Anyone else feel Silent Hill is therapeutic? I have a method every time I play. Scan every nook and cranny for items, take in the scenery, and sit n listen to the music drone on for a few minutes.
Anyone else feel Silent Hill is therapeutic? I have a method every time I play. Scan every nook and cranny for items...
Other urls found in this thread:
Only Resident Evil is therapeutic. Silent Hill is Freudian nonsense. Resident Evil is fantastic Jungian science. Silent Hill is cocaine. Resident Evil is acupuncture.
I don't know, I mean, at some point after replaying them over and over, you should know where items are. Unless you're an idiot.
Sounds like both are buzzwords.
The towns are pretty big and start to blend together.
Anyone else like how they lewded her in offical artwork?
She's my wife.
probably requested to be done by Yamaoka like the good jap jew he is
I find classic survival horror in general to be surprisingly comfy. Maybe its the (urban) exploration aspect, and the fact that each room is usually designed to be unique and tell a tale of its own.
It also helps that the gameplay remains consistent throughout the games. No weird setpieces where controls and rules are changed; the things you learn during the first few minutes apply all the way to the end.
This gonna be a Silent Hill thread?
Lemme repost the latest SH PC Guide + DL links :
SH2 torrent:
>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial + bare essentials pack:
>SH2 Audio Replacement:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
All the info & links you'll ever need:
Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.
Play the games in release order, and don't play on Easy mode.
Multiple playthroughs per game is very recommended.
Lower the in-game Brightness, crank up volume.
Turning OFF flashlight helps a ton!
...Also, I wanna address some queries of the last thread here:
>So what are the benefits of playing SH2 on PC vs emulating it on my PS3?
Later PS3's emulation of 2's games sucks. SH2-4 run reasonably OK, but there are visual glitches. The "HD" Collection is still way worse; pure shit.
>fan-patches is "ghetto shit"
are you new to PC gaming ?
>when the fuck will there be a proper re-release of these games
Never, because Jewnami hates SH and video games.
Also, is it too much to ask to:
1) install the games
2) apply the patches
3) play the games ?
>Always wanted to get into the games but it looks annoying as fuck to set up.
It is all very simple actually. Something a 15yo could've done on his own a decade ago.
Still, PS2 is worth getting, but PC versions are just so handy and pretty.
If anything, Ito would be the one who requested it,
>Resident Evil is still alive
>Silent Hill is dead
There is no justice in this world. There isn't.
The links for the OSTs in FLAC are broken in the guide. Anyone got updated links?
i wouldn't call "every single game is terrible" alive
most should be here:
To be perfectly honest, I am already glad that Silent Hill is dead.
Just thinking what the modern industry would do to the poor IP ...
It would be comparable to seeing your own kid turn into Islam, then get raped and stoned the next day.
God bless u user
Can i play the PC version of SH2 using ds4windows?
Silent Hills was looking pretty solid tho
Probably. Never tried that, as I still rock good ol' DirectInput Logitech gamepad.
Most of the time I do rock with just KB+M.
Still, seeing that DualShock 3 can be made to work with them, 4 shouldn't be impossible. See that townofsilenthill site for info.
is 4 worth it? its the one i'm still missing, tried it once many years ago but felt weird, willing to give it another try
While PT was not going to be a direct presentation on how the SHS was going to play and look, it did leave a good impression.
Still, part of the reason why PT was well received, and why many folks were optimistic towards SHS, was because one helluva snowflake of a boomer was in charge of it, enabling some oldschool and targeted game designs. Majority of of today's triple-A studios are leashed fuck-dogs of publishers, who only care of maximizing profit and virtue signaling.
Yes. It was the last truly good Silent Hill game. Even if it is not quite as god-tier as SH1 or 2.
Heather's face is weird, she is kinda ugly but pretty at the same time
That's most women.
Dunno what you're smoking there.
Heather is top qtiepie16. She's just not a porcelain animu girl.
You mean P.T, though Kojima is known to overblow his statements so I bet silent hills would have ended up looking and playing pretty similar to P.T
Besides some pretty cool concepts and atmosphere, we had nothing to judge on how good of a job they would've done.
I thought the staff hates minors?
there was really no substance don't see why people rave about it so much. is it because of Kojima?
>no substance
A generic literal-who indie "game" turns out to be a legit ruse and a teaser for a new Silent Hill game. One marking the series' return to Japan and Konami's hands.
Said game's running a cutting edge game engine that looks amazing.
Kojibro's old friends with numerous Team-Silent veterans, most of who'd stated being interested on working together to make a new SH game if given a chance.
Not only that, but Junji Ito and Guillermo del Toro were confirmed to be on board with the project.
I honestly do not get how new you need to be to not realize what kind of amazing opportunity Silent Hills was for the series glorious return.
>Why You Shouldn't Play the Silent Hill HD Collection:
link broken
ty for the guide
Ive never played a Silent Hill game
You're welcome bruh! Hope you have good time with them.
>link broken
Here's the pic. A bit spoiler-ific to a degree, but nothing major.
The tl;dr is: worse graphics, worse performance, worse stability, worse audio, worse voice-acting.