what the fuck? i don't even get to kill innocent people and rape?
what a shit game.
What the fuck? i don't even get to kill innocent people and rape?
a bit weird considering thats all vikings did
but what about muh feefees user? Did you enjoy being a dad and taking care of your wife's son? Did you like the strong independent women and the deep character development of Kratos? It did win Game of the Year after all.
Play Rune if you want actual Nordic kino.
I hate that all discussion surrounding this game boils down to shitty political takes. This game has a really nice story about a man letting go of his vices and learning to be a happier and productive man. Instead all people can talk about it "BUUUUUUH MY WIFE'S SON! KRATOS IS ACTUALLY GAY AND TRANS! POLITICAL CORRECTNESS SJWS REEEEEEEEE /pol/TARDS REEEEE!!"
GoW was one of my favorite game franchises until they absolutely ruined it with this piece of shit. Dumbed down gameplay, cinematic movie game.
Worst of all they absolutely pumped it full of hard left politics since of course everything even remotely masculine must be feminized beyond recognition. My dad wasn't around so Kratos was something of a role model to me growing up. That single minded focus and fury has always been a part of me. Now to see him as an emasculated so.y bearded Clinton voter type, it breaks my fucking heart.
If Kratos is your role model you've got more important things to be concerned with than a videogame franchise.
>This game has a really nice story about a man letting go of his vices and learning to be a happier and productive man.
Ironically all these tradshits should love it if there were any real internal consistency to their worldview
>strong independent women
like what, his dead wife? Or freya, a benevolent mother whose mind has been corrupted by a lifetime of abuses from his husband, thus irredeemably fucking up her own sons?
Did you actually play the game?
The fuck is a tradshit?
GoW grew up, sadly you have not.
lmao rent free
you didnt play the game
I honestly fail to see where the left political influence is, care to elaborate?
Also the gameplay is the opposite of dumbed down, and I can't see what has been feminized about anyone, let alone kratos.
You know the ones.
>Muh traditional values
>Muh degeneracy
>Gotta settle down with a good Christian wife and start a family
The series peaked at GoW 2, 3 was great too, but this is too fucking boring.
Oh. I mean, I don't really fucking care to be honest. Both sides of the political spectrum have completely missed the point of this story, instead opting out to project their own shitty worldview to a story that isn't there.
>i don't even get to kill innocent people and rape?
You couldnt do that in previous games so why could you now?
You could kill innocent people, but yeah, you couldn't rape.
>Did you enjoy being a dad and taking care of your wife's son?
It's his own son
> Did you like the strong independent women
The only woman in the game was Freya and she was portrayed as over-emotional and an idiot.
i give up dude, its probably just xbox owners who didnt even bother to watch a playthrough before talking shit about a game
so far i have not seen a complaint about this game that looked like it came from someone who actually played it
Those are nintendoboyshills shitting on any non nintendo game, they didnt even bother to read the wiki. In fact the game tells you single mothers are shit
>Kratos was something of a role model to me growing up
A man completely devoid of any emotion except murderous anger, responsible for the deaths of millions and the destruction and ruination of entire cities, a man who'd stop at literally nothing and destroy any and all living creatures human or otherwise in his path, no matter how harmless or innocent, to achieve his goal of genociding the gods? That was your role model?
theres plenty of levels with a large amount of enemies like that
did you play the game?
Whereas a harsh but caring father who teaches his son important life lessons in order to prevent him from repeating his father's mistakes is a terrible role model, obviously.
lol no there arnt
at most 5 enemies spawn
Redpill me on this game. From the looks of it it is just another soulless shitty sequel to superior games made before and the enemies seem so reused and boring.
Most obvious false flag ever, holy shit you people are retarded.
not all nords were vikings you fucking retard
thats also not all vikings did
Literally "it's good because it's exclusive."
It's okay.
Kratos never raped, so that's a wierd expectation to have.
bit obsessed
Kratos doesnt rape, he has sex with willing participants.
>at most 5 enemies spawn
Wrong. Both muspelheim and the elven realm threw way more than 5 enemies your way at the same time.
But enemies are generally more complex this time around so you can't just throw in a fuckton of enemies.
DMC style combat wasn’t advanced retard
It's the best God of War game, hands down.
Best visuals, best narrative, best level design, no awkward platforming, deepest and best designed combat system (that allows for a lot of player agency), the largest game (bang for yoru buck) and the most challenging.
The only part I felt was inferior was the music. Apart from like 2 songs there isn't anything memorable about the soundtrack.
It's a shitty last of us clone reboot
>GoW4 combat
I like the game, but its no less as braindead as the other games in the series. Probably even more so because the RPG elements are fucking awful.
>deepest and best combat system
Stop right there nigger.
You would only say that if you played it on Normal or below and never played optional content like Muspelheim and Valkyries (especially later ones).
Old GoW games were designed to be all flash, no substance. Now you have to be far more tactical and skilled to do well, while also considering your item and skill builds.
A game doesn't have to be focused around combos and style meter to be deep.
Also I'm not saying it's the deepest game of its kind or something here, but it's sure as fuck a helluva lot deeper than prior entries.
Only a tool, contrarian or ignoramus would disagree.
I've beaten all GoW games on God mode and the new one is by far the most challenging and took the most effort to beat while forcing me to think and react the most.
But as usual, people like you can't actually form arguments and only shitpost because you're too close-minded to admit to being wrong.
I've beaten all the GoW games on God mode and the new one is not the most challenging.
I beat the game on the hardest difficulty, and outside of getting 2 shotted early game, it was pretty much a cakewalk until the final boss. Boy's arrows are broken when maxed out and when it came to equipment, I put EVERYTHING into Str.
I never even changed Boy's outfit, even at the end of the game, he was still wearing the clothes he started our with. Once you get a relic that grants invincible frames, you are golden.
I heard that the Valkyries fights were actually difficult, but I stopped playing right after I beat the main quest.
How idiotic are you? The combat is just hack and slash like DMC. There is nothing challenging about it unless you are a cripple or you suck at videogames.
of course they weren't you literalist. thats the general consciousness of what they did. raided, looted, pillaged, raped, sailed and killed. anyone that looks just a bit deeper finds a broader history, if it wasn't obvious already
>I've beaten all the GoW games on God mode and the new one is not the most challenging.
What was more challenging in prior games than beating the Valkyrie Queen on God of War difficulty?
>I heard that the Valkyries fights were actually difficult, but I stopped playing right after I beat the main quest.
Then you really shouldn't be posting.
I also doubt you played it on God of War difficulty, but most likely just on "hard" which is like "give me a challenge" or whatever it's called.
>How idiotic are you? The combat is just hack and slash like DMC.
Comparing it to DMC makes you come off as retarded. Stop posting because I won't waste more time on compelte ignorant idiots like you that are too stupid to realize how fucking utterly wrong they are.
It's an ironic choice of image though, considering how completely clueless you are.
Also, why even reply without arguments? Fucking retard.
The combat is fundamentally braindead. There is no challenge. HACK SLASH HACK SLASH. If you think that is depth then you are lost.
>unironically replying to a drone
rent free
>a drone that calls other drones
Oh the irony.
>I've beaten all GoW games on God mode
prove it
What is it about Yea Forums that wants to kill random people on the streets? Is it the future school shooters?
Not thinking a game is the best game ever just because it's exclusive to my platform is being a drone?
Yea Forums consists of edgy immature and socially awkward 20-somethings that are mostly unemployed. What did you expect?
>Not thinking a game is the best game ever just because it's exclusive to my platform is being a drone?
Where did I say or even imply this, you delusional monkey?
I only ever said it was the best God of War game. Using your logic your statement would only make sense if YOU thought any of the prior God of War games were the best games ever.
Try using your brain for once in your shitty life. Alternatively, just keep making a fool of yourself.
>I also doubt you played it on God of War difficulty, but most likely just on "hard" which is like "give me a challenge" or whatever it's called.
Nah, I beat it on GoW difficulty. This was my equipment I had right when I finished the game.
Even on the hardest difficulty, I still had a much harder time on the elevator in Ascension than most of the GoW4
>still yaps about difficulty when he avoided all the optional content which is the most challenging part of gow4
How old are you? Because the idea that keeping the critical path moderately challenging to most people can beat it is obviously beyond you. Meaning you can't have played a lot of games to have missed this.
The Valkyries and two optional realms are all the most challenging aspects of GoW4.
I feel like in few years its going to be impossible to talk about any new video games if threads like this keep being made.
All you are either comeplete retards, pretending to be retards or just out to bait anyone dumb enough to reply.
>90% of the game is easy
>its not easy, you just skipped the only hard thing about a 30 hour game
So you're a child that doesn't even understand basics of gaming 101. Glad we cleared that up.
Now you're too close-minded to admit that you're wrong so like a child you just keep replying with irrelevant shit to try and save face. Pathetic. How about you start mentally maturing sometime soon.
>CoD4 is easy for 95% of the game
>but because Mile High Club is ridiculous stupid hard, therefore the entire game is hard
>forcing me to think
>and react the most.
you would need to be Parkinsons patient to not be able to keep up with nuGOW, it gives out free slowmo around almost every hit
>hmmm yes Kratos is quite problematic, who wanted to play as some high school jock who gets all the chicks?
>now hes the father i never had!
>muh both sides
And yet it's only alt-weenies coming here to yell about how he's a cuck
>everyone who doesnt like (thing) is a MAGAPEDE reeeeeeeeeee
go back
Cringe. The game was great
>Kratos was something of a role model to me growing up
Holy fuck I keked. Don't care if this was typed ironically or unironically this is some of the funniest shit I've seen here for a while
Vast majority of the early complaints were the same cuck/muh feminism tears we get about every other movie or game that comes out from the /pol/ rejects who escape containment, sorry if that triggers you.
>automaticly locks to enemies
>spams the same R2 combo to get a EPIC finisher
>gets a second long slomo button so his terrible reaction time gets compensated
>enemies wait around while you attack their friends
>nuGOWfags call this ''challenging''
>automatically locks and slides to enemies
>Plays in easy and complains when the game is easy
Is not like the game is incredible hard even at max dificulty but posting that you just prove that you have no idea what you are talking about
And why exactly is it wrong to condemn both? Because not being associated with the ends of the spectrum has become a resented thing, therefore you don't like it?
id like to see some evidence that proves the contrary then
I have barely seen a falseflag from all sides as bad as GOW4, it's an okay game and that's about it, the story was good, I prefer the original style for combat and dislike the gear shit.
But shitty forced memes always spammed whenever it comes up, regurgitated console war shit that isn't remotely funny.
You're absolutely lying; on the hardest difficulty, strength is literally pointless. The only stat that really matters on the hardest difficulty is cooldown so you can do your rune attacks as much as possible. Not only would you know this if you actually played on Give Me God of War, but every forum or post online even talking about the hardest difficulty say the exact same thing; cooldown and runic are all that matter. A quick Google search could have helped you lie better, but for even that you can't put in the effort.
Why go online and just blatantly lie about a game you've never played? Are you that much of a console-warfag? Is your dick that small? Just weird man.
>Level 4
Lol, yeah, you didn't beat the game, especially not on GMGoW (don't care what your fake menu says). There's a damage cap on enemies when you're a certain level under them.
Honestly I doubt you even played the game. You probably ripped that screenshot off the internet for some reason.
Also, you don't have the special shield slot in the inventory for when you're playing on GMGoW; when you play on that difficulty, right from the very start of the game, you get an additional shield skin that you can change in the menu. Literally right when you start in GMGoW.
Seriously, why are you going to this much effort to lie?