One brings shadow, one brings light
One brings shadow, one brings light
Other urls found in this thread:
these are a blessing
Renda was a dumb faggot whore.
but you posted alisaie
>haven't played mch since start of Stormblood
>try it now
>it's fun as fuck
Holy shit why didn't anyone tell me about this sooner?
>all the fucking seething retards on this board over this game
Loving every laugh
Was this game released in 2007?
our dicks are too big
it really shows by the screenshot
WoWfags are literally seething that BfA and patch 8.2 are utterly trash and have to shit talk one of the best FF stories to date whilst pretending that killing yet another warchief is profound and OLD GODS being behind everything is a great twist
>no one play roulette as healer anymore because they made the other jobs as boring as whm and there isn't a new one
>these fucking dps queues
play a tank then.
Yoshi just has to admit they'll never be able to balance the healers. May as well just make them slightly fun again and throw a new one to get people to keep playing this trash role.
Do FATES while you wait if you're 70+
You cannot tempt me, Yea Forums. I already consider Ryne an adoptive sibling alingside the twins. I will not have lewd thoughts of her no matter how much you try.
I have a 80 PLD, that doesn't change the speed my 76 BLM gets queued
For me, it's mage bro.
how are you lads melding your gatherers? bothering to overmeld the new whites at all?
>"user.. How can I service you today?"
>just wants his shota back
Being a tank while having Alisaie, Alphinaud, and Ryne as your trusts is great because you look like your taking your younger siblings on a trip.
What do I do if my mana is +50 on each and I need to use manafication? do I wait until after I do a full melee combo etc then get to around 40+?
god stop posting this shit you pathetic virgin. go outside
assuming embolden is around then and needs to be alligned for raid buffs use acceleration. It will make your verholy/verflare proc anyway
Stop this, user. I dont care how perfectly slender her body is -- Ryne is for hug, not fug.
Based. I always picked them if they were available whenever I did Trusts.
can I use that scathe like skill to reduce my mana by 10 of each so my manafication isn't always on cooldown?
I've been trying to find cool looking gunblades but the Eorzean Database seems to have not been updated with them, what does Yea Forums like so far?
You probably could but it's not ideal
So it's better to just sit on it? That sounds odd.
Fae manatrigger.
Why is there no love for gaius in these threads?
This guy was the og god-tier villian 6 years before emet selch
Not enough screentime and he's pretty bland now.
>Titan is bad for Black Ma---
like I said earlier manification > melee > acceleration would be fine if you're at 50/50. Last time I checked the tranny discord reprise is almost always a dps loss
Oh holy shit, that's a pretty sexy weapon. That drops in Dohn Mheg right?
He simply wanted to deal with the primal and beast tribe problem once and for all. Even Solus/Emet-Selch (the emperor at the time) opposed him.
Because he's a good guy now which makes him infinitely less interesting
also he's probably dead or in a Garlean cell now thanks to Zenos
My favourites are Scaeven, Lakeland, Nabaath, and Deepgold gunblades.
Sometimes I feel like Yoshi designs fights after him specifically playing BLM, then tries to work in things for others to do.
Orange version drops in Castrum Abania too
Convince me to fap to Ryne.
I am a good protector. I am a good protector. I am a good protector. You cannot tempt me.
>tsubame is up but u have 0.25 sen
what the FUCK do i do
Yes, it's dyable and dyes really well too.
But that's not even what I am asking. I am asking if I am for example 51 white, 64 black and manafication is ready to be used, do I ignore it and get to 80+ do melee combo blah blah then normal rotation until 40 white 41 black for example then use it?
high steel
What do you mean?.
Now try doing this on 100+ ping.
Fuck this game.
I feel the writers are going to turn him into a villian again, hopefully with good writing and not some as pull like elidubus or battle autist
Oops i meant antagonist
Reminder that DRG is the OFFICIAL Chad job.
Limited amount available so far. Just wait for the relic line or some actual raid rewards from NieR or Eden. They could be great given the art designer for this expansion.
Scaevan, Deepgold/Ghost Barque, Revolver, Lionheart and Doman Steel (I think, the one that has the House Fortemps sigil on it) are my favorites.
The dwarven one is also pretty great honorable mention just because its a gun axe but due to the color its hard to match.
would work fine
Fuck gunblades
Where's my gunhalberd SE?
It's criminal that the dwarven weapons aren't dyeable. Just ensures no one will use them because they can't get rid of the ugly puke green.
Any Garlean esque Gunblades available so far?
This is by far the best pic, tum and pits
They killed sylvavnas?
When are the weapons coming out for Eden?
The first one you get and the level 62 one.
2 weeks until they nerf you into the ground. Tic toc
>not gunshields.
The one you start with is closest I think. If they ever add an Heirsbane glamour for gunbreaker I'll be fucking set.
The lower level ones are similar but I want the fuckhueg long one that Gaius has and not these toothpicks
take it again, but with the mod that remove the bra
Not him but they are setting up Thrall to kill her
arthas did
>mfw I desynthed it
Same here.
not yet but a child could see it coming
Two weeks I think for the vendor to have them but it takes 7 weeks to farm a weapon so it'll be a while even when you can see them in-game.
theyll never do that because yoshi is a cuck
Who are you trying to kid? Like last patch, it's just going to be even more buffs if anything.
>doesn't know how leylines work
You can probably talk to a calamity salvager or something and get it back.
............. my aaassss
>doesn't know major class changes always come before a savage on first raid tier
It happened in HW, it happened in SB and it will happen in SHB. Tic toc lol drg. Tic toc
its normal grey gear, vendors that sell 255 gear should have it
I'm pretty sure people overreacted to DRG at first, because BLM, SAM, and MNK still do more damage. It's just that literally no one wants to play MNK right now.
It's just the high steel gunblade, it's craftable so you can buy it on the mb
Can't wait for WAR to get buffed into the stratosphere.
It "works" but it's not as smooth as this by a long shot.
I've been playing BLM at 170+ ping for years don't give me that shit.
>1200 potency inner chaos
>two charges of onslaught
>onslaught no longer takes beast guage
It's going to be great war bros
Ethier way,this game is shite!
>before you can see them in-game
>preview doesn't exist
Eden weapons also don't require you to farm Eden for 7 weeks, you're thinking of the Phantasmagoria weapons.
did everyone reroll to black mage? there's like a million of them, aren't samurai supposed to be most popular?
I seem to remember that drg is actually parsing highest below blm and sam right now
BLM has highest damage
how many retards really min max?
>everyone else is dead
>boss it at over 60%
>wastes time doing what everyone and their mother figured out and is capable of doing instead of resetting the fight
Major class changes doesn't mean nerfs retard. DRG will just embarass SAM, MNK, AND NIN even more.
>tfw wanted to ass fuck ugly grunty until shitfaced at 4AM
>worst ending is when she gets pretty
What a fucking sexist game, right? Jeez, it's like they purposely had perspectives on beauty which would make me mad. Ugly Grunty got a fucking donkey booty.
And you know the funny thing too? She probably puts out. If you see her at the bar, you can guarantee a suck and fuck if you leave with her. Rare knew exactly what they were doing.
everyone went ranged/caster this time around
tic toc
>get 1 blade piece a week
>weapons will require 7 blade pieces
>won't take 7 weeks
Excuse me?
Thanks, doc.
I think Eden savage will drop separate weapons from the ones that require blade pieces.
It does when drg is not only third in damage but they provide the best raid utility of all classes
blades don't give you edon weapons, how NEW are you
It's also one of the few classes that actually had its design improved instead of butchered or completely reworked
NPCs always have to play the meta class
Those blades are for the Tomestone weapons.
Is this your first expansion? You can get a tomestone(same one as seven wings) on the second fight of savage. So bare minimal you can take 2 weeks to get the same weapon
blades are for the capped tome weapons. It has worked this way since fucking gordias.
Eden and Phantasmagoria weapons are separate, you dense fuck.
im going to fuck throttle these clowns in titania ex holy shit
this game honestly did get better at lvl 50 you guys werent memeing
I meant 3 weeks because of tombstone gating
Three weeks is the minimum because it's going to take 1000 of the locked tomestones.
i have never memed in my entire life
some of you have
i was about to quit the game because i couldnt follow the story 1-50
Tyfp :^)
I feel square really needs to revisit the arr story
What is it about DRG being great that makes people seethe so much?
But then people won't pay for skip potions.
I havent cared about drg since 2.5, it's really boring
t nin
Enjoy HW user.
After the hell that is 2.X anyway
Should I go back and actually play through Final Fantasy XIII? I thought "it gets better after 20 hours" was a meme but it's actually true for FFXIV.
i honestly didnt know what the fuck was going on, just after ultima weapon was introduced i started to like the story
y-you mean the 100 quests?
the linear rotation gameplay is shit
t. sam
I liked it. It gets really fun after you reach the Archlyte Steppe.
>make a Titania Ex practice party, saying that I never tried her before
>people still get mad and leave when I make a mistake
So there's no way I can practice at this point huh?
i think one of the main reasons is that they don't reduce slashing resistance like ninja and warrior, and only lowers piercing which only benefits the person who applied it and other dragoons so not everyone can do extra damage on bosses and enemies
>sidequest to unlock odin
uhm i wouldve missed this honestly
Yup. Tbh it's the worst part of the game, but it's worth it. Believe me.
For crafting, if I don't have enough CP +6 I can replace them with CP +4 right? Would that be fine? Asking about the mainhands mostly, my left side is melded "properly" so far.
do previous msq quests count?
Every practice party I joined ended up disbanding because we never got enough people, so I went in blind using duty finder and cleared it in one go. The queue time was long, though.
The set is aight.
The textures are really really bad.
Damage type debuffs are gone though, and Litany got nerfed. Their potencies might be overblown but there was no way DRG wasn't going to get considerable damage increases to compensate.
textures of odin?
what do you do when the guy who's causing all the wipes in your last party joins another clear party you're in.
Should you call them out? Just play dumb until he screws up again?
>we’ll never be able to balance healers
Why do people use this word so fucking idiotically?
Its fucking ironic that people think ANYTHING in this game is unbalanced when literally every class within a role has close to the same exact utility and their dps is balanced around The one thing that class does different to the others.
If you want perfect balance then I’m sorry thats never achievable without having only 1 tank, 1 healer and 1 dps. Its fucking stupid to complain about balance in a game thats way to fucking balanced to the point where buffs don’t even feel good to use because of how small they are and there isn’t even a dedicated buff or debuffer class.
There will always be a meta no matter how balanced the game is, stop complaining about such retardedly trivial things, or do you want red mage to actually lose cool abilities like cure?
is there anything worth wile farming primals at all?
>Just play dumb until he screws up again?
Yes, because otherwise is conjecture and they might think you just have a petty grudge against him.
If they aren't stupid they'll notice he's causing wipes.
no ones likes tell tales
The starting level 60 one is pretty decent. It's probably the closest we'll ever get to garlean styled gunblades too.
Nope, it's 100 quests after Praetorium. It does have important story backdrop for HW though which is the best part.
the textures are better on the set from the fate for whatever reason
Good idea, will try that too.
Where can I obtain more of these
Old primals? Mounts and glamor.
I'd honestly suggest skipping through the Doma and Mhigan refugee thing, even though it is setup for Stormblood, it mostly shows the difference between two groups of people and how these events get handled by both.
2.4 sets up a lot for HW.
DRG has always been the most chad melee DPS job, it is undeniable.
>MNK is for APM obsessed kids and the job has gotten cucked every expansion since ARR so MNK mains are perverts that enjoy getting cucked
>NIN is for the insecure who want to feel like they are the most important person in the entire party and for retarded weebs
>SAM is for people who want to pretend like they only care about dealing max damage but they are actually posers who want an easy job also for retarded weebs
DRG is the only melee DPS job that oozes confidence, the other melees have to try and conspire against it to knock it down a peg or two
any website to look at mounts to farm?
Let them. If Titan and Innocence EX are any indication, they'll run back to their safe jobs soon enough.
Ours disban when wipe on the water drop phase because group 2 tank got in group 1
It was doomed from the start with 3 bards and a dancer joined
drg looks the most weeb thou
>can't make Titania weapons into Feo Ul colors
Does someone have a link to a 5.0 guide to leveling crafters / DoL ?
I killed it 10 times with my static easily, but I'm done with that fight, it's so fucking tiring. Don't remember last time I was so exhausted after 2 hours of raiding.
They are all the exact same and have the same role action utility, the only difference is the order they press buttons in and:
>sam has no utility
>ninja buffs everyones damage every minute
>drg buffs one other person
god i wish i could spend a night with her
>being THE buff bitch
drg calling anyone insecure is cute, nin is for people that want to have fun
A long fucking time ago bro.
God what an ugly character
why is drg the best job in the game guys
If you want 70-80 then this worked quite nicely for me.
Good thing I have 1,762 more screenshots of her!
because you like to pretend the spear is a stripper pole
Spears are just inherently better
I need more lala pics for my
drg is boring as hell, but at least its not monk or rdm
thanks user
>drg buffs one other person
DRG literally buffs one other person PLUS the whole raid with it's aoe crit buff.
now that meme piercing combi is dead people feel like they can play selfish dps more
Why are you taking screenshots at 0200? Isnt that kind of late to be up user? post the lewd pictures you took
>got 1million 1 gil for leveling to 30
this is rad, no more teleport costs
>literally not suicidal neets that exclusively play them while screaching about high ping
>WAR buffed into another galaxy
>SCH Indomitability buffed to 600 potency, Recitation cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, Faerie healing buffed
>SMN buffed so they have the best utility and the best damage and the best mobility out of all the casters. Can't make Faggyzaur angry
Same as it ever was. It will never change and these 3 jobs can't ever not be the absolute best for a single tier.
>>WAR buffed into another galaxy
when was that
If I kick someone because their dps is terrible without saying a word, can I get reported?
What should I say if the other party members ask?
thats just me not all nin
I sincerely hope you're not going to go into crafting.
High jump and stardive are cooler than most classes new additions, plus removing heavy thrust and Impulse drive made drg less tedious
Once you get far enough along the expansions teleporting anywhere is going to cost at least 1000g a pop, especially if you are going from the Far East or Norvrandt to anywhere else.
It'll start piling up if you take up gathering as you are going to be jumping from zone to zone every hour gathering the nodes that are on a timer.
And god have mercy on your soul if you actually consider melding your crafting and gathering gear on endgame, or get into housing, as you'll discover that 1M is still below the poverty line in this game.
Most of the time the vote kick won't pass.
Hes predicting the future.
How is it cooler? High Jump is literally just a faster animation jump.
I'm talking about farming ex primals.
Leaving and booting.
Because if you wanna make gil you gotta spend gil
Mostly on materia melds
Same. When she ran up asking for help before Eden was unlocked, I found myself asking "What's the matter sweetheart? Everything okay? Catch your breath, tell me what's going on, and we'll take care of it."
She behaves very much like a kid trying to pretend like she belongs with adults, but not like the twins. They might as well be adults in the bodies of children, who are only laid out when their naivety and hubris get them in over their heads. Ryne however is a kid in a kid body who acts like she has been welcomed among the adults, but feels like she doesn't belong there. She absolutely brings abilities to the table that no one else does, but I still feel compelled to reassure her that we're with her no matter what, and that she doesn't have to be anything other than herself.
Do you think he'll show up again?
If their DPS is terrible, they have to be doing something wrong with their rotation. Just point that out. People will be more likely to kick them if you say they are an ice mage, or a Titan SMN, or a no song BRD rather than if you tell them they parse low.
>chocobo lvl 2
>never heals even though i commanded him to "heal"
wow thanks for spoiling the face of that mystery nigga because you think that anyone actually cares about your generic highlander. please kill yourself you attention whoring tranny you can spend your eternal life in hell aka the official /xivvg/ discord channel
>DRG is third in damage
Uh in what fight?
So does the main story pick up in HW or is it a bunch of “go here and talk to this person” bullshit that the story has been since beating ultima weapon? It’s really ridiculous, but I just beat keeper of the lake and things seem to be worth watching/reading again.
How are these not jaggy as fuck? The game's FXAA + aggressive DoF is disastrous.
post feet
why are you here?
this face?
What are some neat looking bows anons?
Guys, forget all about the dps charts
Which melee dps has the best A E S T H E T I C S?
or this one?
He's trying his best
Give love and greens
give greens`?Ü
HW is the official moment that the MSQ actually becomes worth doing and watching the cutscenes for.
Some people will tell you that it improves around 2.4 or 2.5 but fuck all that bullshit the ARR MSQ is pathetic all the way through.
>5'11 and 6'0
The real balance issue between melee dps right now is not DRG, it's that MNK is WAY too close to samurai in every fight at every percentile. This is literally probably the worse SAM has ever been.
>3 bots clearly behind a dungeon waypoint
i hate these teleporting fucks any way to report them ingame?
>Giving an attention whore what it wants
Hide and ignore.
dbl feet
Samurai by malms
For me, its the Sarnga
>game gives you an option to call him by his actual name at the beginning of the expansion and everyone knew who he was even before ShB came out
>tHaNKs fOr SpoILIng iT
>only relevant when a bard and a mch decide to join your party
More like the biggest virgin until you got a month of that selfish dps sensation before they kneecap you to bring mnk and sam back.
>Why do you wear that mask, Gaius? Is it because you're ugly as sin? Wouldn't it be funny if you were actually bad boy sexy? Haha.
glad im leveling SAM for dps GUN for tank and BLM for ranged dps then
Can anyone tell me.
I want to level a SMN just for completion of the DPS classes. Do I also get a SCH with that?
Did they actually change the chocobo AI in ShB? Before I could put him in heal stance he'd spam Choco Cure all day, now he just uses every 5-10 seconds or so.
he uses it maybe once every 4 minutes or something
Gaius is one of the only black Garleans I've seen in the game. Maybe that's why?
t. never went full crit party aka the best party
Theres literally no way you didn't know it was him.
I really like the animations and sound effects on MNK. Those light trails following your fists makes playing the job feel pretty good.
ive been stucking pugging it and i want to fucking strangle all these retards
thank god i have 2 totems left and then i can never look at this fight again
Bro it's been weeks
Thanks !
Do you have one for 1-80 or 1-70 by chance ?
he's not black, he's overcooked
Do it the other way around. Level up SCH, SMN goes in the cuckshed.
nobody cares about your fugly ass highlander go back to /xivg/
literally a general, complete with waifu spammers
Eden is comfy
You have to actually get the abilities first. Companions suck ass early on.
They really need to redo the effect of greased lightning. Make GL1-3 be a soft green aura that wisps off of the body, then GL4 can be a harsher aura, maybe make it blue or orange.
The aura being fart streaks that dash around the body is just disgusting.
>theme is called Bite of the Black Wolf
>he's actually a black man and not a wolf
its level 2 i did get his abilites
He's deeply tanned from field work, something that you wouldn't know.
If they had a map of Garlea he'd be from Southern Garlea while Zenos is from Northern Garlea
Stop giving them (You)s you irritable moron
>level MCH
>wow look at all these cool moves i get
>novelty wears off after like 1 week
>it's now boring as fuck
Wtf thanks for spoiling
Try the other thread.
I truly do not give a shit about healing. There are only 2 reasons I am leveling a SMN.
1. To finally see all my DPS classes at max
2. To do the Healer Role Quest.
That's it. I will never use a healer after that role quest.
What job is GUN?
>tfw been a BLM main since 2.0
Guess it's time to try one of the more mobile jobs.
>the games first big bad was a dark skinned character
Gunbreaker, smoothbrains still spell it wrong.
Sounds like a personal problem
which one
Emet's exclusive job.
That's the problem with all ranged/caster dps in this game.
Real dpsCHADs play melee dps
You have to think more playing tank than ranged dps
Samurai because you aren't a hopping gaylord
fucking retard it's Garlemald
is it impossible to get the rathalos mount now?
I think he's talking about GUB.
first big bad was Nael and that's a transvestite asian woman.
He was always a good guy user, and he was always right as well.
all I ask is for one more titania totem.
can I not get that party finder? why are you denying my wishes. I just need ONE FUCKING MORE
why would it be, it's not an event mount
>shrek race
he only has regen at that level, he needs level 4 healer to actually get a cure
I hate Koji for making retards like you.
Nael's sister assumed his identity you fucking faggot. The real Nael died before the Meteor project finished and his sister got tempered by Bahamut.
Possible, but good luck getting three other niggas to farm it 50 times with you
during oral sex
The game's first big bad was a batshit insane female lancer.
I don't want balance - it leads to homogenization. I want fun. Remember Ragnarok Online classes? The game was nowhere near the same galaxy as 'balance' but it was fun as fuck.
No, do rath ex
Ignore the gay op. Theres some cute and funny stuff below
doing westwind for the first time now
2 tanks 2 healers oh boy
My advice is.
Don't do it.
>I truly do not give a shit about healing. There are only 2 reasons I am leveling a SMN.
>1. To finally see all my DPS classes at max
>2. To do the Healer Role Quest.
>That's it. I will never use a healer after that role quest.
yeah, the big bad Nael is a transvestite asian woman, like I said
I put sam on the backburner for blm because its new skills are fucking good, it's more mobile than ever and smn is finally shedded
Meanwhile sam got several "can't let you do too much dps bro" skills and MORE standstill casts that require specific skill speed and uptime to not desync
is it something i can just queue for or do i have to pf it
aw poor baby
Literally 20 seconds long, the poor bastard.
Gaius came before Nael you dipshit.
the cutscene is longer than the fight
Don't do EX or don't kick?
i ignored it because of the gay shit, thanks
play "let's try to get killed by the boss before he dies"
>he was always right as well
He literally listened to Lahabrea
SMN stopped being best in alphascape
tanks are going to go ape shit i bet
Don't kick.
I mean if you don't want to do EX i mean, is your choice.
hit 80 gatherer is there a newer collectible rotation i should be using for white scrippies? or do i still do DE -> IA2 -> DE -> IA2 -> DE -> MA and replacing DE with SM if it procadoodles?
I need Feo Ul in my life
why are you angry
Can someone tell me the rotation of level 70 DRG? I have one but I forgot how to play it.
You'll find PFs for it or start it yourself
Hildibrand plz go
Go to a striking dummy and hit buttons and read tooltips
elusive jump then change to a better job
123 fang wheel
145 wheel fang
jump and dive and jump and dive and then go jump and dive
Dude there's like two buttons now, three if you include high jump.
And Gaius wasn't the big bad of 1.0, seeing as how he's not the one that brought down Dalamud and isn't the final boss.
Because polearms are the best weapon class
>normal raids and trials are too easy
>ex and savage are too hard (for me)
I hate this.
Post your weaponfu
EX and Savage are just "know what every mechanic is and how to do it" tho, just learn the fights
just get good
the hardest part about ex and savage is the other 7 people
Nice, you keep that thing in your husband's coinpurse while you go shopping?
Good luck doing EX trials now.
Party finder is a clusterfuck and everyone's a piece of shit.
Looks like shit, just like more Viera players.
>tfw got two weapons and 2/4 innocence fending accessories
>don't have to go through that shit anymore with Eden gear being a thing
Its simple and I like it on my more 'soldier' looking MCH.
I try but people are not that patient with "bad" tanks.
I'm probably one of those.
>tfw literally need one more clear to get my last tank weapon
>everyone's a braindead motherfucker that doesn't know how to do mechanics, and if they do all the DPSes hit like a fucking wet noodle.
>wasting 2 drops on accessories when you can just get them whenever you want
Uhhhh bro lol
>thought that this was thancreds death scene
>it was actually minfilia's death scene
Are you the tank from yesterday?
How the fuck do you get confused, the add is literally right fucking there.
uhm westwind dungeon literally took 20 seconds
what the hell????
We weren't joking.
We're only going to fight Shiva right?
my retainer > your retainer
Just need to level her up so I can put on the ravel keeper stuff.
Yeah it’s that healslut cosplaying as a tank from yesterday. I can smell his bp from here
why was this even a 10 man dungeon
Tanking in this game is literally just press your button when the boss does the big attack
Are we trying to summon Captain Planet?
>think more as tank
>stand in one spot
>only move when needed
>use tank buster for big hits
You mistaking him with the Coil recreation? Urianger said himself that Nael being a female made no sense since Nael was male.
it was challenging back when the average item level for new players was i50 and not i500
>there was absolutely no emotion involved
Maybe "oh no Minfilia's dead" shouldn't have been a plot point on three separate occasions
me think real big me see cast me hit sentinel
don't reply to cutscene skippers
The Nael we know is canonically female.
Rip songbird
Oh shit, that is fantastic.Thanks for sharing, user.
Im playing through heavensward and just got to the part where Haurchefant dies. I don't like this.
Koji fucked up the translation in Coil, the only accurate discussion of Nael is in the lorebook - she took up her brothers name after he died, and killed everyone who knew of her/what happened to her brother.
how to level up chocobo fast?
how would sin eaters respond to being forcefully penetrated
>Kohakuren stabs her toenail into my urethra
Fate can be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero
hope you like seeing that referenced like four more times
This clips on Hrothgar so bad im glad i didnt switch
meme character
Man going back to the source and against the katana autist feels like such a step down from emet and the first
I grind the 79s in the Tempest unless someone has a big dick chad idea
Keep it out to play, and MSQ. I got levels 12 and 13 out of the ShB MSQ.
ok elidibus
Do the challenge log and then leave it in a stable, feeding it krakka roots.
what sword is that
where can I see more
Do the challenge logs each week then stick it in the stable and feed it krakka root every hour. Unless they changed the exp formula for chocobos this is still the fastest way I know of, the exp you get from battle is piss poor.
Im still kinda mad that my bro aht became a slut.
>song bird
Look at the face markings. She is a miquote not au ra
Fate grinding and trying to proc archeo/formidable in the first two weeks got mine from 13 to 19 80%
>Implying Elidibus won't get the bright idea to come to us saying Zenos is back in his body and about to Black Rose the world to create his World of Strength
>All to make sure nobody slowly walks towards him with a katana ever again
I want to FUCK this voidsent lancer
Her ass in the battle portrait is always in dire need of spanking desu
DRK AF4 sword.
Weathered Shadowbringer
I honestly just want the lifesteal with our skills back. So I can big dick pull mobs.
>Miqo'te's sin is obscenity
Krakka roots give fuckall exp, like five enemies from ShB areas give the same amount as a single root. No reason not to be using them as they aren't expensive and it's easy exp, but it isn't the fastest way.
im going to do story first THEN after max level see what else i can do, way too overwhelming now honestly
I want to fuck most voidsent
Are you just starting the game, or do you mean Shadowbringers?
just leveling up my first character
You should do any quests with a blue icon and a + when you see them, though some only unlock after doing certain sidequests.
Fuck off
do i need to unlock every other dungeon through tehm?
I want to fuck H'naanza. With the goggles still on.
>that background talos
>that arr boss music
>that transition into salt cubes
>that final boss
mt gulag truly is dungeon kino
How come DRK gets to have Shadowbringers(tm) as a weapon? They're not even that good!
ARM guildmaster desu
Geva is great too.
Is that really a bad thing that MNK is right behind SAM? The only thing that MNK brings is a 5% melee DPS buff every 90 seconds and Mantra, Mantra is completely unnecessary and Brotherhood's DPS buff is mediocre at best.
SAM can't just completely be better than MNK
Because they turned them into a slightly better WAR in exchange.
SAM and MNK have stepped on each other's toes since SB. There's no way to balance them so one isn't always better than the other without bringing slashing resist down and adding blunt resist down + more blunt damage.
Considering how stale I find current DRK, I don't want to know what WAR feels like.
You are absolutely right on with that plan of attack then. Getting a character to the max level will unlock the armory bonus that literally makes every class/job you level afterwards easier to level.
The one thing I would suggest though is prioritizing the main story because that is the best way to level. I would qualify that though, because once you hit 80, you probably wont be done with the main story content that offers experience, so prepare yourself with taking a break from the story so you can level up doing yourself a favor and planning to take a break to level up a second class/job, because that is a lot of exp you'd be wasting doing those quests with a job that won't benefit from it.
Honestly, I'd suggest starting to level a second class/job via Roulettes when you hit 65, that way when it comes time to take that break, it shouldn't take you long to get it caught up.
based non padder
This inspires to me to make a no buff/debuffing DF team in the guise of respecting the content.
Yeah what was the AST's problem? He clearly didn't want the cards.
well, that;s new.
He is really handsome, i'm considering making a male character thanks to him.
already switched WAR to SAM at 50 might switch to GUN
Is this a real question?
if you dont have the legacy tattoo, you didnt play 1.0 you plebs
Chad Owbringer
this game's community never ceases to surprise me
god dmanit
>you didnt play 1.0
Thank fuck for that.
>use my Sword of the Shroud title
>constantly get tells asking me how to attain it
Independent mch needs no buffs
hey old man
>In-game model uses a generic face
>Except it also exclusively gets the only decent facial hair midlander has
For fucks sake, Yoshi
>can still see the names on the minions
you fucked up now bucko, hope you like explaining this shit to the cops
Well that's good. I would just stress that you try to get a job to 80. The way the Armory bonus works is almost a slingshot effect, so the further ahead a job is from whatever job you're leveling, the more benefit you get in terms of expedited leveling.
also legacy chocobo
Reminder to report "people" who spam their ugly and unoriginal characters
No it's not, the armory bonus is static as long as the job is lower than your highest
yeah i might get GBR but do the msq up until 80 with my sam
also the game is only $9 / mo for legacy accounts
>Doodling on your most loyal companion's beak
Fucking disgusting
A good amount of the latter ARR ones yes
Why did his group have two tanks?
I respect this man, he is a self made man.
for what ?
You find out after you've done all the role quests
Why is he so perfect?
Three tanks
Should I not even try to buy a house? I keep hearing that it's next to impossible. Should i just get a FC company room and or an apartment?
>castrum lvl 50
>dd searching
>time: 1hour
i thought world sharing was a thing?!
The only thing I miss from 1.0 is the fluidity of animations in cutscenes. Everything from ARR on feels so stiff.
I bet her thighs are so soft and squishy
How much data does the game use during play per average in an hour?
I have only shitty landline internet at my disposal that tends to randomly hiccup just enough to cause me to disconnect from online games and have lag spikes because fucking shitty ISPs.
It works well enough for downloading stuff but when playing online games I just hook up my phone as a hotspot (and actually get a faster, stable connection). Problem is I got a data cap on that so I'm wondering how much can that last me.
ardbert is blue dps
Go for an apartment so you don't end up losing your place if you leave the FC.
Dzamael Darkhold and Aurum Vale
then a ton of level 50 ones if you wanna do the roulette for it
You will need the two I named for leveling at 44 and 47 respectively
i just killed a mob named Dalvag ?
>You will need the two I named for leveling at 44 and 47 respectively
and lets say i never went to them yet am already level 53
Use this one, nothing changed for leveling 0-70 after ShB.
I really wish i could get as into this game as you guys. Its fun, just not alone.
Of course she was, she's a Miqo'te.
im playing it alone user and going through 1-50 was not fun but after that im having a blast, typical Final Fantasy blast honestly
You can always go back it’s just annoying
Find some people to play with?
but i dont need them now do i?
>approaching level 50
>Still haven't got my expansion codes
Why does payment processing take 3 days this sucks.
You use a proper rotation that aligns all your cooldowns and you have them up whenever you need them in set intervals. Loser.
come join us on cactuar/aether user, it'll be fun
eventually get onto a world on the data center but not cactuar
join the crossworld linkshell to talk to people
hey guys what are you all doing?
only one person replies: busy with end-game content
nobody else talks to me on the linkshell
this sure is fun
>he didnt buy complete edition
My usual frens dont play it though, all i know are poorfags
>BLM level 90 spell is meltdown
Post em
dont mind me, just murderin bitches out here
But I did, I got the dominoes deal thing thats the complete edition.
I need to wait for full payment processing before SE sends out my promo code though, this wait is very anxiety inducing.
made for forgiven ronso dicks
Meant to reply to
Stop giving it attention you retard. Ignore and report.
Exactly. Whether you played 1.0 or not doesn't count for shit. That tat might as well be like the Chinese character ones people got in the 90's that they were told meant Bravery, that actually meant Stupid. And you bought it up, because for all of your trials thought the absolute dogshit hat 1.0 was, Yoshi asked that you give him money to build 2.0 offering you snowflake status, if you do, and he got you hook, line and sinker. Meanwhile the rest of us without Legacy tats, stated throwing our money at him when he gave us a product deserving of our doing so. I must thank you for doing what you did though. For all we know, SE would have pulled the plug on ARR if Yoshi hadn't been able to convince rubes to him money on top of the cost of that burning bag of shit that was 1.0.
Don't worry, even after you hit 50 you'll have over a hundred quests to do before you reach Heavensward.
what the FUCK why are 10 players breezing through a lvl 50 dungeons even though their gear is scaled down
No but eventually you will, I think some of them were even patched to Auto Unlock when you you reached a specific msq.
Because unlocking too much means there’s a possibility you have to go to a specific long ass dungeon you don’t want.
There are some dungeons I wish I never unlocked.
I hate the lalafell
we hate you
koji my immersion no
Praetorium and Castrum Meridianum are jokes. Don't expect to see any more like them in the future.
Gear is scaled down to ilv 130, I assume you mean Praetorium or Meridianum, both of those were meant for ilv 50
they're still i level 130 in there. When the main scenarios first came out max ilevel was like 60
blame discord
abhorrent pun
you know shits wild when you make Urianger face palm
>he doesn’t want $10 sub fee
Lmao what a seething cuck faggot
Just finished ARR and noticing that my inventory is getting full. What to keep and what to discard? I can't determine if anything's worth keeping at all. Also are there any content worth looking out for during my grind to ShB? Or just keep doing MSQ?
I really wish we'd get cutscene-less 8 man dungeons as an alternative to the regular 4 mans we get. Let players queue for a Light or Full party dungeon, make the mechanics more detailed for larger groups.
>Y'shtola completely leaves the nation she founded because the WoL looked at her ass
Is she the one who is WoL love interest?
i see
i cant see though because there s so much effects going on
If the item is character bound or untradeable, look it up and see if it's for buying something you want.
Other than that, all you should really be carrying is gysahl greens and mega-ethers if you're a BLM.
You can turn off party effects in the options menu.
Finished 5 relic books today
>Trying to do party content with other players' effects turned on
Bro, no
>threatens to spank the WoL
>smacks Urianger's ass
Y'shtola is a SLUT
which setting
>Doing Zeta relic
I'm sorry for what you're going through user
It is I who spanks the ass
Just think, once your all done you can dab on the lazy anima fags and their easy mode relics.
Character Settings (hotkey is K by default) under Character, it's in one of the later tabs
>Character config > Control Settings > Character
Change party to either limited or none, and others as well
You should do the raid storylines of each expansion's endgame alongside the MSQ, before moving on to the next expansion. Most of the raids are important to the overall story and feature main story characters, often giving them a lot of development.
This is especially important in ARR. Do the Crystal Tower and Binding Coil of Bahamut raids ASAP. Crystal Tower is just a matter of queuing up in DF, but for Coil you have to make a Party Finder group at least for later bosses, since it's too hard (and thus dead content) for DF. Get a level 80 player to carry you through it to see the story if you must(someone is always willing to do this), though Coil is some of the best gameplay content in the game if you can get a full group to do it properly synced to level 50 with.
thanks lads
Press K, click Character tab, look at Battle Effects Settings.
What the fuck is that
I want to see her as an adult. Just imagine a 7 foot dom Alisaie.
most of Coil is extremely hard to do synced now due to the status effects that are missing (NOT JUST STONESKIN)
>Alphinaud is a little child
>Alisaie want to be WoL sex slave
>Thancred "never scored" Waters
>Urianger is an incel
>Y'shtola constantly makes hints to WoL
>Reyne either too enamored with WoL or acts like a kid
The scions at this point are either wanting to rape WoL or cucked by WoL
Check if any materials in your bag sells for more than 100gil each and throw them on the marketboard if they do, discard otherwise
>Turning off party effects and ruining the immersion and spectacle
Just no.
Part of me wants this, but at the same time I love my giraffelet
Not even mad about the selfie posting. Your WoL looks good enough to be canon with that armor and normal.
>get a leveling roulette in Doma Castle
>SAM and MCH
>should be easy with all the aoe
>SAM never aoes
Did they bump up/remove the basic non resource aoe for SAM or did he just not understand the point of it?
Alphie in his wittle pancho is so cute
i care more about seeing the boss than your fag morn
Alphinaud is for Estinien to solemnly snuggle in front of the fireplace as they remember Ysayle and the WoL's journeys
Thancred is too busy being a 40 year old boomer to score anymore
Urianger is my cool uncle
The girls? No way fag
looks like a ui mod
Better than a catslut/lala/tranny lizard
No it's not, because you are still greatly overgeared when synced to 50, and outgoing damage is much higher than it was at the time.
Even Minimum ilevel mode is easier now than it was before.
>doing caestrum lvl 50
>everyone rushes
>have no fucking clue what the fucks going on
!?!?!? HELP
lmao that's because people are queueing for it not cuz of story but cuz the roulette for it gives mad good rewards, just enjoy the carry.
Bullshit Urianger is a volcel. That man could get all sorts of chicks. Have you not seen the fan content?
Material UI
Nah its all there.
You mean this shit?
>Cool uncle
Cool uncles don't tell lies
Don't worry about it. Just enjoy the ride. You'll be doing it a million times in the future. No one expects you to understand it if you are new.
It doesn't matter what race you are, you will always be a faggot.
Consider the rope, furshit.
sometimes you have to tell your children that Santa Claus isn't real, he's just a primal brought forth by their belief and the latent aether of the christmas spirit
im kjust... were at the end boss that judge woman and what the fucksss going onnnnnnn everyones just standing there
it's a boss you defeat with the cannons cause she takes like 0 damage lol
okay then
Everything after that step is easy at least, just maybe a little tedious
When you get to Praetorium, just walk. You wont be doing anything to help the party that will burn through everything in seconds.
did livia and gaius fuqq?
Yeah and he raised her.
Literally yes.
BBC addict, explains a lot.
Livia is super yandere to Gaius who thinks it's just devotion to a superior in a militaristic fashion.
gaius was pretty based
>removing the frames for jobs
It's shit
Without a doubt.
How ugly.
Gaius tells her to come to his bedroom in a scene in ARR.
Keeps the icons and colours but removes the backgrounds, personally prefer it that way
Lucia wishes Aymeric would dick her like Gaius did her sister.