I can't believe it's only 2009 and we've already reached such an insane level of physics and destruction in video...

I can't believe it's only 2009 and we've already reached such an insane level of physics and destruction in video games! I can't wait to see how it'll improve in the years to come!

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>Me and friend play this game on deathmatch mode
>Both of us just destroy buildings together then repair them with the big building fixer gun

>Silent Storm comes out in 2004
>full bullet physics and destruction in a fucking slavshit turn based game
>"future will be bright!"
Man, If only I knew how stupid the world will get

Seriously what the fuck happened why did companies completely stop innovating and turn everything into derivative trash

Everything wrong with modern games can be traced back to SNOY

Jews/late stage capitalism, depending on who you ask

because they can put out samey 2005-era games with no innovation and still earn billions


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No, maker map bigger! Bigger map! Bigger bigger map! I want to play on biggest map ever made!

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Why bother improving when you can keep rehashing the same shit, and still make millions?

I can't believe it's only 2002 and we've already reached such an insane level of dept and deep RPG mechanics in Elder Scrolls games! I can't wait to see how it'll improve in the years to come!

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Devs realized gamers are literall retards and have no taste
Why try innovating when you can just make the same garbage with different vistas and sell it like hot cakes?

mah nigga
the world just wasn't ready

But PC exclusives are made for intel graphics. Multiplats may not push Jewvidia's latestcards but they are definitely pushing hardware more than pc exclusives.

Same dev team made homm5

Its shit, just dnd roll based system made into first person

Graphicsfags and consoles
Technology in games these days is just pushing a console generation to its limits with fancy textures, effects, and maybe with actual lighting systems, if the devs want to take risks. Innovations just take up precious space and processing that could be used for more graphics instead.
You just can't look at physics and every "epic setpiece" that could use them is faster and more reliably done with canned animations.

Gamepad controls.

>A BR like fortnite with construction but the destruction is an advanced form of Red Faction.
>Can't spam buildings, but can create walls/outposts/buildings
>Can take them apart bit by bit, or all at once with sledge hammers, explosives,
>Can do the same to vehicles
>Locational damage with realistic effects, making combat feel, hard hitting and very dangerous, which also makes armor and shields very important.
>0% bloom, full learnable weapon spread patterns which get larger based on movement getting shot and so on, in a exact pattern once again, so if you're good enough you can headshot the guy with a minigun by knowing where your bullet will land even while getting hit.
>mobility is average for a human, getting better with items found in the world jet backs/grapples/exo skeletons etc
>a large city can end up turning to rubble when everyone touches down in it.
Never ever bros.

>an actually good battle royale
Indeed, never ever

>WOW! Only 2005 and AI is capable of doing so many interesting things, jumping through windows to get to locations faster, flanking, going prone, moving cover, playing dead, noticing flash lights, throwing grenades to flush you out! I can't wait to see how more complex and interesting the AI in games becomes!
Is this the make your self sad thread?

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why is everything so shit

I wish I could get this too, so many interesting things and they just seem, dropped.Maybe companies just decided that's too much effort.

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Red faction: guerilla's MP was criminally underrated.

People got more caught up in 60 and 120 FPS.

>Imagine letting your game play all the cool games with interesting mechanics and when he asks you for more, you tell him, they stopped making more.

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zoomers. they only want lootboxes

Your average 'gamer' doesn't care about physics or advanced AI. People just want to relax, turn their brains off, look at pretty graphics and kill dozens of enemies that can barely fight back.

>letting your game
Hello ... brain? Letting your kid. There fixed.

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Put down the bing bing toy nincel

Why do you have to do this?

I feel this exact same way about character creators and games that pushed creativity. I thought character creators would get so advanced that you'd be able to make literally anything you wanted regardless of art style, but it's basically the same as it was back then if not dumbed down even further.
Only game I've seen get close is Blade & Soul (BDO is deceptively limited)

and for the "creativity" games, Dreams is basically also the closest we'll get to where we should be with that. But even that is a tad limited in some aspects, but you're still able to make virtually anything as long as you put the effort into it.

agreed, had a nice weapon variety, maps were a comfy size for 8v8 or less and the destruction added so much variation to the gameplay

>Only game I've seen get close is Blade & Soul

Passionate people were replaced by suits.