post things that trigger Yea Forums
Post things that trigger Yea Forums
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I think you mean /po... oh right yes ahaha
So this is the power of nu/v/...
I dont see the problem with Discord
If you're smart you would just create a server with 4-5 friends to fuck around with and not join a server with literal trannies redditors. It's that simple
I want to POUND that ass till it's dust
White men
I know right? Ramming a fat cock in and out that tight furry ass as it moans in both pain and pleasure, cum inside and then keep pounding that tight boipuccy till he can't walk anymore and is left as a slobbering mess craving for cock, broken both in mind and body
I truly hope discord has a massive data breach and everything ever said on it is made public
blamjo kablooe is in, boys, yass
even though i use discord daily
i gotta admit if you dont use it for your own friends and use it to meet people who use it, its gonna suck so bad
its almost guarantied that every random server i got to at this point is gonna be filled with mentally ill people and attention whores
Don't see anything wrong with this statement
didn't some dude kill a girl with discord??
it's true, but I still hate Dragon Maid
yes he used the discord to discordnnect her head from her body
cyberpunk 2077
the left can't meme
le traps le gay or not le gay? xddd
Literally fucking anything that isn't outright negativity to anything remotely popular.
Yea Forums might hate it but all of you fuckers use it.
And if you say you don't you're lying.
Yea Forums is full of discord trannies though..
he cute
Seething closetfag
They should made a weight gain site called fattened haha
Where did the Discord tranny meme come from?
Discord sucks because it absorbs smaller video game communities and then turns them into insular circlejerks that will never get any new blood because you can't find shit on Discord if you aren't direct linked to it.
Generals are already shit, but Discords are like super generals where everyone has to be a namefag.
The boogeyman of 2016 election redditfugees
Insults on nu-Yea Forums are just combinations of things you don't like. Discord tranny is just another auto generated insult that caught on.
post thing that kill women
Ur mom gay lol.
There was a group of people on Discord who were raiding /r9k/ and Yea Forums with infographs trying to convince people that transitioning would make their life better.
It was a bunch of fetishists that made /d/ look normal, but they stopped a long time ago so I'm not sure why the insult persists.
there was a blackmailed tranny ring doiscord server, people would get users to post irl pics of them crossdressing then they'd get threatned to get those pictures shared to their parents so they're forced to become trannies and feed the horny blackmailers
This is what I do, keeps me and my highschool buddies and we can all play vidya together when we find the time. I refuse to download the discord client though, browser version is enough.
Actual posts of discord trannies talking about rading Yea Forums and "taking over" Yea Forums.
it does tho. Whats the prospective we are talking about? Society wise right? Then its good. If we are talking basement dweller neckbeard faggot then it wasnt even popular to begin with right? Your pic is not specific enough and kind of gay
>popular thing bad
jesus fucking christ
Something blown out of proportion, replacing 'cuck' as the shitty new buzzword to call someone you disagree with
Don't mind me just pirating this purse
>popular thing good
I wanna feel bad, but
>wallmart scooter
oh so planking was good then right? that was popular
wouldn't be popular otherwise
think about it
planking is good calinestetics if done correct yes, people doing it on moving vehicles is not, which wasnt a popular thing in the planking craze to begin with. My argument still stands thats its all about perspective
Is smoking popular because it’s good?
fucking BASED
it's good as in it makes you feel good, not as in it's healthy for you
smoking is an addiction, invalid argument
ur mentally ill, seek help
defend this one then. this was popular and does nothing for you
neither are videogames. Again, you are being insufferable and cherrypicky, it really goes to show which people are behind those kind of arguments
Post any AAA game
Diferent opinions
Yeah well at least my house didn't burn down how about that
Nothing. Discord Jefferies and Trannies just come here to trigger each other
Kill yourself
Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout 3 are good games
>user moves goalposts and throws an ad homomen in the mix
>implying I'm not a BLEACHED fag
Are you seriously telling me you wouldn't want to yank his tail as you pound his butt into a meat patty?
ok, listen up because im not going to give any more yous ok?
if "x" thing is relatively popular is means its either:
-fun for the majority of people that do this "x" activity
-its easy to pick up and replicate
just because YOU PERSONALLY dont enjoy it it doesnt mean its shit and everyone is wasting their time, if anything you are wasting your time not ejoying "x" activity in the eyes of the ones that do. Its all about which side we are looking from, and i doubt anyone wants to see the wold through your eyes
Yes, and?
Now that's what I call autism.
>bronies, this is your mindset.jpg
always lewd n8
post any tranny, but well, desu that would trigger anyone because they are cringe
user most people lack taste.
compared to who? you?
read this post
she triggers my dick
Sweetie you still aren't interesting.
I'd fuck her very hard desu. Sporty girls are the best.
They hate us if they ain't us
Probably born out of people rightfully wanting to warn others about using a Tencent/Chinese Communist Party botnet as a major or even primary social network, giving Poohbear access to their communications, MAC/IP addresses, likes and dislikes, voiceprint, and more.
>wouldn't be popular if it wasn't good
that's the most retarded reasoning anyone has ever used. By your reasoning, shit like dabbing and CoD are good just because it was/is "popular". Go on user, play your FIFA/Madden games all day long, I'm sure you'll have a blast.
nick was right, the normal person wouldn't do this because it's wrong but democrats need to have cops and everywhere watching them 24/7, iron bars over cashier counters with bullet proof glass. Really it's like if there is nothing standing in the way they will commit a crime
Wojak for Smash
Popular games are good sometimes
get out of Yea Forums
She’s a mare. retard.
New games
Old games
Video games
Anime games
Popular games
Breath of the Wild
The Witcher 3
Hollow Knight
among other things
Okay, I guess the Tide Pod challenge is fun and and we should all continue to do it. Who cares how dangerous or stupid something is unless its fun right
>dildos are popular masturbation toy
>"I dont like it, i think its a waste of time and money"
>lol dude what are you a contrarian? Why dont you enjoy shoving things up your ass?!
>Quality of thing is based on popularity
Discord trannies are an actual thing
she's an old woman user, have some compassion
Okay here you go Yea Forums
The only true thing that makes Yea Forums SEETHE
>easy to pick up get's completely ignored
classic Yea Forums retards
Enjoy your vacation fag.
Somebody post those screen caps for him.
quick rundown on Yea Forums's hateboner for discord ?
I've been using it for a while, using some servers with friends, or guilds, posting some shit and having a few discussions
no tranny in sight so far, only a few girl drama but the same shit would happen in game too
I've never played it and don't care, but the reaction sure are juicy
>pretending that anyone in this place ever wants to truly discuss anything, and isn't just looking for flaws in the other person's argument that they can exploit and call out
how long have you been here, again?
Thanks for proving his point.
eating acid is not very easy to pick up tho, and i wouldnt even call it popular....
are you male or female? See, another thing dependant on perspective, you areso selfcentered its absurd
Memes follow reality.
Really had no trouble picking up Tide Pods last weekend.
>has trouble shoving dildos up his own ass
no way i could do this and not get instantly fucking adamantium hard.
glad someone said it at least
>Game that is no worse than a 8/10 is constantly bashed on by Yea Forums as the worst Zelda of all time
Never change, Yea Forums
>quick rundown on Yea Forums's hateboner for discord ?
it wanted something to hate.
Strawman. The original image doesn't imply that, it's merely stating that being a contrarian doesn't make you interesting. There's like a 90% chance that an American made that image.
It's a Chinese botnet. If you're willing to use Facebook or twitter you probably don't care about why it's bad.
Daily reminder
idk about others, but discord has a target audience i don't really like. All servers I used are populated by the living zoomer cliché.
I'm a 2015 newfag
>Fucking with Yea Forums
Do people never learn?
>it's a chinese botnet
how ?
I don't use fb or twitter
I've been here for so long that I'm not even sure if this is a falseflag, a falseflag of a falseflag, or something entirely else.
Yea, its called an opinion and anyone is allowed to like or dislike something. Are you perhaps retarded or autistic?
Yea Forums is cucked to hell and back, those cumbrains will guzzle BIG BLACK COCK like they are a pornstar in a BLACKED.COM movie
>eat shit, millions of flies can't be wrong!
good girl bambi
>If the game isn't hard, it's not a good game.
>literally who posts something about "the chan"
>EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS RAIDING FROM "website Yea Forums doesn't like and the literally who posted on"
oh. I'm surprised you haven't picked up on it yet. This place is just arguing over nothing. Most here don't have any opinions on anything, they just argue because.
It's mostly filled with underage and normalfags these days, so circumstances have changed.
thing is your opinon vs a whole bunch of peoples opinion
that is a mental disorder, another non argument to add to the list
>i wouldnt even call it popular....
Its a matter of perspective user, do you think because it reaches news levels it isnt popular or that it is popular? If the news needs to reach the masses on certain topics I think for one would me that said topic is popular
oh i did, but sometimes i take it seriously on accident and forget the people behind the screens are just memeing
flies have a mental disorder?
gee user, as if your opinion was bad and not an argument to begin with.
So are discord everything else. There's probably a girl that would love you that uses Discord.
>literal who
>antonymous image board
Go back worthless sissy fag
wtf think of the advertisers man!
It scrapes and saves all the information it can from you under the guise of adjusting the service to fit you better.
It checks where you live, what you play or watch, and definitely everything you type into it.
If you care about your privacy I wouldn't use it, but that's just me. Ask /g/ if you want a better more detailed rundown.
are we talking about Yea Forums now?
>thing is your opinon vs a whole bunch of peoples opinion
And that doesnt matter, anyone is allowed to voice their opinions on something, its not a matter of right or wrong. Why do you feel so strongly about proving something wrong based on public opinion, is it because random nobodies have a shared interest in your own aligned opinion?
i wouldn't hate discord as much if a lot of useful info about shit wasn't locked behind it, and then i have to see shit like "filling up the epicnator with extra awesomesauce" everytime i load up this cursed program
that triggers the mods because it actually provides discussion.
all they want is smash, smash, lol threads.
are you the next e-girl on the chopping block?
this is what the average pol poster looks like
Thanks captain obvious
God... I NEED an oob friend.......
it wasnt on the news where i live so youre a fucking mouthbrather
flies arent human
i do not care about Yea Forumss opinion, im just pointing how mow hypocritical you are
But people use the original image simply to try and deflect any to all criticisms directed toward something by saying that the critic is merely a contrarian who is outside the group
i use discord
i just dont want your shitty Yea Forums tranny discord
Virtue signal all you want, but I'll never forget the surgical footage of an MtF surgery and the fact that breasts can never be implemented on anyone and feel as good as the real thing. Our technology isn't advanced enough for easy gender changes.
most people on Yea Forums atleast put some degree** of effort to disguise that fact, but still fail. Modern Yea Forumstards on the other hand are a lot less discrete.
dude, i don't know if you know this but
Yea Forums is dead. its filled with tranny, blacked, furry threads 24/7
the old days of raiding are gone
this images is pretty good at it and so is posting some e-celeb flavor of the month.
>Justin Bieber is popular, therefore he’s good
Do you enjoy being beaten up?
Didn’t mean to quote the second guy
meme artist, get some taste
You're cute so here's your free (you)
Nick is retarded and so are you if you think there's no black "normal" people. We don't all live in the ghetto.
But user you are also being hypocritical too
Keep in mind most fire companies are volunteer and made up of the dip-sucking rural tards from outlying tonwships.
>i do not care about Yea Forumss opinion
Yet here we are
huh sweety hes actually based
based idiots
why are you not beating your low IQ crime-leaning brothers and sisters and teach them some dignity? High IQ niggers should be leading their people like sheep, much like Malcolm X
>NiGGGbased idiotsGG
I haven't heard of this race yet
Sebastian Hans Eli Fors
I'll lead my people... away from the unsalvagable areas holy shit. I do not give a damn about the undesirables. White people don't, asians don't, so why the fuck should blacks always be held accountable for the dipshits? We don't want a race war to break out, but if it does just aim at the stupid people, i'm begging you.
Now... I am not a furfag, BUT....
And there's nothing at all wrong with that!
>*insert stevefag copypasta here*
I have bad news for you, user...
W-what do you mean?