Battlefront 2 is at 5 bucks on Amazon

Battlefront 2 is at 5 bucks on Amazon.
Is it worthy?

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Nope! You are better off giving those 5 dollars to a homeless guy.

buy it if you like EA

Even at 5 bucks? I've heard that they improved the game a lot, that all DLC are free...etc

Sure if you like pretty visuals and are starved for Star Wars content.

Every new big update I log back on to play for about two hours and then get bored again.

no. Every map is complete dogshit. The star cards are fucking retarded. There's still no battlefront fun/freedom of getting into vehicles battlefield style, and every map is a rush map, so no open conquest style. It's a fucking travesty.

the game is honestly strange.
you can see the potential it has to be great , yet it stinks of laziness

For now, I don't feel like buying BF2, would like to see more opinions though

anybody who likes it is a shit eating retard. It's just simply the most boring and least fun AAA multiplayer shooter out there now

Only good for Capital Supremacy Clone Wars. Other than that everything else about the game sucks dick.


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It’s not even worth torrenting

Played the first of the new battle fronts with my brothers a ton. We actually really enjoyed it for what it was. Never played the second because I heard how garbage it was. If we enjoyed the first is there any value in the second?

>game still has less content than battlefront 2 from 14 years ago

I've been having a lot of fun with it. It leaves a lot to be desired though

It feels very unfinished, like an early access or something.

Heroes are buggy messes and just straight up OP. The main mode, Galactic Assault allows for like 5 heroes on a team at a time which basically makes it unplayable. Feels like they didn't play test it at all.

Another thing that annoys me is how maps are era specific. Like you can't play as CIS vs Republic on Hoth or Tattooine. I don't think it would be that hard to change right? Also for some reason heroes aren't era locked so you will see Rey and Han Solo fighting for the Republic on Geonosis. Very immersion breaking.

The game has a lot of potential though and seems to be steadily improving. I think it desperately needs a server browser and private servers though. The hero spam is really off putting, I'd love a server that had them disabled or at least limited to one per team. I hope they don't bother with Battlefront 3 and instead just work on improving this game. It could be excellent in a year or two.

They added Capital Supremacy mode for a few maps which is essentially conquest. I do hate the vehicle system though, also most of them control like shit.

It's worth it, but it's also a huge game in terms of memory.

It's not P2W anymore like it was at launch. It's a bit of a grind-fest for star cards though. Wednesdays are double xp so that helps I suppose

As far as streamlined normie garbage goes, its fine. It'll entertain for a couple hours at least if you like shooters or star wars, so 5 bucks is well worth

It's fun enough for $5 but it can be pretty frustrating. I like the objective-based structure of Galactic Assault but it's frustrating when your team doesn't try to co-ordinate anything and just keep running into the grinder one-by-one. The heroes have neat abilities but veteran players claim all of the heroes near the start of the game and keep them for the entire game. They got rid of the pay2win-ness of the star card system but the cards are still there, so there's still a retarded gap between new and veteran players.

If you like Star Wars stuff then it's a very pretty Star Wars game, and if you like that Battlefield sort of gameplay then it's a very competent game of that sort. Galactic Assault is surprisingly well-populated but the other modes like Starfighter Assault are pretty much all dead.

There's still minimal content and the gameplay gets stale fast. It's one of those games you can play from time to time before wanting to play something else quickly

It's extremely underrated, I had more fun with it than mainline Battlefield games because the maps are actually interesting and not a gigantic muddy field

So many morons bandwagon hating this game because it's edgy and cool to hate it, no brainer to give it a shot at 5$

Okay thanks, now I'm still hesitating

I see, what do you think of the gunplay?

I could probably justify 5 dollars. I bought it used for 13 dollars and then sold it again for 10 dollars. It's nowhere close to what I wanted out of a star wars game. Especially vehicles suck major ass. One map was clearly not designed to even have them there since the AT-ST can't even fit between the trees but it's there anyway.

>So many morons bandwagon hating this game because it's edgy and cool to hate it

This true, muh EA and muh Origin but if you just want a neat Star Wars game then I'd easily recommend this for $5. I bought it for $8 and had maybe a week of fun but that's a fine return for me.

2005 Battlefront 2 gameplay also gets stale fast

Gunplay is pretty casual but much better than the last Battlefront game in 2015. At least in this one your shots go roughly where you're aiming.

i wanna get it but fuck ea man

It's fast, a lot of engagements are long-distance so accuracy is rewarded, gun handling is arcadey (ie not a lot of recoil), classes have different abilities so there's variety in gun handling, eg. heavy has a restricted movement, very high damage mode. It's not the deepest thing ever, but it's not trying to be

2005 Battlefront 2 also has aged terribly, 2017 Battlefront 2 has some of the best visuals of this gen, especially at 4K on the pro consoles/high-powered PC

>anybody who likes it is a shit eating retard
This user is entirely correct.

You had much more freedom in 2005 allowing you do to do more stuff before getting stale. The new battlefronts are nothing but "Here's corridor 2 out of 3 corridors. The enemy is at the other end of the corridor. Have fun!"

This is true on some levels, but not all

For 5 dollars yeah

Fuck I love the huge corridor fights in this game

Playing as the Chad Wookie and throwing a thermal imploder down the hallways into a massive crowd is just dopamine kino

>I am still resisting Origin

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Good man.

Out of my many, many issues with BF2 the fact that the bombers don't have bombs and "players are too stupid to control AT-AT's" rank in the top 5.

>Giving money to EA
>Taking "free" stuff from EA

I bought the game a few days ago and used to the AT AT once. Had no idea how to make it work.

I would like to play the mecha COD game though.

Not installed a fucking game launcher on your computer ranks about as low on the protest scale as its possible to get

For 5 dollars it's worth it. A few of the special classes are decently fun, and the gameplay is solid enough. I'd still say 10 is the most its worth though.

Heh I didn't mean players don't know the controls but that DICE decided that players couldn't be trusted with the AT-AT and made it on rails only where you can't control the direction, you're just on for the ride shooting random stuff.

It's not even worth pirating the game for singleplayer


I got it a few months back for 5 on origin. Not worth it.

It's worth 5 bucks easily, but it gets really fucking buggy half the time and vehicle controls on PC suck ass

If you've got the hard drive space to spare and want a way to scratch the "listen to Star Wars sounds and play an FPS" itch, go for it

For a blowjob.

I like it. $5 is definitely worth it. Plenty of game modes that at least one will tickle your fancy. I don’t play much anymore, but despite it taking 1/5th of my HDD, I keep it and boot it up from time to time.