Bought a Switch

>bought a Switch
>everything runs at

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Well yeah it's shit hardware.
It's good for Nintendo first-party exclusives and that's it, like all Nintendo consoles.

>he actually fell for the shitch meme

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That's why you only play the AAA nintendy games like botw, odyssey and smash.
When you're done with those you can deposit your switch in the garbage bin.

>everything runs at

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soul vs soulless

did she really grow up this fast?

>Get a Pro
>Still doesn't hit consistent 40-50.


That’s because the game is capped at 30 retard.

So like PS4? Besides, plenty of games run at 60fps.

>Buying Nintendo console
>Expecting more than gimmicky bullshit

That's sort of cute, actually.

>Soul > Soulless

>Bought a Nintendo Shit
>No games
>No games still
>Bad emulators
>Not even little sister wanted it
>Sold it to some poor soul for the same I paid due to being hacked
>Nintendo releases two fucking revisions that are better
Man, I'm glad I no longer have anything to do with this garbage

That's why you get a PC.

>cherrypicking that only area where the framerate drops
You're not fooling anyone nintenkiddo

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Devs patch the game.

It is somehow even worse.


>bought a switch
>everything runs at more than 30fps


Can't cope. Won't cope.

Dude I fucking love Bloodborne and got used to the framerate issues fairly quickly, but let's not fucking lie here. It absolutely does drop frames consistently throughout almost all of the game.

I'd hit that.

Use your PC then.

>this fast
user by the time you blink you'll be 5 years older

damn, she looks like THAT??

but it says pro though

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BOTW and 3rd Party games are the only things I can think of desu


>get switch
>game runs at solid 30 but looks like dogshit
>game runs at native res but runs like dogshit
>game runs and looks like dogshit
Why does this keeps happening!!!

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that's the first area of the game bro

pattern recognition could have saved you. two whole console generations of this exact same situation precede the switch

i played SMM2 on yuzu earlier it works fine, why even bother buying a fucking arm android tablet

/u/moderators please delete this, it portrays Sony in a bad light, thanks.

best "where are they now" one was the neckbeard acne ridden fat guy everyone posts as a response to fedora tippers or "2/10 knees too pointy wouldn't bang" posters.

Some guy was claiming he'd cleaned up his act and done all this stuff etc. etc. and the original guy actually responded with a new image confirming he was just as fucking autistic as ever and hadn't changed in the slightest.

>Nintendo releases two revisions that are better
So like PS4 and Xbox

That's not the same girl.

There are more Nintendo exclusives that run at 60 than Sony ones.

I'd rather be a Nitendodler that actually plays games than a fucking redditor posting about FPS.

What's next you gonna tell us why micro transactions are evil?

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god i wish i wasnt so lonely

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I'd hope not. She would be like 7 or 8 today and I don't want to live in a world where this is what 8 year olds look like.

>bought a Switch

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I wish I was lonely again. Fuck long term relationships.

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have computers gone too far?

>buy any console
>runs at

>Fell for the portable meme

>I only play JRPGs, comfy games on consoles mostly.
>For my "current" needs I no-life MP games on PS4 and eventually PS5
I wonder is the Switch is a good purchase at this point, the library is pretty good and getting better soon. I was eyeing a Lite but the new revision sounds amazing with the new battery.

>bought a Switch
You did good.

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>people on Yea Forums shill switch for months
>mfw it has no games (if you played the WiiU ports already)
>stick drift
>2h battery
>input lag cuz shitty wireless controller
>shitty online that even cost now
>sub 30fps on many games
>all that while still being expensive as fuck
Why the fuck would anyone shill that thing?
I used to like Nintendo but what the fuck.

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>he bought

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Play docked or have sex

>criticize nintendo
>but sony
every single time

Honestly were you expecting anything more from consoles?

>Get a computer
>Everything is ok

>play on pc
>have not sex

>animeposters shits on swittch

>get a computer
>nothing to eat for next few months

Fuck, Marry

Input lag is a huge problem when docked. It fucking sucks for hollow knight

PC players have more sex cause pc is a normie device for multiple purposes. I live in russia and half of married men at work play tanks, dota and counter strike, where is your god now

It's the only thing to compare it to. Xbots don't exist and PC is a joke
DQB2 made me realize just how weak the Switch hardware is.

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>I live in russia

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Yeah, my mom had health problems in the 90s when dad wanted to move to usa, he blames her for that every time.

Bloodborne runs worse

based retard poorfag

I'm a PCfag.

So what? It's not like 30 fps vs 60 fps is noticeable unless you have like, super eyes. So just deal with it

Russia is not THAT bad if you live in Moscow or Saint Petersburg

>buy a 300 dollar tablet
>it doesn't have good grafix

>Todd Miyamoto
>Not Miyamotodd
Come on, it was easy...

The second game is made by Omega force, what the fuck did you expect?

Also what's with the absurd amount of butthurt over the switch today?

You are both retards with bipolar disorder. Ps4 and xbox are for people with less money, pc is expensive if you want to run newest games on high settings but it plays everything from 80s and you actually use it for other purposes. I own switch and pc and currently use them and 3ds sometimes. Also had ps4 and vita but sold them, i kinda don’t like sony games lately.

I'm convinced the dock adds additional input delay. There's 0 reason a wired connection should be slower than bluetooth.

This whole Sony vs Nintendo shit used to be a funny Parody poking fun at poor Children but now we've let in too many retards who took the joke seriously

I live in Kazan in Tatarstan, it’s pretty good in comparison to other cities, but it’s still Russia, with bad economy where you have to work your ass off for cheap, county is almost totalitarian, we have bad ecology, everything is ugly, weather sucks but most of all people with prison like values and aggressive egoistic mindset that suck.

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>consoletards will never know how silky smooth souls games can feel

Why are you so mad?

>bought a console
>bitches about performance
When you're old enough, you can buy a gun and shoot yourself in the foot.


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He was calling me a poorfag because I dismissed PCs

I mentioned you cause pc isn’t a joke. I still play old ass early 00s late 90s games that were released only on pc and i use mine for work when i have to do something at home, watch movies, videos, do other multitasking stuff.

>acting like 30fps actually matters

Plus that’s the “console” i played dmc 5, resident evil 2, mon hun world on.

It shouldn't have been 1080p when the original was 720p. Why couldn't they have done variable resolution and drop at intense moments? Why couldn't it have been 900p instead? It's just shitty developers

>be on pc
>everything runs at 1440p 165hz

I just could not use consoles, it would be such a headache

I guess it doesn't since anything below 60 is shit anyway.