What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Attached: 220px-Shadow_Warrior_boxart_2013.jpg (220x310, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>awful movement
>janky combat featuring the worst damage sponges in a game to date
>guns with no sense of impact, shit sound design
>they look retarded too
>a sword that uses double tap inputs on a keyboard which is a joke, otherwise it's useless
>you literally spend every attack in the game doing W, W, mouse 1
>bad story
>poorly acted story where your sidekick always talks to you with an upward inflection
>unlikable protag
>shitty rpg elements that serve to gate making anything remotely useful, therefore enjoyable to use
>can kill yourself by doing the dodge move down stairs in a tunnel
>frequent map bugs resulting in out of bounds glitches

Slashing demons and 3 same bossfights in Serious Sam style.

>Lo Wang soap you good

Just play redux

the new ones miss the mark entirely

Ok. Protag is unlikeable. Rest is fine.


>the worst damage sponges in a game to date

>worst damage sponges
no that'd be hunt down the freeman

A shooter where the melee weapon has more depth than all the gunplay combined while still being a drop in a bucket. Pretty environments though nice looking water too

This game felt like it was getting worse with every level. It started off amazing and then slowly got more and more boring. It's still worth it though. I just wish it was shorter.

>worst damage sponges in a game to date
no, that would be sekiro

Attached: left ps4 right pc --- how will they recover.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)


It's still got the best trailer. I actually go back to watch this because I'm still tickled by it.

A very good game.
Loved everything about it from the melee combat to the story itself. Might've been a pretty basic story with a sort of simple plot twist but damn, that's probably what made it good as well, not trying to be some super great and mind boggling story,just basic and simple enough that it knows where it begins, where it ends and how to develop characters mainly just through the dialogues themselves as the game progressed without the need of too many cutscenes.

The sequel however is just bad. Lots of stuff to say about it so I won't get into it. Just know that the sequel is literal cringe when it comes to anything story related.

Attached: Shadow Warrior DX11 2019.01.07 - (680x372, 2.95M)

Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles

>awful movement
disagree. the dash mechanic is great imo.
>janky combat featuring the worst damage sponges in a game to date
lol get good. apart from the huge bosses, almost every "sponge" enemy dies with 3-4 charged crossbolt shots to the head
>guns with no sense of impact, shit sound design
kinda true
>they look retarded too
ok dude
>a sword that uses double tap inputs on a keyboard which is a joke, otherwise it's useless
your hands were probably too fat to accurately press these inputs
>you literally spend every attack in the game doing W, W, mouse 1
confirmed for playing on easy or normal
>bad story
>poorly acted story where your sidekick always talks to you with an upward inflection
>unlikable protag
unimportant desu
>shitty rpg elements that serve to gate making anything remotely useful, therefore enjoyable to use
>can kill yourself by doing the dodge move down stairs in a tunnel
>frequent map bugs resulting in out of bounds glitches
never happened to me

A fun and oddly involving time if you play on Normal.
Harder difficulties are just unfun, needless bullet sponge.

That trailer reminds me I still have to give the second game a chance after being intially alienated from it being turned to random level generator looter shooter.
One of the hypest menu themes in gaming:

Attached: Shadow Warrior.png (986x1378, 824K)

how did they think the guy on the boxart remotely looks asian?

The sequel is superior in every way

Endless trash loot.

>being turned to random level generator looter shooter.

The levels are not that random, but yes it's a looter shooter. However it's far better designed than any Borderlands game ever will be.

> "bazillion of guns XD"

I couldn't finish the sequel honestly, and I loved the first one

A Polish game with a lot of heart put into it.

I know, yet I wasn't in the mood for it at release.
Didn't help that I went to it right after DOOM.
I'll brush up on it later.

Hard Reset in color.

Which is not a bad thing.

Attached: youfuckedup.jpg (1680x1050, 265K)

>there are people who seriously believe the original shadow warrior was a good game

its not. its a technical marvel but the gameplay is just blood levels of bullshit with dark ninjas and hitscanners

>low spec gamer

I really wanted to like hard reset but it's trash

Holy shit this game is boring.

if you have the base game you likely got the expansion for free. play it, its much better with more open levels.

I like both games, but that is false

Disagree. The engine and the weapons are better in the sequel but the first beats it everywhere else.

Some Wang.

Almost useless shotgun and akimbo SMG

>The levels are not that random
They're all made using the same map segments but shuffled in random ways and since there are so few of those segments you'll get tons of déjà vu moments and also no real feeling of progression which is further intensified by stuff like the lack of base stat upgrades on leveling up.

great gameplay and humor, sort of overstays its welcome
crap shotgun

Game was marketed as an oldschool fps, but it's nothing like Quake or Blood. Level design is a straight corridor that you travel through to reach an arena where you're locked in with bullet sponge enemies. Rinse and repeat. It's more like Painkiller than any old fps.
Also, the game is like 13 hours long. You will beg for it to end after all the repetitiveness you're put through.

Bullet sponge enemies and forced meele combat.

worst shotgun in history of vidya and a lot of fun and wang

The most ridiculous bullet spray in a "classic" run & gun shooter ever.

Attached: 20170704220433_1.jpg (1920x1080, 613K)