Mega Man Legends

Can anyone fucking explain to me why we didn't get a 3rd game?
>screams of charm and passion from the developers
>tons of original character and robot designs
>pretty much invented the 3D metroidvania
>big colorful world all rendered in 3D
>hundreds of NPCs that all change dialogue depending on where you are in the story
>that fucking music:

Can someone explain to me how canceling this series grand conclusion wasn't the dumbest idea that has ever been made in gaming?

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Because the project was pretty much half baked from the start and the 3DS was flopping at the time.

Legends sold poorly, same reason we never got mother 4.

maybe they should make a legends collection for the switch audience, everyone buts it, capcom sees theres interest, bada bing, bada boom.

So why not make it now? The original dev is still foaming at the mouth over making a last entry and it would be a perfect final-nail-in-the-coffin thing for this console gen (maybe even PCfags could get to partake).

>we will never have a 3rd game in which Rock enters Trigger mode
>no more Tron

Why even live?

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In fairness, why would they?

Both 1 and 2 were stupidly predictable games, with very mediocre controls and generic world. It was impressive tech for it's time, sure, but the games weren't particularly fun or good. Only nostalgia leads you to believe otherwise.

The only reason 2 even exists is because it was half-done by the time 1 came out.

Capcom went through a lot of shit after Inafune left. They had a solid 6 year stint where almost everything they made sucked, honestly it's probably better off it was canceled as the game would have been half baked shit. Only in the past year or two have they gotten their act back together.

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Bad timing when they started working on the 3rd one.

I played them recently and they were pretty amazing, one of the comfiest and soulful games ive played. Feel like good anime movies from 90s. Controls are not the best but it’s the best they could’ve done

>Only in the past year or two have they gotten their act back together.
Yes, just look at the new Mega M-...

Mega Man 11 was good though.

>Both 1 and 2 were stupidly predictable games
What does this even mean
>generic world
Oh never mind you're just having a giggle

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>pretty much invented the 3D metroidvania
no, powerslave did it first and better.

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Is Misadventures of Tron Bonne good?

I didn’t like it. Those mini missions were lame and boring.

cute and funny game. nothing to go crazy over. if you want more mega man legends play threads of fate and tail concerto.

Threads of fate is amazing. Is dark cloud similar? I played gurumin on psp that felt kinds similar in atmosphere as well. Adtually 3d zeldas remind me of that as well.

Just make it an anime or something
trying to actually play those games would ruin anyones day

After the Zero series, the Megaman franchise realized they could never top the absolute wonder of kino and beauty that was the Zero series, ESPECIALLY Z3. So they quit while they were ahead.

>Is dark cloud similar

Weird, people were recommending me when i mentioned megman, they also recommended me threads of fate, solatorobo and tail concerto and something else. Maybe they meant the second game?

Brave fencer musashi probably. Oh and napple tale.

>napple tale
Wow, looks pretty nice. I like that sort of easygoing atmosphere despite plot being kinda serious while world around it is not, except for the challenge and fights

Capcom decided they wanted to be the EA of Japan and scrapped everything they couldnt turn into some sort of casual action game (SF4, RE). Megaman is a relic of the 80s and doesnt fit anymore into the modern gaming landscape, and Capcom lacks the brainpower to think of a way to rework him to make him viable like Crash did.

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>like Crash
What exactly the fuck? Crash did nothing but slap on some new graphics and shit out a remake. Mind you it was more than anything Capcom could come up with, but don't pretend for a nanosecond that Crash is some brilliant symbol of a clean resurrection.

Crash didnt really have to do anything because even amongst platformers Crash has a unique style and the market for platformers is pretty much nonexistent besides the usual mario release. Also pretty much everyone who grew up with a PS1 remembers crash fondly so he had an easy time squeezing back into the limelight.

Meanwhile Megaman has just been in one clumsy appearance after another, also he has to compete with the literal swarm of 2D action platformers that inundate the indie scene and have improved its formula for decades now. Shovel Knight blows every megaman platformer out of the water effortlessly, and Capcom just does not have the mental faculties to improve megaman anywhere close to that level.

There was a fallout with Inafune and the 3DS wasn't looking so hot, until Pokemon XY was released

>3DS wasn't looking so hot
Everyone kinda forgets this. 3DS' first year was rough as shit. But yeah, even Inafune himself knew the project was toast the moment he left but he couldn't stand being there anymore. Capcom bled a shitload of talent through the 00s

Oh look a brainlet trying to sound smart by throwing random buzzwords like "generic" at a great game

> he has to compete with the literal swarm of 2D action platformers that inundate the indie scene and have improved its formula for decades now.
Lets be honest, indie devs don't know how to make a good platformer.
>Shovel Knight blows every megaman platformer out of the water
okay, you just never played a mega man game.

Inafune was pretty much responsible for capcom being a disaster for nearly a decade.

Kino ps1 games damn i had good taste as a kid

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Why are you black?

Mobile gaming hit the handheld market hard. I thought it was going to be an end to a era for the handheld market.

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Half that they didn't sell well, and half that the Legends series was Inafune's passion project by his own admission. Once he left Capcom there was no reason for them to churn out a third.

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What will it be Yea Forums?

Fuck, this widescreen hack isn't nearly as compatible as it claims to be...

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Turn those disgusting filters off what the hell is wrong with you

really bad timing, fallout with inafune, bad blood at capcom
compared to today, those were dark times, capcom somewhat recovered (for now anyway)

I wish the PSP versions got translated, not just for better performance and all but also because they would basically be widescreening the game more properly.

I do enjoy experimenting with the filtering options, but I agree that one is a little on the aggressive side.

Yeah me too, although the hack works great for 90% of the situations, it always sucks when you run into the last 10%.

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>Inafune was pretty much responsible for capcom being a disaster for nearly a decade.
This meme again. Inafune did the best he could but executive meddling was at a ridiculous high point. He didn't make Capcom shit, Capcom was pulling a Konami and most of their actual talent bailed.
Or do you think it's just a fluke that the guy responsible for Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Onimusha, and Megaman X quits at the same time that suddenly all of Capcom's releases are garbage? And continued to be garbage for years afterward, most of which were never even touched by him?

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They have completely fucked music. It's not even remotely in sync

>casual action game

I dunno. SF4 and MvC3 is pretty much when Capcom finally started pulling themselves out of the fucking gutter

inafune was responsible for ninja gaiden z and mghty no 9 after he left capcom. fuck off your bullshit shilling for con man

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There was a huge mixup with one of the voice actors (Tiesel) that I won't get into but there's that, the sales weren't very good nor was the reception at the time because everyone wanted their 2d Megaman, not open to change.
Playstation 1 was dying out by the time 2 came out too so there's that. It had a lot against it and Capcom should have marketed it a bit better. It was an amazing franchise that should have had a final installment and Inafune was pushing hard for that but money talks more than passion does.

>smiles you could not protect

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He was also responsible for Soul Sacrifice at the same time. I know you've got some kind of hate boner going on but the dude made like 90% gold.

Why did you remind me user?

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You people are aware that he was a producer, right? He didn't MAKE anything.

MN9 was a PR disaster but the game itself didn't look half-bad. Of course, knowing that Inticreates are absolutely shit at making video games, I might have to go back to look at the footage and revise my opinion

Delete this.

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Legends sold poorly
Inafune shitting things up
Teasel VA got arrested for child molester

MML2 flopped so hard that Capcom tried to forget about it for over a decade

Do some research you dumbass. He created the concepts and character designs for most of the games named in those posts.

>nope this isn't megaman
is the reason .

>Teasel VA got arrested for child molester
I bet the blue boy was behind this.

Why are you brown.

>He TOOK CREDIT FOR the concepts and character designs for most of the games named in those posts.

this and supposedly Crapcom wanted a lot of people to sign this petition for them to have the incentive to get to work. Because only a hundred thousand signed it, they shelved it. They also shelved Megaman Universe. This was a the time when Capcom was acting like s cunt and the creator of Megaman left the company. I'm not going to even begin the whole Mighty No. 9 fiasco.

I took them a decade and a half to get the games on PSN in the west so by the time it was in the stores, the people who loved this game were already adults. They had chances to bring this franchise back over the next decade. They had that shot to release Rockman Dash on PSP to the West, they didn't. That would have probably reignited interest. This is what happens when you keep games from the rest of the world.

Capcom will probably bring this back though. They have been listening to fans and have proven to do some good when fans ask. Maybe we will see a MML3 in the incoming decade. Who knows?

>capcom sees theres interest
Capcom NEVER acknowledges interest.

I kinda like that filter, is it available on handheld emulators?

there would need to be a Remaster of 1 and 2 first before 3 is even considered.

It's not 10/10 GOAT material but it's a perfectly serviceable game. People just got hilariously stupid on the hype for some reason

>but the games weren't particularly fun or good.
Ignoring your obviously shit taste did it ever occur to you that they could be improved?

What are you some kind of conspiracy nut

You know, I've been playing Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter lately, and I noticed it seems to have like the exact same graphics engine as the Legends games. Same anime face texture over large sharp edged polygon, same two frame texture editing to represent speech and everything. Can anyone confirm?

It's xBR and it's available on RetroArch through the Mednafen hardware core. I'm not sure if that's functional on anything but PC, but I agree it looks pretty neat.

xBR is sometimes a little on the aggressive side though, but SABR is a tad more

Oh and the vertex hack sometimes fucks a little with the UI, but it's only a pixel or two.

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He's fucking gold in anything I've ever seen of him god damn did he fuck his career even if he avoided PMITA prison

>Megaman Universe
I wonder if they're kicking themselves considering how well-received Mario Maker has been

>and the creator of Megaman left the company.
Kitamura retired long before that mess.

Tiesel Bonne's voice actor is a convicted pedophile rapist

Do you know how much of a low IQ, pretentious moron you sound like when you tell someone why they want or like something?

Looks nice indeed, why the fuck is that health bar so fucked up tho, is it because of filters? Weird. Yeah, i have a hacked psp and vita (3ds as well but i doubt it will work there, and i thnking of selling my vita), i also have retroarch on my ipad.

Nah, as I (poorly) explained in my post it's mostly due to a vertex hack that prevents PS1 polygons from jittering. If you remember, the PS1 had a real problem with keeping certain 3D models in specific locations thanks to some funky hardware.

This hack fixes that, but in return it can fuck with the UI (static 2D overlay sprites) a little.

He's using a hack that fixes modeling. See pic. It sometimes messes with hud-elements.

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Yeah, i get it, ps1 is weird indeed with all the jittery animationgs. What’s that game, golden sun or something? With the blonde girl.

Doesn't really look like it to me. There's anecdotes out there about DR and LP both serving as potential next-gen DASH 3 demos and I'd say LP1 definitely has a similar feel

That¨s Chrono Cross. A solid turn-based JRPG from the PS1-era. Known for having a ton of those rendering problems.

Fuck, i’m not into jrpgs but chrono cross screenshots look so amazing, it’s really artsy and has nice graphics for a ps1 game, just look at that.

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*turn based jrpgs, i like action jrpgs

Chrono Cross has an excellent art style and soundtrack, but as an actual RPG itself it's always been controversial, and not just because Squaresoft forced it to be billed as a direct sequel to Chrono Trigger.

Is it boring or what. I barely finished any turn based chess rpg, cause i got bored halfway through

megaman 11 is a good game. i don’t know what to tell you user

basically the plot borders on almost nonsensical at certain points, characters in the late to end game do massive exposition dumps, complete with at least one boss fight that will probably wipe you and force you to go through all of it again. the game took a steaming dump all over Trigger. and for all the effort of 45 playable party members, only a handful actually get sidequests or character arcs and then just exist to fluff the roster in a game asking you to replay it multiple times to see everything.

it's kind of a chore of a game and not really well-designed.

MML3 woulda been fun.

I imagine the first part of the game you'd be playing as "Not Proto-Man" and got to Kamen Rider kick enemies in the face. I am still salty we won't get more Tron.

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Honestly, 3 didn't really look all that promising from what little we saw from the demo. I doubt it would have done the series justice.

Well, that’s what i was afraid of. I beat threads of fate, legend of mana, vagrant story, ff tactics, parasite eve/2 on ps1 as far as ps1 rpgs beaten my me go, but those are barely rpgs. Couldn’t finish any final fantasy, xenogears, dragoon, breath of fire either.

FF Tactics is just a regular Final Fantasy game with grid movement, though, it's the same battle system but with more padding

I for one replay the entire series every 2-3 years. Shit's max comf.

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delet this my heart can't take it

Is it wrong to want to fuck Geo?

It wasn't right... what they did to him.

Man what a shitty PR guy.

this is why retards should never handle twitter for big companies, especially seeing as capcom UK had nothing to do with any of this but threw gasoline onto the fire due to one retard.

You forgot the rest of the tweet:
>"We base this on a console that isn't selling well for a demo that fans didn't BUY because we didn't release it to the public and a petition no one's heard of because I'm shit at my job."

She will never have her wrench fixed and she will never finish that rocket. Roll Casket is doomed to never smile again.

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You will NEVER post this again, you hear me? NEVER.

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>The only reason 2 even exists is because it was half-done by the time 1 came out.
Misadventures of Tron bonne says hi

That game was nothing but an attempt to salvage what little could be salvaged of the otherwise phenomenal art-assets. Say what you want about the MML games but those were some amazing textures for the PS1.

Hell will freeze over a million times before I ever forgive Shitcom for this betrayal. Until MML3 is released I will never even entertain giving them another dime.

May The Blue Spirit forever haunt your stocks or until this wrong is righted.

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I don't even understand why people want Legends 3 so badly. The story was pretty much over by 2. There's nothing interesting left to say

Now you ruined my day you cunt.

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Not him, but I don't think people got "enough" of the world. Every character brimmed with charm and personality and the lore behind the world was a lot deeper than pretty much the entirety of the MM and MMX worlds.

The game really nailed the atmosphere too. Happy-go-lucky in one moment ( to ominous and dark the next ( It's rare to do it THAT well.

>Can anyone fucking explain to me why we didn't get a 3rd game?
because crapcom is clueless and out of touch.

>[soul stops]

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Except the part where Volnutt is stuck on the moon and all those reaverbots started waking up.

>The story was pretty much over by 2. There's nothing interesting left to say
The protagonist was literally stuck on the moon with the plot emphasizing they still needed to get him down, and just because Volnutt settled a fight with Sera didn't mean much for the grand scheme of things in the world given that the Reaverbots and dangerous ancient tech as well as other remnants of Elysium could potentially cause no small amounts of hell on the world.

Because Infaune is kind of a hack but also Gen 7 Capcom was pants on head retarded most of the time. They aren't 100% back now but they've at least been putting out some decent stuff

Who cares? He'll be fine. Reaverbots have never been hard to kill and Data is up there with him anyway. And besides, that whole concept doesn't sound particularly interesting as a story. We know who Trigger is, his backstory, the whole mythos behind the world now. Both games had a story they were clearly trying to tell and it finished very conclusively in 2. Trigger's escape from the moon is not part of that story, it's a postscript at most

Mega man 11 is really good

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never got to play MML2. Is it worth it?

Step down from the first game, generally, but still decent. Everything about it feels way too abrupt though, you never spend enough time with any set of characters or location to really get to know anything well

Plays better than the first game to the point that lock-ons actually work, and there's essentially only one really shitty area due to being an underwater dungeon that runs like molasses. But in streamlining the gameplay and making the dungeons more like a Zelda for babies, it lost a lot of the personality of the first game. Still worth a shot if you don't mind PS1 third person shooters / platformers.

Buzz Lightyear Fused with Kakashi

>handles better
>it's more mml

>worse dungeons and hubs
>no interconnectivity because it's a bunch of tiny islands instead of one huge one to explore
>worse subweapons

It's a step down but it's still a lovely game.

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Feels weird that this was 8 years ago.


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Shit bait, m8
quit fucking up every legends thread with your contrarian bullshit

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>2 was half done by the time 1 came out
>no source
>tron bonne was an attempt to salvage something or other
>no source
quit pulling shit out of your ass

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>generic world
Name ONE (1) games that looks like mml

I like to believe the dungeons were going to have a deeper level and be connected by a subterranean rail system under the ocean.
Thats what I want to believe anyway.

All I want is a Windwaker-esque game but on sea AND air in the Legends world. I'd prefer it to be something huge and we just wander around and dungeon delve uncovering secrets and then having sex with Roll and Tron.

Dark Cloud 2
Steambot Chronicles
Zone of the Enders 2

1 not too much, but 2 looked nice. There's far better looking games but the creativity in asset design elevated the legends games.

Capcom is full of greedy merchants

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>Will spend the rest of his life on Elysium, breeding with two cuties
He's living the dream

Why are you so against Legends 3?

i can just imagine roll and tron rescuing him and finding yuna in roll's mother's body pregnant and sera tamed by the Mega D

>we're doomed to never get an version of legends 3, even a fan made version

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hell yes
The gameplay and is a billion times better than MML1's
It's a more serious in tone though, and because of that lacks some of the charm of MML1.

>15 fucking years pass irl and they finally finish it
>Roll makes it to the moon to save Megaman
>she walks in on him fucking them both
>he tells her he is staying and she wasted her time
>they all laugh at her

Monster Hunter World and its expansion prove that they understand there's an insanely profitable market for PC games, and they'll probably continue to make PC versions of MonHuns.

There's no reason the same can't be said for other observations of the market.

>all games that came out after MML

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>meaning by default that they look like Megaman Legends and not the other way around

Monster hunter is the only thing capcom makes consistently nowadays. It's like they don't care about anything else other than pushing out the newest "final" version of whatever the latest Street Fighter is. They're almost as bad as Konami is about sitting on IPs and DMC5 and MM11 are exceptions that prove the rule given how long it was since the last entries in their respective series.

>meaning that MML had a unique style back then that's inspired tons of games afterwards and therefore can't be called generic

It can't be called unique either

Can you name an earlier 3D TPS?

Name a game that came before legends that had that art style.

Something is only generic if it copies from or has the same art style as anything else that came out before it

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can we give praise to the most kino robot design in the entire megaman franchise?

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