Whilst other fighting games are still nowhere near the level of Dead or Alive's marketing and depiction of women, there are still problems. Ivy from Soul Calibur has a controversial design because it's again, made for sex appeal so people buy the game, she might not be so heavily advertised but then again this is an attempt to gain sales by attracting people to the game so they have something to adore and look at, quite embarrasing. Also you have Street Fighter V's Chun-Li. It is almost DOA-level with the amount of costumes she has got now and they show her off in a provocative manner not to mention the size of her thighs although it's exaggerated she's the strongest woman in the world it is quite insane to have thighs that huge for an Asian woman. Capcom's Street Fighter is aimed towards a universal audience including children but that doesn't stop them from trying to use their female world warriors to sell.
Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games
there's literally nothing wrong with having good character design in videogames.
A strong powerful woman. I am insulted as a man where is my baby bottle.
Yes they should because gaymus are first and foremost for fun and content and not for politics and story gay shit
Now fuck off and let me jerk off to Cunny Li
too long didnt read
Good character design =/= sexy
ok landwhale
TL;DR: White people are scared of sex.
More news at 11.
I'd buy any game that had hot enough chicks or catered to my fetishes. I honestly don't care, it's not like I play them in front of my parents
you missed the point, devs should use not only women's sex appeal, but also that of men. If you dont agree you are pic related and should not be on the internet
Maybe instead of trying to force the world to not like attractive characters, maybe you should look inward and stop putting so much value on physical attractiveness.
Also, while you're looking inwards, maybe you could find your balls, you pansy.
China are trying to create a game development industry, they are trying to stop sex appeal in western gamest so they can do it and then dominate the industry.
There is nothing wrong with capitalizing on women's desire to be as sexy as possible, by making the characters as sexy as possible.
Shut the fuck up and go be a faggot on resetera where you belong
Not appealing to your core demographic (men) while trying to sell a product aimed at them is borderline stupidity. Not only that, but even women like to look at beautiful women with proof being all the magazines aimed at women sporting attractive women on the cover.
You probably pasted this from the pedoERA.
True, but
>sexy character design = good
shut up, fag.
Is a girl in a bikini.
>nooo why are people using the 1+1 formula to make 2???
>use the 5-3 to get that equation its better!
This is you
Fighting games are still largely ignored by "those people" and I'd like to keep it that way.
>make sexy characters for women to self-insert
>Instead they bitch about the design
>Make sexy male characters for men to self-insert
>Literally only women are still bitching while the men don't give a fuck
>Cave into women's demands
>Men bitch because it's needless change to please the audience that will never be pleased
>Devs make every attempt they can to make women/trannies quit bitching
>Lose their only dedicated playerbase in the process
>Lose sales because the audience that would buy the game won't buy it til it's back to its original glory
Any others?
Reported, stupid snowflake woman
Sexy =/= bad character design
>Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games.
Nowhere in your entire post, did you ever state why.
What's wrong with women having sex appeal?
If you got in shape you could have men looking at you too but instead you refuse to take life into your own hands and better yourself because it's easier to just shout into the digital ether about how video games are the reason you're so undesirable.
The fact that they have male characters showing off their bulging biceps and abdominal muscles is simply too sexual and exaggerated. As a man I am being objectified and I think they need to be toned down and wear a t shirt.
Shut the fuck up
Fag that isn't even an addition/subtraction formula
>female characters can't be sexy because THINK OF DUH CHILDRINZ!
Go back Resetnigger
>women who go to the beach in bikini.
Yeah! She’s showing her body because she is proud of who she is! You go girl! Totally not getting a boner right now!
>a fictional character wearing a bikini.
THIS IS GROTESQUE! She’s over sexualized, showing too much skin, and think about the male gaze!
I wish and hope for the day people realize the only reason we are on this planet is to reproduce and pass on knowledge. Sexy is sexy. If you don’t like sexy characters, then make garbage dump land whales for your own video game.
Bullshit, male characters are used way more as sex objects than female ones. SFV has multiple male characters who wear nothing but thongs.
Stupid femcel.
Lmao stfu nerd
Have sex, incels
>Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games.
Only gymnophobes and genophobes would utter such a dumb regressive statement.
Anyone who thinks that businesses should or will abide by their own moral code is a fucking retard, let the market speak, if enough people support it then it’s succesful, and if it’s successful it’s good business, you don’t like it? Ignore it
>sexiness and eroticism are embarrassing
That's because you are a backwards incel OP.
No matter what you think, it sells so people make more money doing that. If investors are after the money rather than after making a good game, which they bloody fucking are most of the time they will do what it takes to make more of it including showing some virtual boobs. To the customer with a clue, it's a sign that the game needed a push to sell and probably isn't that great to begin with. Vote with your wallet if you are against it.
MK11 got by just fine without having to resort to sex appeal.
Get new material
fuck im gay now
Because that was advertised to hell and back. Normalfags will buy ANYTHING if they see enough ads for it.
>backwards incel
voluntary uncelibate?
Artistic design and gameplay mechanics are isolated operations developed by different people, one has no influence on the other.
You are mixing professions to make an argument which in all hilarity showcases that you don't know how game development works or how business works because you are either underage or a NEET failure. Don't know how to put it in a more polite manner OP, sorry.
>this is an attempt to gain sales by attracting people to the game so they have something to adore and look at, quite embarrasing.
I am always amusing to see this stupid statement hypocritically arguing to stop using sex to sell a game even though they do not complain at all about MK exploiting its violence and gore just for attracting people to the game
if sex is wrong, then so is violence. learn the history, dumbass
The exception that proves the rule.
you will never be a real woman
>Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games
Depending on the game, yes they should. They should be free to do whatever they want.
That includes using male sex appeal to sell games to women/homos as well.
It's then up to the players to decide if they want to play and support said game or not.
What about those who want to have fun jerking off to gay shit
>s although it's exaggerated she's the strongest woman in the world it is quite insane to have thighs that huge for an Asian woman
"G-guys this is sexist! My racist mindset tells me so!"
Kys tranny
The dev for Dragon's Crown said he loved big boobs and butt. Unashamedly. This stopped the Kotaku and Polygon "journalists" from goading him on.
Sex appeal sells. In movies, fashion and everything else. Don't single out videogames either. I'm quite aware of your post as satire but others may not.
>>>quite embarrasing
>nooooooooooooooo stop doing what you like or i will *breathes heavily* i will cringe!!!!!!
>A good portion of men AND women like sexy women.
>Sexy women exist.
>Women that are sexy and wear sexy outfits in EVERY occasion are real and accepted.
> It is statistical and scientifically proven that people like to see beautiful and sexy women.
>Feminist say that women can wear whatever they want. Men doesn't really have a problem with this shit.
I don't and will never understand what is the fucking problem with sexy girls in video games. If you don't like it , just don't buy it.
>the size of her thighs although it's exaggerated she's the strongest woman in the world it is quite insane to have thighs that huge
>tranny mad that he has to compete with sexier cartoon women
kys freak
shut your fucking mouth faggot
devs should use whatever they want to sell games
You forgot to explain why they shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games in your rant.
Tits to a woman is like a big dick to men, it's a status thing. Feminists push the idea that when a woman sees a female in entertainment with big tiddies it makes them feel inadequate and so they refuse to watch the movies or buy the video games. Which is nonsense.
The companies just go along with it cause they want more money and don't argue.
He never implied that, retard.
>he's never staked a vampire in the cunt before
You younguns don't know shit about vampire hunting.
"Sexy" is one of those words that instantly reveal what a massive imbecile its user is if uttered without irony.
I don't mind this.
What I mean is Chun-Li looking like shit on SFV and people thinking her face looks ok. She needs to be more childlike, like in SFII and SFIII.
>Tits to a woman is like a big dick to men, it's a status thing
It's really not and making that comparison is dumb. It's so tiresome whenever someone brings it up.
Men do not have a direct equivalent to women's breasts. A massive bulge in your pants isn't the same as massive tits.
A better equivalent would be a more muscular/toned body on a man, but that's still dumbing things down.
I don't have a problem with fanservice in an otherwise good game, it's games that pull that Evony "TITS NOW M'LORD" bullshit, selling a mediocre game on fanservice alone, that's the problem. Also the horny morons who let their dicks decide which games to buy and enable the devs who think filling a game with tits is an adequate substitute for compelling gameplay.
nice taste desu ne
Fuck off gay boy
>Ivy from Soul Calibur has a controversial design because it's again, made for sex appeal so people buy the game,
and that is precisely why we love her, dont dare put your disgusting SJW paws on her you dweeb!
I wont use the word "more" but they are used as well.
Even the preorder bonus was what the player base would call "Sexy ryu" or "hot ryu"
You don't have to buy or play the game if you don't like it.
Do we have to point a gun at your head to stop you from doing it?
shut the fuck up tranny, you will never be a woman.
This is probably a troll thread but I bet you get no pussy in real life. Go walk down a college campus and you see women wearing revealing shit. Nothing wrong with sex appeal.
Someone please post Cammy butt
It really is, big massive jugs are a status symbol which is why it used to be the number one plastic surgery operation in all western nations 10 years ago.
desexualized = soulless and boring
Devs should make sexy women and only sexy women. Ugly women and ugly attitudes should be banned from video games and popular media. Stop normalizing ugliness.
Even men see big breasts as a status symbol, which is why they pay for their women to have them.
Mk's appeal had always been gratuitous violence. That's the one gimmick that separates it from the current mold.
But every other form of media can right?
I know you're upset people prefer actual women to your gaping crotch wound bit that doesn't mean you need to take it out on good character design, tranny.
could you at least posit a single valid suggestion as to why?
no, because you are shitposting
>entertaining product uses entertainment to sell the product
>b-but sexual appeal isn't real entertainment, sex is evil unless it's done for the sole purpose of making an offspring
>without having to resort
>He says while one of the characters on screen is literally getting curbstomped to death
What men what is essentially a sexier version of their mother to look after them.
Or fighting games create attractive characters because character selection in the genre is heavily linked to aesthetics. Each and every character is distinctive and have their niches, and they create these romanticized designs to better appeal to their specific audiences. The titillation, if present, is just a bonus, but hardly is it ever not complimentary. For example, Baiken might have huge fucking honkers, but it never detracts from her one-armed ronin aesthetic and only makes for a more memorable design: a beautiful ronin with an abrasive personality with an aggressive playstyle.
Didn't SF2 have sex appeal when literal 5 year olds were playing it on arcades?
Why do people think kids are averse to it
you are right OP kids shouldn't be exposed to sexy women instead they need to be taught how great it is to be gay and transgender
MK11 [...]without[...]sex appeal
boy do I have something to tell you.
The problem is it normalizes sexualization and objectification of women, which is not good.
>no pubes
hard pass
Name one female character in fighting games who wears nothing but a thong.
Cammy. Ivy. Orchid.
Yea Forums loves sexy gaming sluts. Why the fuck are you coming here to complain about hot woman in gaming?
This board has always been filled with sex. Go elsewhere you puritanical asshole.
if you're so good at knowing what men want then how come no men want you
Chun li is an overrated piece of garbage
Give me Ibuki any day
explain cunnybros then
Nigga men want a girl to fuck, everything outside of a girls looks is entirely secondary to their appeal for a man.
Female characters should have pubes
finally a good fucking post
>normalizes sexual attraction to the opposite gender and focus on secondary sexual characteristics
I can understand a sexy barely clothed woman doesn't fit much in like, an horror or dramatic adventure game, but this is fighting games. All of them are exagerated and cartoony in a way. It's the genre where sexy girls and edgyness fit the most
You can make a sexy design good without appealing to weebs and incels
Bayonetta is a sexy character done right, characters like 2B and Pyra are garbage
Pubes are disgusting.
Wow those are some really interesting opinions, OP. Never heard that before.
get your shit taste away from me
>it's only okay when I like it
Spoken like a true brainlet.
I don't see any sex appeal in this faggy image
Stopped reading on 'incels'
Return to leddit
MK appeal is the blood and gore you idiot
Struck a nerve?
There can be times when sexual designs are just shit and aren't good but that doesn't mean a costume can't be cool and sexy at the same time.
Incel is roastie language used to immediately deflect criticism from gender dynamics and to shame men for having standards. Even in the context of your first post, and using the fucking urban definition, it makes no fucking sense and it's obvious you're fishing for replies.
It's time to go back.
Girl gamers aren't bothered by sexualized female characters in games:
>Contrary to expectations, results from the current study did not find that sexualization increased body dissatisfaction or aggression toward other women. Media influences from video games appear to be minimal.
>Results indicated that exposure to a sexualized avatar in a video game did not influence any outcomes for female participants. These results indicate that, at least for video games, exposure to sexualized females may not have a substantial impact on female players.
Sit and spin, OP.
t. ACfag
Disgusting fetish.
>to shame men for having standards
Standards? What standards? Half naked huge tiddy anime girl #2854? The fucking audacity.
As I've said, you can have a sexy character and make it work.
Or you can get a cute girl in cute and sensible clothing without giving her ugly western features or whore outfits. People seem to forget this is also an option, but i guess it doesn't count because it doesn't make your peepee hard.
>tfw you'll never get to smack Chun-Li right in her big fat vagina"
he never said that he was, retard
Kys faggot
>Artistic design and gameplay mechanics are isolated operations developed by different people, one has no influence on the other.
That is only true for shitty soulless games. Visuals should work to emphasize certain aspects of gameplay. Look at Splatoon. There is even that Itsuno interview saying that western devs don’t get it, so they make characters with weapons in their visual design even though they don’t use it. For some reason, japs making fighting games don’t get it either.
What about all the sexy muscular men that every fucking fighting game has? It promotes a unrealistic body standard, objectives men and is only there to appeal to horny gay guys and women. I am tired of developers treating us like a piece of meat to sell games. I mean look at this pic, Capcom's Street Fighter is aimed towards a universal audience including children but that doesn't stop them from trying to use their male world warriors to sell.
lmao roastie gettin toasty.
Cry more for us.
based retard
They can jerk off to Bison. Or Ryu. Or Zangief. Or any of the other beefcake male characters.
Here's the blackpill: men like feminine, voluptuous women. It's universal.
If that's "incel" behavior, then all men are incels. Roasties just slapped a label on it to shame men (kind of like calling someone a racist is supposed to shun them).
Yes they should
Reminder that threads like these are made by pedoera raiding Yea Forums to push their mindset.
>That is only true for shitty soulless games.
No, it's universally true.
>Visuals should work to emphasize certain aspects of gameplay.
Which again doesn't have anything to do with gameplay scripting and is a completely separate file system.
>Look at Splatoon
Physics implementation is not Art Direction. Art Direction decides how it looks, not how it works.
>so they make characters with weapons in their visual design even though they don’t use it.
That's a valid point we can agree upon, if you have objects on a character that don't see use, that's retarded design.
I don't see then using lingerie, making sugestive poses or movements, or saying sujesting words. All I see is strong beautiful independent women.
Hell, Darkstalkers' Rikuo is butt-naked and the cartoon gave rise to an entire meme about how "curiously attractive" he is.
>If that's "incel" behavior, then all men are incels. Roasties just slapped a label on it to shame men
This. It's all social war nonsense to devalue your enemy with made up titles.
Imagine being so mentally ill, that you have to plan raids on message boards to get people to think like you. Absolute bottom of the barrel discourse.
>not wanting games to have strong, capable women in charge of their own sexuality
Wow, it's [CURRENT YEAR] user, maybe you should be a bit more tolerant
I like tits and ass though.
Who are you to say I'm not allowed to enjoy these things in the games I play?
You might be smart, but I'll tell ya somethin'.
You don't know a thing about alligator huntin'.
making something because it appeals to the lowest common denominator is literally having no standards, regardless of what it is
Is this an actual chun skin in game? Goddamn she's hot in 5, too bad everyone hates the game
>it appeals to the lowest common denominator
People who like attractive women are the lcd?
Fine by me, landwhale. Enjoy your 'highbrow' closet rapist men.
Like 90% of all fighting game characters, male and female, are sexualized to hell and back, the rest are either joke characters or monsters/animals.
>men like feminine, voluptuous women. It's universal.
He didn't say anything like big boob women bad but that you can have a sexy character without making them look like they belong in a mind break hentai
They really are sickening people.
they game needed to be fun and playable before it became sexy
Why do these pictures never include server-names? Also how do anons get the invites anyway?
It's also the worst game in the series and relies solely on dumb niggers buying the game because of the title, just like FIFA.
Yeah, except now everyone makes fun of their reasoning for dialing it back, and you know what? I don't blame people for doing so.
Completely agree
Sex shouldn't be the main focus with no substance to the game
Like Mortal Kombat is with gore, remove that and you have a clunky and stiff piece of shit game with the main focus being on the winposes.
But neither should devs restrict themselves on sexy or gore.
Ivy in Soul Calibur is a poor example becuase she is 1 character of the large roster. The game is decent as a fighting game so having 1 character be miss tiddie mcfuckslut isn't that big of a deal. She's not the main focus unlike tumblrites would have you believe by the amount of noise being made.
Similarly with Street fighter
If you're saying Chun li is the main focus and over sexualised you're delusional, women can be designed to be sexy. There's nothing wrong with that.
>It's also the worst game in the series
That would be Armageddon and then the first MK3 but I guess since those games got peepee hard they get a pass
it's role players
What being on a different file system has to do with one thing influencing the other? What kind of retarded argument is that?
Every aspect of Splatoon’s presentation is based on the inking mechanic, from the sea-based characters because of squids to the urban setting and music because of graffiti culture. How is this not true because different people worked on different parts of the game? The director’s job is to make everyone works towards a single vision. And how the way the game files are organized has anything to do with that?
And OP knows nothing about game development because he was not aware that there are different teams working on a game, even though he was talking about character design and marketing and none of that has to do with anything you are talking about? What the fuck man.
>changing "sexy women" to "attractive women"
Nice try faggot, but you can have an attractive character without making her look like a whore
You'd have to ask the person who made them, I simply saved them so people can become aware that they're being baited daily by threads like this, or all that shit with MK11, and so on.
Who the fuck are you even talking about? What character, in any video game, looks like a whore who isn't a whore?
You don't even play video games. Why do you care?
He mentioned two in his first post user
do anons really pretend to be tranny raiders just to talk about trannies?
Yes they do. People pretend to like PlayStation here all the time.
Killer Instinct has some of the best female fighters in the industry, and they're all sexy (some unintentionally so). I don't see what's wrong with having memorable character design.
I know what you're doing and it's fucking pathetic. People have started saving evidence of this shit and you're trying to devalue it like you do with people and your incel term well fuck that. You fuckers were going to get found out eventually.
>What being on a different file system has to do with one thing influencing the other?
Everything. Means one doesn't dictate the other and both are done by separate teams.
>Every aspect of Splatoon’s presentation is based on the inking mechanic
Remember well what you said here, presentation comes AFTER the mechanics.
The design modelers don't dictate the mechanics, nor do they affect them. The mechanics are first invented and character design is done as an afterthought which can be changed any time without any influence on gameplay.
Listen, the entire thread is a fallacy that character design dictates gameplay.
Are you honestly going to argue that 3D modelers and sketch artists are in charge of deciding the gameplay mechanics and mechanics system and engine? Think about this level of retardation you are trying to excuse for a moment.
So if i change the character designs 20 minutes after your whining about characters being sexy, and gameplay is uninfluenced by the change, does that mean gameplay and design are correlated?
It's one simple way to flush your low IQ argument into the toilet.
Physics is not done by Art Direction.
Gameplay is not done by Art Direction.
Game Engine is not done by Art Direction.
System files are not done by Art Direction.
Character Clothing is done by Art Direction and has nothing to do with any of the aforementioned, therefore there is no development interdependence.
Look at this shit. Just take a good look at this little, fucking SHIT everyone.
You motherfucking lard-enrobed pussy. You pathetic bitch. I don't even need to imagine you being a scrawmny little wimp, your post stinks up the place so bad with 3rd degree faggotry that you can nasally visualize it.
Imagine being you, sitting there in your torn, sweaty, cum stained jammies your poor mom bought you years ago. Full of love and hope for a beloved son that would ultimately turn out to be the ultimate loser. Not even able to hide how much of a pathetic virgin faggot he is behind an anonymous online message board. This is how much you suck you worm.
You reek of defeat kid, there's no doubt that you never won with anything in your pathetic existence.
Except for now, you finally won at being the biggest fucking joke I've encountered as a veteran internet surfer, congrats.
I've seen it all, the most obscure and deranged shit you could possibly imagine, or so I thought until I noticed you.
You fuck.
but then it wouldn't make any sense to quote the other post.
What fucking evidence? I asked for a damn server name all the time you faggot yet anons keep saying how it get's switched yet still don't give old server-names whatsoever
If gameplay is shit it has nothing to do with graphics teams and if graphics is shit it has nothing to do with gameplay coders.
Is this too complicated for your brain to comprehend?
Point still stands, retard.
>People who like sexy women are the lcd?
>Fine by me, landwhale. Enjoy your 'highbrow' closet rapist men.
You're still a fat unlovable fuck.
And I don't think they apply. 2B is basic gothic lolita shit with a big ass. Every Yorha unit has a stylized design, and it's not terribly outlandish like Ivy. It's certainly more elegant than juvenile.
Pyra is a stylish take on plugsuits. Both Mythra and Pyra's designs are meant to illicit resemblance to their master mech, but are just feminized for style's sake--and they represent the duality in their psyches.
I'd say restricting information is the wisest move considering how deceitful you trannys are already.
so they show that they are raiding but don't give the server-names to do what exactly?
>Nice try faggot, but you can have an attractive character without making her look like a whore
Having big tits and wide hips with a lean waist is a biological trait and is not a social construct like whoredom, you incel.
Nobody likes fat bitches unless you are running away from a monster and the fatfuck bitch is a perfect expendable meatshield.
Only fat, disgusting women or horrible women have an issue with sex appeal in products.
It reminds them how unwanted they are.
Hahahha, imagine being that pathetic.
>Having big tits and wide hips with a lean waist is a biological trait and is not a social construct like whoredom
I feel like you aren't the guy he was originally talking to because the conversation moved from outfits to big tits and wide hips
he wasn't quoting him he was replying to him just like you aren't quoting me
the original comment was that good character design does not mean sexy but the other user replied that a sexy character design is also not necessarily a bad design either. but then comes along and completely misses the point trying to be made
Shut the fuck up, ACfag.
These are the only replies that matter.
Everyone else is an unfocsed brainlet who'd let the likes of OP get openings on them.
Outfits are irrelevant as evidenced by the fact that biologically attractive women are called whores and sluts by most women online no matter what they wear because they look boner-inducing in anything. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, anywhere a sexy hot erotic woman is seen you will see hordes of driveling ugly feminist bitches, soccer mommies, and other women shitting on her for being a whore.
It's a running comedy show since Internet has come into existence.
To add to this, 2B is dressed similar to a maid because she cleans up YoRHa's mistakes just like 9S wears a collar because he needs to be kept on tight leash.
Pyra and Mythra have scantly clad designs because they're to halves a whole and when they come together, their true from is actually entirely covered up.
Ye sound like a grandpa that grew up in the 60s.
Sex appeal is one of the best things about video games.
Video games almost always aim for an appealing look, and nothing is more appealing than sex appeal. If you want an attractive game then fill it with attractive people. That is not to say there can't be beauty in ugliness, there can be. But one must not deprive themselves of simple earthly pleasures such as looking at beautiful people, looking at sexy people feels nice.
Change my mind.
A grandpa who grew up in the 60s would be busy jacking off and throwing all his Playboy collections out. What you are thinking of is grandmas.
Except that i've never said anything about tits or hips so take your goalpost moving and shove it up your ass, retard
Mortal Kombat 11 did resort to sex appeal. GAY sex appeal. Every male character shows off their chest in one way or another, many of them have loincloth outfits. Even the ninjas have side-boob outfits.
>Outfits are irrelevant as evidenced by the fact that biologically attractive women are called whores and sluts by most women online
user he literally fucking praised Bayonetta stop goalpost moving
We all know what you mean you sexually insecure incel.
Not him but you are retarded
Sexy = Sexy
How do we get more Sexy characters in video games?
I think people would like female lead characters if we just made them sexier.
A battle of the subjectives.
>i-i k-know what you actually meant
Keep enbarrassing yourself
Feminists are mad that they can't get any easy dick, and there's also gymnophobe and genophobe Feminists who share these traits with religious folk.
That's why Feminists hate gaming and the Alyssa Milano sex-strike for instance was laughed at by all of society. Gamers are desensitized, would rather jack off than rape a bitch, and unfortunately-for-gamers they can't get it up to ugly women due to the higher quality of female appearance they are used to seeing, meanwhile ugly women constitute the majority of Feminism. Basically Feminists only have a chance with lower-tier males, Chads wouldn't be Chads if they lowered their standard to date a Feminist. Lower-tier males meanwhile have found an outlet that's better than involving themselves with ugly women, a historical precedent made possible by technology and taken to levels impossible in past history when males had to clench their teeth to have sex with ugly bitches or didn't even know any better because they never saw proper beauty.
>gamers are voluntary celibates when it comes to ugly feminists
>ugly feminists are involuntary celibates when it comes to gamers
>the roles are actually reversed
>feminists are buttmad and want to destroy the system which has caused their dick-deficiency - the Internet and online entertainment
No, sexy male characters is not so men can self insert. For example, I don't want to self insert, as I don't want to play a skinnyfat, out of shape nerd. I want to play as Mr. Awesome. And I can.
However women, niggers etc. seems to want to self insert for some reason and therefore they fet upset when their character looks better than they do?
It really isn't
>However women, niggers etc. seems to want to self insert for some reason
>He says on a board that bitches and moans about games not having enough white men
And his previous examples were flimsy and entirely subjective, and now he's being hazed for using Reddit's favorite word like a dumbass.
>Oh, I like Bayonetta
>But not these two, they're incel
>Incel means liking the ideal woman
Well let me put it this way, I always play female characters in MMOs and my favorite Gears of War character is Cole.
No one bitches about lack of white men. What we bitch about is when women and niggers etc are shoehorned in, usually unhistorically and so on
>Not even women take these "muh sexualization" söyboys serioulsy
TOP JEJ, just admit it, you lost
Look man, you are just making one mess of an argument, you don't even know what you are talking about. First, you claim gameplay and visuals are completely separated, then you say presentation comes after (and are influenced) by gameplay, then you go back to saying that each team works in isolation.
And that gameplay always comes first is not true. In fact, one of the problems in the industry right now is that games are pitched to publishers with no gameplay in mind, just with a backstory, characters and visual design. Look up Brian Upton's talk at GDC.
In most cases, both things are determined by a director, which passes on his vision for the teams working on the game. Bayonetta, for instance, was conceived as a sexy character, so her writing, visuals and gameplay work alongside each other. It is true that in general, changes are made to the presentation instead of the gameplay (Bayonetta's hair for instance), but that doesn't mean that them teams work in isolation, that is evidence for literally the opposite. Read BotW interviews and artbook, every Zelda game literally starts with the design for Link and they go on to decide every other element for the game from there.
The problem isn't that sexy characters will affect gameplay, but what it says a lot about the intentions of the people directing the game. Bayonetta's design is done with purpose by a director with a vision, so every bit of the game works with it. The same can't be said for most fighting games.
You are clearly making shit up about game development to justify your obsession with SJWs.
How is 2B and Prya the Ideal woman? If anything Bayonetta is more sexualized than those two combined. Wouldn't that mean he is less of a feminist than anyone else?
>but that you can have a sexy character without making them look like they belong in a mind break hentai
Fashion is subjective. The same argument that you can have a sexy character without conservative clothing is equally legitimate.
Fashion has never in history had a unilateral and unanimous societal approval with the only exception being forced fashion as per religious laws and institutions for example which don't constitute societal approval as much as a razor's edge if you don't abide. Ironically Feminism has taken up the mantle of the very system it used to abhor in the past.
>No one bitches about lack of white men.
user we had multiple threads of anons bitching that Overwatch doesn't have enough white men,same with Apex Legands,had threads bitchi
I never implied as such. I was just mimicking this shitty train of replies.
>Fashion is subjective.
a whore outfit is still a whore outfit,
>Look man, you are just making one mess of an argument
There's no mess of an argument.
The thread came with an implication that the quality of gameplay and clothing design on characters are interchangeable, when they are clearly not since one comes before the other, two completely separate teams work on the two concepts, and they are completely separate in terms of development planning. Therefore arguing that sex appeal design and gameplay design are correlated implicates you are a bumbling low-IQ mental retard or an underage retard.
have sneed
The only overwatch threads I see are porn threads and apex legends? Hahaha does anyone play that ugly cartoon shit? Stop it hahahaha
>No visible cameltoe
No one plays it anymore or at all I guess but we had multiple threads bitching about not having enough whites in games
Nah I really don't think so. Most complaints I have seen is about stuff like Civ VI where they dig up literal who women just to have female leaders, or Battlefield V where they had the whole disabled women on the front line thing going on, that kind of thing.
>The problem isn't that sexy characters will affect gameplay
They don't. One is fashion and the other is physics.
>but what it says a lot about the intentions of the people directing the game
It doesn't.
You can't correlate fashion with whether the gameplay will be good or not.
Gameplay depends on the competence of programmers, while Fashion is not their area.
Good job not addressing any of the points (with evidence) I made. Also, no one in the thread ever said that the quality of gameplay and clothing design on characters are interchangeable. In fact, OP never said anything about gameplay and I just pointed out that the two things are not done each in a different vacuum. Leave /pol/ for a while and work on your text comprehension skills.
fuck you. Devs should do whatever the fuck they want. If they want sexy hot women in their game, let them put sexy hot women in it. It's their game, not yours.
Go make your own butt ugly fat women fighting games if you want that so much.
>Nah I really don't think so.
You can literally go on Fireden yourself and check. One of the best examples of this is when Baptise was released so start there
>Good job not addressing any of the points (with evidence) I made.
You didn't make any on topic points.
The OP made a stupid argument that specific fashion and gameplay are correlated as mutually influenced values. They simply aren't.
If you have shit gameplay it's down to the coders, not the fashion designers, and vice versa.
Can you explain to the class why attractive women make you so upset?
Look, I'm sure it occasionally happened, but the bulk of threads are not about fucking apex legends hahaha
Nah man, when people complain about this it's usually for good reason. Unlike when women and niggers complain about not being able to play as themselves.
My point here, is that no white man is going to play as themselves.
Do you think there is a single white man on existence who is like doomguy? Or like Dante? Is there any Arab who is like Altair? Is there any white blond woman who is like Samus? Hell is there a nigger even remotely like CJ? No. None of those people exist. The whole self insert argument is completely ridiculous
this is her. at least my father's shitty country had something good come out of it.
But I don't hate sexy women. R.Mika is even my favorite fighitng game character ever
user even Apex had threads complaining about only having one white man and still complained after another was added. I think the guys name is Caustic, but you can see in almost every thread when those games were bigger they had constant shitposting about not having enough white men
Dumb brainlets
How hard it is to understand that everything that goes into a game is decided by a director/board of directors and the final product reflects their intentions? If a director does not like a design, he tells the artist to redo it, if he does not like a gameplay element, he says the same thing to the coder. The quality of a game is determined by the vision of the director and how he manages his teams. It is not that the visual designs will determine if the game is good or bad, but that everything has to work in harmony, that's what directors are for.
>Gameplay depends on the competence of programmers, while Fashion is not their area.
Both areas are up to approval by the director.
I made "off topic" points because of your claims (or other guy's) about game development.
>The OP made a stupid argument that specific fashion and gameplay are correlated as mutually influenced values. They simply aren't.
He never made that argument.
very curated taste
>Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games
Why not?
Gonna addres the a common argument as you did not provide an actual reason why
(sorry for a posible strawman)
>It sets "unrealistic" standars for weoman
Well , it also does so for men , in my opinion ryu sets an unrealistic standard for men, like look at those fucking abs , acttualy no , look at those muscles , thats quite unrealistic
Wait i forgot about the part where he creates a energy ball with his bare hands , that is waaaaay more unrealistic
+why the hell should i not apeal to my core demographic (men in this case) if im making a game
They don't. I use sex appeal to choose games to buy.
You really are a newfag, or a troll.
I knew a few girls in high school who weren't afraid to admit how hot other girls were. Real women seem to like other women a lot. Only insecure, sad, goofy bitches hate sexy women. All for body positivity, but when someone truly exceptional comes along, you lose your shit.
shut up faggot, christ
>How hard it is to understand that everything that goes into a game is decided by a director/board of directors and the final product reflects their intentions?
How hard is it to understand that when 100 out of 100 games have sexy characters and 50 of them have shit gameplay, it means that the problem was the programmers were shit and it has nothing to do with your phobia of eroticism and sexy fashion? You too retarded to comprehend this?
>Both areas are up to approval by the director.
They aren't. If gameplay is shit it's a limitation of the programmers and not the director. A director never says to do shit gameplay unless he knows programmers are too shit to do it good, which makes fashion a non-argument in the entire picture of discussing gameplay. You are basically engaging in False Equivalence and Strawman because you are utterly uneducated and possibly underage.
>He never made that argument.
He did and you ran along with him, let me remind you of your retarded claim
>The problem isn't that sexy characters will affect gameplay, but what it says a lot about the intentions of the people directing the game.
Know why it's a retarded claim you made here? Because the only thing sexy characters reveal regarding the intentions of people directing the game is that they've found some good modelers and artists who can make good looking shit so might as well go with appealing characters. What it says regarding gameplay is nothing unless you engage in conspiracy theories. This is the point you absolute low-IQ brainlet.
Sorry, OP, but as long as men find women attractive we will make fictional women attractive. You can always create a virus that changes men's genetic coding so they become gay or otherwise lose all interest in women so that you'll stop being triggered by sexy game women, but until then we're going to have beautiful babes on our screens.
But there whould have been no drawback if it did exept that male (main demograhic) eyes whould be pleased
And thus ACfag completely reveals himself. Nine years going on ten, dude, and you're STILL shitting yourself over Metroid Other M and what that one single game did to your waifu Samus.
It would be so freaking good if this was a official art from sf
>MK11 got by just fine without having to resort to sex appeal.
HAHAHAHAHA oh god that was great, MK11 decided to go the other way with sexual appeal.
Speaking as a dev using sex appeal to sell a game presently, I have some questions about this,
>Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games
Why not?
>there are still problems
And they are......?
>Ivy from Soul Calibur has a controversial design because it's again, made for sex appeal so people buy the game so they have something to adore and look at, quite embarrasing
This is a problem because......?
I see you've finally realized that your entire argument was tinfoil mental retardation.
>Tfw gay sex appeal got them more money than previous sex appeal
What the fuck do you want to be done about Chung Li
Decrease her breast size?
O boi cant wait for mandatory breast size reduction if they DARE to be bigger than C cup
And after that lets make girls and boys that have preety faces wear masks because equality and no one should look better than avrage
Just like in that book that i seriously cant remember the name of but i also remember that the strong had to weight them selfes down so they would have avrage strenght.
>Only insecure, sad, goofy bitches hate sexy women
too bad they are the majority and have infinite time for twitter
Nine years of this exact same shtick, you're like a giant neon beacon in a sea of black ink.
Reminder that ResetEra retards browse Yea Forums and try to push their agenda all the time with this kind of posts.
They want videogames to appeal to them although they're not playing them and will stop at nothing until all the games resemble their ideals. They are the least inclusive demographic and the most warmonger.
Me no gay or femonist.
But i think Sexy woman bad and Sexy man good.
>B-b-ut my FEFES
too bad they were cowed into not giving us Orchid's KI Gold outfit.
If you make game women sexy then it's impossible to also make a game good. This is the decree issued by ACfag, so it shall be done.
O my god , look what you did , you triggered someone.
Damn I guess we should just ban Olympic gymnastics while we're at it, snowflake. Leotards are simply TOO SEXUAL.
Oh and volleyball as well. WAAAY too much sex going on there!
Indeed. Nothing wrong with being desirable.
A fellow person of taste and culture.
>tfw ywn mating press R. Mika while Cody pounds you
>if a game has sexy characters then its gameplay sucks
Or its gameplay is good and you just need to git gud because you are a low-skill pleb.
I'm starting to believe you are a functional illiterate. The problem with your initial argument (other than it was based on a straw man), is that it was made using deductive reasoning based on a premise which was shown to be false by me. In fact, I only ever cited gameplay because it was part of your argument and it was easy to prove that the gameplay and art teams do work together.
The job of a director is to oversee the development as a whole, if something is flawed with the overall vision of a game, it is his fault. What OP proposed is that SF, for instance, is tone-deaf as it is aimed at a universal audience but still relies on sexualized characters as a clear marketing strategy. No one ever said that sexy characters make the gameplay magically turn into shit, it is a problem with the core of the game.
Exactly. Cover up all of them, head to toe, preferably in burkas.
I never liked that outfit, to be honest. The holes in the side of the suit were just fucking weird-looking. I don't know, maybe it's just because every woman in KI2 looked like Janet Jackson. She has a great redesign, though.
So do you faggots have any recommended mods for SFV?
If you are bothered over polygonal tits and bikini outfits, I suggest you find another hobby because holy shit, I can't imagine having a mentality so fragile that some literal objects have an impact in your whole experience. Also, if it's so undeniable that sex appeal=shit gameplay then you shouldn't have any problem filtering them out. No one is forcing you to buy them.
>can't imagine having a mentality so fragile that some literal objects have an impact in your whole experience.
user this is Yea Forums, anons get triggered over digital characters not being the same skin tone as them
regardless how you feel about it, they were held back on their "memorable " character design.
And considering the way Battletoads look, Killer Instinct is up next.
Translation:I am an evil woman who believes that non chads shouldnt even be allowed to look at FICTIONAL attractive women and that they feel ashamed of doing that.
>Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games
No, however
>Devs should use women's sex appeal
You never hear men complaining about this shit. Seriously, what's the problem?
>being embarrassed by visual attraction towards voluptuous and sexy women and artistic depictions thereof
This is some incel shit in the most unironic and literal way.
If you had a problem with some video game's gameplay you wouldn't bring character design into the argument unless you were an insecure incel.
But Sadira shows off more shit than KI2 Orchid does, so I don't really don't know.
>KI is next
No, goddammit.
Go on the deviant art page since they seem to have a lot of mods, both lewd and not for multiple fighting games. I'll just say the best looking mods by the khaled antar dude are apparently paywalled by him
As a woman, i honestly dont care as long as the geimu is good.
>don't really don't know
Tits or gtfo
Ppl use sex appeal to sell everything else.
After such a baller redesign the series gets monkey pawed into a boring looking kids cartoon brawler
Unsurprisingly OP is being a huge a faggot like always.
On the contrary, games should be sold on sex appeal alone and then surprise players with good gameplay.
Selling them on sex appeal alone is a good filter against mentally retarded feminists and moralists so they don't pollute the game experience with their irrelevant drivel nobody gives a fuck about and fuck off somewhere else form the get-go.
marry me
fukken saved
How about some pussy? I dont have any pictures of birds.
Have sex
It's a costume in-game, no mods.
I missed when Felicia looked like this.
I missed the juxtaposition of cute face but muscular MONSTERgirl
I got a better question, man or woman?
Pubes are the best
Damn I want that Felica Skin for R.Mika
Let me finish the bong first.
>mentally retarded feminists and moralists so they don't pollute the game experience with their irrelevant drivel nobody gives a fuck about and fuck off somewhere else form the get-go.
Imagine being so underage you dont understand the cultural impact of Chun-li
>stuff a game with oversexualized women for no good reason
>totally okay
> include a single lgbt character
>gaming community has a hissyfit for weeks.
who are you quoting?
My strawman.
Such is life in politics, where the opposition would shoot your dog if they thought it would benefit them or hurt you.
>Feminists are mad that they can't get any easy dick, and there's also gymnophobe and genophobe Feminists who share these traits with religious folk.
I learned 2 words today
fuck off
devs should be free to do whatever the fuck they want
if they want huge tits, whore dresses, fuck it let them all in
shut up hypocrite puritan, open your eyes to the market and how every single company in the planet baits customers in similar situations
>without having to resort to straight male sex appeal
ftfy, you cum-drinking faggot
>devs should be free to do whatever the fuck they want
If only all of Yea Forums thought this without any Hypocrisy
Sex sells man. That's all. Men and women just have different versions of what's considered sexy, and most people who play those games are men. So they appeal to those men and it works until they stop appealing to them.
...Why do I get the feeling OP pasted that from an article or some shit?
>People who play this faggotry are the ones hating on fanservice
Yeah, now try proving your point with a series that relies on competent design.
Because MK has always been fuck ugly. SJW'ing that shit up doesn't really make a difference in how ugly it is
By the amount of replies, I see that you touched a nerve for a lot of horny incels...
That's alot of assumption user, it's like saying the only ones who defend sex appeal are virgins who will never have sex
>Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games.
Op is one big fucking dumb stupid asshole. Holy fuck are you stupid. What's next you dumb ass? Devs shouldn't use food items to sell games? You are a fucking mongo
Exactly, Devs needs to take their nuts back and start designing games the way they want to. That goes for devs all across the board. This industry is literally too damn big to hung on the opinions of people who wouldn’t buy your game in the first place. If they don’t like your game and the shit in it, then tell them to take their nagging asses to any of the literal millions of games that would suit their tastes better.
I didn't read your presumably retarded post. Im just here for boobies. Anybody got chunli in a leotard?
yikes and oof
Not an assumption, just a dumbass in this thread who bitches about this stuff and defends NRS style
Btw, this is really common in western games. "Realistic" and "empowered" women but men all half naked. It's just the opposite, not something different.
>say something stupid
>get called stupid
dumb motherfuckers shitposting the same canned arguments that got toasted years ago by leftist agitators who barely have a cogent case of their own to present
this, but atleast people are posting lewds
>Not an assumption,
But it is an assumption you said people user
If you fuck her, there's 100% assurance that she will rip your dick off with her ass and cunt muscles
Why would people who like fanservice also shit on fanservice? Also I've never heard gay guys complain about the existence of female characters in games or what they wear.
>heh heh look at me guys I totally put one over on those 4channers
Doesn't matter really. Neither of the white guys in apex are going to be self insert characters.
>doesn't care about apex legends
>therefore newfag
I'm right though
I'll purchase all the vagina bones I damn well please
lmao at all these virgins derailing the thread by whining about how OP must be a landwhale, i bet ya'll are the same kinda people who complain about how girls only fuck chad and yet you fail to see how unrealistic beauty standards are toxic.
>I've never heard gay guys complain about the existence of female characters in games or what they wear.
I showed Senran Kagura to a gay friend, and he thought it was great.
False equivalency, your argument requires that the hot girls on the screen somehow make men less thirsty irl. Guys will fuck anyone anyway, so the impact of muh beauty standards cannot be compared to the nature of women's selective behaviors, since men's standards remain demonstrably unchanged. Your argument may now be dismissed out of hand.
>300+ replies
It's a little rich expecting serious responses after that trashfire of an OP
>people say sexy characters don't ruin video games
>go into a Metroid/smash thread and try and discuss Metroid Prime and power suit samus
>get told to "kill myself, tranny" because the game doesn't have any zero suit samus in it
This is why sex appeal ruins games. It breeds this mindset that any game that doesn't have titties in it is "tranny SJW shit". Explain how that's fair. How is hating a game for lacking sex appeal any different from an SJW who wants a game removed from the shelf for showing titties? It's fucking hypocritical, and you know it.
I was referring to your "hurr non-whites and women hate playing as white men" nonsense.
>I dont like your argument so i can dismiss it!!!
Go away, ACfag, your constant lying is growing tedious.
Don't know why Juri does it for me. Maybe it's that evil look in her eyes. Maybe it's the way her back is positioned. Her big tits? Her muscles? Her ass? I don't know.
back to resetera with you AND FUCKING STAY THERE FOR ONCE
Lying? I have an archive of that exact thread for your information.
I'll even point you to the post in question that called me a tranny and to "kill myself".
Exactly : 2 extremes.
One side is made of prudes afraid of some cleavage, THE OTHER SIDE is made of horny idiots who can't thinkhigher than their belt when dey see tiddies :3 .
That's a cute figure.
Yes, I'm so certain people called you a tranny and told you to kill yourself for "talking about Metroid Prime". Has nothing to do with your nine years of nonstop constant autism and trolling.
Unironically based set-up.
Yea Forums refuses to acknowledge the latter, which makes them just as bad.
>any game with titties in it is good!
>what's that? Metroid Other M was a disaster of a game? LOL FUCK OFF TRANNY THAT GAME WAS A MASTERPIECE
People will literally defend a terrible game because their boner told them to.
Talk with your money and don't buy it. And the customs are optional anyway. Also, have you see women magazines and tv shows that show hot men?
I can't believe its 2019 we are still having a discussion about this sort of thing.
Because you're an obnoxious pain in the ass and nobody wants to deal with you in a genuine manner. You are a literal subhuman, you do not get the common decency a normal person would.
Now kill yourself, trannyera faggot.
>Has nothing to do with your nine years of nonstop constant autism and trolling.
Yes, please forgive me for wanting to talk about Metroid and trying to discuss how we could improve the series. Truly the worst kind of shitposting.
I should've talked about how I want to remodel Samus' shithole while spamming 250 images of her in lingerie farting or getting raped. That certainly isn't shitposting or anything, right fellas?
Also, I feel like this is a troll post.
>literally talk about destroying fanservice and waifufags, but claims s(he) wanted to talk about metroid
>is suprised when called a tranny
What did s(he) mean by this Yea Forumsros?
But anons think they are, anons constantly bitched about their being only one fucking white male in the game
OP has only absorbed the opinions of trannies and landhwales, pay no mind anons
inb4 >hurrr Yea Forumstards cant even spell surprised.
>Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games.
Exactly, sick and tired of these devs giving me hard-ons and making my cock leak. They are the ones making me a misogynist, I sometimes fantasize about pinning down those sluts and fucking them until they turn into submissive broken whores.
>Because you're an obnoxious pain in the ass and nobody wants to deal with you in a genuine manner.
But spamming porn and calling people trannies for liking Metroid Prime, this is perfectly fine, right?
>literally talk about destroying fanservice and waifufags, but claims s(he) wanted to talk about metroid
Those are one and the same. Metroid would be improved if you got rid of the disgusting filth constantly plaguing it and dragging it down.
I want to see girls in bikinis and dudes in speedos. Both should have max sex appeal.
You run into threads about Metroid, Breath of the Wild, and many other games and immediately start screaming and sobbing about how much you hate seeing attractive women and emotions in games because of Other M. One game nine years ago and you STILL won't shut the fuck up about them. If it's not an incredibly elaborate trolling streak then you have mental problems and need to seek professional help. They do not exist. They are not real. They have no affect on your real life. Stop shitting yourself retarded over them.
>nudity bad
>violence good
>go into thread looking to provoke Yea Forums, thinks this is somehow proof people can't discuss metroid.
thanks for admitting to be the disingenuous faggot i knew you were, i just didnt think you'd out yourself so easily.
Why would you? It's only this fag modern society that somehow thinks that liking or thinking that male form is peak aesthetics would be considered homosexuals.
He does it all the time and he'll do it again the next thread he shits up.
I love how you immediately deflect to what other people do like a five year old
>It’s quite insane to have thighs that huge for an Asian woman.
SJW BTFO by own racism
In his mind it's everyone else's fault that he loses his mind over game women.
>wanting to discuss video games instead of spamming porn is now "provoking Yea Forums"
Well I'm terribly sorry that I don't treat this board as Yea Forums 2.0. i figured from the header that this board was about VIDEO GAME DISCUSSION, and not just porn spam. if it was about porn, it wouldn't be a blue board, now would it?
You think I'm trolling, when the fact of the matter is that I treat you lot with the upmost respect. I don't go around spamming tumblr buzzwords like "incel" or "manchild". I rarely even use terms like "weeaboo" or anything else insulting. I didn't even start this thread if want me to be honest. If I did, I would've explained, from the get-go, why fanservice has become detrimental to games, and it's for this reason: it has overtaken everything in video games, and now people only want porn. They don't want good gameplay. The people that say that good games and sex can co-exist? THEY'RE LYING. Give them a pair of tits, and they'll immediately complain that the game is "videogamey shit" and that they want to be able to skip the game part so they can get to the titties. You see this all the time in discussion threads, where people immediately skip over gameplay discussion and get right to posting porn. Tell me, how is this defensible?
Imagine being an artist in a professional setting having to work on that
>Hey Kenji whatcha working on?
>The texture right around Chun Li's cloaca. I'm spending extra time to make sure the lines converge just right.
You think every picture of a female game character is porn. Give it a rest.
Furfags needs to die.
Yes perfect
Good luck convincing devs (pubs, more likely) not to use lowest-common-denominator tactics like sex appeal as part of their livelihood. As long as there is a need, someone will be happy to meet it for money.
If you don't want consumers to fall for this shit, they're the ones you have to convince - again, good luck. You'd sooner learn how to design and code to work on a game yourself.
You're a patronising, high handed, emotionally stunted fuck. I was right to call you a fucking subhuman, because that's exactly how you act.
>Whilst other fighting games are still nowhere near the level of Dead or Alive's marketing and depiction of women, there are still problems. Ivy from Soul Calibur has a controversial design because it's again, made for sex appeal so people buy the game, she might not be so heavily advertised but then again this is an attempt to gain sales by attracting people to the game so they have something to adore and look at, quite embarrasing. Also you have Street Fighter V's Chun-Li. It is almost DOA-level with the amount of costumes she has got now and they show her off in a provocative manner not to mention the size of her thighs although it's exaggerated she's the strongest woman in the world it is quite insane to have thighs that huge for an Asian woman. Capcom's Street Fighter is aimed towards a universal audience including children but that doesn't stop them from trying to use their female world warriors to sell.
Fighting-games always had sexy female characters since the 90's (DOA was just more honest about it) and there's nothing you can do about it user. CAPCOM is well with-in their rights (as a corporation) to advertise Street Fighter characters the same way that Team Ninja does to generate profits/money from consumers; since it IS their Intellectual Property. Also, since you're on your hypocritical crusade to remove sexy character designs from only Japanese companies (which seems to me to be racially motivated); you should focus on """"stopping"""" people in real-life who cosplay the same characters at conventions. Wait a minute. You can't. Because people have the right to wear whatever they want as a form/means of freedom of expression. Censoring individuals isn't the answer.
Kill yourself
shut up faggot
That's because people do nothing but spam images of licking their waifu's armpits, or sniffing their farts, and then flimsily make up an excuse about how "AKSHUALLY IT'S GAMEPLAY DISCUSSION BECAUSE SHE'S FROM A VIDEO GAME" like that somehow vindicates them spamming the same images for years on end.
It's patronizing to want games to sell on actual quality instead of titties, but calling people trannies and telling them to kill themselves is not?
>Not liking mind break hentai
None of them wear nothing but a thong.
yeah give me sweat dripping musky buldges in 4k
Samefagging won't help you, ACfag.
Like how violent video games normalize violence and brutality towards others?
Not that guy you're responding to, but you bring up a worrying point: games that sell on violence are also cheap trash because the devs use gore and realistic blood splattering and edgy mature gamer-isms to garner in quick sales. Look at Hatred for example. The game wasn't even that good to be honest, but it sold purely on controversy and appealing to the mature gamer crowd. That's just as bad as a game selling on titties. The actual quality isn't even taken into consideration.
Your whole attitude is patronising. Even the way you act like you're contributing to discussion is framing yourself as better than the autistic fuck you are.
Just admit your a blind brainlet already dude, people discuss the games, you're just so assmad about "muh titties" you want to believe nobody actually talks about them here. inb4
>t-that doesn't c-count, it's only an e-exception
if you don't post a lewd image or provoke talk of fanservice, people will discuss the game moron.
>your attitude is patronizing
>you're an autistic fuck
Based on what? The fact that I'm a disgruntled metroid fan who's been sick of his favorite game being reduced to fap fuel for people who don't even play the games? If anything I've been extremely lenient towards the people who regularly barge into MY threads and turn them into porn dumps. And you want to act like nothing happens?
>Just admit your a blind brainlet already dude,
>thread in question begins by shitting on a game for no reason other than to start console wars, and because Samus isn't muh sexy submissive waifu
Great "thread" you've got there.
Neither violence nor sex appeal are bad things to have in video games or in any entertainment media. Blame the mindless consumers rather than the concept itself, they should be more educated, rather than seeking to limit developers for a reason as retarded as this.
You sound like Jack Thompson, Donald Trump, and all the soccer moms convinced that playing GTA turns people into slavering murderous rapebeasts.
>console war
>because Samus isn't sexy
glorious, i knew you would deflect but it's even more amazing that none of the shit youre saying is even relevant. get psychological help, there may still be hope for you.
>this thread
Today I'm truly proud of Yea Forums being Yea Forums, good work lads
Why shouldn't I call it out regardless? Just because consumers and whales are the ones responsible for propagating lootboxes and gacha games, that doesn't magically vindicate them as good game mechanics. I should still be allowed to call them out as moneygrubbing skinner boxes. Same rule applies here.
More like it turns them into mindless consumers with no regard for quality. Soccer Moms, Jack Thompson and donald Trump don't mind that aspect because it makes them tons of money. Their cries of "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" are nothing more than money grubbing schemes to sell crap at a high price.
Show me even a single person in that thread you linked that actually respects Metroid for the gameplay. If you were to ask them to play a Metroid game without any fanservice in it whatsoever, they'd call you a "tranny" and spew buzzwords and insults at you. After all, the same people int hat thread gladly approve of threads like this boards.fireden.net
So how can they ever be trustworthy?
>bait thread turned into a small porn dump turned into acfag whining again
every time
Literally just hide and ignore.
Sexy females cannot save a mediocre game
God damn the way you're just flailing around with claims and opinions that contradict each other is astounding. And how do soccer moms, Jack, and Trump get money from video games?
But that's the thing, you don't care if i show you people that actually respect metroid and want to talk about it, you'll just deflect and say
>t-they would just call me a tranny for saying fanservice is killing metroid even when no one is talking about it!!
wanna know how i'm certain you didn't read the thread? there isn't 1(ONE) image of zero suit in that entire thread, just people discussing metroid. this whole thing about consumers thinking about nothing but porn is a boogeyman, because your uncomfortable with fanservice, just admit it already.
Why don’t you just respect women like me already you incels?
see Nothing good ever comes of replying to acfag.
that's a big bush
Sorry bros was eating. Tendies and fries of course.
This thread still up? Jesus christ.
>And how do soccer moms, Jack, and Trump get money from video games?
The same way Hatred did: controversy. Trump appeals to soccer moms who buy and sell tshirts like "moms against GTA" or etc. Jack Thompson uses it to further his defunct career. It's probably one of the most successful ways to sell a product nowadays. Same reason why trash like Dragon's Crown and Nier Automata sold. You think they sold on the merits of their terrible gameplay? No of course not. The controversy of their sexy waifu shit carried them entirely.
>But that's the thing, you don't care if i show you people that actually respect metroid and want to talk about it, you'll just deflect and say
You still haven't shown me anyone who respects Metroid. Those same anons were in previous threads larping about waifu shit and spamming porn, and you can tell it just by their inflections, the images they used, and their attitudes.
>wanna know how i'm certain you didn't read the thread? there isn't 1(ONE) image of zero suit in that entire thread,
And yet they still hate Metroid Prime for not having zero suit in it, and they continue complaining that "the evil westerners are trying to ruin the series". Worse yet, they still wholly approve of Zero Suit porn dumps AND people obsessing over waifus, while never once discussing the game.
It's always some white male who complains about that stuff.
Jesus H Christ you sheer fucking sodomite, it's exactly the cancer like you THAT FUCKS EVERY GOOD THING UP. Hang yourself you fucking waste of life
You can have sexy characters that have good design, but I do agree that designs shouldn't come with the intent of given people boners to entice sales.
where is his dick?
You gotta know how to treat a lady
Yeah but Yea Forums only bitches about it, on the other hand you have gaming sites, bloggers and twitter rage advocating for censorship. We are a self contained shithole that likes to yell at each other.
He's japanese
>no pubes peeking out
it’s shit
your replies read like a madman
>i can just just TELL they hate metroid prime! look at how they use anime meme images!!!
even when i show you proof that you're wrong you just come up with another excuse and reach for the heavens to make assumptions. you are clearly delusional and have no intent to discuss anything, only to scream your opinion without any dissent, here's your final (you) tranny.
>Disney puts an official "ban" on slave Leia
>Cosplay girls still slut it up as her
You want me to blindly believe that Yea Forums magically likes Metroid, despite every thread being nothing but porn and shitposting. You refuse to acknowledge threads like boards.fireden.net
They regularly flood the board and you get called a tranny if you call it out as shitposting and spam. Meanwhile, the only thread you could conjure up was a bait thread designed to stir up shitflinging between fanbases. This was your best attempt to somehow justify one hundred million zero suit porn dumps. You didn't even try.
Disney banned slave Leia? Jesus titty-fucking Christ.
I forget if it was Disney or Lucas put someone put a ban on Slave Leia appearing in official material.
A cute girl a day keeps the liberals away.
Certainly wasn't Lucas, and it fits Disney's retardation.
Joke's on you, I'm a liberal who loves titties. Try to not lump us all into the same bin as the fringe retards.
I wish there were more exceptions like you.
The fringe extremists are the exceptions. Unfortunately they're the loudest as well.
Mainstream liberals would be far more effective in reining in those extremists on your fringe than people on the other side, but you allow them to direct the narrative because you think you can control them before they go too far. Pelosi thought the same thing and how's that turning out?
Damn shame if true. Everyone coming (lol) together over cute vidya girls is what the world needs.
Was it Nixon who brought up the idea of the quiet majority. Most people don't make noise because they're content.
We could achieve global peace right now, all go outside join hands in a ring that circles the globe twice and all sing "i'd like to teach the world to sing" and someone would still complain if one small segment of the dual ring had the wrong number of gays.
any grown man who uses the word cute is a massive fag
What if you call a girl cute, and then get laid?
for me it's her idle pose
And what exactly are we supposed to do about them? Shushing them only makes them scream louder, and we're not barbarians so we're not going to lock them away or make them disappear.
Fuck Gay Planet, sexy females in vidya are ok.
depends, if you look good and it really doesn't matter what you say. if you are a fat loser or some shit it comes off as fucking sad.
But if you go around online calling everything cute, you are a massive fag.
The same things you would do to fringe extremists on the right - deplatform them, denounce them, demonetize them, tell the msm to stop backing them.
For starters maybe you shouldn't angrily attack people just for disagreeing with you. It's astounding the amount of times I've been called a "faggot tranny" because I like games without titties in them. I guarantee you that not a single person ITT likes Contra or Gradius or Tetris because, in their words, "they're sjw shit". Why do they think that? No titties of course.
why are new puritans so afraid of female sexuality?
I just wish I could have a cammyposting thread
It never works, nobody cares :'(
Give it a rest, ACfag, YOU deserve all the abuse you get.
The right embraces their extremists.
No she’s not
you should kill yourself desu
>no titties
no retard, contra is not "sjw shit"
All of this abuse, and for what? Why is it so wrong to like a game without titties in it?
>the only contra game you acknowledge is the one with titties in it
>everything prior to it no longer exists so you can "stick it to the SJWS"
That's not fair to the games that came before it. And you know it. Especially considering that Alien Wars was a far better game than Hard Corps.
You're a lost cause, I see.
Yes they should.
Your opinion is moot.
You said the left should do what the right does, and the right embraces its wackos and extremists.
No it doesnt are you retarded?
how many unapologetic commies in the dems team?
how many unapologetic literal swastika wearing nazis in the rep team?
>acfag is a tranny now
>Devs shouldn't use women's sex appeal to sell games.
the new progressives are afraid of female sexuality and the trans lobby are behind it, next stop is dissapearing pregnant women from media
>people thought Mortal Kombat had sex appeal to even begin with
Sheeva started it all in MK3 and the designs just got more and more embarrassing for them to actually handle game after game. By Deadly Alliance it reached peak bimbo.
They could still use one or two sex appeal based characters if they used them wisely. But going over the top with the whole female cast like in Deadly Alliance just made all their female cast generic and clearly half thought out.
thats a screenshot from contra 4 where sheena is also playable too, the games were nothing but a male power fantasy anyways so pretty much the opposite of a sjw game.
I mean, Metroid Prime is a fun game that doesn't shove politics down your throat, so logically it shouldn't be an SJW game either, yet Yea Forums disagrees. Their definition is shoddy. I don't know what makes a game SJW since their definition contradicts constantly.
dont fall for that autistic faggot ofuscating the discussion, no one ever say old contra games are sjw
imagine the smell of that puss tho
>dont fall for that autistic faggot ofuscating the discussion, no one ever say old contra games are sjw
Except in the thousands of threads where Yea Forums regularly complains about how SJWs like games that don't have titties in them.
Stop replying to acfag, just hide his posts and ignore
are you really this autistic? can you read the context of social interactions?
get the masochistic hag out of this thread
I did read the context, which is why I'm sticking with what I said. When I get called a tranny JUST for liking a regular game without titties in it, that gives me a perfect view of Yea Forums's opinions.
their female cast currently is super generic and terribly thought out.
Need more of this character design in vidya.
Have you paid any attention to them for the last twenty years?
you been memed on hard son, i suggest you go back to r*ddit
ah yes i remember the second holocaust
i'd honk her honkers
>Sheeva started it all in MK3
So Sonya Blade doesn't count?
Id on't like r*ddit user, ironically because they have the exact same waifu worship threads as they do here. If anything, I don't want Yea Forums to become r*ddit 2.0. I'd prefer if gameplay discussion remained prevalent over porn spam.
And unfortunately the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
It is, you retarded faggot. You think ANYTHING that isn't discussing only the gameplay is porn or evil, You despise music, you despise graphics, you despise characters, text, voices, menus, level design, start screens, options, endings, loading, EVERYTHING.
I guess that's true to an extent. Is it wrong to strive for purity, though, especially in a medium pushing for walking simulators and mature edgy realistic graphics and cinematic storytelling?
Look, I'm sorry you're mad jelly at a ficitonal character being hotter than you. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Here; I'll wipe away a single tear and play the worlds smallest violin for your loss. You'll need a microscope to see it.
You're such a fucking dipshit, and all of this because of one game. And it's doubly ironic and hilarious that you despise "waifufags" while shitting yourself over Samus in MOM which was the cause of your shattered brain and iduiotic crusade.
Holy shit stop fucking replying.
>And it's doubly ironic and hilarious that you despise "waifufags" while shitting yourself over Samus in MOM
After 9 years you still don't understand why I hate that game, or why I hate fanservice. You keep assuming that it's because muh waifu, or muh sexism, or muh misogyny. Don't you remember all of the GAMEPLAY complaints made? How I complained about the devs using sex to hide the bad gameplay? You and i should be on the same page here. We both want good gameplay, right? I just don't believe in co-existence with gimmicks. That's probably the only thing separating us.
I was told that thicc theighs save lives, was I lied to? Also why are people bitching that fictional people are sexy? Y’all get Ken, Vega and even arguing to look at why all this bitching about nothing?
>Gives a satisfying fix to the fucked up timeline the past 4 mainline games created over the past 13 years
>"worst game in the series"
fuck off, it was better than MKX at least
>without making them look like they belong in a mind break hentai
Cause if you don't I've got a sad panda to sell you.
Nice blog post you fucking homo
Just being myself, bro.
>Don't you remember all of the GAMEPLAY complaints made?
Yes, MANY people complained about that, as well as what the game did to Samus. Unlike you, however, they didn't become obsessed with shitting themselves retarded for nine years straight. You've alternated between crying about how music and graphics in games are the Devil's works and crying about the mere existence of women and emotions in games. I've lost count of how many Breath of the Wild threads you're ruined because you come in screeching about Zelda. And your nonstop self-absorbed insistence that only you care about anything and the entire world is against you only proves how deep and damaging your psychosis is.
What's wrong with MKX?
I mean, it doesn't need to be fapbait to be good. Though it certainly helps.
>Unbalanced Roster
>Shit netplay
>Cassie Cage
>Mediocre story
What went right with it is the better question.
This, reminder to not trust a single word about someone saying turnbased games force grinding all the time. They're often retarded.
damn she was built to be
Go back to resetera, incel.
>Yes, MANY people complained about that, as well as what the game did to Samus
Incorrect. I was the only one actually making those complaints. The rest of the threads were porn dumps praising the game because it made Samus "the perfect waifu". She was submissive to a man, constantly stripped down to her underwear, and needed rescuing every other cutscene, just like in muh favorite anime rape doujins! or do you not remember the thousands of threads about remodeling Samus' shithole?
>You've alternated between crying about how music and graphics in games are the Devil's works
Because games shouldn't be spending billions on dollars on fancy orchestras and super high def graphics? Maybe these devs could focus on making a good game first.
>I've lost count of how many Breath of the Wild threads you're ruined because you come in screeching about Zelda.
Yes, I played through Breath of the Wild and found Zelda to be an obnoxious character. What the hell is wrong with that? Am I no longer allowed to criticize a game for flaws? Also, I must point out that your idea of ruining a thread is pretty weird. You say nothing to the people spamming brap and fetish porn, but the guy actually complaining about the game itself is somehow ruining it.
truly a tranny thread
Here's the reality
>some sjw shit game shows some tranny nog
>Yea Forums mocks and shits on it, calls it trash and thinks it's fucking retarded
>anime game with cute sexy girls announced
>Journos, retard error, blue checkmarks all start sending threats and pushing for the game to be banned and censored.
How are these even comparable?
I'll give you the shit netplay and story, but how was it unbalanced and what's wrong with Cassie?
The "extremist" you guys create from your own greed and intolerance of anything that's on the "right" of you. The left is so far off center right now compared to the right, but you still think you're in the center. Fucking delusional.
And what was my last sentence in my post, "And your nonstop self-absorbed insistence that only you care about anything and the entire world is against you only proves how deep and damaging your psychosis is"? You never disappoint in showing it and proving me right time and time again.
>from your own greed and intolerance of anything
Stop projecting. The right is torturing and killing children right now.
was fucking with bread and circuses the biggest mistake SJWs ever made?
>i bet ya'll are the same kinda people who complain about how girls only fuck chad
Well, like everyone else in my life. I'm going to have to disappoint you there.
You realize that you used the same tactic you are demonizing to attract attention t your shitty ass thread, right?
>"And your nonstop self-absorbed insistence that only you care about anything and the entire world is against you only proves how deep and damaging your psychosis is"
You act like I'm in the wrong here, when the only defense people can mount against my arguments is "lol dilate tranny". If you could actually come up with a sensible counterargument, we wouldn't be here, now would we? You say that I'm self-absorbed and psychotic, but you can't respond to a single thing I've said without attacks and buzzwords. Meanwhile I continue giving you the respect I would like in return. I wish we could see things eye to eye, but I just don't know if that'll ever be possible. To most of you, I'm just an evil SJW because I committed the crime of liking games that don't have tits in them. This is deserving of condemnation to you.