Is SFV as bad as it was 3 years ago, or did it get better with the updates?
The final verdict, Yea Forumstards
no half the characters that should have been in from the start were dlc
It' shit.
>Yea Forums
>fighting games
The foundation is pretty bad but the game is decent. Fun if you're good.
its better but the worst thing about it has not been fixed, and thats the netcode. this netcode is the worst netcode ever seen in a fighting game.
It's better because it has less input lag. That's it. everything else is shit.
You shouldn't be allowed to post like you know shit about fighting games if you haven't made top 8 in a recent tournament.
wait is that evil ryu? I thought Ryu was able to control the dark hadou in the sf5 story?
In terms of just the core gameplay I enjoyed it. A buddy and me would just get lost playing this game for hours and I had a lot of fun with most of the cast unlike past entries. Everything else however, was a complete trash fire. The bare bones launch, the aggressively slimy in game purchases along side all the over priced season passes, and the extremely slow trickling out of content for a game that was suppose to get a lot of support. No mater how much I loved VS mode with friends these issues can't be ignored and I have not played the game in a long while.
Ryu never canonically gives in to the dark Hadou so Kage is just the closest they can get to including evil Ryu as a canon member. He's the leftovers of the banished dark hadou that manifested themselves into a person.
Jiver spotted! Laugh at him!
Shut up faggot
blonde hair does not look like that
Did the netcode get better?
Issues with V from your average platinum player:
-Jumping buttons are too strong, theres nothing more retarded than anti-airing something like birdie jumping medium and trade hits, same for abigail
-combo path diversity, this is more visible in some characters than others, characters like necalli for instance have literally 2~3 combo paths but some others like akuma / ibuki have a more "acceptable" variety
-Theres no reason for characters to have different HP values, literally no other fighting game does that, its an archaic design used to compensate for "lmao gief needs to get hit by fireballs".
What updates?
it got a lot better
>Theres no reason for characters to have different HP values
who do you play?
Necalli/Akuma mainly, but been playing a lot of kage/sagat recently
>Theres no reason for characters to have different HP values, literally no other fighting game does that
Off the top of my head UNIST and Melty Blood have characters with different HP values to balance out their kit just like SF, and Guilty Gear has guts that makes Chipp die in 3 hits as opposed to Potemkin who can take numerous full combos. If Akuma had Zangief level health he would have no downside since he has basically every tool in the game. Also most of the SF cast falls around 950-1050 health so outside of Akuma/Kage/Sim and Gief/Abigail it should feel like the same HP.
>Theres no reason for characters to have different HP values
Imagine Akuma with a health pool as large as the rest of the cast. Here you have the main reason different health variables exist: to balance characters out and to further individualize them. If you wanted to balance top tiers with an equal health value, you would need to neuter them heavily, resulting in characters that actually play the same.
It's okay now, but nobody's willing to go back in and try it because Crapcum fucked up so hard and they've given up support besides costumes.
>Muh Season 4
It got way better gameplay-wise, the problem is the netcode though
It’s better but the underlying problems remain you can’t earn fight money offline earning fight money has been made more difficult microtransactions and dlc are more prevalent and a lot aren’t purchasable with fight money. Graphically there is still a ton of clipping and loadtimes are long on console. It’s better and the gameplay is fine but capcom has treated this game like it’s a mobile game.
A big announcement is confirmed to occur during EVO. Nobody knows for sure what it entails, but Capcom has been very secretive about it. Either it's something earth-shaking or it will make people riot because they have been teasing for months for nothing.
If you call rootkit, lootboxes and ads better, then yes
The fuck are you talking about, nigger?
It's either the fact that SFV is going full F2P, or Street Fighter 6, or maybe both.
It's still good.
Super is a little worse than the original game, but the nerfs don't really kill the experience.
If you actually played the game, you'd be swimming in FM. Since the game came out I accumulated like 2-2,5ml total FM and I'm still sitting on an unused 850k.
just what they patched in after launch
rootkit was a security disaster that didn't even help to prevent cheating, thankfully they patched it out again
Lootboxes with exclusive skins that is somehow tied to that god awful survival mode is still a thing
Also the optional ads on your character are just like spit in my face; you can ignore it, but it still feels disgusting
Character select/versus screen is still not polished and spazzes out with the physics
So much locked content behind micro transactions (especially stages) even if you bought all the season passes
Fighters feel restricted, like there's only one correct way of playing each if you compare it to previous iterations
Shit game tore my local group apart. I don't want it to kill Capcom, but they sure aren't in good standing
Yes but there are a lot of things you have to use real money for fm isn’t even an option.
daily reminder you're a complete fucking moron if you pay for this game.
t. seething tekkuck
At this point I'm just waiting on 6, there's nothing that can be done to make me like 5 no matter how much they try. I don't want to play it ever again, the only related thing to it I ever do is occasionally watch big tournies only for the players and not for the game.
Good thing i got fourth in the tournament I just went to.
Kage is higher tier than cammy, unless you've gotten top 8 you can't argue against me :)
I tried it again recently after dropping it 3 years ago. It's definitely improved since then, the DLC characters are much more interesting than the vanilla roster. I still don't really have a desire to play it though. I'd rather just stick to fucking around on fightcade instead of learning a game that's triple-A abandonware at this point.
You admitted yourself there's no rootkit. If I remember correctly, they removed it on the very same day.
Blatant disinfo. There's no RNG involved and you can't even buy tickets with real money.
>muh locked cahntent
The vast majority is cosmetics, meaning not related to gameplay. I'd gladly take that over full-priced new editions seperating the playerbase.
100% optional and the gain is not worth the eye cancer.
I would have understood if you complained about the netcode or completely drying out FM payouts, but you chose to complain about literal non-issues.
>triple-A abandonware
I swear, the shit you niggers type is so dumb sometimes it's causing physical pain reading it.
Between capcom actually removing tools and tech from the game and the unfinished garbage abomination that was half of s3 roster I'd say the game got worse. Lag is really the only issue they have addressed properly and it took them 3 fucking years to do so and then SNK does it in two weeks before the game is even released.
>and then SNK does it in two weeks before the game is even released.
yeah how about not selling half a game though
different players have different issues with the game, that should be a given
if you want to trade in versions for a games-as-a-service model than good for you; personally I despise it
it has all the mobile game design to keep you 'engaged'; it drains me mentally and I avoid such games
The stages do matter to me, because I get presented with select screens with half of it greyed out, that shit gets on my nerves especially with the Capcom Pro Tour stages which are expensive and ugly at the same time
You can't even buy them for most of the time, but hey have a locked selection
Presentation matters