Let us meet again as stars.
Let us meet again as stars
Why aren't abnormalities affected by other abnormalities? Imagine Nothing There getting Blue Star'd.
>WhiteNight gets Portrait to Another World's effects
>right as you confess to skullbro
is this that undertail i keep hearing about?
Does the game ever drop hints as to what the abnormalities look like without cognition filters? Are the humanoid ones like Little Red actually 15 feet tall? Do the agents actually see CENSORED in all his un-censored glory? I'm so curious to how they've been mangled by the filter to protect my virgin eyes.
It's more of a cave story, if you catch my drift
I assume agents are as tall as Little Red normally, but the cognition filter chibifies them into being as short as Laetitia.
This is what some abnos look like with the filter off. Red is about the same height as that agent who you also defiltered.
Take your typical anomaly and do one of those UE hyper-realism models out of them. I would think that Little Red is the same size as a un-nuggeted agent
>Do the agents actually see CENSORED in all his un-censored glory?
Yes, that's why most instantly or almost instantly panic when they see it
This is my factory so far, yes I been doing meory repo left and rigth
I kind of feel like I still nor ready to take down a midnight ordeal tho.
>didn't memrepo giant tree sap
Scarecrow duty.
Why are you forced to pick useless tools?
Post your best gigachads
Yeah but look at the rest of that section, most of those are good trainers or effects, besides I had to deal whit nameless fetus and duchebag llama one next to the other. on a previus roll of course
>Do the agents actually see CENSORED in all his un-censored glory?
Did you seriously think the agents are driven to near-insanity from looking at literal censor bars?
Yes. They are weebs who just got their porn game censored by sony
>23 yuros
Don't tell anyone I told you this, but you can pirate games.
You are not, 99% of times you'll get at least a not negative one.
Yeah, the game is pretty expensive. I'd say it's worth the price, but being this kind of game I'd say it's putting a lot of people off.
Manager...I love you!
More like I've underestimated how much more willpower a high level employee has compared to a normal human.
you missed the sale
>last thread got deleted
Guess we need to be even more stealthy.
What abno would you want to hear these words from?
What if big borb was small borb?
What would he bite off?
This is my surgical strike team, Noah always carries the despair buff too
my peanus weanus haha
don't usually come to this threads, but what's the connection between lobotomy corporation and SCP?
on a superficial level to me they seem kind of a copycat, but iirc anyone is free to use the SCP material as they see fit, even to make paid games so there would be no reason to do so
Lobotomy Corporation is inspired by SCP. It even says on the store page
Developing team said they based the monster containment idea from SCP and Cabin in the Woods. But the game has its own charm, diverting from the SCP vibes
Queen of Hatred... and wellcheers
The general concept of spooky and weird monsters of various shapes and sizes being contained and experimented on is really the only connection between LC and SCP. Otherwise, it has good quality control when it comes to monsters, a stronger focus on actual characters, a more involved setting, and the purpose for containing the monsters is less to protect the outside world from them, but instead to exploit them for energy.
The connection is that there's a secretive organization locking up abnormal monsters in a facility and there are people working on and with them.
Other than that they're not really that similar. The backgrounds of the abnormalities and the nature of their existence, the lore, the purpose of Lobotomy Corporation, the dystopian world outside, the kabbalistic mysticism and so forth are all differences.
rate my facility
Also on day 49 which one is better pushing through 10 meltdown level or suppressing binah?
Lobotomy Corporation has in comparison manuals you should read.
Beautiful. The only thing missing the Fetus.
Yikes. Good luck man.
I found Binah easier, but that's not to say it was easy at all.
she made millions of books.........
I avoided picking it on upper layer, but now he never pops out again.
Gotta fill those abnormality dissolution somehow. And hey at least I don't have WN or Parasyte tree on this run. kill me pls
to kill millions of clerks
cute feet
>pushing through meltdown level 12
Let me know if that's easy to do with Binah walking around until Meltdown 8
Angela is a dumb SLUTand even more of a traitor than Hod!
How did you guys get 100% codex? Did you just get to Central and used memrepo over and over to get abnos for info?
Day1. Had to do it anyway to get past Binah with no deaths, so no issue.
>when you agent's stats are so high they start to bug out into negatives
I'm gonna start playing this in an hour, wish me luck nerds
Face the Fear!
Build the Future!
Read the Manual!
Remember, get the managerial tips first, the name doesnt matter!
Don't pick One Sin, however.
>bug into negatives
based mathlet
pick One Sin
How is he so cute???
he cute
Who do I believe?
Plague Doctor is sleeping
Whats the latest I should start doing suppression if I intend to restart the run at some point anyways
Dumb fetus, should be aborted
then do it slutbot
Do not cry little ones, for I am with you.
>that portrait
>loli is hard S
Holy fuck
but that's not hod
I know you can't see her face but her war face is there somewhere.
the trick is that they're all slutbots, even the guys
>this captain breaks down your containment door and walks in
What do?
instapanic and start lowering nameless fetus' qliphoth counter
Especially the guys
Imagine unironically being an agent and being transformed into a freak with multiple eyes, horns, and wings sprouting out of your back.
Thank god we Clerkchads do not have to put up with that shit
>Judgement bird and punishing bird breaching
what a slut
I am officially declaring the King of Greed as the best designed WAW
Im gonna fuck your clerk wife
I want to bash Hokma's skull into pieces!
LC I feel does what every SCP inspired game should have been up to this point, management with a mix of the horror that comes from breach. Most SCP games boil down to, “oh no, it got out! Run!”
LC I feel captures the whole aspect of working at a place like SCP with deaths and fucked up shit being the norm. AND THEN everything goes to hell
SCP is in kind of a weird spot moster-wise. Many of the critters they have are just some strange phenomena, or are simply unable to be dealt with in any shape and form, so the only thing you can really do is study them a bit. It has some legitimately cool ideas (the antimemetics department is sick, and there could have been potential for a story with little miss 231) but a great deal of them aren't suitable for a game.
It would be cool if there were more games among these lines though, it's a cool premise.
It's inspired by the general concept of "facility with monsters/items" in it and they name several different things, including SCP, Warehouse 13, and Cabin in the Woods. The big reason people say "SCP" in regards to this is simply because that's the only one people heard of here. SCP wasn't even the first thing to make the concept up, and this game actually has zero real affiliation with SCP.
so is there any real way to stop plague doctor from going rapturous once you have him? Or is he just a time bomb
>literally just worse Hokma's supp every day
What were they thinking?
Did Legacy even have suppressions? I thought combat was a huge shitheap.
Reminder to hide, ignore and dab on /vg/cucks.
is this one of those game that are entertaining for 5 hours max and only autists pour hundreds of hours into it?
not really. It stays entertaining for a while since every day you get something new to work with and figure out.
They probably didn't consider the pause mechanic as important in Legacy.
There's a reason why it was cut and turned into a boss fight in the final version of the game.
Also, many abnos from legacy were considerably more dangerous.
Ignore him and only start days when he's in QM-immune depts. If you have none then get one, he can't do a full clock in one sup.
He's actually super useful for moving around abnos. Only becomes a pain in the ass when you hit Binah.
Nope, best hope is getting normal results or just not talking to him until later.
Combat was less of a focus for sure. There were no EGO so everyone only had batons and pistols, though they could be upgraded a bit, and they also had shields which were kinda cool.
The game is a full campaign that takes some time to beat, so no. You have to reach day 50 and you go at it one day at a time with increasing difficulty.
Is SCP still
>10% benign/useful stuff
>90% things that could cause an XK end of the world scenario and it's a miracle they're contained in any capacity
Name one videogame that isn't like this
I'm not deep into SCP lore or anything, I just occasionally see that it exists and read a few. AFAIK it's probably split down the middle with half being nothing deadly, half being doomsday, with maybe 100 total that are middle-ground dangerous like the peanut.
It's evened out over the years. A lot of it now is just stuff that is deadly and is interesting, but can for the most part be left alone or just studied without any real danger. It's more about the story for a lot of them rather than the object or event itself
Should I play safe and go ice queen or yolo for the new one?
Probably about as much as they were with Screenwriter's Note, even if its effect is avoidable compared to PoS
>purposely do the wrong work 5 times (Note has a bubble to its side that shows one of the 4 work types it wants right now)
>on the 6th work, the agent regardless of the work became possessed, the other agents in the entire department were frozen in place (even if they were currently working on an abnormal), and the possessed agent murdered all 4 as part of the script
>on the 4th death, you were given a disposal bullet, anything you did with that bullet, whether it was killing the killer, missing entirely, or killing someone else, ended the possession
It also told a little story while the killings happened so at least it was interesting in that regard.
>scarecrow duty employee somehow gets to 3 prudence
Well, I guess this is my life now.
That cute stupid bowtie he gives your agent has +6 SP, or +8 I forget
Either way you're getting Prudence 3 regardless if you get it
>finally suppressed red mist
>"heh I dont think the other cores will be harder"
>try Chesed
>he just multiply damage for specific type
>play like its a normal day
>Red Riding Hood has escaped
>she marks one of my chads
>which he was in a department full of chads
>"lol good luck with th..."
>the whole team died before even landing a single attack
>red damage was multiplied
fuuuuuuuuuuuck, this is gonna be a bitch to suppress.
I'm at day 26, when should I do the Ordeal of Dusk?
I just made an attempt for it, losing 2 low-level employees to Noon, and had to end the day just before it at meltdown 7. Snow White's apple got loose and I knew I couldn't supress it.
Now. Just memrepo the losses.
Ideally ASAP, or whenever you're ready.
If you got Der shootman, the agent with his rifle and decent WAW armor with red resist can handle every Dusk solo, so deaths shouldn't be an issue
Can you memrepo as soon as the mission is complete or do you have to end the day first?
Does it work like that? If I complete the task and repo back that task stays completed?
Don't have him unfortunately
You have to end the day. Each one is manageable though, especially with a bit of WAW gear.
Amber only hits enemies in front of them like KoG and does nothing to agents in elevators or big rooms so just pay attention to where you are.
Green is literally just multiple Green Noons, if you can handle the Noon you can handle this.
Crimson doesn't deal a ton of damage, just hunt them down, then stick around to kill their spawn, but leave some dudes behind to deal with the 6 Dawn clowns.
How do I get employees out of the way if they're about to be eaten?
Run them away you Clerk
King Of Greed is slow as fuck, you can easily maneuver your dudes away from its' mouth
What if they're attacking it?
just make them go somewhere else
Pause, select the group, and assign them to move to another hallway, elevator, etc. They stop attacking if you do.
Hell this is how you beat some of the more challenging suppressable entities, you assign a unit to attack, then when you see the thing prep an attack to hit the agent, you pause, move the agent out of the way, then when they whiff, you assign them to attack again.
go back
Is it a mistake to spend the extra lob to customize new hires? It seems fun but I don't want to accidentally fuck myself later by doing it
I'm scared bros
>green eyes
how come the only fanart I've ever seen of her with the eye color the game says she has is from some random user on here?
I've seen a lot of open eye fanart for her but it's always green or gold eyes. The KoG has red eyes.
a free tip for you: don't stand anywhere on the right side of the facility
I like to get every stat to 2-3, with justice at lowest priority. Just don't spread your points too thin, you can make do with 3 or less employees per department for a long time so you're better off reinforcing existing employees after a certain point.
No, customizing them is fun.
Just send everyone to work at once snd skip it entirely. Or dab on it by abusing the second safest place on earth, it's the easiest midnight.
The worms and KoG deal more damage than you can hope to tank even later in the game. Just move away from them...
Green Midnight is ezpz. Send every single agent you have including the plebs to the left side of Information (excluding anyone with Very Short range weapons or Magic Bullet) and just beat it up, then once it gets halfway around run away, use the elevator to teleport through the beam, then start attacking it from the other side. Deal with the Clerkloving abnormalities after.
>he didn't cheese it with the second safest place on earth
No one to blame but yourself.
Where do very short and magic boolet go?
literally the only way to do it, there's no real way to avoid the laser otherwise because of the second beam.
Enough damage kills it before it runs halfway through, and I believe you can jump over the vertical beam by crossing this door . Dunno though, I always did it the easy way.
I can actually DPS it down before it even goes to the left side, I just had everyone sitting in their own departments since I didn't know what it did
Crossing that door killed my shitters but my chads were fine
You should have recorded it at the very least, watching your entire squad get melted would be some pretty lulzworthy stuff.
In a corner, though do pay attention to them so they don't get beam'd. Very Short range is so short they will walk into the middle beam to attack and die. Magic Bullet will deal collateral damage which sucks.
The door still kills you I think.
Rushing it down kind of works but I'm fairly sure the elevator method was intentional. Green Midnight would have been the most dangerous if they kept the Legacy elevators.
I'm getting interested, should i get it
yes :)
sure, maybe watch a video or try the pirated game first though
Where should i start when i get it
at the manuals
That's correct!
that didn't take long
not even sure what i did wrong here
>equip armors
>reinforce agents
>stop sucking dick
Your dude isn't equipped in gear strong enough to resist the damage from the Negative PE boxes. Equip your employees in better gear
let them regen hp you cl*rk
At least it isn't One Sin
How many anomalies are in the game? Also any good mods yet to add more
>trapping your squad with the slow moving beam that does a full rotation
dood wut r u doin
What's wrong with the floating skeleton head?
how do i check their current hp? be patient i'm retarded
i'm literally on day 2 so i don't think there's much i can do
there's a fairly large number but I'm not sure if there's any mods to add more yet. I'd be down for that though.
>he doesn't know what one sin does on day 7
Oh boy.
I thought maybe the laser pointing up would start moving once they almost converge
Wasn't prepared since I didn't know what the ordeal did
Click on the containment unit
Before you send someone to work on X abnormality, you should see their HP/SP bar
one sin can deal the most damage in the game
77 Base + 7 Backer ones if I'm not mistsken. No mods to add new abnos but apparently there are mods to bring the legacy ones back.
Equip them with One Sin's gear, put them to work when their HP is full and do his favorite work type. Unlock the managerial tips quickly.
did you knew
elevators teleport?
It's quite early, just spend a day getting every last bit of gear you can get from One Sin. Just don't have anyone equipped with the basic suit because it's pathetic. Also always prioritize higher tiers, even if the stats are lower there's a multiplier for higher tiers (so a ZAYIN attacking ALEPH armor deals 40% damage while an ALEPH attacking a ZAYIN deals 200%). Also, always check on the weapon details, there's a bit of story and some weapons have orange special effects.
Why would anyone want the legacy ones back though. Screenwriter's Note sucks and Price of Silence is cancer. The Hammer of Light is ok but I'm sure it could be adapted into something cooler.
what happens if you clean the punishing birb's chest
It would be extremely painful
calling the rabbit team right now
Make an ALEPH which seems sketchy but they're a ZAYIN at heart
what's the name of that mod that displays how much hp abnos have? I checked the nexus but there is only cosmetic mods there
I believe that one modder with the good art made a redo of Hammer of Light that summons big armored motherfuckers
not sure what happened to him, last I heard he made some ugly furry mods to promote his patreon game
I liked his gift mods though
Cringe, but redpilled
would you want to fuck a clerk user
As you say, Manager
Butt Angela wants to fuck tho
How would that work?
>get ALEPH
>excited to get gear
>it's ZAYIN gear
>10 PE boxes
>it does have a more severe Don't Touch Me-like effect, but it's only triggered upon reaching 0 energy after getting to the energy quota
I would be sad
I thought they were goofy at first but fanart is convincing me that they’d be more imposing than you’d think
They're the HECU to LC's Black Mesa, designs aside they're some scary dudes.
Is he our guy?
Quick question, should I bother going beyond the energy quota needed for the day? Interacting with abnormalities grants stat increases, so should I do it as much as I can before ending the day and having to deal with yet another abnormality to fuck around with? I guess with the obvious repercussion being that if I fuck up this far in then I just lost all that progress.
Speaking of, can I just finish the day at any time and be completely fine? I know the manual said finishing when an abnormality has escape means you lose LOB and finishing when an employee is panicked automatically kills them, but if I finish before anything gets that far am I good to go?
Don't complete the day just yet. Do the mission you have now, it requires you to do it in one day.
Absolutely based longbro.
You should extend your days when you get better abos for training. Teths and Zayins raise stats really slowly. Besides, farming gifts and pushing for Ordeals if you got missions to do them are a thing too.
Grind as much as you need though you'd level up faster when you expand the facility and get better abnormalities to work with. It also helps to finish missions too.
The ears do make them look goofy ingame.
They should look like something that is part of their helmet, rather than sticking out as ears so much
Rhinos and reindeer better appear in Library of Ruina
>They had to set down for rabbits because reindeer would cause damage to the facility and rhinos would just tear it apart
Best bird, gives ALEPH gear and never breaches unless you're awful.
>You should have recorded it
I'm not the guy who let it happen of course, but here's a bunch of noobies getting the laser
post binah
Based as fuck
>tim, ara, hoon, and micaela enter the room completely unphased
But only under as antithesis to s very specific situation.
i fapped to dream of a black swan
Here's a pic of me with some of my wives and husbands.
I'm still scared shitless of Dusk Ordeals despite having so many level V people now and it makes me feel bad.
There was some smut written with her in another thread iirc
I can't read what this comic says
Me on the left
i'm waiting for a little red pastebin where she reluctantly has sex after being paid a hefty amount of pe boxes
What a waste of energy
Fuck off Angela I'll fuck whatever i want and you have to watch.
I know right? It would be better to build up a loving relationship with her over several days at the facility so you can do it for free
absolutely wholesome
>day 21
>pick both nameless fetus and alruine
I legitimately applaud your courage if that's what you're actually doing, holy shit. Godspeed you crazy manager.
>Pick MoSB, AiB, Big Bird and Heroic Monk
>Don't execute any clerks
If you've got the codex already memrepo faster than a blue star.
>Pick WhiteNight and Express Train to Hell
>Constantly leave game running on 2x speed
>A 1 LOB Agent dies on day 40
>Reset the day
>throw Apocobirb into WCCA
Take that you dumb bitch
>When I meant to execute a clerk
>gigachad gets drawn to Big Bird
>execute him before he gets killed
Try spending some of your LOB
>see an agent just finished working on (CENSORED)
>send him again as soon as the counter ends without going back to the regen room
One sin is the worst, most BS abnos in the game. I wouldn’t even go past day 10 on a file with One Sin
How long until Angela's faulty AI shuts her down for good?
Never. Her love is eternal.
Can anyone get me a video or clip of Nameless Fetus' screaming?
Any chance this game will be ported to Switch I don’t want to play it on the computer
probably not
>mobile Lob Corp
>RTS game on the Switch
user, do you want a bad time? Because that's how you get a bad time.
This game really works best with a mouse.
I can't even imagine this game on something that hasn't a mouse.
Lots of pausing
That Binah is too smug
Haha what if
I want to hold hands with the red hooded merc
I was expecting you
what are trumpets
Emergency levels. They're a measure of how badly you mess up.
Certain abnormalities react to trumpet levels.
the orchestra to your funeral
I remember being drugged and strapped to a bed but repress the memories of what actually happened and have a fear sleeping in a normal bed.
Thus I use a sleeping bag or a hammock, otherwise I sleep on the floor.
>get to Binah's last mission
>have to clock the doc if I want to fight Bucket
waw how could I have seen that coming, the bastard just wants his clock
I take it I should do Hokma first? Whatever the clock does I want to put it off as long as possible.
You'll want to complete the Doktor regardless to make Binah easier, but yeah if you're up to it you could do Hokma first.
It makes Binah easier? Does she take extra damage from what triggers when the clock finishes?
Also wondering if Hokma is like Tiphereth's because it sure looks like it with the meltdown level needed. I hated Tiphereth's because it didn't let me put the doc in any immunized location, as meltdowns still happened in Central despite not being supposed to in the departments where a suppression was happening. Luckily doc didn't go nuts there though, only Schadenfreude demanded work.
Filling the doc's clock gives you access to his armor, which is ridiculously good.
>Also wondering if Hokma is like Tiphereth
Yes, but with a cool bonus of banning the use of your pause button.
Please enjoy the fun.
Ah, well I'm not really short on armor and have Twilight, so eh. I have all the ALEPHs and beat Gebura yesterday.
fuck everything then I guess, but I want that justice boost (which I'm assuming is the prize since he has the other 3 stats as his research rewards).
As long as you don't get something like Purple Midnight you should be ok.
But yeah, his reward will make your gigachads FAST
I've defeated 2 Violet Midnights but I don't think I can without pause. First try was a lot of losses but second was 0 deaths, I learned the best way was to just evac to elevators then call the rabbits on the shrines. Then when they die, take out Pale->White->Black->Red.
I do want more speed.
What happens when all your depts. are immune to meltdowns
stat this as an abno in game
im guessing qliphoth meltdowns just wont do anything then
The wonderful feeling of no more meltdowns ever unless specified otherwise
>that trumpet
What is your pick up line for each of them Yea Forums?
But what if the stars meet again as anons?
I'm trying to grind my chad's stats for the last 5 days. Any tips for a violet midnight?
Wrong image. Now try
I just cleared the first 7 Sephirahs, how early can I do Binah? I'm on day 38, it won't let me core suppress her, it says "Require Unlock Progression 5", what does that mean? Do I have to do all of Hokma's missions first? I already did all of Binah's missions
>do you like dragons? cuz in 3 seconds i'll be dragon by nuts across your face
>do you like fitness? how about fitness dick in your mouth
>are you an archaeologist? because i've got a very large bone for you to examine
Oh wait, I see. I can't do Binah before day 40.
Reading online, I'm supposed to put 2 in Hokma before day 41, then finish Binah, then repo to 41, then do Hokma.
Looking at Hokma's missions, how the fuck am I supposed to get 10 employees with Justice level of 100+?
Some of my all level 5 chads don't even have 100 justice
>looking up what to do
Anyway, Der shootman is in your facility for a reason, probably. Or the bitch apple.
Literally just grind more repression.
Stop reading the wiki you double clerk
I seriously hope you have abnos to build justice
I've had to restart 3 times, and am over 55 hours into this game. I'm not spoiling myself the important stuff, I just want to make sure I can make it to day 46 without restarting again
They should capitalize and add a 10 more days dlc with even more abbos to ensure funding for their new game.
so what's up with this kid? the other option was something about a roulette
Not a big deal unless your agent works on something else
>other option was about a roulette
Probably would've been better to get that hot garbage out of the way, but since you got the tumblr lookin kid, just work on him
Autism manifested into an abno
Kid doesn't want his friends to leave him. He gives the best Brooch 2 gift out of all the options.
Dedicated chad trainer, as long as the chad remains healthy and loyal.
>Doing Tiph core suppression
>Doing alright, getting close to midnight
>Look away from my screen during a meltdown and forget to pause
> Melting Love, Army of Black, Smiling Faces break out
> Sort of have them handled
> Red Riding Hood[.........!]
> Runs around causing havoc, leading to my downfall
I guess this is revenge for me farming her for WAW suppression
This is revenge for you forgetting to pause, dipshit.
>playing with d*nator abnormalities on
>first playthrough
>day 31
>got big bird and King of Greed
What a pain in the ass.
>missing two full Aleph sets, the best Waw weapon and Based Clock for literally no reason
Scarecrow duty.
I have seen several of these threads and I haven't been able to glean what the gameplay might be like from a single screenshot.
scp-esque management sim
It's a management sim. You get to directly order teams of employees trying to control a wild clusterfuck and meet the quotas.
>send your cute beanbags to work on monsters
>watch as they inevitably die in a gruesome way
>learn how to avoid getting your cuties killed
Basic gameplay loop is this. Every day you get a new and potentially more dangerous abnormality to take care of and the game constantly throws shit at you to make it harder, including bosses that range from barely a nuisance to honorary gook micromanagement test.
Does the mirror of adjustment make permanent changes or only changes for the day?
Basically you jump into the center of of Blue Star. That's what everyone's doing nowadays, you should really join me. Me and a few others are going to break into Blue Star's room and jump in. Have you heard about Emily? She's a martyr and is now a star. Join us!
It's permanent. Don't use it more than once per day on any employee, that gives them brain damage.
Where do you think I'm posting from?
Serious question, how long have these threads been going on? I discovered it by chance about two weeks ago, and it seems this game has a serious underground following (For good reason). Just wondering if this shit has been going on for months or if it just started gaining popularity
What do I pick Yea Forums
I would go right. Pretty based abnormality, one of the coolest in my opinion.
This game needs a ironman mode, with no retries and only memory repository (only because of shit like don't touch me).
Everytime I lose someone, I can't help myself and just hit retry, so, I will never be able to lose the game, because I never lose anyone.
The late game is too fucking hard for an ironman mode
it's called, discipline, user
does gebura have to beat it into you?
>Just wondering if this shit has been going on for months or if it just started gaining popularity
Don't worry, anonymous friend! We here at Yea Forums - video games have only started discussing the video game Lobotomy Corporation in a sporadic and non-continuous manner and don't intend to turn it into something that is worth creating a general on /vg/ for!
The Instinct part to Dream of a Black Swan is done, I drew an accompaniment: pastebin.com
is/was the general that bad?
/vg/ always turns out bad
Good to know, thanks
was there even a lob corp general? i thought it just had a place in that indie game general
Which of these should I take?
Looks pretty good, reading it right now
If you've got chads and dont mind having one babysit, left
otherwise right is pretty useful
Same as other user. Middle.
I only have 2 chads so right it is then.
yeah there wasn't a lob corp general
looking back in the archives shows a few threads that probably got moved by some dumb janny from Yea Forums to /vg/
there was one attempt at it, but the thread died after 3 posts of people saying it was a bad idea
Is it really that bad? I was kinda having fun here but if this fucker is gonna put me in a soft lock state then I'm restarting
He does it.....FOR FREE
The janny might be, manager forgive me for uttering this word,worse than a clerk
You should have a can of wellcheers instead (FREE)
Don't listen to that cl*rk
One sin is the best bro in the whole facility
Make sure to get the other birbs :^)
Wait FUCK I turned the game off and I didn't think i'd have to go through the day again.
>Is it really that bad?
You'l find out eventually.
Damn you got REALLY lucky rolls, shame you got stuck with One Sin.
Lmao, enjoy your day 14 reset
Who's the guy with the glasses
Alright, I know you guys are fucking with me now. Almost had me there, too
It's all a meme. He really can do the highest damage out if all abos and kill 12 employees at once, but that's during something very specific you shouldn't worry about and he's also always the first abno you get
Also, collect the birds that speak of tilting scales and no such thing as a beast.
>mission to suppress 4 anomalies
>only have like 3 I can reliably put down
If I let out the same one multiple times, does that count? What about the ordeals, do they count?
What now?
uhh what the fuck is this shit now?
Why don't you recommend him to push the button while you're at it
oh okay that just kills my guys that's cool
Just B urself
Yeah, that's pretty much all that thing does. It's kinda mediocre.
The clerk found the shrooms, sound the alarm!
Right for cute and helpful.
It's an above average abo just cause it never melts down. Send people in during a memrepo day to get its info, activate memrepo, and never use it again.
Fuck these look delicious
I like it my dude.
They have some top-tier merch aswell
>mfw gonna miss out the goodies
Finally. Wallpapers i think?
>1.76Hz doesn't count for suppressing anomalies
dammit, literally not enough anomalies I can allow to escape
>day 9
>still haven't finished that mission
am i boned?
You'll get to a point where you complete it naturally, but if I remember, all 3 of Malcutie's missions as well as Yesod's are very important for the sake of not getting boned via not knowing your agents HP/not being able to do cross-department work.
I need to know what these say. Can someone translate these so I know what I'm missing?
Anybody know how to get my save off my pirated copy to a Steam copy?
It automagically works if you just buy and install the steam version if you were using IGG before
What’s Binah’s favorite abnormality?
I wonder what Ayin's eternal best bro Hokma is up to...
>tree sap drink
>15% of all the customers explode randomly
>that tree sap drink
Would it be worth dying instantly to see if it tasted good
Excuse me, waitress, but I ordered cake but it's nothing there on the plate. Also said plate just sexually harrased me. I want to speak the managers.
I'm absolutely fucking terrified to move forward from here.
Is this a real place? Why doesn't the US have awesome food places for obscure indie games?
Because you suck the big companies dicks too much.
it takes like 50 hours to complete the game and an extra 10 or so to get all abnos for the true ending
What the FUCK is the Extraction Department and why does it look so fucking alien, what the fuck is going on any more
what happens during a meltdown if the anomaly can't escape?
Welcome to extraction, we couldn't afford lights, but it's not like you'd want to witness what's down here anyway.
Enjoy your stay!
Binah likes it that way, helps keep the place dreary and moody like her
You are gaining brozouf.
You might wanna meme repo
>Day 45
>Survived 12
Spend all your LOBs on agents to grind, focus on grinding for Day 46? You might not have enough to take on the gauntlet, but go in anyway to see what you're in for? Day 1ing is inevitable with your losses honestly, so I suggest buy as much gear as possible then bite the bullet and reset to Day 1.
You lose some energy, no big deal. Maybe like 15-20.
Malkuth, Snow White's Apple, and La Luna are next on my list. Following that QoH, Netzach, and Gunbro/Butterfly man.
He is meeting "a certain someone", as usual the B plot will advance, but that is around QoH's part. The B plot for the next three will flesh out a few things to make the timeline of which everything is happening even clearer~.
I have like 20 chads left, most of those deaths were rookies and cannon fodder. Still lost some of my best though. I can't memrepo anyway, it's already day 46.
Hokma looks fly as fuck
>you can actually buy the manual
Clerks have no excuse now.
I am intrigued
Is it gonna be with the manager like at the end of Wall Gazing, or who?
Jesus christ user
Please memerepo immediately and prepare your tight asshole for days 46-49
It was on /x/ and /indie/ and that's it, the /vg/ thread was a falseflagger. The Western community has been kinda eh, got popular on Yea Forums after some meme video though some user kept trying and failing to make threads for it a month before that video even existed
I wish I could read Russian, they have way more discussion and lore stuff I can't understand on their wiki
Nice. Remember Snow White's Apple likes Repression and Instinct but not Attachment. Repression involves "Neutralize Biotoxin" according to the work popup texts, and Snow White's Apple is super fucking poisonous so that might be a reason for it. Or maybe she's really fucking into BDSM style kinks with her vines?
>Gunbro/Butterfly Man
Damnit, there you go obeying the fujoshits. Oh well, I guess if it's in the name of energy there's nothing Ayin won't force people to do.
Putting in my suggestions of Snow Queen, Queen Bee, and Hod for the next three after that.
1-2 chads per department might spread your roster thin, but as long as you have the LOBs to get backups you might be okay. Good luck.
Being new and not knowing what i'm doing is bad. I feel like picking this guy was a bad choice.
His gift is really good, and you can easily grind Insight and Repression off him if you meet the conditions. Later on he'll be easy as fuck to suppress.
Did you buy his managerial tips and read them?
Youre supposed to not know what youre doing Thats the fun part
dude, just dont be a justlet lmao
You might think that but when you realize how hard stuff is later you'll realize he's based.
Learn micro, and unlock those tips too. His attacks are telegraphed for a good while, so practice fighting him because he'll only be breaking out more often the farther you are in the game (but of course when you're farther in the game, you'll have agents good enough to solo him).
You can take him on, I believe in you. Unlock his managerial tips. His gift and weapon is great.
but how do you memerepo on day 46
should i have hit retry instead of continue?
thanks user
He kinda broke out before I could even do that
Fug, user.
You better be ready.
Did baynonetta survive
You're welcome. Like I said the best thing for you would be to spread ALL your chads and dudes as equally as possible or keep the most chads where the bonuses matter like Security, Control, Welfare, or Disciplinary and reinforce your numbers with LOB hires.
He is one of the least bad statcheck HE abnos. Once you meet his desired stats, he will help your guys become chads. Just hang in there and get as many boxes as you can to buy his tips. First two tell you what you need.
Looking at >120 energy I believe you wouldn't have the stats to deal with him unless you have a repression trainer somewhere like Schadenfreude. Try memerepoing him away if you unlock his tips enough and see what I'm talking about. Though his attacks are heavily telegraphed so with some effort you can punch him back into his cell. That's what I do with him, he's a huge bitch.
>unlock information wing
>it purple
>decide to only hire employees with purple hair
>day 6
>"bald is awesome" that doesn't sound too bad
>first person who works with it turns bald
>if that same employee doesnt keep working with it its gonna make the entire wing bald
not sure what i was expecting to happen.
i just wanted something easy to look after
>>unlock information wing
>>it purple
>>decide to only hire employees with purple hair
Based fellow OCDbro
look on the bright side, the gift makes you look fly as fuck while being bald so at least the baldie won't look weird
You're Bald IS easy to look after. It's a literal April Fools joke abno, but it's got an undeniably cool EGO gift.
Bald is really easy to look after. It's also completely useless.
You could ask someone in korea to buy it for you?
It's totally within rules as long as the one getting it has the required credentials.
The Sephira if the Extraction team is so ugly, they had to din the light.
But if you think this is alien, you haven't seen the recording team yet.
It's the most /fa/ as fuck gift
So it gets a pass
I did a Day 1 at some point.
When can I get execution bullets? Just got the dawn ordeal with all those slug things, and they killed too many cl*rks before my agents could reach them causing Army in Black to breach, followed by Big Bird and Red Riding Hood when the trumpets started sounding
If Project Moon was smart they'd make some of the merch limited time online purchasable for us cucked in the West
I don't know anyone in Korea and don't want to buy them at triple price on eBay
Once you are able to suppress HEs
I hope your gigachads survive, and I wish you the best of luck. You will need it, so do not give up!
Face the Fear!
Build the Future!
Just put people in hallways and beat them to death before they even touch clerks, dawn should never trigger clerk loving abnos if you're at the point where you have several WAWs. Do you just not have DPS? A single HE weapon can kill it before a clerk dies.
How long did it take you to realize, Gebura has Heterochromia?
One eye is blinded, user.
Blame the old hag for that
Guess I need to stop playing so conservatively then. I'm sure they all could solo them, but I still like to send groups instead
>work on it with a not-bald person a third time
>everyone's bald
Wooow what the fuck
Even as machine?
The managerial tips don't warn you about that?
>becomes frozen due to snow queen's drink
>no one comes to my rescue and i stay frozen forever
They're only a threat to naked employees.
Soul> smarts
gotta stay true to form
>sit in the coffee
>drinking your tree sap and hope not to explode
>suddenly a sword appears in your hands
>instinctively you know what to do.
Is the cafe a front by Angela to trap people off the Backstreet and into her crazy Library scheme?
Why is there non of the As?
I've been out for some time, but I finally did all of the upper core suppressions.
I'm gonna post the anos I ended up getting the next days.
I haven't researched any of these yet because I was busy doing the time limit missions.
Spoiler, same reason why there's no box merch
I also know what this one is just because of the threads, but I haven't researched it, either.
>he didnt see the powerbank
Clerk detected
But there is...
They have a boxed Gebura powerbank.
Also who would go to that cafe if not those who already played the game?
And this is the last one batch of monsters. I still haven't picked any, because I know what the middle one is and I suspect what the right one is, too, and judging by the threads, I don't really want to pick any of those.
Guess the left one should be the correct pick in this situation.
who's to say Binah didn't lace all the tea with cyanide
>all three are ALEPH
Nice, the game's guaranteeing you get some good gear to grind for
Not her style. She probably guiltripped the nearest zookeeper to release all the animals.
what a badass
>Try and drink Netzach's drink
>It taste like bear
Ok. I'm on a bus though so this may be slow.
[Collaboration cafe]
Date 2019.8.4(sat)~9.1(sat)
Location seoul mofun cafe (M&H Books)
Open hours 10:30-22:00
Entry Reservations only for both weedkday and weekends(use naver(korean search engine) reservations)
*buying goods does not require reservations
[Use Guide]
For convenient and plesant experience, the cafe will be opening step by step in this order:
8.2(fri) colab cafe D-1, open house day!
Meet the colab cafe before opening!
-discount/coster provided for selected image(sephiras/abnormalities) of latte art
-cafe is useable without reservations
*collab cafe menu is available from 8.4
8.3(sat) lobcorp artbook day!
Initiating artbook sale! Starting from 9am!
-limit of 2 books per customer, for a total of 1000 books limited stock
-desk longpad, reserve battery and mugcups available for purchase along with artbook
*cafe is unavailable for use
8.4 D-Day, colab cafe Grand Open Day!
Collaboration cafe all menu and goods open for sale!
-cafe is open for reservation only
-goods purchase does not require reservation
Chesed's coffee
Einspanner(vienna coffee)
Binah's afternoon tea set
Black tea + Oreo Macaron
Netzach's green material
Melon soda
Angela's Champaign
Grape-aid (as in like kool-aid)
Strawberdy bubble aid
Snow queen frappe
Blueberry yogurt frappe
Nothing there cake
Redvelvet cake
(Clear file) (blank note)
(Spring note) (card case) (pin badge)
(Ball point pen) (pencil case)
New hire stationery set
(Desk longpad)
(Mugcup) (phone reserve battery)
(Multicleaner (3 types))
(Clear file) (eco bag)
(Acryl keyring)
Cracking open a bear with friends is the best way to keep cool.
why is netzach wearing binah's ratty old cloak?
1 free coaster provided when buyinng foodstuff(10 total types, randomly provided)
One Sticker set provided when purchasing 30k₩ worth of foodstuff or goods. (2 types, randomly provided)
One Photocard provided for 50k₩ worth of foodstuff/goods purchase(7 types, randomly provided)
*receipts during collab duration may be combined for culminating gift(provided sequentially)
Looks a lot like violet ordeals.
Thanks for translating, goddamn I wish I could get this stuff.
Thx translatanon
Now I want to see a Bear vending machine abno, and the shrimps shaking their fists in anger at it. Where is the drawing user when you need him the most?
This game was cool for a bit but now it's actually unnerving as fuck and I have to work myself up to play it like I did for Amnesia, what the fuck man
That feeling exponentially worsens. Enjoy!
That's nothing, wait til you pass Day 25 or so and unlock Core Suppressions
Face the Fear user, that encyclopedia isn't going to fill itself
Day 46 onwards will make you crap yourself
I wouldn’t say 90%, but a good portion seem bullshit tier.
The best however, are the keters/euclids that are feasibly dealt with but unkillable.
Like the Keter that will escape and steal any information directly referring to itself, be it spoken or written.
All I know is that my legs are okay
>I don't know anyone in Korea
How odd, since you're talking to one right now
How unfortunate that it's only some anonymous poster on Yea Forums of all places, eh?
"Chesed, Binah only tells me nice words"(is adressing binah with honorifics)
On day 41 of my 0 death run. Day 40 was awful, I was spamming Silent Opera because he just won't give me his gift, and he ended up stealing all my energy. I fought Amber Midnight, turns out it's really easy, though not as easy as Green. Hopefully I can get Long Bird before day 45, I want Apoc Bird's reward.
I'm still here m8, I'm in like every one of these threads, just playing the game atm. I'm not sure what exactly you mean by that though.
Someone needs to put all these animations together, this is like the fourth one so far.
Netzach is so pure
>that one K-class meme for horses that spawns more horse related SCPs and civilizations
Is death a natural part of the game or should I get used to restarting to prevent them from happening?
Just wait until after you do the dusk mission for Malkuth.
I was starting to get comfy too, that shit is stresful.
You'll learn to stop caring, just like i did
Death is regrettable, but simply a part of the workload
death is natural and should be endured since you're bound to lose people
The generally accepted exception is when someone actually irreplaceable dies, as in someone so important the play through falls apart because they're a specialist working on an ALEPH, or Queen or something
Restart even on clerk deaths unless you're a casul.
I feel like none of my dudes are particularly replaceable but that's mostly because I don't have a full crew, especially equipment wise. I don't have enough HE or up gear to give to all my dudes and it sucks
If only I could buy the goodies off you somehow...
you're getting there user, lots of players find that they have favorites in each Department that they're watching out for and taking good care of
It can be a cause for sincere mourning when they die and you have to weigh the benefits of pushing forward to the day's end for their sacrifice, or restarting what could be a 40+min boss fight to try and save them.
Alternatively you can just Meme Repo to rewind after a tough sequence of events, it's up to you really
>10 box ALEPH
Thank you for translating!
Oh shit boys
How do I stop the mountain from breaking out while I'm trying to go for a dusk? He keeps getting out around the noon ordeal unless it's a crimson noon. I can handle the dusk ordeal but usually mountain doesn't break out unless I have bad stuff happening anyways so how do I keep him from making things worse
Wait, yer serious?
How do you intend to communicate to some anonymous poster on Yea Forums, trust said user to go there an buy shit, and have it mailed to you(r adress) abroad?
Wtf? New abbo?
I'd assume it's just some more advertising for the cafe, but
>a 07 abnormality doesn't exist in-game
Fuck Silent
You gotcha
>satistaction degree live surveillance
>inject high density caffeine
>lower mental corruption standard
>check abnormality entity numbers
>start sugar supply sequence
>check number of products that abnormality wants
>check abnormality's nutrients
>maximize containtment chamber's mood(/atmosphere)
Such an absolute memer, that image
>melting love in a tea-cup
Please science, forget the stupid cat girl thing and give all of us a hand-held slime waifu
There is. Just one, though
I mean the last two digits, like X-00-07
But yeah there is one with the second set of numbers being 07, not that I know what that means though
>second set of numbers
am retard
First set of numbers*
The only issue would be the trust, throwaway emails and p.o. boxes are a thing. Lobotomy Corporation is small enough that I don't know if anyone would actually put the stuff on ebay especially the Gebura powerbank.
What a beautiful concert.
i got a Laetitia keychain from an artist on Ebay, they did Queen of Hatred too
That is so far the only merch i was able to find on there however
you know what, seems like the reservations start from tomorrow, let's hold this discussion for now. I'll look around if it's actually viable for both of us, it would be awful if I made a promise only to not follow up on it.
I'll be looking forwards to it then and make a thread same time tomorrow if there isn't one. Thanks.
Well, email accounts are easily made.
Good luck both of you
Exe bullets?
No, you get Burrowing Heaven instead.
>50 hours
Are you speed running it? I'm almost 60 hours in yet, and I'm only at 70% core suppressions.
>All employees are dead
>Shy look today dude looking bored as fuck
execution bullets, you get them from one of the later departments
I don't specifically know that abno, but most abnormalities in this game can either be completely ignored until you're much more geared, or easily contained. Even some of the Alephs.
>want to continue
>HAVE to do dusk before i progress too far so i can do core suppression
>incredibly anxiety kicks in
It was an approximation of if you played perfectly like how game reports give approximations on completion time
Deaths happen when shit hits the fan. Shit really doesn't start to hit the fan until you start doing Core Suppressions or Dusk+ ordeals, so if you have agents dying before then, you should reset, or you're going to screw yourself into a corner and have to restart.
Wait, by reservation I meant the cafe admission, the goods(like the battery) are available for preorder now(and is recommended to do so since without preorder goods can be sold out). The problem is me, as in setting time aside to go get it, buying it, and mailing it. I dont know how much it will cost since the specific weight/size of the battery has not been specified so I don't know how much it'll cost to mail abroad.
and to be honest I never tried something like this before
Bite the bullet and face the future user.
Take it VERY slowly. Like SUPER slow. Use EVERYONE
Same as above
Lucky you, it's the easiest. Tip: move vertically (elevators)
>Dexter is dead twice
do they ship outside of korea? i have a proxy address but it's in japan
I didn’t start doing core suppressions until like day 29. As long as you memory repo after the core suppressions you’ll have no problems getting them all done
>magic bullet employee finishes their work
>exits the containment and instantly guns down a violet fruit and the three employees attacking it
Hes so deadly if he ever goes out, i dont like him.
>tfw it's always that ONE employee that goes mad and unleashes every abby in the facility
What the hell is with this stupid button
no, there's no shipping from the cafe, period. Everyone(including me) would have to literally get to the cafe in person, buy it, and from there personally mail it myself to you abroad, assuming if we work this out and you're not in korea.
Does that employee by any chance have blue hair?
Dusk is doable. It's the midnights that will push your shit.
Purple, in this case. Let slime queen out, let the leg heart thing out, and keeps letting red and the wolf out too.
As stars, anonymous.
>Same as abov
How though? last time i used everyone the worm one-shot all but the WaW geared
i won't put you through that, too much work on your end, never mind then. if you do get in at least take pictures so we can see what the cafe looks like
Don't press it too much or you will just lose all your ego equips. Just click it many times from your before start of day menu until the thing happens.
That clerk looks a bit too happy to see that giant fist
Patience. The big worms don't turn around whatever direction they're heading, so with proper planning and movement you can stomp them one by one from behind.
There is a part early in the game where Angela complains that a Clerk snuck a beer into the facility but the translator messed up the text and wrote bear, many people like Are poking fun at that.
Now I am imagining a vending machine like wellchairs but instead of soda and shrimps is beer and bears.
I dunno if I will be attending the cafe, but okay then. Good luck on future endeavours I guess.
Well that kinda freaked me out
"You've been pressing it for numerous times and you still have something you want to know about it?"