Can we finally agree that the lions are a success?
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Mods ruined this game for me since I only fapped to my character.
Now I'm a potato so I will never get the urge again.
that's one sexy lion
Just you wait, user. This game gave me a popoto fetish. It wont be long till you wanna bone these portable onaholes.
sure, i got my cunny bunny, who am I to shit on people getting their baracats?
I wanted buff female lion women
add girl lions please
i want huge lioness women it's all i live for
Why didn't she die bros, it hurts
Fuck off fag
I mean there's mods to make potatoes look a little more like harvin.
>Can barely reverse engineer Allagan technology
>Biggs' descendant
>Fucking combines Alexander and Omega technology despite the fact that the world was completely fucked
Why is Cid so shit?
>clear for friend, french
>know strat help friend, french
>kill, no doubles (locked 'meta' comp), french
>clear for friend, french
Its all so tiresome.
Cid was never the best engineer. He got his fame purely from being Midas's son. Nero is the superior engineer. He carried the team through Omega entirely himself. He invented anti-gravity, a magitek paintbrush, he reverse-engineered Omega's programming enough to be able to read its data, he invented power armor that teleports across time and space, he restored the Ultima Weapon. I guarantee you Nero wrote the initial designs for the Tycoon too.
>playing on Chaos
for what purpose?
I was left behind during the EU DC split as I wasn't actively playing then.
I havent seen a single Hrothgar for a week.
Honeymoon period is over and its clear Viera were the most popular race.
They are okay i guess.
Most of them are pretty gay though.
do people realize how good AST is in a controlled raiding environment already?
Please, please for the love of the Twelve post some lala feets
This game lacks content. Why does the suggestion always come straight to "Play something else", instead of constructively considering, that maybe after all these years the formula is getting a bit stale. Maybe its time to add something more. The game isn't the same as it was since ARR and shouldn't confined to being as such.
It's fucking same on Light.
There's no escape from bad frogs and krauts no matter which DC you choose
I lack any screenshots with feet. I mostly save ones where a Lalaslut is showing off her tummy. Sorry, user.
Sadly, every time they try something new, they end up fucking it up one way or another. Diadem was a flop, it took until the third part for Eureka for it to even approach being decent, Rival Wings is basically dead and the less said about BLU, the better.
Yeah, ronso are pretty cool.
There's still so many fucking cats though. I'm pretty sure most vieras fantasia'd right back.
No because everyone gave up after having to rescue a shit DNC into Earthly Star for the 100th time
And pretty dead lmao
Not enough cid porn
I'm angry
>expecting people to complain about the right things
I still can’t believe people think AST healing potencies and new healing skills are bad. Literally my only problem with AST is the new card system.
As far as ACTUAL healing goes, AST actually is my favorite
Have fun, user
>Work Cuck
>On my phone
>Boomer Lady Coworker: Hahah user i bet you're talking to the ladies
>Me: Hahaha yeah
>Tfw I'm just organizing my items on the companion app and a faggot
>their is no endgame content
>no headgear for viera und furry fag lions
>viera got ugly legs
b-but the "good" s-story
I am sexually attracted to tubers.
>companion app
Yeah you're definitely a faggot
>I'm pretty sure most vieras fantasia'd right back.
because viera all have resting bitch face and it looks bad in the cutscenes.
they're great
That's not a surprise to anyone who isn't a fucking secondary and actually played FF12
Love how mine looks desu and probably wont ever fantasia back.
Post examples.
I don't want to log in.
The biggest issues with AST are: Yes cards are shite, you have MP issues and can't res very much, and your best healing skill requires people to stack.
Potencies are fine, cards just suck and you can't babysit shitters easily
>your best healing skill requires people to stack
That shouldn't be an issue in a static where people should already be stacking as much as possible anyway.
>I still can’t believe people think AST healing potencies and new healing skills are bad
Are you kidding? First of all they lost their sect bonuses for healing potencies so they're outright 15-20% weaker than before. Then they get shit like what Celestial Opposition was shat out as, making it an absolutely worthless OCGD heal with a big cooldown. They have the worst "sustained AoE field" heal still since they're pinned in place with nothing new while Asylum was made a bit better and Sacred Soil was made the best.
Earthly star was nerfed, Horoscope is wonky, Divination's cooldown is too long for its buff, and Combust 3 is weaker than Combust 2 used to be.
Oh it's not bad.
Still largely keeps the potato body shape.
I prefer default proportions but that is pretty sexy too and I might fuck around with it.
>Started playing AST because I liked managing cards on the fly and getting to decide if I wanted to make it a buff for the next card, or to use it for a player
>Completely gut the system and ruin the flavor for me
>Love playing DRK in HW
>Stormblood removed some aspects and made it less fun, but ShB full on turned the class into pants-on-head retarded proof without getting rid of ACTUAL issues the job had (inb4 assholes say Dark Arts spam is somehow worse than just turning DRK into a wannabe WAR)
At least Gunbreaker is fun for now, but playing under lvl70 is a fucking chore.
Do you think he'll show up in future MSQ?
It's silly that they don't get their AoE Cartridge attack until 72 so all those cartridges you get in dungeons doing shit until then are wasted
I just burn one guy down with Continuation, no reason not to.
>Run Dun Scaith as a SCH
>All the DPS spread out so whenever we get hit with an AoE my heals don't hit everybody so I have to spend time instead of focusing on the tank to heal their asses
>Nobody gets under the shield bubble for the big hits
>We wipe multiple times and somehow shart out a win
Why are people so bad at this game?
I'm just more upset that Gnashing Claw combo is shit without the additional ability to add more attacks to it. It feels like building up to a cool attack only to slap the enemy with a wet noodle.
>AST needs to have passive heal potencies AND stronger regens/shields so that their potencies aren’t “fucked”
You people are so fucking retarded. YES CO needs a shorter cooldown probably but its not worthless by any means. Everything else you mentioned is perfectly useable as well, for every bad thing they have vs another healer they have something even better in another area. Stop being so mind numbingly retarded fuck. Sacred soil/asylum vs collective unconcious is such a retarded complaint since CU’s effect stays on people after the shield touches them and its FAR stronger than asylum/SS
At least they don't have to wait until 72 to get the second part of their AoE combo.
>CU stronger than SS
Nice one.
I heard The Unending Journey changes if you are a DRK. Is this true and where does it show changes?
I figured you were the type, user.
He'll show up in all of them because he's (You).
>Collective Unconcious far stronger than Asylum/SS
>50 potency regen
>as opposed to 100 potency on Asylum and Sacred Soil
lol ok
No he is not.
Very dignified and elegant.
I could watch a Lala dancer all day,
Why did they copy the Viera exactly as they are, but made an off brand Ronso race?
Why did they go pants on head retarded for healer potencies and MP costs? Hell Gravity and Art of War had higher MP costs, lower potency, and in art of wars case, less range.
He is (You) but he won't show up because he passed on when we axed Hades a question
What about this?
I warned you about skipping cutscenes user
AoW has higher potency than holy and it's instant.
>Viera exactly as they are
They didn’t do a great job of this either honestly. Both races feel rushed and lazy.
They are pretty good, how do they work? Do they alter how all gear looks or just select pieces of gear
They just changed that in 5.01 as a preliminary change, all AoE healer DPS spells (Holy, AoW, Gravity) are 600 MP now
I want her to dance very close to me, or better yet on me.
>Play bitchy race
>Complain about resting bitch face
I wish there was more altered gear though I am happy with a more freely available battlemage set and being a potato with armor way too fucking big for him
I could understand if they were inspired by Ronso, but they specifically call them that on the 1st. Would have been great if they didn't have that slouch. I'm surprised that they're more popular than both genders of roegadyn and a realmost equal to male elezen despite all the limitations it has
That's absurd, I am me, and no one else.
During leveling from 30-50. IIRC, the journal entries are much more hostile and spiteful of NPCs taking your good guy WoL status for granted until the lvl 50 job quest when it reverts back to a neutral summary.
These aren't the good ones. They keep all the good shit locked up in secret Lala only communities from what I hear. It wouldn't be posted on the modarchive.
Tell them that just because they're ranged doesn't mean they have to stand out in the middle of nowhere.
Couldn't tell you, but they're still pretty neat.
I want to know why CO is 10 yalms.
>their first crafter at 80 wasn't chademist
explain yourselves
>10 yalms
>absolutely worthless 100 potency heal
>120s cooldown
Damn. So I can't see it at 70 now? Is there anywhere I can see them online?
I need access to this secret dwarf home.
I don't have any crafter or gatherer at even 15 yet
That's pretty lewd but understandable. I'd rather have her dance against my body while she's covered in sweat.
I always go close to the boss as MCH just incase the DRG decides to give me an eye.
>not getting all crafters to 80 at once
I'd have to assume its because the Ronso are leaner and they had to use the Roegadyn as the base body for the Hrothgar which makes them look more bulkier.
>not keeping a stable of sissy crafters and gatherers
but as a MCH you're supposed to click off all buffs
I want to see a seductive dance from her where she occasionally bumps up against me.
As if she is trying to make me hard in public.
Lala boys
I guess you would use it in a situation where you'd otherwise swiftcast aspected helios
That's all kinds of messed up, what's the point of that
Now you know how I feel about Gosetsu
MCH chad doesn't need his parse padded by shitty cards
What the fuck??
the DNC was his GF or something so he was more than willing to be a dance partner
At this point I'm mostly sure secret lala discords are a meme.
Male Lalas are the most powerful
>Their first and only crafter at 80 wasn't CUL
Look man some people can be wrong
Painfully aware of the effects of her dance but she does it anyway. You better not be having lewd thoughts about your dance partner, user.
MCHAD putting ASTslut in its place.
Let's just say I think my ''crit rate'' is a lot higher than it usually is.
I need a lala to sit in my lap ASAP
>awaken, my meowsters
Lala """""""""""boys""""""""""""
How big is this lala's dick?
I am not a lala but i can sit on you if you want.
>his first crafter at 80 wasn't goldsmith
Oy vey...
only accepting female lalas or female au ra
spoil me right now, right here, does this bitch cry about no shota bunnies
Cute boys will one day win over the power of all evil
> wanted to change to hrothgar
> too attached to my male highlander
Why am I so boring Yea Forums
Someone was just asking last night if it was possible to take screenshots of a Lala sitting on a lap and I got them this. Will this help your fix or do you want a better pic? I got other clothing.
If only.
coincidentally I'm that guy, thank you, I welcome more pics too
Bitch doesn't understand XIV or ratings and cries about Yoshida saying that they can't do younger looking characters like some requested (in general and buhni bois), back when he was responding to several things concerning the community.
Fuck you user
the legacy warrior mail is a good chestpiece.
the crystarium set is also good.
please for the love of god give me more bulky armor for my black mage i want to be a battlemage not a dress wearing faggot
That's too bad.
t. femroe
>change my hairstyle
>people start asking me if I fanta'd into a boylala
It's not fair, bros...
If I wanted to make an uncute Lala I'd just make a girl
lvl 47 BLM here
when do I use firestarter?
Like let's say I just switched to fire and got a firestarter proc on the first cast, do I use it right away? Sometimes when I keep it in case of movement I get additional procs on top of it and I just feel like I'm wasting procs
Big enough to pleasure Hrothgar men.
you use firestarter when you get close to the kyoani studio
Use firestarter procs whenever possible in astral fire
>party finder leader is a samurai
>reserves 2 of the other dps slots to dancer
>the third slot everything is available but blm
yeah OK guy
i knew this shit was coming
Use them immediately so you don't waste them.
Only if they copied your opener.
Use it immediately as you get it to avoid overwriting it with another proc from a follow up fire I.
This all goes out the window after 60 though when its then saved for weaving, movement, and keeping astral fire up.
the level 50 rotation is to spam fire 1, maintain your thunder dot, and use firestarter every time it procs without fail. fire 3 takes priority over a fire 1 cast. use your umbral ice mana regen window to refresh your thunder dot. use your thunder proc over a fire cast. procs take priority.
all of this changes as soon as you get enochian and other spells though
> Add new races.
> Too lazy to make headgear work for them.
Use a girly outfit to confuse them further.
to add onto this
>in case of movement
>black mage
I've managed to amass around 6 million gil without leveling any crafters.
How much money do I need to get one of the crafters to 80?
>no what if trial where you fight the Scions on the first
tfw no tato trap bf
Big DPS BLM bulls cucking SAMlets with fragile egos again.
Depends how much you're willing to farm.
If you're not gaining money while leveling your crafters you're doing it wrong.
sauce, i think Runar is cute
Exactly like this on light
I fucking hate cat bara. Fuck you Pokemon.
Am I supposed to level up all crafters and gatherers at the same time so I can gather literally everything I need to level up?
Maybe I should've done that, but I went all in with the reverse trap look instead.
Any girly outfits that look good with short hair?
There are a lot less french people on light.
I remember tricking someone with mine a couple days ago. I like the challenge of making feminine outfits as a boytato.
Maybe on your server.
>liking girls makes you a fag
Hello gay boi
Funny I make my girl Lala androgynous on purpose and find it amusing when people mistake her as a male Lala.
whats that glamour
animals arent "girls"
When you look at the pf, it's usually for the whole data center, dumbass.
>hit 80, 4-5 days ago
>bored as all fuck
I don't know what it is, but this game can never hold my attention post msq. Maybe I should try tanking or something other than dps.
I don't like healing all that much.
Yes. Maybe. You should level up your gatherers though, and then use your retainers to get any items that are expensive on the marketboard.
then neither are viera or miqote
this nigga
you dumb shit you furries say, miqotes and vieras arent covered in fur with animal faces
I find tanking is the only way to not become bored for me. I don't have friends to play with, so sitting in queues all day or struggling to find pf groups is a no go.
tank still feels like you're dpsing anyways, just with the bosses nuts in your face.
Don't they do a bit less damage than MCH?
Canonically GAY races: Elezen (both types, male only), Hyur (midlander male only), Roegadyn (both types, male and female), miqo'te (male keeper only), Hrothgar (both types), Au Ra (both types, male only)
Canonically CHAD races: Hyur highlander males.
They need more faces.
This. I wanted knots goddamnit.
They dont have humanoid ears. One of them has a fucking tail. By nature they are animalistic and not human therefore by your own logic they cant be female.
Who hurt you, kraut?
you didnt mention lalafell at all.
day of the mash when
Why the fuck are the "farm" parties for Titania EX the only parties to never fucking down her? I swear to fuck some random DPS retard always fucks something up in add phase.
Only a pedo would care about them.
Actual farm parties finished getting all the weapons 2 weeks ago, only shitters are still doing it.
>Male Elezen
Next you're going to say Garleans are gay.
is it too late to get a clear for either EX? should I even bother?
fuck I used to do savage and noe i'm too scared to join a pf because i suck and i don't have my friends to run stuff with anymore, going alone sucks, pugging fights sucks, i fucking hate
>not gay
Why do you think Ilberd's betrayal was so painful for Raubahn?
Anyone on primal want a lala wife?
All it takes is one kill group to carry a shitter and they are forever release into the wild.
whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep soundly, diet furfag.
Just pointing out retards for being retarded. Side note, I'm not a kraut, retard.
you know female animals exist right dumbass
Join a fresh practice, watch a video (or not). Wipe it out for a lockout or until someone pussies out. Then join a kill party. Its that simple.
Are they a cocksleeve lalawife?
How do I go about getting in possesion of a living lala onahole
Is never late to clear any content.
Still plenty of pugs in PF going at it, good luck though. Either they're like you and just haven't bothered yet, or they've been trying this entire time and are just so bad they haven't cleared it.
>animals arent girls
>but female animals exist
pick one dumbfuck
They were not gay straightbros, they were probably just too manly for someone like you to understand their friendship.
I want to ERP, I have about 70 million gil to blow on it, but I'm on Light data centre EU.
Can anyone help
Sounds like you've got some insecurities.
>paying to erp
transfer to leviathan, give me your gil, then transfer somewhere else and erp for free.
>A girl is a young female human, usually a child or an adolescent
fuck off macro wolf, dumb retard
Are you fuckers trying to make me bi.... because its fucking working!
JP Thancred is pretty based.
>farmers routinely refer to their cattle as girl, old girl, etc
>people have done this since the dawn of time
>animals cant be girls
>wojack poster
Ah, I see I am speaking to a useless waste of oxygen. carry on then.
maybe disc
I hope you reported them, especially after that whole "whos the jackass" part
I have not unlocked a single crafter or gatherer and I never will.
post yours, or an email
>There are people who play this game that skipped every cutscene up to level 80
Augmented Hellfire Armor of Fending
Crystarium Gauntlets
Holy Rainbow Bottoms
Scion Traveler's Boots
Kinda slapped it together, might change the boots later
post cute lalas, they make me happy
>can't even get a party that can clear voidwalker because stack>split timer mechanic is too complicated for smoothbrain xiv players
fucks sake.
just watching the poor fucker get the stack marker and be left to die every time kills me a little inside. we wiped 4 times, even AFTER explaining the mechanic in fine detail, and people still can't grasp it.
the stack marker counts down before your aoe marker. how hard is that?
Disgusting furry race. Worse than anything in WoW
*casts line*
*cracks open hi-cordial*
*summons magic bucket*
>try playing PLD
>have a no cd stun so I feel like I should be trying to take a load off my healers back by cycling mobs as I stun them
>autism triggers that I'm probably doing poor damage compared to other PLD's by doing this
I wish levelling healers weren't so inconsistent. Sometimes things go so easy and sometimes I feel like I'm struggling to survive.
>proceeds to get a hilariously low number of sweetflesh oysters by time spent
And let's be honest, it's the only catch that matters in 5.0.
Is it just me or did the playerbase get somehow even worse in this expansion? Even after removing TP you still get DDs that refuse to AoE and do HW level DPS.
im a pld main
literally never cared about stunning
when shield bash was ogcd in sb I used it for dps but now? fuck thaaaat I'm not gonna bother
When you're lvl55 doing the eyrie and the healer is a sprout and you feel like you're walking the valley of death every single time you pull more than a single pack then you might bother to start stunning. Either that or don't pull more than a single pack, but then there's no point in life.
It doesn't always though. Sometimes the stack happen before the aoe, sometime the aoe happen before the stack, sometime they happen at the same time. It is a fixed order but unless you know it by heart it can be pretty hard to grasp. If you have complete morons who can't deal with it, just let the stack dude die solo everytime still better than multiple people dying to it.
What's your rotation? Been doing 2 sets of Atonement first with Fight or Flight on, then Requiecast combo, but I noticed I was lagging behind another PLD in Titania EX. Is Goring Blade worth using at all now that you can go into Atonement instead?
That's what you get for playing AST you mouthy cunt. Eat shit, shedlets.
Its gotten worse. 2.x people at least tried to learn things. 3.x brought a bunch of new players in, was rough first week or so, but was fine afterwards mostly.
4.x was pretty bad. this is around the time people started to pour in from wow. 5.x is a complete fucking catastrophe, I've noticed a significant decline in the amount of people being completely unwilling to learn things, even when offered advice constructively, and complete dickheads being nasty and justifying not doing something right with "its my sub". I'm running into people at 80, such as BLMS that will spam fire 4 on trash packs with 6+ mobs, never press foul because they can't manage enochian, and will do less dps than healers did in HW.
but god help you if you try to aid them in any way, they'll go off on you.
Shield Bash was never ogcd.
Hrothgar Dark Knights look best with the black iron armor and big steel blades they swing with ease.
Guess I'm fucked. I work a fair bit and spend a lot of spare time in the gym so only recently got to her. As Maintank the fight is piss easy, but still 2 tokens off.
Open mouth a little more....
I bought kits for CUL armorsmith snd weaponsmith for 350k each
even then you can use cooldowns, get as much use as you can out of hallowed ground, just a shame you don't have clemency at that level. put some potions on yout hotbar if it gets bad lmao
brooooo nooooooo
always start with the dot combo, it's super important
I go dot right into req, holy spirit and finish with confiteor, weave ogcds throughout, reapply dot, and then you can do atonement spam
make sure you're using sheltron throughout as well to make your mp come back faster
don't let your dot fall off and keep up the rotation
I haven't confirmed if this is optimal yet but I'm sure it's pretty good
Yeah right. If Raubahn was straight he would be using Nanamo as his onahole but instead we get
>Pipin, my wife's son!
Who would have thought the Bull of Ala Mhigo was actually the bull prepper
>make sure you're using sheltron throughout as well to make your mp come back faster
Bruh thats not a thing anymore. So much for being a PRO.
>even then you can use cooldowns
Well not shit Sherlock. If I got to the point I'm cycling stuns then it goes without saying I'm using every single tool at my disposal. Even arm's length for the slow. Maybe it's been a long time since you levelled but some low level healers play as if they're barely there.
O usually dropped the game as soon as I reached BiS for my main, which usually didn’t take long
I started getting into crafting and gathering for a change and it’s surprisingly fun, although I don’t get to flex your gear on shitters
damn they got rid of that?
what's the purpose of it now then
i'm gonna have an existential crisis bro
You can try but you are in for a wild ride since you are so late
Better ask some friends to carry you
>Whats the purpose of a button that reduces damage taken on a tank?
>go into dungeon as healer
>tank asks if big pulls are OK
>of course
>big pulls ensue
>a NIN and BRD in my party
>both are doing their single target rotation on the highest health mob
>I can only go for so long before my MP fucking vanishes
>NIN keeps walking into ground AoEs
There's literally like 10 mobs on the tank and they are chunking him for 10% each hit cmon man. Healing is such bullshit this expansion not only because healers suck, but because the DPS are fucking retards.
Anyone with a lvl80 FSH retainer here?
>questline about a giant FAT THIC sahagin queen giving birth
>alliance roulette as a tank
>in alliance A
>B tank decides he has to MT
>in alliance B
>C tank decides he has to MT
>in alliance C
>A tank decides he has to MT
>any time I catch enmity it gets voked off
ok cool I guess
Those fuckers are so fucking pathetic. You can out dps them and get aggro and they'll voke off you to try to be the big man. Voke back the second they voke from you, shit is funny.
Not sure who hades is or why the blond guy from the empire came back
so, this is the true power of parse trannies
You can't provoke between alliances though. Unless that changes with ShB.
>play BRD
>in 5.0 dungeon
>tank big pulls
I could just use rain and quick all day, but shit would take forever. Especially if the other DPS doesn't AOE at all. I NEED to set up my DoTs to get procs, Apex and the extra damage. However, due to the number of enemies pulled and tank constantly repositioning, shit gets annoying to track. In that case it's better just to DoT one (big health) enemy, but fucker dies always first - and most of the time it is thanks to the other players switching to that enemy because it is SLIGHTLY lower in health - forcing me to choose another DoT-bitch. Not to mention if still alive, that enemy can end up at a stupid place, thanks to the constant repositioning even if there's not much to dodge.
Being a bard in 5.0 is pain.
Yes, you can stop shilling your twitch clip now.
Go max damage unless the healer is complete ass, in that case just cycle stuns
The buff stays on you for a set duration after you touch the shield. No matter how much you want to mental gymnastics over how this isn’t balanced and clearly worse, this is a clear advantage to SS and Asylum which require you to be on it. I don’t care if SS/Asylum are more useful on an overal basis, CU isn’t useless. Furthermore AST has cooldowns that are flat out better than whatever WHM and SCH get, case in point why their shields and regens are stronger and why they get Synastry which is the best healing CD in the game.
Hmm so odds we're gonna hear a remix of this at some point in the Eden raid?
>cumscale wannabes led by an incel and suicidal maniacs led by a tranny are the strongest xaela tribes
what the fuck?
>sabotage your own party
>Complain on strim
>you get offered your own egg to inseminate
what's the name of this fetish?
Blacksmith is by far the easiest to get to 80 though. Just make a shitload of bluespirit scythes. It's ridiculous how good that leve is.
I assumed I could make an omelette out of it. Kinda disappointed that I didn't get the egg in the end.
fish fucking
>WHM 80
>BRD 80
>DRK 80
what job should i level next? MCH from 30-80, BLM from 70-80 or RDM from 50-80? really cant decide
>magic bucket
Nice event minion
Might be impreg
Sadu is rad.
only in that plain of like 4-5 tribes
>I assumed a woman would give me her baby so I could eat it
BLM turned into a redicilously easy class thats still fun to play. Youd have a good time dungeon leveling as it.
Gotta do what the meta says without using your brain! Gotta go fast so we can clear 2-5 minutes faster!i feel you man. I'm just being sarcastic
It was an unfertilized egg
I want to FUCK a thic sahagin queen!
I don’t get it what did he get mad at?
>he didn't personally fish up his bucket from south banepool
>he actually got the welfare version
Excuse my ignorance. where are the wings coming from is it the gloves?
Early pull. Hold on, I got a clip of the aftermath.
Pretty much every clip of this guy is him flipping shit about something retarded.
Wait a fucking minute.
>level 79 MSQ quest in the underwater place
>requires you to finish the role quest to continue
>the role quest is a level 80 quest
>your seed is discovered to breed stronger Sahagin
>ywn be permanently assigned as the queen's official breeder
The only justifiable reason to stop Emet
Yeah, if you don't rp or craft (don't know what people see in it, scrips and collectables and just the whole system is so goddamn tedious) the expansion is pretty lean. I'd do pvp but they didn't implement any new pvp rewards this time around and nobody fucking does it anyway.
you just hit the start of the level 80 quests, obviously
Is this a good time to level Samurai?
>the quest still gives EXP
No, it's going to get dumpstered.
I just started fishing and got to 10. What the fuck do I do beyond the job quests? Just complete the Fishing Log in ever single region?
based, fuck retards and their instant pulls or 10seconds and less countdowns.
>reading comprehension
I've been in an estate for three hours letting a lesbian Viera suck my Xaela's tits like a hungry bitch.
Am I a degenerate?
Yeah it's fucking dumb.
it's the melee BLM, it's always a good time if you don't like relying on others
The music in the background and the zoomer appearance just make the irony complete
Nah. They never nerf so you may as well just play DRG or MNK. Equal fun, close enough damage, and utility which will make people not SEETHE at you being in their party
no tsubame ruined the job
Just enjoy the scenery, brother
>Sahagin regard you as their greatest champion
>abandon your warrior of light/darkness duties and become a fuck toy for the breeding sow fish queen
>you are now the warrior of thick fish pussy
How did she end up in your estate faggot
what the fuck is tsubame
Nah, you're only a degenerate if you let a smaller male suck on your tits while you jerk him off.
Nah, that's pretty progressive.
Commission it. At this rate futa cats, au ra, and maybe viera is all you'll get, since those are the only ones spending money to get their OCs drawn.
She invited me for a meal to hers I don't know what I expected, you can't really eat in this game.
why the fuck does everyone want to change strats in party finder? just stick to standard you fucks.
Sup fags
Saw one rocking the old terrorknight set. It was pretty dope.
What are standard strats?
Official guide book?
literally the quest after that one is where it starts being 80, the reason they leave that quest as 79 is so you get that bit of a cliffhanger to go finish leveling and do the role quest
I've seen like no blue ronso like at all yet are their blues shit or something?
Are either of you futa or interested in a potato?
Bunnies and lions make cute couples.
The quest gives EXP that you will not receive because finishing the quest requires you to be Lv80. No one would care if the quest didn't have the EXP as the reward.
post logs
fucking lame
>It really did, and nobody talks about it.
More like a scam
Yes and No respectively.
Its been almost 5 hours entirely I just want to go to sleep I have work in 4.
why do parties soak ice rune in Titania ex?
Why does rdm have to be so bad
dodging shiva circles makes my brain hurt
I want to to fuck that hrothgar
For retards who can't understand how it works or to increase dps since you don't have to move.
DPS. You can shove like 4-5% with competent players for faster runs. If you have good DPS you can kill her before 2nd tether no problem.
>nobody talks about how sam is now FORCED to have a gcd of 2.15 or 2.06
nah fuck this job now
They had been standing around for ages formulating a plan as if normal mode is hard. A DPS gets tired of waiting and pulls and the guy loses his shit and just jumps off.
It's pretty easy to heal through one hit, may as well take it and keep blasting.
I am particularly pleased with that glam, as well as hrothgar rapey sneers
If you can't hit 13k you're a bitch and should stick to sucking dicks as a healer.
How much data does the game use during play per average in an hour?
I have only shitty landline internet at my disposal that tends to randomly hiccup just enough to cause me to disconnect from online games and have lag spikes because fucking shitty ISPs.
It works well enough for downloading stuff but when playing online games I just hook up my phone as a hotspot (and actually get a faster, stable connection). Problem is I got a data cap on that so I'm wondering how much can that last me.
Its normal mode loser. If you stand around for ages im going to pull for you.
not much, i used to do the same thing when i had shit internet, i had a 4gb cap and as long as i didnt dl or watch something while playing it was enough for the whole month
>unga bunga muh dps
my gcd was 1.96 in sb
If you want to bring party buffs, then you must pay the party buff tax.
post logs anyway
Just finished ShB after i started playing three months ago. How do i find gear to glamour?
The extra saddlebag (and retainer) is worth it in my opinion
>annoyed with how smn is right now
>don't find blm very fun
>rdm gets boring fast but has the best aesthetics
If this fucking kid can get views I should be able to. Seriously how the fuck do people watch someone like this.
Look up gear online and then farm it? There's also an online model viewer.
No they don't
What party buffs? They nerfed those to the floor.
Lions are for the gays.
The fact that they didn't fix it with the eden drop means it's not a bug. Which is legitimately retarded.
Nuh. Go jerk off to the thoughts of a small Xaela femdommed by a big gothic Viera over a tea table.
Resource monitor is telling me around 3000 B/sec.
I started levelling BLM and I'm still low level but I was putting the high level spells on my bars and reading the tooltips and I have no idea where the job is going.
Looks bigbrain as fuck.
today i have done expert, leveling and alliance roulettes and wiped at least once in all three of them
Post muscled femlanders RIGHT NOW
It looks really good on you, but you'd look even better with it off.
It took multiple centuries user.
Sorta like how basic studies about DNA was graduate college level when my dad was in college, but now is like freshman year of highschool or earlier.
This is why we need a 4th caster.
BLM is incredibly simple it just plays completely differently at high levels
>ran 9999999 skill speed in sb
>1.96 gcd
>iai cast time was even less than that
>enhanced iaijutsu + new expansion speed intervals = the exact same shit
>can't even stack speed without cucking tsubame despite having no tp issues anymore
what the FUCK is yoshi doing? i'm playing blm now
About 15MB per hour, it can go up to 50MB/h with Alliance raids, 8-man content (Trials and raids) take about 5KB/s total up and down, Dungeons about 3,4KB/s and if you're hanging out in a crowded place like Limsa or Ul'dah idle can eat up 5KB/s.
T. plays on mobile data at 5GB month.
I'm gonna
we got BLU not too long ago?
On a BRD that loses its uptime a few times? Yeah. Otherwise BRD still does more damage but not by much and in order to do so you don't have to lose a single tiddy of uptime. MCH is the same but the potencies do a lot for the class.
I want /xivg/ to leave.
This is just my guess I know nothing about the class, but you have full mp, do enochian, big burst your whole bar and end on flare since that uses everything, then I have no idea what like foul and xenoglossy are for or where they come into play.
I want a lala to fart in my mouth
Where are they
Fine. Whats your name, loser, and DC.
i agree, we need to go back to khloe posting
You actually don't use flare on single targets.
Foul and Xenoglossy are used during ice phase, foul only for AoE after Xenoglossy is unlocked
Does not count, according to Yoshi-p himself.
You just KNOW
I wish they would leave too. They always have to make stuff gay or lewd. I just want to talk about the game and post minions.
I said a fourth caster, not a minigame.
I second this.
You can throw out xenoglossy whenever as long as you have enough time on astral fire, particularly during movement since it's instant cast. Only casting it during ice phases will eventually make your polyglots overlap.
wtf is that body piece I need it.
Not that guy, but can't you just ctrl+c the text into a pastebin? Taking the names out if you care to.
Alright, thanks anons. I have 5 cap and so I should be fine (especially because I can't play on some days)
who needs male vieras
> Want to get best minion
> Really not worth going through a dungeon for a chance to roll it
> NPCs are fucking retards that stand there when dodging AoEs
That Viera is ugly as fuck. Do you really have standards that low?
Make me go all the way to Kugane for this
Anyone got them tank melds? Maining DRK and I've got 2.37 gcd at the moment and I'm not sure if I should put the rest in determination or crit.
Does polyglot charge faster now? I never had issues casting it during ice phase in SB. I haven't lvled it in ShB yet
>Bad tank design
5x bloodspiller
5x fell cleaves
4x holy spirits + 1 confiteor
>Good tank design
Gnashing Fang/Continuation + Savage Claw/Continuation+ Wicked Talon/Continuation
>Finally get passed 2.X MSQ
>Get into Heavensward
>Decide to start leveling GLD instead of continuing
What the fuck is wrong with me
why is that viera naked
is she not aware that hrothgar has a boyfriend
I've got characters on all 3 NA data centers
It really is fun as hell.
Long tusks on hrothgar are pleb and uncultured
Its okay PLD is meta you're safe, son.
Look at her face. You can tell she is retarded.
I already got him and don’t use him at all.
Here's my favorite thing
not them but post lala
Tell me your Crystal one's name and I'll shot you a FR when I'm done in an hour or two.
Is AST really as shitty as everyone says it is?
DOt 3 enemies max then go for AOE rotations. In a good AOE groups enemies die super quick.
>not naked
absolutely based
its time to stop calling glam and decorating content
these lazy fucks need to deliver something other than rehashed primals and facetious suggestions to play something else
Direct Hit
>That one fag in Ex Trials who FoF before his HS spam
The new card system? Yes.
Overall? No. Their healing is pretty good, but the new cards don’t really justify their shitty dps potential.
>lowest personal DPS
>lower heal potencies
>Cards are arguably eh at best now
don't worry they'll do as they always do and give knee-jerk AST buffs and it'll be the meta again
Are people just pretending Hrothgar look good or do we have furries in our midst?
What is the current state of tanks? Want to get into tanking, tired of sitting around for queues or party finders as a dps and then having to suffer with horribad players.
At least as a tank I'll be able to get into shit quicker. I'm not really interested in WAR, so I'm looking at GNB/PLD//DRK
Don’t listen to this faggot because AST Actually has higher potencies on its shields and regens.
The latter.
Play who the fuck you want loser
pretty close in DPS though GNB is on top by like 100 DPS and WARfags are seething that they aren't for once
That Hrothgar looks great. They honestly look a hundred times better than Viera, who all have butterfaces.
I'm not a furry I'm just into bestiality/monsters
No one fucking cares, every tank is good right now
Ask me how I know you're seething male vierafags
So you're a cuck?
Still not as bad as Xenos skipping the entire MSQ and playing shitty metal music over the ShB theme and final boss music.
I think they look fine, though customization is overly limited at the moment.
I don't play one though, not super into the proportions. And one guy in my fc annoys me with how he keeps going on about his daddy hrothgar
Honestly what niche should WAR even bring?
Buff Tank? Debuff Tank? Because DPS tank was given to GNB, WAR has no niche anymore.
they're all good, and all within like a % of each others dps. just pick whichever flavor u like
Furries are no longer shunned here like they used to be so now they're flamboyant as ever.
Nocturnal Benefic is 200 potency with 250% shields while Adlo is 300 potency with 125% shields, and the latter still gets doubled up shields on crits.
the current state is if you are playing tank and sit around waiting for the other tank to pull you are automatically a shitter and should stick to dps
I'd argue that's worse than being a furry, as rare a phrase as that is
>Nerfed Combust 2 for a Combust 3 thats weaker than the original Combust 2, which would have still been weaker than Dia and Biolysis.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
I don't give a shit about a race that can't even wear headgear. Yiff in hell.
who cares about the shitty story LMAO
it's all about raiding and parsing
Yes so unless adlo crits nocturnal benefic is stronger and also instant cast AND aldo has a lower mp cost m
That makes me a bit sad, ngl
>He has to be of this highly specific camp if he thinks my furry beastmen aren't attractive!
You sound pretty upset
Explain your reasoning
I don’t care if someone a furry or not as long as they are not in my face about it.
No, but AF phase is 15 seconds now.
You can also hold 2 charges of polyglot at 80 now
Youre watching a girl get fucked, hence you're not fucking her = KEK
>lower MP cost
no it's not
>Not attractive
lol go back to /vg/, tranny
kys meowsie
I'm angry, angry about WHM's.
but I'm the girl
Now there's literally no way of running out of the AF timer before you run out of mana right
You'd rather watch a girl get fucked by a dog than a person. A literal dog can cuck you.
what the fuck are you talking about? i don't play tank currently, thats the point of my post
Do you normally use all 15 seconds? I assumed that optimized fire phases would last about the same as before, that the increased enochian timer was just breathing room
I'm angry that every healer has been gutted to whm levels.
Imagine being this fucking salty over Normal mode raiding.
This guy is the genuine cancer that tryhard parse trannies embody.
As long as you get a f1 in there and dont fudge your dispair, pretty much
tits or GTFO
Just filter them like any sane person has.
You know bestiality isn't just girls getting fucked by animals, right?
So you're trans?
i dont play this game with BGM on i usually just listen to my own shit im new to the game but i usually get bored of the music in MMOS
Usually its close, i fit 4 f4 and a f1 in. The 2nd 15 secs i usually dont, by about 3 or 4 seconds (despair refreshes AF mind you)
I don’t think you know what cuck mean.
>be elezen chad
>height slider isn't even maxed
>consistently the tallest fucker in any party
>trannies look at me with seething eyes
>female players admire me
How can manlet races even compete?
You should ALWAYS have BGM on in this game if you're doing new stuff.
Unless you want to suck a dog dick too, then you're wrong.
I kinda wish they knew what to do with Summoner pets. I do like that they're a bit more active now with Egi Assault and Enkindle but it still feels they were going for a "cycle your Egis" thing but in practice it's still just "here's your AoE Egi and here's your single target Egi."
I barely have to. Nobody I know plays Hrothgar. I rarely see them in random groups. Its like they're an enigma.
congrats on attracting women that admire gay men
This is actually a really good albeit generic giraffe
That's a nice Elezen.
I don't think you know what it means, user.
A dps pulled the boss before the timer ran. Annoying, but nothing to literally rage quit over, especially on a fucking normal raid
Never seen dudes fucking females dogs or mares? You're missing out.
I meant the posters.
I think he's trying to be a cool boy by referring to black individuals as animals
I turned off mount music once I started shadowbringers
Stop doing that. If XIV has anything going for it, it's way more well known for it's amazing music than story.
kek. astbros whats goin on?
>Level 80 LNC
>Still don't have Heartstopper
What the FUCK YoshiP
Based. Why the fuck would I listen to generic mount music when we have LA HEE?
If you want party buffs you play ffxi, or literally any mmo that doesn’t obssess over balance and actually adds support and hybrid classes
>Every shitter regurgitating his retarded opinions on tanks
If you are just grinding and stuff like that, then using outside music is acceptable, but for MSQ and first time running content, listen to the ingame music. It's worth it
>raping female dogs
>being a literal horsefucker
Disgusting. Plus, we're talking about Hrothgar, retard. Not about female animals.
t. ranny
>Using controller on PC
Degeneracy at its finest.
I'm still leveling my SMN but is Ifrit worth it in single target? It feels like Garuda is still doing more damage on bosses despite being aoe focused.
You're not Trogdor.
I din't know why they bother with different pets and just make them the different phases you shift through.
Attention whores like your kind are always max height slider min dps slider. I bet you have a lb macro too
I kind of want it.
Ifrit apparently only does 50% of the potency described by the abilities, while Garuda does 80-75%
He's still going to do more in single target but you can just use Garuda through an entire dungeon without losing much
guys i don't want to go back to the source
people in the first are actually nice and helpful
>dude y r fake people not nice and saccharine
maybe you need thicker skin
I've only seen one male elezen. I was confused as fuck by their race until I realized they were gay.
it is simply not tactical enough for me
now if it were "tactical strategic optimized assault commander", then we'd be good
I know for a fact that this was a regular Duty Finder too, I recognize the Bard and know for certain that they wouldn't be joining parse parties.
Ye, NIN pvp gear.
why would anyone save this clip on their stream? it's super cringy and embaressing lol, jesus christ.
imagine getting mad over normal raids, i cleared them all super easily with randos
t. lalajew
t. Nero
Why didn't they just use the more recognizable of Ronso for the Source like they did with Viera?
Just name it Parse Commander
Wish viera had a muscle tone slider
because they're ronso on the first :^)
we are having a debate
which was the futa? the viera or xaela
Wish Viera weren't hideous
Is it me or is getting to 70-80 as a DoH reasonably quick? Even with the deliveries, I felt leves give out a lot more XP.
ShB 0/10 because of this
all i wanted was kimahri and fray races, what i got was some furry shit and some not viera shit
fuck thisssssss
Why is this allowed?
What do I do with all my yellow crafter scrips? Just get materia VII with them, or can I get master recipe books yet?
good thing mods exist!
Good thing they aren't, retard.
So this is the true power of autism.
CO is fucking worthless, Assize does the same thing blows it out of the water in every single respect.
>Nearly a fucking THIRD of the CD
>Same healing potency except Assize is up front and instant, CO is drip fed over an extremely weak 15s regen
>Shield version is pitiful 150 potency shield, resulting in an abysmal 250 total potency
>Assize range is 50% bigger
CO is an absolute joke of an ability, quit being a contrarian.
Pretty much just dump them into whatever recipe books you don't have
But we can already play as Fray's race
They are much faster. Level 78 armorer leve for the fending chest gives 17m for hq
I buy the XP boosters usually. Materia works too.
>aspected benefic is 500 mp
>adloquim is 1000
Shut the fuck up already you obssesed fuck
get the tokens for books
Based Hrothgar and Viera
There's a good ronso face, though
>Hearing people in my FC not liking how tall viera can be
>Laughs in femroe
>t. dumb cat
They're the best looking race in the game now
AB increase to 1000mp when you're in nocturnal sect.
okay i will turn it on thanks for the heads up
>every ability has to be good
Assizes equivalent is earthly star
CO is more comparable and BETTER to DT.
I do agree it could use a lower cooldown but thats it.
Are you blind? Post your Viera so I can laugh at them.
It's a piece of shit if you're on console and on PC, there's no point.
Actual AST cope
I made one of my retainers a Viera and noticed the Vermillion Cloak hood works on her, I wonder if it works on player ones.
You only need to be in SS/Asylum for whopping EIGHT seconds for them to outclass CU.
They can't be the best looking race with such ugly faces. Who thought their faces were ok?
Nocturnal Benefic is 1000 MP you goon
Girls you’re both ugly.
Shut the fuck up already jealous tranny.
god that MCH is beyond based
It's too late to sync clear past EX trials
And how exactly does this change that on average nocturnal benefic is more useful and has more potency than Adloquim?
Even SMN has a better AoE regen than Celestial Opposition lol
Trannies are the only ones ok with such ugly faces, since trannies are used to 'female' faces. Go away, Viera tranny.
Drivers tend to refer to their car as girl, old girl, etc
I guess cars can also be girls
Miqote is the tranny race. Cope.
>Nocturnal Benefic is cheaper!
>it's not
>W-well it's still better!
stop moving the goalposts
when i need to spam heal a tank for whatever reason as scholar do i just spam adlo or do adlo, emergency tactics, adlo
You can't even get the tranny race right. Biggest tranny races right now are Au Ra and Viera.
The actually healing is pretty low because SMN has low healing magic potency though.
That 600 potency is like 300-350 on an actual healer.
phasing doesn't matter the same way anymore, the job is barely the same and all the fights have tons of movement
the job is mostly about juggling your instants/procs now to never have downtime, you aren't significantly penalized for staying in AF a long time or letting thunder drop off if you don't get a proc, you need thunder to be down for 13 gcds for it to be equal to 1 despair cast in lost potency and even if you massively fuck up + get no procs the full AF rotation averages 9 GCDs now
that would be au ra and now viera
>can't be spread like Adlo
>critical AB isn't as strong as crit Adlo
non crit AST shields have been stronger than SCH non crit shields for a fucking while now friend, still hasn't made SCH worse than AST by any means, you're picking the wrong opponent to be mad at
No, i got it right.Miqote's are trannies almost 100% of the time.
>CO is more comparable and BETTER to DT.
In what fucking universe?
>100 pot heal, 150 pot shield, 250 total pot per person
>>Adlo + DT
>300 pot heal on one person, 375 pot shield per person
>Can guaranteed a stronger base shield for everyone using Recitation, also grants the original target an extra shield with Catalyze
DT fucking dumpsters CO in every respect, the only advantage it has is not requiring a GCD to prep.
I had it on me when I was doing EX roulette and it was ticking for like 3000 HP, it's at least better than i was expecting it to be before launch (re: worthless flavor)
t. seething Viera tranny (formerly Au Ra tranny) trying to make people think the other races are the tranny race
I didn’t, I admitted I was wrong because I didn’t know they changed the mp cost, but I never moved the goalpost, the fact still stands that ast has better potencies on both shield and regens than whm and sch. Now shut the fuck up and cope or fuck off and tell people who care
>Claims AST is good in a static environment because their stack focused healing shines
>Then goes on to say Asylum and SS aren't as good as CU because stacking = bad
That's a lot of deflecting you have there Miqote tranny. Try again.