How is the community didn't fix Quake 2 like they did with first Quake? I mean, Copper mod is a great improvement (better levels and minor tweaks) but you can't find nothing for 2.
How is the community didn't fix Quake 2 like they did with first Quake? I mean...
Quake 2 is better than Quake 1 you fucking loser. There was nothing to fix.
Save me, Romero
Save me, Romero
trash opinion, probably by an inexperienced FPS player
I've been playing FPS longer than you've been alive kiddo.
You can argue that multiplayer was better, but singleplayer? No.
The expansion packs more than made up for it faggot.
>best soundtrack
>manly as fuck
>enemies worth killing
Save me, Romero
Quake 2 expansions were worse than vanilla game, I only could play a couple of levels.
Lithium did this tho I never really played it. CTF was the shit.
quake champions is fun
Q2 was more popular than Quake 1. No one played Q1 past 1997. QuakeWorld is a meme
Q3 only got popular because it came out when esports became a thing. It wasn't ever a fun game like Q2 was.
Quake 2 has been, along with 4, one of the most forgettable Id games in the entirety of their existence. The only thing it has going for it was that it was a stepping stone for Valve to make Half Life
Quake 2 was the Counter-Strike of arena shooters
>Q3 only got popular because it came out when esports became a thing. It wasn't ever a fun game
neck yourself. q3a the goat
also game play improvement mods are for shitty russian games like STALKER that can't be played normally
Quake 3 was only good for the DBZ mod
Then you have shit taste. They are better than the vanilla game and better than Q1.
who gives a flying fuck about single player in quake holy shit look at this retard
I thought id didn't make Quake 4 and Half-life was based on Quake 1 engine
misaligned crosshair is the only valid criticism on that op.
Youll gay ass nerds dont even play quake champions
Didn't Quake 2 introduce the railgun?
All these people ITT that won't be saved by Romero.
I highly doubt that, but even if it was true, then you must have been playing the same few games all this time. If you had actually tried out lots of FPS titles and of course all the id Software games you would have realized that Quake 2 was badly made and a step down from 1 in every aspect except for soundtrack and some technical advancements.
I've played literally hundreds of FPS games faggot.
ET Quake Wars > Q2 Ground Zero + The Reckoning > Quake 4 > Quake 3 (only this low because no SP) > Q1 Scourge of Armagon + Dissolution of Eternity > Quake 2 > Quake 1
Ground Zero has good level design if you're willing to put up with getting shot in the back by turrets.
Reckoning decided that Quake 2 didn't have enough bullet sponges and gave monsters force fields. Reckoning also has grunts with beam weapons, so every time you walk into a room this happens.
Turrets and beam weapons sucked but everything else about those expansion packs was amazing. By far the best level design in any Quake game. Felt like they could be real sci fi area's and not another abstract maze that didn't make sense. I really loved the sci fi aesthetic and the strogg too. Plus all the levels in the mines were fun, and I liked levels set on the outskirts of strogg bases where they were fighting off against native creatures.
Q4 woudl have been better if the gameplay was more in depth, but the atmosphere in that was top fucking notch cool. Q3's gameplay mechanics are perfect and if that had a SP campaign it would be the best in the series, but unfortunately it's MP only or bots. What a fucking shame. Still fun as fuck though. But SP is always better than MP. ET though feels like an SP game even when it's MP and the bot AI is so good and feels like they could be real people. The objective based team modes were really fun.
Quake 1 just feels like dumbed down Doom but with 3D graphics.
Romero is a hack
>slow movement
Save me, Romero
To the Quake series, yeah, but Shadow Warrior had one first.
Save me, Romero
>slow movement
>slow firing guns
>gimped bunnyhopping
>every level looks the same
Yup, Quake 2 is utter horse shit.
Quake 2 sucks, even fucking Quake Champions is better than that pleb shit
Q3/QL > QW > Q4 >>>>> QC > Q2
Anyone here hyped for Diabotical?
>no lightning gun
not a true Quake game sorry
Save me, Romero
play quake 1 campaign and stop being ignorant.
t. zoomer who only plays MP games
literally fuck romero
crazy diva with psycho ideas getting carried by a team of solid bros
romero by himself = daikatana
man fuck daikatana
i was so glad one of my buds was nuts enough to preorder it and i could see how shit it was and saved myself the cash
Quake 2 and Daikatana serve as proof Romero can't make a good game without Carmack and vice versa.
I heard Daikatana was good once it got fixed by fanpatches.
That could be said for any game, ever.
>fixed by fanpatches
Can't fix the game until you disable companions.
At least it was better than Quake 2.
>wanting bunnyhopping in sp
that might be but just considering trying it makes me revolt internally on principle
i would probably hate it irrationally for what it represents even if they reparied to to goat levels
Holy shit, do you just walk in a straight line to the end of the level? Why are you so much against the idea of having fun by speeding through the game?
You sound debilitatingly retarded.
>Anyone here hyped for Diabotical?
no, I don't get hype for vaporware.
Oldfag here. The funy thing about Daikatana was that the multiplayer demos that were released before the game came out were fun. That's one of the ways it gained momentum and sold. But the final product was absolute shit.
yeah, i was on dial-up at the time, so no online gaming for me. I just got secondary exposure form all the hype. Man was i glad in hindsight
>misaligned crosshairs
How can so many people fundamentally misunderstand what a crosshair is for? It marks the centre of the screen, nothing more. It's not an excuse to ignore how the weapon functions, not that the aim will be anywhere but centred if you have the sense to use centered handedness.
I did all my gaming on dial-up back then. If I was lucky I'd have a 230-300ish ping. Mainly in the 300s though. I was always on the Zone or Heat.
For me it was a cost thing. German early 00's dial-up was something like 1€/5min of 56k.
I remember burning out one of those AOL cds playing bzflag over a weekend and then having to reformat because I couldnt get rid of all the branding shit.
I wonder if it really was that nasty or if I was too shit at compooterz as a kid lol
In conclusion, fuck romero, i blame him for aol
>It marks the centre of the screen, nothing more.
Complete BS. Crosshairs are the representation of the gun's sights. If IRL the gun does not shoot where the sights point (correct usage / gravity provided), the sights are misaligned. Same for games.