Games you can't discuss on Yea Forums
Games you can't discuss on Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
What is there to discuss?
World is great with neat lore
Gameplay is fucking garbage mash A shit
There, thats the entire game discussed.
You immediately get called a furry for just mentioning it and the thread derails.
I uploaded one of the books on sadpanda
If anyone else got the digital version please upload them too
Fucking fur fag
>the main character is a furry who gets the power to stop being a furry
This game is wish fulfilment for the disappointed parents of furries.
any game with furryshit in it you can't discuss, even if its good
Is AoE II allowed to be discussed properly again?
Banjo and Kazooie threads are perfectly fine
I miss GF now. He was such a staple in the old threads.
>japanese furryshit games
fixed now
Was Overgrowth even any good in the end?
イフ ! イフ !
Shit man after making that post I had to google it, didn't even know it was released. Might pirate it just to check how it was, I enjoyed the tech demos.
Time for the make or break question:
Chocolat, Elh, Opera, Merveille or the sisters?
Doesn't matter, it's HERESY.
It wasn't before?
You're saying that the front guy of the African Kingdoms expansion didn't almost completely destroy discussion via its /int/ + /pol/ meme status?
They're all pretty cute, but that picture of Alicia in a fancy dress was adorable.
you are definitely a furry if you care about that game
Didn't really notice that, no.
>"you're definitely a furry if you watch Meltantei Holmes!"
Retard mongoloid.
anyone that isnt Terria or Merveille
Hahaha no. Finished in hardmode just by jumping and dropkick everyone.
wasnt there supposed to be a sequel?
also the ost is pretty nice, as expected since the same ones did .hack
You act like porn doesn't get posted regardless
I mean there's another game coming out next year in the same universe
Solatorobo is technically sequel to Tail Concerto anyway
>not Pokemon XD
Apparently FFXIV because the WoW janny gets his knickers in a bunch
i kinda regret just to peek this thread.
I remember people talking positively about Dust: An Elysian Tale
There is something coming, not exactly a sequel though, instead a game in the same world of Solatorobo and Tails Concerto.
The game is Fuga... and I still dont know how to feel about it:
It's been a while since it released, so it's likely subsided by now. But back probably even last year or before that, you couldn't really use anything with AoE plastered on the front (even the original cover) if you actually wanted to talk about the game and not be a memeing fuck, so Yea Forumsirgins had to be subtle and use something like units or buildings from the games to get a proper thread going.
who cares, the old GR3 was abolished and /Yea Forums(nel)?\.org/ is officially furry territory now
I just look up the name, is Fuga... I keep forggeting this series is called Little Tail Bronx.
there is also come kind of rescure Puppy in Solatorobo that's suppose to be from disaster preventions adds or something in Japan. Not sure if he is just a cameo or if he has official ties with Cyperconnet.
Also a CC2 character
Crash Team Racing for some reason. Jannies just hate it but love smash threads.
pretty sure he was the protagonist of the exclusive jap app LTB game
>the dlc came out 4 years ago
Dammit user stop making me feel like an oldfag
i trust the worldbuilding would be on point, but i hope the gameplay would be improved (there was mech customization but it was too easy/simple still)
>game releases
>something about the game invites sheer shitposting, /pol/ shit or memes that its almost impossible to get a good discussion going until years later when everyone doesnt care anymore or theyve moved on to the next thing to shitpost
shitty feeling, but its like a diamond in the rough when a proper thread actually gets going
go back
I honestly was not aware that there were new in regards Fuga. I hope they make a good job, I think I may even try a first run of taking responsibility from my mistakes, before trying a perfect happy ending run... though that idea of having such an ending seems to be against the whole premise. I wouldn't complain though.
kemololi is extremely cute
I felt like a poser for only playng the LTB games
Then I beat IMOQ and fucking loved it and Im almost done with GU
Elk is best boy, and fucking RIP Mia
Trilogy of Vengeance looks like vaporware.
I fear that Ogre Gate and Cecile may get cancel at any minute now, but at least they seem to be trying to get Fuga done.
>Pic related isn’t even out
>Yet threads about it are filled with shitposting.
I wonder how big the shitstorm will be once it releases.
Depends of the reviews and public reception outside of Yea Forums. The biggest it gets outside, the worst it would be around here.
On that line of thought, I don't think shitposters would ever let it down on fucking with Monster Hunter threads for a good while. Even with that one faggot who also did EGS shilling getting exposed, in the long term it's going to be non-stop console wars nobody else wants for the time being.
can't discuss solatorobo because furfags
can't discuss star fox because furfags
can't discuss monster hunter because furfags
can't discuss shadowbringers because furfags
can't discuss digimon because furfags
see the pattern? what the fuck was the point of creating /trash/ fucking jannies and mods should do their fucking job pushing whats an obvious derail or off topic including a flagrant fanboyism thread to Yea Forums or /trash/ or delete them instead of letting them reach bump limit, you think they will be satisfied for having a long thread? fuck no, they will continue creating more and that's why they are stuck here now because useless mods can't do their job right
>can't discuss shadowbringers because furfags
There’s a thread up right now that’s fine. A lot of these threads are filled with people discussing the game. Until avatar fags from /xivg/ show their ugly heads.
>can't discuss digimon because furfags.
This isn’t true, it’s because of console war goblins and sweaty tribalistic ogres. See Don’t know much about the others though.
GR#3 was actually changed sometime, wonder when though. Also I'll take furries in MH threads over same drivel repeated since release.
starfox because a bunch of furfaggots start yiffing 2 posts in.