Monster Hunter world Sales 13 million.
Monster Hunter world Sales 13 million.
Other urls found in this thread:
$5 when
I can understand if you don't like World cus it "doesn't do justice". Like I don't agree, but sure, whatever. I dunno what kind of faggot you got to be to dislike world but somehow praising XX. XX is literally the zoomers paradise of MonHun.
there is nothing wrong with xx
nothing wrong with World either but people act like its DmC
Name literally one game.which wouldn't sell much more by going multi plat you obsessed freak
>OP didnt said a thing about multiplat or exclusives
>nintendo/sony baby instantly goes out crying like a redditor while writing as one
Go home Faggot
Also a reminder that Capcom is bringing back all seasonal celebrations one week after another starting July 26th.
I don't want to play devil's advocate here but the game is almost constantly at 50-60% off and sold across three systems.
Official MHW powerlevel list
>Zorah Magdaros
>Kushala Daora
>The irrelevant rest
Objective MH tier list 6.0. Toddlers need not reply.
God tier:
Good tier:
Okay tier:
Overrated garbage tier:
>he plays world
Yikes! might as well just commit suicide
I'd put Xeno above nergigante and bagel under kushala
Why do these shitposts not get removed but criticism of the game does?
>MHW thread about sales and/or nintendo
must be a really great game if there's nothing to talk about
Most current flaw list, you can add to it, post it, share it, just discuss what you agree or disagree with.
It's p much on point now.
Let's hope Capcom fixes some of it.
Talking about an event that gives free items is not a shitpost, spamming tne same list over and over is.
based listchad dabbing on jannies
>tfw remembering when nintenbabies were saying shipped did not equal sales
absolute cope
>Why [unreleased game] sucks
Is this the mental illness of the Nintenfag?
>never played a monster hunter game
>heard world is fun for people new to the franchise
>bought it over summer sales
>90 hours in and haven't fought all the monsters yet
>having fun playing with friends and learning about all the cool monsters in the other games
>meet the community
Now I barely want to play monster hunter games because of all you reddit and Yea Forums autist
nice, that's gonna be my third attack jewel
Good. Fuck off Worldbabby.
Go back
I hate this deco system.
I have the best gear and the best longsword with the best gems in the game. How easy will Iceborne be?
Rich coming from a Tribabby.
My seconds. This drop rates worst that any ftp chinise mmo shit.
Stay mad faggots
Too bad the game is casual trash and even diehard MH fans were sick of it after a month.
Actually, since PS4 owners don't buy Japanese games and PC players only pirate, MHW will sell maximum 1 million copies.
Then Capcom will BEG Nintendo to make MH exclusive again.
did you miss the witcher's one?
All of it will be immediately outclassed by Master Rank Great Jagras armor, and new dual skill decos. It’s all gonna be about the endless grind for Attack+2/Razor Sharp decos or something.
Its the 3rd attack deco they gift you retard
I played since FU and I love the game. Wish it had more content but it's to be expected for a brand new gen game. Hopefully Iceborne will correct the content concern. Also the 240pds is the worst system ever created you binging piece of shit
What was the second?
One you get from progressing far enough into the game
Another one when you save Pukei Pukei in the Witcher Collaboration
Third one on the 25th
Uh, you okay dude?
Now if only they’d give me an Ironwall deco.
so why do ppl dislike world? legit question
It's not as autistic as previous MH titles.
Because they can't be elitist contrarians anymore.
What went so wrong switchbros
It was 50% only during the most recent summer sale and that's the lowest it's ever been.
It removed the jank so spergs can’t be contrarian about it anymore since it’s actually playable
The weapon designs are absolute garbage
i just refunded it after 120 minutes, games nothing but a walk and grind fest...? not exactly sure how it's "fun" but i do appreciate how pretty it is while you commit genocide on local fauna
Freedom Unite babies blown the fuck out.
World is the KING of this franchise.
>Started playing two days ago
>Didn't die once, think i'm hot shit
>Get to Diablos and get fucked for 4 straight fights
>Barely beat him
>Rathalos next
Am I fucked, lads
FUfags legitimately believe their casualfest handheld garbage game was the peak of the franchise so they constantly attempt to tear down all the games that came after it.
Better controls and graphics.
That means SOULLESS for them.Watch them seethe.
Resetera users that love freedumb unite are always shitposting out of anger that no one cares about their game.
upgrade your gear
but the Radoban is a fucking jobber
I killed so many of them I don't know why
Currently, I'm getting my shit fucked by Kirin and Sakura Rathian
>low rank
thats me but now that I reached Expert. I'm now having trouble with every fight. I think I have decent expert crafted armor, though I'm not sure for weapons, I crafted a Zorah longsword and GS and then a MK2 Anjanath LS and GS. I didn't even touched much of the amulet or other mechanics
Why do you think it's on the bottom of the list dumbass? Even odogoron the jobber can beat Radobon
>Zoomers paradise
It's harder than world tho...
Fuck dude, worldbabs were literally getting filtered by great maccao
ahahah, how assblasted are you?
Fuck off. FU is gameFAQscore.
>every criticism is met with "BING" and console warring faggotry
>can't even tell if they're falseflags anymore
>Thread don't even start with baits anymore
>vg thread is just full of Worldfaggots deciding on an official blacklist for online lobbies
>ship vs sold arguments
>Worldfaggots and GUfaggots actually arguing which of their games are less casual
>people are actually confirming returning monster from a picture of fucking cookies
>"TFW no MH on Vita" guy no longer here
Take me back to when 4U came out, lads.
1. console warriors
2. long standing franchise that changed shit
3. launch was pretty lacking in content
About it.
littered, intrusive, obnoxious maps with tiny areas
some weapons have completely changed their playstyle from classic
addition of unnecessary extra animations on weapon charges, dodges out of combos then the massive hitstop
hub is pure fucking trash and it still has no option to load into Gathering Hub from start
Switch owners
I'm downloading the game after not playing since I finished it at launch. Is there anything else to hunt besides DevilJho? I think the last tempered monster I slayed was Kirin or the flying wind faggot. Not sure.
That's weird because the ps4 version alone outsold the exclusive games
Lunastra gives me the most trouble.
Hammerbro / GL user here
>>every criticism is met with "BING" and console warring faggotry
Give legit criticism then because just saying it's bad isn't legit
>>can't even tell if they're falseflags anymore
>>Thread don't even start with baits anymore
>>vg thread is just full of Worldfaggots deciding on an official blacklist for online lobbies
>>ship vs sold arguments
>>Worldfaggots and GUfaggots actually arguing which of their games are less casual
>>people are actually confirming returning monster from a picture of fucking cookies
>>"TFW no MH on Vita" guy no longer here
>Take me back to when 4U came out, lads.
This game worth playing solo? Does multiplayer work in the way that I can just find random players and help them fight monsters?
Yes and Yes.
Weapon designs are shit and movesets are overpowered.
You are just playing the tutorial mate
Those days have passed, user. The community here is dying. I've accepted it and so should you
Thats the idea, the game is perfect for lonefags. Just play solo if you feel like it and ask for help or help others if you feel like it. There are probably 2 or 3 endgame monsters youll need help of others to beat unless you are a hardcore autist
appreciate it, was interested in this game for a while
I prefer going solo. However groups can be good for making grinding faster.
You can solo 99% of the game. You can hop into multiplayer whenever you want and with no fuss, you'll barely talk to anyone during a hunt. keep in mind most of the endgame monsters are easier solo because they have a smaller Health pool and you can control your limited deaths instead of relying on randoms
>Getting filtered by Great Macao
Stop pushing that meme around. You are probably the same binger that uses that lie to propagate that World is the easiest in the series. I’ve played since Tri and Gen is not much harder than MHW, if at all. Also, adept makes that game fucking piss easy.
Pure cancer, take me back to the FU and Tri days
The game doesn't become harder than this since experience off-sets the difficulty of harder monsters. If anything it becomes easier with time despite the spike in difficulty.
But could any of them beat Fatalis Blanco?
The game is hardest at Anjanath/That red wolf. After that you figure out the crafting and gameplay and it becomes easy. And that's when the game becomes fun IMO.
Some people genuinely think that outdated design decisions made the older games better because they're nostalgia drunk retards.
Remember, fun is a non dodge cancellable directionally locked five minute combo.
I hope iceborne uncucks gathering hub, literally only used for Arena, Behemoth and Kulve
You can just matchmake and finish without ever interacting with the 3 other players at all for every other type of quest.
This is lore powerlevel not difficulty dumbass. Get reading comprehension.
No because Fatalis Blanco is the most powerful monster of the main series. However Raviente Calvo could give Fatalis Blanco a challenge.
REAL criticisms binghead
I'm sure they will make the World series eventually even better than any other Monster Hunter in every regard. I'm just glad we will never have handheld limitations and shitty handheld controls ever again.
Oh fucking finally a second attack jewel, now I only need to get one more.
I could never tolerate playing MHFU today. And that's not even mentioning its chink MMO-tier grind. But just how slow and cumbersome the gameplay was.
It already is better than other MHs bingy
You get one from the start, one from reaching HR, one from completing the side quests in the Witcher collab and this one. So it's 4 total at minimum (maybe i'm wrong about the "one from the start" which means you get 3 at minimum anyway)
I said in every regard, retard.
new bad
old good
Yea Forums is resetera lite
must have opinions against the current
Is the Witcher collab over?
Why one more?
>caring about jewels when iceborn is going to replace all of them with something better
Man I can't wait for the Iceborne grind. Shame PC version is so far away.
No no it's permanently there (the base mission with the base Leshen). You just unlock it at a certain point in the story dont remember exactly when and it stays there forever for your convenience
kinda glad pc iceborne comes out later since wow classic is so close to ps4 release