the way!
Or option 3: lure them to a one step and push them down for le magical accident
It's the third worse in the series after Absolution

Well compare it to BM where you can run around the level and do anything you want once you get a good disguise, completely deflating any tension. Disguises are still an integral part of SA and I'm being hyperbolic by saying they're mostly useless. They're just a smaller piece of the whole infiltration experience that still requires you to sneak around and stay out of sight in many parts. SA plays more like a traditional stealth game in this regard which is why I personally prefer it. I also love doing SASO runs in the newer games so maybe I'm just autistic

Attached: Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Screenshot 2019.06.29 - (1920x1080, 1.56M)

Invitation To A Party is one of the best levels in the whole series.

damn right, peak atmosphere

Attached: Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Screenshot 2019.06.29 - (1920x1080, 2.87M)

I tried Blood Money and it's pretty shit and outdated, and that's the one they all jerk off over among the olds ones. The gameplay isn't tight enough to feel like a proper hitman, it's just GTA 3 where you're awkwardly running around shooting people.
The first good Hitman game was Absolution.

Sadly it's in a game where level quality varies drastically.

I loved that you actually had to bring the poisoned drink to the intended target, instead of magically knowing which pre-placed drink he was going to come sip on like you do in the TM games.

I feel sorry for eternal plebs like you, stick with your dogshit moba games and fuck off from this board you eternal spit bucket..

>it's just GTA 3 where you're awkwardly running around shooting people

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Hitman 2016/2018 has the perfect disguise mechanic.


Damn right. SA had so many great levels in terms of setting and atmosphere .
The embassy, the kuala lumpur tower from basement to the top...

Wish they would rerelease those maps in the new engine (but without the overscripted and limited kill opportunities of 2016 and tm).

Little details like that are what the new games are lacking and what makes them feel overscripted.

Almost, but a lot of the enforcers feel like they're picked completely at random.

I don't know if it's perfect, but it's the best in terms of enjoyable gameplay. Being able to sprint around and not attract the attention of anyone except specific people (the enforcers) doesn't make much sense, but by the same token, having to walk slowly because everyone can be suspicious is not very fun and is tedious.

Yes, after recently rewatching gameplay videos of the older games, I want them to be recreated in the new engine so badly. I think they should rework them to add the new style of mission stories though imo

Name a level that isn't dripping in atmosphere. I'll concede that some are a bit shit to play but they're all super comfy

Attached: Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Screenshot 2019.07.18 - (1920x1080, 3.61M)

I wish they would remake some of the levels of the older games in the 2016 engine.

>I'll concede that some are a bit shit to play
This being the main issue here. It ruins any comfiness that would be present otherwise. The Japan levels are particularly guilty of this. And Tunnel Rat is commonly accepted as one of the series' low points. The Russia missions are top quality all the way through, though.

Almost perfect, but definitely the best of the series. You can't just win instantly with the best disguise like before and they aren't useless like in Absolution. There's a great mix of both that could use some tweaking, but still used the best so far if you want to do a disguise run.

>shitty blurry polygons
>shitty retarded npcs
>garbage mechanics
Nostalgiafags have a special kind of autism.

Graphics whores have special kind of retardation.

I wish they would figure out how to make elevators in the new engine. A lot of the best levels from old games have them.

>implying super hi res textures and 3 billion polygons would make this moment better
Modeling every single crumb isn't necessary, I feel like IOI did a perfect job conveying the mood they were going for and it still holds up

Attached: Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Screenshot 2019.07.18 - (1920x1080, 1.25M)

An easy solution would be to just have elevators be loading screens. They could function as a sort of fast travel mechanic.

blood money is fantastic
silent assassin and 2 are