Looking for recommendations based on pic related...

Looking for recommendations based on pic related. I haven't played anything outside of these six games in years and I need something new.

Attached: The Holy Hexad.jpg (660x608, 143K)

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Embrace the autism and learn Dwarf Fortress

I'll wait for the pleb version to come out on Steam. I'm mostly asking because I've had money sitting on my Steam account for forever and I don't know what to do with it.

mount and blade warband

fuck how did I miss that

Elite Dangerous

Darkest Hour w/ mods
Aurora 4x
Victoria II

Space Station 13

YES I've been looking for this game for a while. Looking at it now but there are so many versions. Goonstation, /tg/station13, baystation 12, etc. where should I start?

Battle Brothers, uuuhh. That's it, I guess.


Redpill me on sid meiers pirates



Game where you play as a pirate / privateer and you can do all sorts of things that captains of those times did. The ship combat gameplay is okay but the swordfighting is shit because it plays like a rhythm game. There's are also dancing sections that play like an actual rhythm game. It's an OK game if you like that short of shit and could use a modern remake with actual gameplay that isn't just a brainless Assassin's Creed clone.

Drox Operative maybe?

>you can do all sorts of things that captains of those times did.

Why cant I rape then?

Because captains didn't rape, only the shipmates did.

rape is a crime


prison architect
stellaris and HOI 4
Cities Skylines
kingdom and castles (not that deep but comfy)

>pirates cared about law

it's not a masterpiece but it's short and fun and probably small enough to be worth a pirate

What kind of pirate game is this then?
Internet pirates copying cargo?

Dwarf Fortress
Frostpunk, kinda
Tropico, kinda


seconding this

Dorf Fort
Total War Warhammer 2

Colonial Marines


Attached: HE DOES IT FOR FREE.png (783x334, 23K)

not related but i'd say thayarebillions if youre a strategy type of guy

>Elite Dangerous
>Darkest Hour w/ mods
>Aurora 4x
>Victoria II
>Battle Brothers
>Drox Operative
>prison architect
>stellaris and HOI 4
>Cities Skylines
>kingdom and castles
>Dwarf Fortress
>Frostpunk, kinda
>Tropico, kinda
>Total War Warhammer 2

Thanks for the recs guys, I will check these out. Is Total War Warhammer 2 actually good? I've heard bad things but it looks fun. I've played Tropico/DF/Frostpunk/Skylines before but I never really get into it. Skylines and Tropico are alright for a while but get old quick. Something about the visual style of Factorio rubs me the wrong way but I think I'll give that a shot first.

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