Crash Team Racing

Are you still enjoying this newly released kart racing video game?

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Definitely, still doing the dailies every day to receive that shiny 5% kart.

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Yeah, I finally bit the bullet and learned how to air brake last week and it's opened up a ton of new possibilities. This is an old webm from the same day I learned how to do it, I jump the barrier now.

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I'm not the only one who hasn't played a second of online, right? I don't have PS+, but I'm also afraid

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>10 more days until babies everywhere

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Please don't delete me Mod-sama.

No because it's not on PC, the only gaming platform worth my time

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We already got a thread doing just fine.

We don't need 11 simultaneous threads like Smash.

Bought it, played it and sold it. I loved playing the N sane trilogy, but I don't feel motivated to grind out and "get gud" at a kart racer

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Yep. Although im dreading the baby gp and the amount of cringe itll bring to races and the larger internet.

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Oh my bad, didn't even notice that

I was obsessed with this game for 3 weeks, got the platinum trophy and last time I checked I was in the top 2000 in the grand prix meaning there's no chance I'm not getting that car. That being said I had to force me to stop because it was getting to the point where my thumbs and left index would hurt. I'm letting the game rest until the next grand prix, and even then I'll maybe just unlock the characters and ignore the skins until they're added to the pits stop.

I know the feeling. I have a dent just under the knuckle of my middle finger from where the groove of the R2 button rests and my right thumb has a flat spot from squeezing X so hard. It's one game where I involuntarily lean as far forward as possible so my face is an inch away from the TV and squeeze the controller ridiculously hard when I play it.

Didn't know Phil have tattoo.

Playing? Yes. Enjoying? No, I'm playing daily for this GP grind and for Wumpa coins instead of at my leisure

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Hopefully they plan on fixing this game while people are still playing it. Pretty much every track can probably be skipped in some way and online is barebones and glitchy. Fun game when it works though.

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I hope he is either accel or speed

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I'm trying to learn it but I'm struggling

Only 10 more days left of the waifu age.

Played it a bit at launch but I don't wanna spend ages developing a ton of muscle memory for tech in fucking kart racer just to beat single player let alone online autism.

All hail the future baby age.

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Why would they add babies? Isn't shitty Mario Kart babs the butt of jokes? You can only be so ironic with a roster.

>10 days until Coco diaper art explodes across the internet.


is it better to use the stick or the d-pad?

He cute

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Are you me? I think I'm developing carpal tunnel or something because of this game

Why don't they use the lose animations for the online podiums as well?
If it's to stop people having their feelings hurt they should have removed the fucking items for online play.

Yeah, it's fun.

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Soon, well in October

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What are you having issues with, user?


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so we are gonna keep one thread alive even if is over 500 replies?
(I don't know how that counter works)

I don't care about numbers and stuff, I just want a place to speak about fucking CTR

I honestly feel it should be in the options, that way if you win as Velo (far stretch i know), there isn't a crowd cheering for him.

500 is the bump limit here, so that thread died just now.

We are now

So uh... anyone want to make art of this?

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Thank you tiny, how thoughtful.

No, because it takes too much times to unlock stuff and online sucks ass.

10 more days of nitro shit left

Post the hung penguin
New thread, same poll

I quit the game, post your rank. And don't blur out your ranks you pussy faggots

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It’s a fun game, but I needed to get a hang of how the boosting worked.

>got PS plus 2 days ago so haven't played online at all
>only have about 7200 nitro points

Is it too late for me to reach 5% lads

You can do it in a week if you play enough

you can get 5% but you can't get shit like Racer Crunch, don't even think about Motorsport Tawna

You'd have to really grind out these last 10 days but it's doable

I'm at work so I cant look. On switch like you. Name starts with A. Ends with N, but isnt user.

fuck I'm like 29k on Ps4

This angers Yea Forums

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Fuck off furries

Why tell them to fuck off when you just fuck them?

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Disgusting desu

That score genuinely wouldn't even get you top 500 on PS4