>fantasy setting
>"racism" is about elves or half-elves
Fantasy setting
>fantasy setting
>battlefield tactics do not exist
>being racist against those smoking hot elfv babes
What, you can't believe that the second another intelligent species enters our life humans wouldn't suddenly join together to combat these pretenders?
It's one of the easier fantasy tropes to believe in actually.
Elves are slutty by nature. You shouldn't trust sluts.
>fantasy racism in a rpg
>your character can't be racist
That's the best part
I bet we could guilt trip all elves into making them let Orcs into their prosperous elf nations and subvert them into racemixing with Orcs until they are dumber than us and then we can rule over the bastardized nation with ease
I hate this. If I'm gonna play a dwarf, I want maximum banter. If I'm gonna play an elf, I want maximum smugness. Cater to my desires.
>the player isn’t allowed to join the anti-elf faction
>real life setting
>it's actually dystopian
>post-apocalyptic setting
>it's always some modernist wet dream
Would you like customizable slurs in your games?
seriously. You know when we're going to forget about racism? The second we discover intelligent aliens.
We're going to forget about it because we'll all be dead or processed. Aliens will squash us the same way we squash bugs daily without second thoughts
Why would they even bother killing us?
and if you say 'for the earth's resources', you're an idiot.
Well it's either ignore us or wreck us, and we haven't had any communication with other intelligent life have we?
>fantasy setting
>the elves enslave and rape the orcs
>implying you wouldn't fuck 10/10 nigresses
Intelligent life capable of space flight is like cancer that grows and keeps growing indefinitely across the stars.
If there is a possibility of conflict over the same resources, then the safest course of action would be to "remove the cancer in it's earliest stage" or risk interstellar war between 2 growing civilizations within the next millennia.
>Half orcs don't actually inherit an orc's natural disposition towards strength but also hold strong their human morality
>No game where a half-orc tries hard to ultimately overcome his violent side's nature because he fears he might lose control and cling to his more beastily parents side and destroy everything he has ever built.
Is my idea shit or is this not just something that's been done right?
It's not like internal conflicts created by your parents' racial instincts is a new concept (it's not a bad one either, to be honest), but writers often prefer to use more popular half-bloods to do that, like dragons, demons or vampires. Orcs will always be just mid-level enemies for most fantasy settings.
Warcraft garena y