Wow slowly punching statues down long hallways, so fucking fun. Give me one good reason not to drop this shit right now.
>he doesn't know
Everyone laugh at this fucking retard.
I have your parents and your future large tiddy goth gf chained in my basement and I will kill them gruesomely if you do not beat DMC4.
>all these turbofags who think that is considered fast gameplay
Hit with your sword three times first.
The DmC series 1-5 is all garbage, get out while you can.
Because it's really not that long, git gud
Please don't tell me your actually got fucking memed into playing vanilla DMC4 instead of DMC4SE.
Because DMC4SE fixed the gyro-blades and made them way less cumbersome.
There's only 1 game, kiddo.
There's 5 of them. 6 if you count the reboot.
Turbofags legitimately have ADHD. Without constant nonstop stimulus they go insane.
>rebootfags are still a thing
If you don't like punching inanimate objects then the DMC series is definitely not for you.
reading comprehension
Vanilla DMC4 is still better at the core combat gameplay since JC'ing isn't as wonky, they fucked that shit up in SE so playing Dante and Nero well is much better in Vanilla. You only really want to play SE if you want to play Vergil, Trish and Lady, otherwise Vanilla is just better at the core combat.
>the torture room platforming
This better be bait.