multiplayer or singleplayer?
Multiplayer or singleplayer?
both faggot
Bingo-Bango-Bongo player
only good thing from that piece of shit anime
Hayasaka is best girl
the quality of people playing online has gone down the fucking shitter
too many butt hurt faggots with feelings and people who just fucking give up at the slightest hint of adversity
Singleplayer every time
I only play singleplayer and fuck off back to where you came with that shit show
Single player 95%
Multiplayer 5% which means a nice online shooter
I buy all multiplayer games digital.
Single player and fuck you jannies, you can't ban me for ever! Hahahaha
I would single player your asshole
Single player is a more relaxing and fun expereince. Playing DQ builders 2 right now, it's adorable and addictive.
playing multiplayer games like they're singleplayer
Single player with drm
>multiplayer game
>play it alone in a dark room
It's really a shame we didn't see qtmaid being qtmaid more often.
Invite your friends (me) over then.
I dont know about other anons but for me playing multiplayer games feels like I'm just wasting my time because I'm not progressing a story, on top of that, by playing multiplayer games I won't decrease the pile of games I haven't finished
>Played multiplayer for years
>Getting tiresome only casual shitter games get popular
>Totally soulless, everyone I play with or against is a 3rd world zoomer retard
>Go to speedrunning challenging old games from my childhood like metroid fusion
>Having a shitload of fun and enjoying my progress and community
Singleplayer everyday. Maybe once a year I'll play co-op too.
>Complain about online community
>Likes speedrunning community that's filled with left leaning trannies and right leaning incels who think they'll bring victory to the white race via pbs
Strictly singleplayer. I really don't care much about multiplayer games. Also, when a game series that was always a singleplayer experience receives multiplayer I get irrationally angry no matter if it's good or not.
Multiplayer fags aren't even gamers. They're just casual fags too fat or stupid to play actual sports.
I haven't played multiplayer for years, thank you valve for ruining team fortress 2.
single player
I just turned 27 and I only just realize I don't get mad at the game, it's the fucking people and how people play the game. I certainly enjoy single player games a lot more than mutliplayer since 90% of the online community just cheats or use whatever cheap tactic/exploit to win or do good. Of course I'm able to do the same like them but then I'd become part of the faggot problem and a piece of shit hypocrite.
Why must faggots feel the need to cheat,exploit, or use the cheapest fucking tactics to win in a videogame? It's a fucking videogame. This shit isn't going on your resume. I understand winning is fun, but it boggles my mind how far people are willing to go to win in an online videogame that won't matter in 4-5 months.
j-just be a metaslave, user.
Hayasaka and Kei best girls.
Singleplayer, unless we're talking about co-op multiplayer and not competitive, then co-op multiplayer.
Comp shit is a blight to everything good about video games.
She just is.
Cute Kumiko.