Drakengard 1-3 remaster collection, please

Drakengard 1-3 remaster collection, please.
Enough with the spin-offs.

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Drakengard 5 when?

>enough with the spin-offs
more like enough with secret concerts, secret light novels, secret drama CDs, and other stupid secret shit

>thinking drakengard 1 will ever get a re-release with all the themes it has

I only played the first one after renting it from blockbuster

It's dead user. Now there's only AAA Nier developed internally by Square.

you mean drakengard 4?

>enough with the spin offs
>has Nier in the picture
You're getting a sequel to the spinoff of the spinoff of the joke ending

No, he's right. We're on number 5

>Drakengard 2: Nier
>Drakengard 3
>Drakengard 4: Nier Automata

>he doesn't know

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and shitty MMO raids and mobile gacha games.

It's actually:
>Drakengard 2
>Drakengard 3
>Nier Automata

And it's all barely connected.
I played Automata first then emulated Nier. The connection is more of a spiritual sequel.

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>he's too new to get the joke

The first game needs an overhaul remake who will change everything except for the script.

Should I buy Drakengard 3 for PS3 for 20€$ or should I emulate it?

if your computer is pretty good emulate it since Drakengard 3 has shit performance on PS3

The script needs to be changed too. Branch C literally makes no sense from several angles and the way the party members were implemented was just bizarre. Not to mention the connection between Manah and the Watchers being kind of unclear.

Youtube. Game plays like a bad musou.

I think it's just the engine that makes it feel like it has shit performance it felt pretty bad on emulator.

Hot take. Drakengard 2>3. The only good parts of 3 are DLC exclusive or buried near the very end of the game. And at least 2 doesn't chug like a motherfucker. Also Dragon combat in 2 is objectively superior.

The connection is that Automata is 99% banal/self-reskin, and discerning banalities at a glance is extremely important for getting to the actual point of the game.

fuck off nigger

>The only good parts
The flying ship meta-joke? The fake "snow" ending? The badass bossfight themes with schizophrenic chants (when you go all Intoner mode)?

I mean Draken3 is by FAR the best and densest written and directed Taro's game. Shit just keeps on giving and giving.

Those were all terrible except the music stuff. Didn't fit the tone at all. It's also terribly written but so is Drakengard 2 so that's kind of a moot point. The writing after Mikhail uses a "wish" to beat Gabriel goes down the tubes and just gets worse as the branches go on, recovering a bit during Branch D though still leaving too many loose ends. Stuff just kind of happens for no real rhyme or reason and it doesn't help that 3 out of the four disciples are terrible characters.

Whichever way you buy it, play it with the Japanese dub. Zero is two different people with the tones of the dubs

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>I think it's just the engine that makes it feel like it has shit performance
No, it HAS terrible performance.

>it felt pretty bad on emulator
people can literally 4K / 30fps lock it on outdated computers. That's a thousand-fold improvement from the PS3 original.

>Braindead musou gameplay
>Corridor maps
>Now play the same map again but backwards
>Want to finish the story? Replay missions to level up every single weapon in the game

The only thing that felt enjoyable was the dragon segments. What exactly are you missing out on by forcing yourself to play the game just for that small piece of good Yoko Taro fuckery right at the end? It's not even "so bad it drives you insane so you can feel like the characters" like in Drakengard 1, it's just bad.

I'll try emulating in on a 2500k and report back

I got 2600K and 1060 6gb.
1080p is piss easy. You just gotta deal with the initial shader cache building.

>What exactly are you missing out on by forcing yourself to play the game
The whole fucking experience. Literally.

>It's not even "so bad it drives you insane so you can feel like the characters" like in Drakengard 1, it's just bad.
Nah, DoD1 is just shit. No buts.
3 is at least playable.

I did play it on emulator. Game is just janky as fuck.


You're out of luck, bro. Fat asses from here on out

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I heard bad things about Drakengard 3 on RPCS3 but I emulated Nier just fine. I have a RX580 so it'll be ok from what you said.

Nier is way easier to run than DoD3, which runs on fucking UE3. Still, it's not a major challenge for a gaming PC built during this decade.

I've run that shit on toasters, it's just bad optimization then

Isn't this the inferior game to Nier Automata?

.... yeah no thanks, I don't think anyone would want this....

Dude, it's just you who completely misread the tone of the story. It's essentially "Taro makes a trash movie". Anything goes. ANYTHING. Complete lack of self-censorship. THAT's the tone of the story. And the flying ship joke is one of the legit best jokes in the game.

you fail to realize how much of a toasters the 7th gen consoles really were. We're talking about an unique tech, comparable to a mid-tier PC of the year 2005, that arrived years before the first UE3 games ever arrived.

This is one of the reasons so many PS3 games ran on older stuff, like UE2.5, ID tech 3 (Quake 3 engine), or custom in-house engines made for the system.

Still, I do believe that the DoD3's performance on PS3 could be improved greatly with just some tweaks to config files.

Fair enough, I've never been a console owner to realize that

sorry, no remaster for you, instead I'm going to make drakengard 4 as a finger puppet show with showings only in antartica (tickets only available to penguines)