I played both 1 and 2. The last class trails in both of them ruined the ending for me.
Will it be the same in this one?
I played both 1 and 2. The last class trails in both of them ruined the ending for me
>The last trial ruined the ending for me
2's last trial was pure kino though
Probably. But it is still the best one, especially since you already hate the endings to each one already.
this one will ruin the other 2 games
It will either be even worse or you will actually like this ending. There is likely no in-between, this game's ending is super polarizing even for this series's standards.
This game actually will fix ending of 1 and 2 and entire retarded overarching story.
imagine being this stupid
Yes. This one will probably ruin everything for you because you're stupid.
That they used the same villian just as a IA kinda ruined it for me and you could see the twist coming with the third trail.
Are the cases good?
My favorite ones in 2 were trial 4 and 5. In 1 it was just trail 4.
I don't really care about that because the endings in each one already did it for me. If the cases and characters are good i will give it a chance
Absolute fucking brainlets HATE V3's ending because they literally, unironically do not understand it and it's directly aimed at insulting their stupid little retard fantasies.
and think* it's directly
fuck, I said the opposite of what I meant
I'm memeing about ruining the other 2, it's by far the best game imo
The cases are good. But I always liked the cases in every game. The executions are hands down better than all the other games combined though.
the last trial in V3 will ruin the series
I hated the endings for danganronpa 1 and 2 as well.
V3's ending salvages the entire franchise. Only brainlets and delusional waifufags dislike it
Most people who hated the first two endings tend to like the ending of v3. It's not as bullshit as DR2 or as goofy as DR1. The exposition still goes on forever as this fucking piece of shit game makes everything three times the length it needed to be. But other than that it's okay
Imagine liking a story in which a group of Japanese teenagers can cause worldwide societal collapse through the power of anime.
Absolute state of danganronpa 1 and 2 fans.
they literally get ruined by being turned into fiction, it's great
The cases in V3 were pretty good except, to be honest, the one with the squash for being too predictable and not as climactic as the 'change of bgm' cases from the others but my favourite part was actually the opposite of the other games: everything between. V3 easily has my favourite whole cast (Nagito is still my favourite character by a landslide though and singlehandedly makes 2 the best in the series). I actually wanted to spend time with them, compared to the other two where I never really bothered with the school mode.
also UDG was fantastic and I'm still hoping for UDG as teased
>DURR u no understadn ending
I get it, I just don't like the whole DR1-2 existing as games in V3 thing. I genuinely thought it was a joke ending.
Danganronpa endings are retarded because It's about some dumb slut ending the world and It's impossible for me to take them seriously but if you can ignore that the games are amazing. Third game is a bit different, the ending can either be the worst or the best depending on the person. I assure you the gameplay is as good as the other two if not better, though.
V3 is the only game without any boring cases. Case 1, 2 and 3 in DR1 were boring. Case 2 and 3 in DR2 were boring as well
V3's weakest case is 2 but even then it's pretty enjoyable overall
Who best character?
Nagito carried the entire second game on his back alone. Remove Nagito and V3 is so, so much better
That LITERALLY means you don't get it. I'll spell it out for you: just because something is fiction, that doesn't mean it isn't important. Emotions and messages as consequences of stories are no less valuable than those from actual events. If 1 and 2 are weaker for you because they're fiction inside an already fictitious series, you are fucking stupid.
Both DR 1 and 2's endings were fairly bad, but V3's ending absolutely blows them out of the water in awfulness. I look back on those earlier endings with fondness now, simply because of the comparison to this one.
UDG2 as teased, I mean
True that. He carried it an incredibly long way, though.
>I fucking hate Danganronpa
>that's why I love V3
Unironically shuichi. most based protagonist without a doubt
I just want a new one bros. We were too mean Takada. His writing was shit and he knew it, but the games were still fun with a unique atmosphere to them.
Imagine thinking that people play the game for the story rather than cases.
1 > 2 > 3
The ending of v3 was a good idea but it was poorly executed
Keebo was a good idea but he was poorly executed
Danganronpa v3 was poorly executed and kodaka most likely rushed it
Sometimes I feel bad, but then I remember I'm not a blithering retard like these "people" and I feel a bit better about myself.
I meant Kodaka.
This, at least it was better than ZTD, which was full of poor writing regardless of time constraints.
The overarching plot of DR was absolute trash and V3 did the ring thing thrashing it
>I hated the endings which were nonsensical, dragged on for way too long and didn't pay off for the mysterious hints placed throughout the cases
>Therefore I hate the entire game
Case 6 in danganronpa is notoriously shitty. I groaned when in V3 Junko popped up again but it was remedied by 1 and 2 being fictional which explains why the world ended thanks to Junko's big anime titties while also creating an interesting narrative between the game and the audience
Fuck emotional shit, I play these games for mystery and trials, not to be called out by the creator that the one thing I like about the FRANCHISE BASED ON MURDER AND TRIALS is bad and I’m evil for liking it
And fuck your interview bullshit, the ending was a massive fuck You to the fans
I can't tell what's shitposting anymore. Now there's people who LIKE the ending because they didn't understand it.
Yikes, I don’t want to remember ztd
almost two fucking years and nothing has changed
I like Gundham
What's the appeal of this series? It's a VN, right?
Cute girls dying in gory ways, you'll love it you misogynistic fuck
Its a VN with some decent minigames (and some not so decent). The characters are the main appeal..
>Tfw people still acting like elitists thinking their shitty anime game is deep.
I got what they were going for, I just disagree and think it's fucking retarded.
It's basically Phoenix Wright with gimmick minigames, worse writing and more dumb anime shit thrown in
The last trial of V3 is redemption for the two shitty endings before it
If you disagree then why do you consume fiction
Kodaka directly said that his audience is bad and danganronpa is bad, and that no one should like danganronpa.
Take it with a grain of salt because of some recon shit he said in an interview not apart of the game, but I challenge you to find a game that insults its fan add more then v3
The shitty anime actually implied Soda scores Sonia afterall.
If gundham is chad does this mean gonta or kaito are gigachad?
>more then
Actual retard.
Yes it is, but what seperates it from other VN's is it's premise. Each DR game has a group of people locked in a closed environment and separated from the outside world, where the only to escape is to kill one of the fellow students and get away with it.
Now the series never fully lives up to that great premise. It gets to anime for it to be taken with the seriousness that would make the drama and tragedy better, but they serve as fun murder mystery games with a saw-esque twist.
It's primarily a VN with a lot of reading, but the appeal comes from the cases and figuring out who dunnit.
>Cast of 16 characters gets introduced and you interact with them
>One of them gets killed
>Enter investigation mode where you find clues and stuff
>Get sent to a class trial with fully voiced dialogue with various minigames to present evidence and follow logic trails while figuring out who dunnit.
>Murderer gets executed in kino cutscene
Most of the VN stuff is setup for character motivations, interactions, establishing items and locations while occasionally dropping hints for the overarching plot. Its more like ace attorney or zero escape than a VN
He needs to make the fighting game and be done with it.
and sometimes a see-saw-esque twist :^)
But Phoenix Wright had both shitty gimmicks and anime bullshit
You will either love it or hate it. Since you hated the endings of the first two games I'd say that you might like this one.
No, Gonta and Kaito are dead
Watch out boys, a genius coming through. I'm talking about within the context of the story. At the end of the day it's just a stupid twist for fags like you to get your titties in a bunch when people call it out for being stupid.
You forgot your rageface, redditor
Space weedman was a faggot hypocrite.
>"dude wouldn t it be cool if we started killing each other for real"
>"dude wouldn t it be cool if we don't explain shit at the ending because everything could be a lie"
It's a shame because everything else was working great, but the ending was hot garbage
>People still unironically defending the plot of DR after DR 3
Really? Do you have like a clip?
>>"dude wouldn t it be cool if we don't explain shit at the ending because everything could be a lie"
holy hell did you speedread through the last trial?
You'd vote for Utilitarian despot maid mom right v?
>"dude wouldn t it be cool if we don't explain shit at the ending because everything could be a lie"
This bugs me more than the meta shit, nothing can be taken at face value because "muh lies". What the fuck is the worth in a mystery game where everything is left up to player interpretation?
It's Ace Attorney but on LSD and school drama
Only if she promised morning handjobs.
You got it wrong, the ending is okay, bub the rest of the game is hot garbage
>Are the cases good?
the last class trial is even more retarded in v3
Last case is as retarded as the other games but it's still way better than the other 2 games.
Also kiyo did nothing wrong
DR3 truly showed Danganronpa for what it truly is
Once you remove the cases and all the stylish visuals, it all falls apart. DR had always been all style and no substance
>Celes, Gundham, Kiyohime and Kirumi.
Why were all the goth cast so based?
>>People still unironically defending the plot of DR after DR 1
Spoilers ahead, well you shouldn t be in this thread if you plan to play the game.
Explain the final videos.
1)The kids actually wanted to be part of dangarompa, and now that everyone is diying they realized they fucked up.
2)Our favorite cosplayer is full of shit and everyone has been abducted.
>how about the prologue
Fabricated with the torch (like the videos)
You can't really deduct anything
V3 throws away the actually interesting parts of DR1 and it's premise, by making every character a fucking shonun anime protag. No more is the prime focus on the game the mystery, or how good normal people can be cracked into killing and betrayal. No! DR is now about sentient robots, and an insane man who wants to fuck is non-existent sister.
What the fuck happened to these games
That could have been interesting is the problem! The idea of society collapsing because something makes people go fucking nuts has potential, they just completely squandered it with 'it was two high schoolers with the sharingan'
Why the fuck would you remove the cases (the majority of the game) though? That’s retarded
I said DR3 user, not V3
DR3 is the anime
You try writing something for 53 subsequent entries and keep the quality consistent.
>if you remove guns from a FPS then the game falls apart
We might say the same for your brain
I meant as a story you retard, of course I'm not comparing the gameplay between a game and an anime
The thing is they could have made that twists infinitely better if they just said that they released a plague, or even if they were just cult leaders who took advantage of a plague. Once you have that you have a realistic reason for the end of the world. More than that though, it gives a reason why the the DR1 cast would be stuck in Hope's Peak and why the outside world would want to see them suffer. Because they took there immeasurable amount of supplies and hid it all for themselves in their bunker.
The twist could have been good if they took a half second to explain all this shit, but instead we got three screen of people with masks on
v3 was meant to have ridiculous impossibilities as proof that it was a fake. Ironically the "Fake" ends up being far worse than if dr1-2 were real. Kidnapping students and brainwashing them to play characters only to have them killed off for ratings. They had done it so much, that like the fans of the actual series, the fake series felt overdone and cracks were showing. Kirumi ends up being the second to die because she was the first to break character and notice the show.
its meant to be aimed at the fanbase because for all the FICCSHUN memes, its a what if dangan was real scenario?
it would be a horrifying truman show rehashed to stupid lengths like the AC series. It was a meta way of kohacka killing the series off, saying it needs to die in its own setting.
>Kirumi ends up being the second to die because she was the first to break character and notice the show
>Let's make the entire game worse so we can foreshadow a mediocre twist.
When they encounter the trial room, she points at that the way its set couldnt possibly work in a trial, almost more like its televised.
Monokuma cuts her off immidiately.
She was then the only one who got the right motive tape with all the others being mixed up. sealing her fate to be the murderer of the next trial.
Kaede was close to revealing it from the beginning, and died for it. Note that the mastermind could cosplay as her, despite being unable to cosplay real people
DRV3's ending is on par with the plot of the Human Centipede 1 & 2.
Your precious plot twist was never be as deep as you think and you'll never be as smart as you think, despite the constant fedoratipping.
I hated all the ending but V3 is something else. It's the worst ending ever in any medium ever in anything ever made and will ever be made. Ever.
Kokichi got the correct motive video too, did he not?
I don't think the V3 twist is brilliant or smart, I just think it's satisfying after having to suffer through all that hope vs despair nonsense
Considering Danganronpa 1, 2 and Zero Time Dilemma exist that's already three examples of your post being utterly wrong.
>playing V3 final chapter with sister
>she says "woah this makes me feel bad for enjoying the game"
Why are people this impressionable?
>the mastermind could cosplay as her,
You mean couldn't.
If fiction says something it must be true, people have been raised to be sheep for decades.
No. Not at first. Maki had his and gave it to him. Kirumi had already been setting up her plan by that point.
Yea Forums absolutely obliterates your empathy response
Don't know about Zero Time Dilemma but the first two DR games at least had the courtesy of not breaking the audience's suspension of disbelief.
Breaking the fourth wall occasionally is fine but in this case it was clearly used to escape from the corner that the writers had written themselves into. The fact that Shiru-whatever (the cosplayer) was unambiguously killed off at the end only reinforces that viewpoint, as it would mean that any potentially unanswered question would be left unanswered permanently.
Maki had Ryoma's.
It is hands down the worst ending of any dangitronpaul game. Anyone that actually praises it are pseudo intellectuals that would vehemently defend anything that is even remotely falls into the “”””meta”””” trend that is the cancer that has spread throughout the video game industry.
V3s concept of reality made absolutely no sense
>unironically defending junko and muh despair muh hope garbage
It's bad but it's the best of the V3.
During the final Argument Armament with Keebo she also said that it made her feel bad for complaining about the GoT ending.
the fact the entire game was written around putting a spotlight on the audience/fans/(You) for enjoying the previous installments is the most critical failure. honestly thinking people who enjoy murder fiction are bad people is fucked up and stupid. it's like saying video games cause violence.
>When they encounter the trial room, she points at that the way its set couldnt possibly work in a trial, almost more like its televised.
>Monokuma cuts her off immidiately.
I'm not seeing it, is it during the trial?
Why don't you play good games, user?
Now that's just pathetic, this goes beyond normal programming.
no i believe its when they are first shown the trial room before any trials start.
she could she's just being a lying bitch
But I've played YU-NO.
Moeblobbabbies will have their turn in a couple months with the english Steam release.
Not him, but I think she makes that comment right before the first trial begins.
But I did already, fuck you crapcom and your U N M I S S A B L E news.
Yeah I watched the whole thing from when they step off the elevator to the beginning of the trial, she said nothing of the sort.
I love Angie!
look at her UwU!
>realizing you will never get angie hugs
Why would the part that we see happening first hand be fabricated? Are you stupid?
I'm on the believe that 1 and 2 are caught up in 3's antics while 3 only made it painfully obvious.
That one TV antenna scene in the control room. Not only were they seeing themselves, they were seeing what players would see.
she smells like c o c o n u t - o i l and c i n n a m o n
since the first case used unreliable narrator you can't really trust shiiiiiiiit
>that ass on Himiko
Non canon.
The funny thing is that I was able to immediately talk her out of it with zero resistance.
Damn, you type like a faggot
Also, you’re wrong.
>above moegefags
The cast of V3 is also another weakness of the game, and is honestly not hated enough. The characters are all one dimensional and because of this, I'm able to summarise everything about them in a few words each.
shuichi: little bitch
astronaut: cheerleader (still manages to cuck the protagonist)
shimu-cosplayer: "I'm so plain did I mention I'm so plain?"
maid: "I'm a maid I serve people don't you see that I'm a maid?"
tennis dwarf: haha get it I'm short yet I'm a masculine alpha (DR3 literally had the exact opposite archetype)
tenko: femcel bitch
maki: Literally just Kyoko but edgy.
mask man: Generic mysterious autist
rantaro: Literally who?
gonta: me grug like bug
kaede: Incredibly fitting for the first female protagonist to also be the one who introduces the lying mechanic.
witch: Like hiyoko but without the snarky personality
angie: heehee autua desu
keebo: literal robot
miu: hahaha I look and act like a thot but I'm really a dewicate wittle fwower
kokichi: literally the only good character
V3 was a lazy copout by a shitty writer who, after saying he doesn't want to make these games anymore, proceeded to and make the exact same fucking game in a different studio. Anybody who thinks the ending is smart immediately reveals themselves as 90 IQ and their opinions should be disregarded immediately.
it's great for ZE fans
I bet she smells like my mom.
>shuichi: little bitch
Retard, he is easily the best written character in the entire series
Also you can summarise everything about all characters in 1 and 2 too
yeah that 3 hours long epilogue sure carries the terrible dating sim that is the entire VN
Your sister is an NPC, in the non meme sense, I'm sorry user.
Personally, if you always thought that people who actually like the ending of 1 and 2 are fucking retards, you'll probably find the ending of V3 to be pretty cathartic.
can't win em all
>generic anime protagonist #563472 doesn't believe himself and needs the power of friendship to gain confidence in his abilities!
I'm sorry user, you're literally retarded. Report to your nearest chemical castration facility so there's no chance your defective genes can be passed on.
>kokichi: literally the only good character
That tells me everything I need to know on what your opinion is worth.
>Retard, he is easily the best written character in the entire series
How is he? All he ever does is whine like a little fag about how he misses his waifu despite her betraying everyone. The extra ball in the ending is such a lazy cop out too.
2's last trial is the worst part of the game.
>Forgot everything! Power of friendship brah :)
>Fuck yeah Hajime go super saiyan now this will work :)
She's gonna reek of my cock and jizz when I'm done with her.
Hopefully a lot more than those who unironically enjoyed this piece of shit game.
I thought junko coming back in 2 was kinda bullshit but they handled it fairly well, especially with hajimes rejection to it. he reachs the point where he just doesn't give a fuck
How does someone speed read this fast?
Ignoring ZTD, if you do Phi's path properly in VLR you're either bouncing in and out of it repeatedly or doing it all at once. And it's a straight line down, no puzzles just locks.
I don't know about the duration, but it definitely returned to its VN roots.
The only good part about the ending of 2 was the losing your monocoins option.
Make sure to give both a facial and creampie user, I want to lick a sticky Angie.
>V3 is the only game without any boring cases.
are you fucking serious? case 2 and 3 are fucking garbage.
Especially 2, it's fucking shit. Like DR1-tier shit.
what's the point of having a general
Kodaka already left SC. He's done with DR.
>3 is fucking garbage
The only garbage here is your taste.
who wants to post in that general
4 and 5 were the bad ones, and 4 is only bad because they spend literally half the trial figuring out something anyone with eyes can see.
the third case itself is bad, but kiyo was based
>dude le double murder with the most obvious killer since 11037
>btw I did it for the lulz
Tell me where I'm wrong. The solution to the problem is fucking retarded.
>Here we have two grim, brutal choices and you will have to choose one Haj-
>Because that's retarded Haj
>Oh, everything did go right. Just because.
Explain to me how everything just worked nice and perfectly.
DR1 cases were god-tier compared to that of V3's though.
There is nothing wrong with "speed-reading". I understand you're a gimped ADHD zoomer who can only comprehend text if it's broken up into small meme chunks with big-boobed japanese anime ladies, but I could easily finish a 500-page novel in the time it takes your retarded ass to click through a single romance line in your gay friend simulators.
>Will it be the same in this one?
V3's ending was yet another dragged out ending with "leave the conclusion up to your imagination" shit
Series should have ended with DR2
sentient AI started with DR1 and ultra despair girls has you fighting a kaiju monokuma tho
Because Hajime had his God mode self and his waifu in the shell backing him. They corrupted the program, did you pay attention?
Hajime: cringe normie
Sonia: weeb
Gundham: chuni
Kazuichi: beta orbiter
Akane: tits and food
Mikan: I’m sorry slut
Chiaki: sleepy gamer, don’t fight guys
Hiyoko: asshole
Majiru: JEEZ
Nekomaru: shit and training, turns into stupid robot
Fuyuhiko: eyepatch prick
Peko: no personality tool
Ibuki: annoying genki girl
Teruteru: rapist chef
Imposter: literal copy from the first game
Nagito: literally the only good character
tfw nobody likes UDG yet eat the rest of the shit up
>You have literally zero proof that I've committed the crime
>lmao I took a picture all along with my deus ex camera never thought I'd mention this
UDG was retarded too. And it's left ambiguous as to whether Alter ego is sentient or pretending to be.
>Because Hajime went godmode bro, didn't you see the white hair??
Jesus fucking Christ, Hajimecucks are insufferable. Hajime having all the talents doesn't mean he can just manipulate the world.
UDG was not a game that relied solely on its story. It can afford to be a bit retarded.
Holy shit how do you fucking brainlets still get this wrong?
UDG being retarded hurts the rest of the games by making the universe where they're set in dumber than it already was. And the 'gameplay' of the game was fucking terrible, If I wanted to play a third person shooter, I'd play a fucking third person shooter
It literally does in the world of DR.
I acknowledge that antagonising the playerbase was probably not the writer's intention, but any confusion over this is simply a result of poor writing. Once again, you can drop the fedoratipping act.
*buuurrrpp* its all fictional morty we're all on a tv show! just look at those real-life renders of the audience morty!!! talking about their waifus when it's life and death *buurrpp* for us!!! it doesn't matter morty, danganronpa doesn't matter, hope and despair, it's all meaningless! isn't that right, you sick fucks *buurppp* just want to watch us die!
>And the 'gameplay' of the game was fucking terrible
Why was it terrible? You seem very assertive over opinions which are not backed up by reason.
>you’re wrong
>*says the same thing but as rick from rick and morty*
Wow you sure showed him.
>NOOOOO!!! You can't insult Vee Three, it's fucking KEENO! It's the deepest ending I've ever seen since Undertale and Doki Doki Literature Club! SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP YOU BRAINLET!!!
>just look at those real-life renders of the audience morty
This is the sole reason for the confusion regarding the ending. The audience was previously portrayed in the same style as the reason of the characters, but all of a sudden they switched to real photos of real people which makes the actual audience justifiably angry as it appears that they're the ones being portrayed. The waifu references don't help at all.
>the reason of the characters
the rest of the characters*
You forgot your basedboy wojak reaction image you seething retard
1 is BY FAR the worst game in the series. Its almost not even good.
Yeah but DR1 has soul.
Sorry, meant for
Sorry, meant for
Sorry, meant for
Chiaki is still #1 waifu regardless of Kodaka's hack writing.
nagito's trial isnt the last one though
Only a real psycho would hope on his luck and kill himself in such a cruel way so 4 people can die
2's last trial was amazing you retard but 3's last trial is the worst yet
>low IQ fags still SEETHING after years
>danganromplet misses the entire point of his video games and continues to obsess over and live vicariously through fiction