Last game I tried is Ori.
It is too repetitive, I can't play it for more than 15 minutes.
What game is considered 10/10 by everyone but you don't like it
dark souls, sorry it just controls like shit
>INB4 git gud
Borderlands 1 is really boring to me. I like the art style but it feels really generic. Same thing for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Skyrim. GTAV.
Well, I don’t dislike them, I just don’t find myself compelled by them that much.
Any game with Mario.
I really didn't like Hollow Knight.
It's pretty, but very bland and boring to play.
Fucking this
>DMC only fan
only played dmc1, so that's not it
nier, yakuza, ni no kuni 2, borderlands 2, any elder scrolls
weirdest obstacle i had to overcome was the fact that the game queues inputs like a motherfucker
was that your problem?
Nobody likes Nier: A. It has a -2 on Metacritic
that and the camera getting stuck on the environment all the time
the witcher 3. the combat completely killed it for me i tried to play it for about 5 hours and got bored
yeah, camera sucks sometimes, some bosses are full on camera fights, like capra or nameless king phase 1.
did you only try ds1?
if you are willing to give it another try, ds3 is faster so the queuing of input is less important, mashing R1 or roll works much better there, although i like ds2 as well
Ori definitely isn't considered a 10/10 on here.
That game is objectively shit. it just has dedicated shills.
every action rpg ever
I really couldn't stand this game either.
I feel the exact same way. it's a clunky piece of shit, the animations and lag on absolutely everything feels terrible and the disconnect between your action and the games is so fucking large i think the only other game with clunkier controls are the WWE games.
but they just say "it's meant to be that way" and somehow people are fine with it.
Where the hell is my Switch version?
this game runs on fucking laptops. throw your shitch in a dumpster.
I don't like to play on a pc. I want to play it comfortably in bed.
>play it comfortably in bed.
You fat?
Mgs5. Witcher 3. Megaman x.