What's the worst JRPG you have ever played?
What's the worst JRPG you have ever played?
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The 7th Saga
The 3DS version added in some retard-proof features OP, how did you still get stuck?
the final fantasy with squall in it
Final Fantasy 15
I got so fucking bored
>yeah man lets push a car at the beginning of the game, that'll draw 'em in
octopath traveler. really wasnt "bad" just so incredibly boring. dq1 was also pretty bad being played in 2015ish
It's pretty easy to get "stuck" if the game is so boring you lose any desire to pick it up and play it.
I also played dq1 quite recently on iOS, and I think it was infinitely better than 7.
Top 3 is
1. Tales of the Abyss
BIG gap
2. Evolution Worlds
3. Persona 5
If you're a zoomer or got ADD then of course you're going to find a 40+ hour JRPG boring. It's your own fault for not picking up a FPS with lots of explosions to keep you amused instead.
I enjoy and finished many JRPGs, 7 wasn't boring because it was a JRPG, it was boring in spite of it.
honestly its probably some random SNES untranslated JRPG
Nigger if that's the worst JRPG you've ever played you need to play more games
Also, anyone who answerd anything but Lunar Dragon Song is wrong. God what were they thinking on that one.
quest 64
It's by far the worst and most unfun JRPG I have played, and I have played quite a few of them.
Popular title: Tales of Innocence
Not so popular title: Grandia Xtreme or Lunar DS
the US release of The 7th Saga had enemy difficulty increased while decreasing the amount of XP and money earned. The reason was Enix was afraid of the video game rental market hurting their bottom line so they altered the difficulty to make it grindy so it would take more than one rental to finish the game.
All of them except Grandia II which is absolutely based and the best game in the genre by a large margin due to its combat system.
user DQVII takes 90-100 hours to finish
Shit taste tbqh
No, the 3DS release only takes between 50-80 hours.
All persona games
you never played drag on quest 7
also if you grind too much and randomly need to fight a certain rival you can no longer finish the game:
probably earthbound
Took me 70 hours to the final boss blind and 110 total for all the postgame shit
Didn't get stuck during the tablet hunt either since I was pretty thorough
He said worst, not best.
>I have played quite a few of them.
10 different pokemon games don't count.
Then we are in agreement, I wasn't talking about those if that's what you are implying.
>Then we are in agreement
Not until you play more jrpgs.
Final Fantasy 15.
I'm not sure if it even counts as a jrpg.
Xenoblade 2
It was fun and all but the core crystal bullshit really ruined it.
90% of them
Probably the first Nier game. I try to keep sure that the JRPG I'm playing is worth my time.
Just because on the off chance that I find something even worse than DQ7 won't make 7 not terrible.
it does, thats the bad part
Yeah, I really regret buying the special edition of something that turned out to be pretty bog standard
Maybe they should have tried to make it more unique by really owning the octo thing with an 8 person party.
Same here, that's why I dropped the neptunia games, ff13 and dq7.
Speaking of phones why is the android port of final fantasy 1 so ugly
The old button phone port was fine but then when they moved to touch screens they gave it an awful new art style.
Wasn't it from SE that a big important guy asked what was wrong with the FF5 mobile version, it's higher definition so isn't it a good thing?
They are quite simply retarded.
That's what SE does.
They're afraid that their games could be compared to indie games that use pixel art so they "update" their older games to look like cheap flash games instead.
It will if you actually play some jrpgs.
I've already played quite a few of them.
>with an 8 person party.
That's the single most retarded thing I've seen today and I've seen someone claim MHW was only bought by veterans.
>I have played quite a few of them.
10 different pokemon games don't count.
And we've already established that's not true.
Bait, dq7 is one of the best jrpgs ever made for core jrpg enthusiasts
It's the worst, most boring game in the genre.
Suikoden 3. The disappointment factor plays a lot, but still. Looks more like a PSone game than 1&2, slow as fuck battles, shitty level design, boring soundtrack and what's the point to play four different characters in the first ten hours if it's just to see the same two villages and empty plain/forest?
>What’s the JRPG you didn’t like the most
This is what faggot OP meant to say
OP today was a faggot
Probably Baten Kaitos. Only played until the Sylvana boss fight it was so boring. Secret of Mana if that counts. Lufia 1 is also pretty dull
How so
I've played some trash JRPGs, but this is the worst.
Dark Cloud. Stupid water gimmick.
traditional JRPG, worst is easily Golden Sun Dark Dawn. endless repeating reiterating dialogue and constant ^_^ face reactions to every repeated form of dialogue god it's just incessant it never stops it takes so long it's so bad
1. Sands of Destruction. So linear it makes FF13 look open ended.
2. Rogue Galaxy. Unsatisfyingly grindy bullshit.
3. Final Fantasy 2. Rogue Galaxy but without the neverending "pls kill ten wolves and I'll give you one potion" sidequests.
Oh, no! The Golden Sun hating discord tranny is back.
News flash: You + rope + tree = love.
Persona 3.
Dragon Quest on NES. Grinding simulator.
I'm playing Final Fantasy (NES) and it's just so much more fun, plus I love its charm.
Grandia is better than II. better music for one, the mana egg system works better, and the way you have to actually switch discs makes finishing the first one feel like you really accomplished something.
i quit grandia ii when i beat the moon, so dumb
What is it with JRPGs and thinking their games made for literal kids and teenagers are "deep"? I'm sure they would have an aneurysm trying to understand how Terminator 2 (an action movie with lots of shooting and explosions) is considered one of the best films ever made.
I want to strangle everyone who thinks Grandia 2 is good and memed me into trying it. It was my first encounter with the cheap straight to bargain bin trash JRPGs with the shittiest, cringiest fucking artstyle and characters.
Where did he say anything about it being deep?
If you're going to shit talk a DQ game you should be shit talking DQ2 since that has actual problems.
That's more of an older thing, for dumb millennials whose first story was probably a final fantasy. They've never read a book so any writing at all is amazing to them, they have no frame of reference to know how juvenile video game stories are.
Kids before them had games that were games, that didn't have stories, those kids read books.
>Also, anyone who answerd anything but Lunar Dragon Song is wrong. God what were they thinking on that one.
It was a crime against humanity. Don't know why I forced myself to finish that shitty game, what a waste of time.
Even DQ2 manages to be more interesting and fun than 7 and that is a massive achievement, not to mention a dispaly of 7's shittyness.
Imagine being so devoid of meaning and accomplishment that you take pride in reading a book.
>level scaling
>running drains your party's HP
>enemies can permanently break your incredibly expensive equipment
>only way to gain money is to do fetch quests that make you walk all the way across the world through every dungeon until you get the airship at the end of the game
>that one section where the protagonist loses his triple kick
>that one section later on where he tells your party members to fuck off for no reason and has to solo a stretch of the game, where the monsters aren't even scaled down
>teases you with an unwinnable fight against the main antagonist
>you never actually fight the guy for real
>very little strategy involved in combat anyway because only the healers have more commands than "attack" and "special attack"
>plot is especially retarded
A-at least the environment and portrait art is good!
>If you're a zoomer or got ADD then of course you're going to find a 40+ hour JRPG boring. It's your own fault for not picking up a FPS with lots of explosions to keep you amused instead.
Acting like only smart people get JRPGs is the definition of "JRPGs are 2deep4u".
Agree. Playing games for the story is fine, but acting like videogames have amazingly deep, complex, or thoughtful stories is cringe. The whole point of videogame stories as that you get to see them, that's all.
That's not what it's saying at all.
He never said anything about that you dumb projecting imbecile, it was all about being able to focus on something that isn't 24/7 action with explosions and shit.
Guess he was right and you lot actually do have ADHD on top of massive self esteem issues.
Radiant Historia is a massive drag of a game, with retarded unbalanced characters, shit sprites and map. What a waste of time
Fire Emblem Conquest.
There's literally nothing to pay attention to in a JRPG unless you are a dumb weeb. JRPGs bore any sane person to death.
Golden Sun 3
I was expecting good thing from this one, I'm actually surprised that I don't like it given how good the reviews are.
Way to show just how analshattered you are, don't forget to take your Ritalin.
>What's the worst JRPG you have ever played?
DQ8 and FF12.
Have sex
Beyond the Beyond. It's like a shitty SNES RPG was barely upgraded to justify a PS1 release
Lunar dragon song is not an RPG.
How is it not?
The world ends with you.
It’s gay and boring.
Man, I wish I can live in a world where TWEWY was the worst JRPG you played.
You do. Because I just said it. Why would you wish that on yourself? I wish I was less critical so I could enjoy more games. If I don’t like a game I can’t force myself to like it.
Tales of Xillia
Lunar SSS is the greatest rpg of all time tho
>less critical
You mean less of a faggot?
I actually agree with this guy. Of DQ7 is an 80-hour long school bus ride, DQ2 is like driving up mount Everest with a beat-up slav shitbox.
Easily this one because:
1. Anything of real importance (character or plot development) is off screen and locked behind DLC or a CGI movie or a Japanese only Novel
2. The main bad guy in the game (because he offs the others OFFSCREEN) SE didn't know how to write (as shown in his DLC episode and Novel, they completely changed his motivations/reasons from the base game)
3. Hold O to win "gameplay" for an action RPG
3.5. You also can't die since the game gives o a 10 second window to chug a potion at 0 HP before a Phoenix Down is required
4. A large open world and fuckall to do in it
5. Weapon switching is totally useless and not necessary
6. The "magic" in this game is craftable grenades that cause Friendly Fire, meaning that they are not worth using
Nope less critical. If anything you are the gayest nigga in the room. The art design in TWEWY is cringe. It looks like kingdom hearts and the writing is pure anime trash. Why are yanks all weebs? Your culture is degenerative we should have burned you all to cinder not just your White House.
Maribel sure gets some lewd outfits
This is literally the phantom pain of the final fantasy series I feel your pain.
>7th Saga
>Dragon Quest II
>Legend of Dragoon
>Dual Orb
if by stuck you mean bored
then yeah i got "stuck"
there's only one other DQ game that's as boring as VII and that's VI.
DQ11 it was very long and got repetitive.
>not liking the gameplay
>not liking the OST
>not liking the characters
>not liking the insane amount of post-game content
Trying way too hard, user.
Final Fantasy XII
it was so fucking bland and the game pretty much played itself. The gambit stuff would be a good idea if the skills actually interacted with eachother. The characters were also incredibly boring, the only one who remotely standed out was Balthier and even he was kinda boring.
God I fucking hate zoomers
Haven't played it.
I'd say the worst JRPG I've played was Suikoden IV.
>its good because its long
bet you love chinese buffets eh fatty
i fucking LOVE having every single tablet end with backtracking
>God I fucking hate zoomers
Me too, user. But zoomers have nothing to do with dq7 being bad. It was made by boomers.
Probably ff15
Go play fortnite lil zoom
At least Phantom Pain was fun to play
>have a time mage as a debuffer
>never works because when enemies are immune to a specific skill the gambit trash cannot skip to the next one
>same shit when enemies are immune to physical/magical attacks
Fuck this game and its shit gambit system.
Only if you drop with me. :)
>the game plays itself, it's shit
>the game doesn't play itslef all the time, so it's shit for that too
Which is it, faggot?
At least it would have been something to make the game actually notable outside of being the first major switch jrpg.
Hey man they didn't say ANYTHING about JRPG inspired games, and it's fucking shit
Who are you quoting.
The sad part is the original flipphone port of the game actually did use updated spirits, except they actually looked good.
Every game made by compile heart and gust. Just fucking awful garbage. Its like wow how the fuck can this game be this bad? Why does every game look like complete low effort shit?
Playing that shit is basicly torture.
Your logic is warped. A bad time is a bad time, regardless of how it compares to other games. You aren’t suggesting he wastes time playing shittier jrpgs so that this other shitty Jrpg seems less shitty in comparison, are you? Why would anyone waste their life doing that?
you are quoting two anons
The thing is whenever you try to experiment with it, it all comes crashing down. In the end the only reasonable tactic is having all of them attacking and abusing quickening combos.
Torna Expansion probably is more up your alley, then.
And where did I write this?
>the game plays itself, it's shit
>the game doesn't play itslef all the time, so it's shit for that too
That's exactly what he is suggesting though, he is retarded, he already proved that much in the the thread.
Beyond the beyond tied with one of the ps1 romancing saga games.
Guide me to it.
Scroll up.
So you can't show me?
So you can't find it on your own?
No more (You) retard.
>Also, anyone who answerd anything but Lunar Dragon Song is wrong. God what were they thinking on that one.
I played it, it did have some dumb decisions
>have to pick between getting EXP or getting items
>running on the map costs HP
Yeah but it was ruined by no ending and no Hayter. Anyone who says otherwise is not a true fan.
How can one game be so wordy and yet have almost nothing of substance to say at the same time?
Do you people even play these games?
>God Tier
Arc the Lad II
LUNAR: The Silver Star Story Complete
Parasite Eve
Suikoden II
Valkyrie Profile
>Great Tier
Arc the Lad
Dragon Quest Monsters 1+2
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy Tactics
LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue Complete
MOON: Remix RPG Adventure
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Vagrant Story
Wild ARMs 2
>Good Tier
Breath of Fire III
Front Mission 3
Legend of Legaia
Monster Rancher 2
Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen Limited Ed.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
SaGa Frontier
Tales of Destiny II (USA)
Threads of Fate
>Meh Tier
Arc the Lad III
Azure Dreams
Breath of Fire IV
Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena
Dragon Warrior VII
Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu
Kartia: The Word of Fate
The Granstream Saga
Rhapsody, A Musical Adventure
Saiyuki: Journey West
Tactics Ogre
Tales of Destiny
The Legend of Dragoon
Vanguard Bandits
Wild ARMs
>Bad Tier
Eternal Eyes
Revelations: Persona
Thousand Arms
Vandal-Hearts II
>Fascinating Failure Tier
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy VIII
Legend of Mana
SaGa Frontier II
Not the worse but honestly I always try out a Dark Souls game and each time I get bored with them in a few hours.
>Really enjoyed XC1
>Absolutely loved XCX
>Fucking hate XC2
Granted it's really all because the Blade gatcha made me never want to get past the whale part of the game.
If it's bad I just stop playing it. I think P5 is the worst one I managed to go all the way through.
What a fucking clown lmfao
What's the matter user don't like this clear masterpiece of art style?
>they fixed Chrono Trigger after outcry
>not this one
Persona 5
Amazing how fucking bad they made it.
Actually played a bit of FF2 since they gave it for free (and I weirdly like FF2) and the moment I had control in town I turn that shit off right than and there. How anyone could play those games with touch controls is beyond me.
>Granted it's really all because the Blade gatcha
Seriously? By the time you hit Uraya you should have gotten the pity blades.
Hoshi wo Miru Hito
I beat this game, the story never really comes together.
The 3 hour stories you get while saving random villages were much better.
My problem was the system was so fucking bad I couldn't keep going. I fucking hate gatcha games in general. But you also couldn't trade blades so that made it even worse yes I know at some point Rex can use all of them that still doesn't fix the actual issue with no one else could. Also there's the whole field skills being tied to the blades which because it's all randomized who knows when you will will find that treasure that will most likely only be good at that part of the game.
>But you also couldn't trade blades
Well you can.
Ok...with a really rare item.
The reason I love about X system was having a personal customizable character. Change out however I feel. XC2 completely ruins it by forcing you to use certain blades you draw from with no real way to really build a character that I would like.
BoF4 sorta did that. What's the issue?
The fuck? No it didn't.
I don't think I've ever seen more insufferable characters in a story-based game.
>that art
Reminds me of a very bad anime I watched, I think it was Eureka 7 or Xamd.
same character designer as Eureka 7
Xenoblade Chronicles.
There is nothing in that game that is even remotely worth going through the amount of time it asks from you except for the music, which you don't have to play the game to experience. I regret every single moment I spent playing that rancid game
Also man what a dumb decision to use Amano art for the portraits.
Pic unrelated, right? DQ7 is a fantastic game and one of the best DQs in general.
Good list other than only having 1 DQ game and putting it far too low.
Probably some compile heart stuff.
Should have done that when trying to replay it years ago.
I read books. But I when I play a video game, I want to play a video game and not read a book.
Dragon Quest 1.Completely boring in every single way
Enchanted Arms. Holy shit what even was that.
Trails in the Sky FC and SC was also a colossal waste of time and anyone who likes it is a fedora tipping redditor.
all of them
Nigger, Alundra is not an rpg. Not only that, but the camera's perspective makes the platforming so obnoxious that it's one of the worst games I've ever played.
>>Bad Tier
>Thousand Arms
Fuuuuuck you
kek that dub was bad but the game isnt really terrible its like a turn base tales game
The final fantasy legend games on gameboy.
I didn't find it boring at all, but I also lost all desire to pick up where I left off.
i'm sure there is lots more bait lower in the thread, but damn either you faggots havent played many jrpgs or you come from some alternate reality of insanly high quality games
but seriously Quest 64 sucks dick
this is on so many levels of bait i cant even believe on how many levels of bait this is
Not really, 2 is fine. I beat it on nes last month and the people who whine about it being cheap are retards. Just play carefully, there's no real penalty for dying if you don't have much gold. It's pacing isn't much different than even 3.
It's the boring games that are cancerous. Fuck that shit, VII's issues are way worse.
The first game that comes to mind is Magna Carta, though I guess it's technically Korean. If it doesn't count, then probably Natural Doctrine. Natural Doctrine actually has some good mechanics, but the game ends up being less fun to play than Neptunia thanks to some awful design decisions.
Other than OP literally every single fucking post is some popular title as bait. I hate this board.
Record of Agarest War is fucking garbage
holy fucking based taste
my top are
1. Tales of the Abyss
2. EarthBound
3. The World Ends With You
4. Chrono Trigger
5. Dragon Quest V
6. Suikoden II
>Record of Agarest War is fucking garbage
>they port them to pc
>port the censored x360 version
Fuck Ghostlight, at least War Mariage was saved from them.
>Other than OP
you're just as bad as them, shitposter-kun
I have legend 2 but no manual and it makes zero sense to me. My party members randomly morph into new characters, there seems to be no flow to anything I'm doing, and it doesn't even have anything to make it a final fantasy except the name on the cart
when I played it, I thought this game was incredible. the idea of combining elements into spells was groundbreaking. I only disliked it once everyone told me to
What made you think you’d like TitS the second time around?
Maybe if you're retarded, but considering the average Yea Forumsirgin...
I've seen plenty of people claim that the first game mostly just serves as exposition for the supposedly superior second game. I decided the series wasn't for me and quit after the first one, but I can see how someone could be convinced to press on to the second game.