This is what EVERYONE thinks

This is what EVERYONE thinks.
This is what YOU look like when you get butthurt about it.
Face the facts.

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>Implying I talk to or care about a cumdumpster's opinion on me or my hobbies and get all butthurt about it

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hahaha fat fucks and their 3DS

I met my girlfriend because of Switch, she saw me play Zelda and she's a fan so we started talking about it. Feels good man

The guy sperging out is worst than the women

I don't look like a slob so not sweating it.

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>vacuum sucking your unborn child out of your womb cause you feel like it: no big deal lol do what u want
>playing video games in public: irredeemably shameful, does not deserve to reproduce

Imagine doing things while being unattractive.

>Not blasting death metal on a speaker at all times everywhere to establish dominance

What's he playing?

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>gaynime profile pic

Daniel? Daniel Craig? Is that the real you? How do you feel about being replaced by a black woman?

Video games.

with no audio

yo people deadass bring their laptops to Starbucks to play league of legends and world of warcraft. yall need to grow the fuck up, nobody actually cares what you're doing.

MGS Acid

Okay but that's a Sony portable. Those are made for adults and you don't look like an idiot playing it in public.

The artist went to prison for calling in a school threat, by the way

He's watching a movie

007 Legends PSP port made especially for him

>plays videogames
>tells other people to grow up


james bond is now a black woman?

>kirbyfag is an oversensitive whiny manchild
least surprising thing in this whole image

Quentin was framed by the degenerate weed junkies of Yea Forums

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Wowsers wowsing wowsers.

freedom unite

attractive people can get away with doing this, and basically anything

this is a video games forum buddy, if you're here and you don't like video games you probably have some kind of neurosis and should consider doing things you actually like

No he will still be bond but the black woman from cap marvel is the new 007 that has the silly white boy stick when bond fails to flirt with her plain ass.

Dead or Alive: Paradise

>I care about how others view other people who are playing video games in public

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lmao Quentin had no friends you fucking fag

I'm not fat, so I don't care.

Ping ping wahoo!!!

ape escape big mission because it has the cutest spike

>video games forum

Newfags are cancer. This is the dedicated 4channel shitposting imageboard you retard.

Everything's the jews with you

The good thing about being pc masterrace is that im only interested in pc.
I cant be bothered about any other system
Thus im a neckbeard at home, but a chad that makes fun of consolets/phonelets outside

Ok, I faced the facts. Can I go back to playing my handheld now?

Seething nintenbronies

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Lose weight fatty

>anime avatar
>is a seething manchildren incel

James Bond is still a white dude, the agent number 007 is being taken by a black woman.

It's all artificial controversy to advertise the movie.

ah, yes, another american thread, the comedy themed thread

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Good thing im not a fatfuck so i can play on my Phone all Day if i want

Just wait until gaming in public becomes cool because Chad and Brock are doing it, roasties will follow right behind them and pretend they are into gaming in public


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Based, women are retarded and disgusting animals. No need to worry about what they think

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>he hasn't broken free of society's shackles yet

Lmao who cares what ANYONE thinks?

Literally doesn't matter, none of us even know what we're doing here on this fucking rock in space we're literally all going to die, so why put any importance in what other people think? It's a waste of time

Yugioh Tag force
Monster Hunter
Capcom Classics disk
Super Ghost and Goblins
Dragons Crown

James Bond retired from being the 007 to fuck pussy a quarter his age 24/7
After he left, MI6 gave the number to a nigress

naw fatboy. do you.

>Normies getting triggered by Quentin pics
I need more caps like this

Senran Kagura

And you choose to follow the opinion of a social pariah, curious

>only fat people think free

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>dude just be attractive, charismatic, rich, smart and interesting
uh ok???

I was on a plane in the middle of two strangers, a man and a woman. They both pulled out Nintendo Switch's and started playing them, they didn't know each other.

It's not as weird as you guys think it is.

You fucking live around people and no matter who you are it greatly impacts your life what others think of you

>Dude just do some push ups and chill

uh ok???

Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman

He bulked up in jail.

It impacts my life when retards start reeing around me, but then I can just move

They would think much better of you if you were confident and secure in yourself.