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Really, no one wants to discuss this shit? This is big news

>5 vs 5 MP-only beta
lol, eat shit

I don’t believe that it’ll ever come out.

If it can be played on a console gamepad then it means the game mechanics were stripped and nerfed. Not interested.

Warband's controls were neither intuitive nor powerful enough to merit their awkwardness.


5 years later and 5 more years after

So in other words you are a casual. Great, now that we have this out of the way we know your opinions are irrelevant.

> Closed Beta Happening 2803

So right before Star Citizen comes out? The madmen.

A casual wouldn't ask for more control, my negro friend.

Good thing you aren't then, you are justifying less of it consolecancer.

closed beta?
how long will they be bugfixing? a year, two maybe, six months perhaps?
at least it's not alpha anymore

man, these eurofaggots and their ESL tier English. I said the controls aren't powerful enough in the first place to warrant their awkwardness.

That's not a thing anymore. It hasn't been for a couple years now. Systems that offer gamepad support are simply made more efficient, not stripped. Put simply, if you can't figure out how to fit your controls onto a gamepad, it's arbitrarily complex and only serves to detract from gameplay. The only benefit is that it lets retards think they're better because they can pile on inefficient and useless movements and still manage to play the game.

So in 3 years minimum, gotcha.

>closed beta limited to friends and relatives of employees
yeah nah it's gonna be another 2 years for an open beta/early access release

This consolefaggot still trying to use his lack of cognitive capacity to use perfectly good controls to excuse stripping half of them to fit on a console kiddiepad.

>As seen in the letter, it looks like the closed beta already took place on June 12 or will take place on Dec. 6, depending on how the dates are read.
>writer is so lazy she doesnt even google how to read dates in turkey

how the fuck does the company sustain itself for 7 years without proper income? i dont know how many employees there are, but thats a ton of salary to pay. Now the retard argument would be that they earned a lot from warband and they still earn a little, but an actual investment is supposed to earn itself back, that means the 7 years and counting would have to earn themselves back plus profit

>if you can't figure out how to fit your controls onto a gamepad, it's arbitrarily complex
In other words you are low IQ and like simplistic gameplay. Okay thanks for your input casual.

>been in development for 7-8 years
Yeah it's almost like people have lost interest.

Not what I said. Learn to read.

>if you can't figure out how to fit your controls onto a gamepad
Reducing response time,
making AI dumber,
quicktime, bullet-time,
stripping down mechanics, those are your methods of making something efficient consolecancer.

Yes what you said, low IQ casual.

Attached: bannerlord.jpg (960x652, 97K)

Shitload of money from the turkish gov
called it

>multiplayer beta

It's the only thing that was of any value in Mountain Blade.


Mods and shit was better in this. Fuck you zoomers and muh
>every game has to have some sort of MP!!!!

The only low IQ here is you, kid. If it isn't necessary, it's dead weight. Choosing to include dead weight to fluff up a control scheme makes you an idiot. The controls are not the gameplay, and the gameplay is not defined by the controls.

All things that are not an issue with gamepad adaptation anymore. Before when translating proper functionality to a gamepad was done poorly, yes. Now it isn't. Gamepad adaptation is efficient enough to still allow for more precise controls with a kb/m setup interchangeable with the game if you choose to do so with no dampening of depth. You're clearly stuck in the past and refuse to acknowledge mechanical progress in video games.

>If it isn't necessary, it's dead weight.
You don't decide what is necessary.
>The controls are not the gameplay, and the gameplay is not defined by the controls.
It is when even a 29 year old game like TIE Fighter can't play on your dogshit kiddiepad or Warband.
The controls are perfectly fine and thousands of people use them without a hitch.
Only a consoletard like you has problems because you are low IQ, and you make poor excuses that expose nothing but your brainletism.
No wonder consoles get only remasters and copy pasta now since brainlets like you can't comprehend gameplay mechanics more complex than a platformer game. It's hilarious how low IQ you are.

Warband was ported to consoles, so I don't see how the controls could be that messed up from it.

The only MP scene that had any value was the NW one, Warband was always 100% about mods.

If you can come back with something that isn't full of rhetoric and memes, I'll check again later. Until then, anyone who isn't illiterate can read the reply chain and realize you're retarded. I'm done here.

Not every game needs MP if the base game was actually deep and satisfying. Mountain Blade was not, and this won't be either.

Napoleonic Wars was pure kino.

>if it isn't necessary, it's dead weight
Luddite philosophy.
All your posts remind me of Blizzard trying to excuse Diablo sequel on mobile phones.

>If you can come back with something that isn't full of rhetoric and memes
The irony. You lost the argument and now you project your own deficiency onto others. Come back when gameplay finally starts advancing on consoles again. All you get is copy pasta and remasters now and interactive movies.
Kiddiepads haven't been the gold standard for many genres for years now. Only luddites are stuck on them and excusing them.

>admitting defeat memes
called it

out fucking played. for someone so high IQ, you sure are predictable buddy

in that case i dont see why they would ever release it, roaches will always be roaches

Literally all I care about is multiplayer, they could've released a multiplayer beta a year ago or more. I'm not even excited for it at this point.

If a game needs mp to be good then its a shitty game regardless. Deep and "satisfying" doesnt get any different weather you play MP or not. Its more of the same.

Gubment grants from Turk gubment.
They are deliberately """working""" on it to keep getting gubment money and will without a doubt only release it when gubment cuts the money off which won't be anytime soon by the looks of it.

Mordhau took whatever fans bannerlord had. it’s too late

This is old news that has been discussed a few weeks back when the initial leak happened and they even talked about the closed beta in a dev blog.
Mount and Blade sold very well + Turkish government giving them subsidies and the Turkish currency crashing down thanks to Erdogan.

>If a game needs mods to be good then its a shitty game regardless. Deep and "satisfying" doesnt get any different weather you play with mods or not. Its more of the same.

Human component changes the dynamic of combat and makes it deeper and more skill based.

>in 2019

top fucking kek

inb4 epic exclusive

>implying i will not pirate it
roaches already got their money from the gov

>that consolekiddie heaving buzzwords about control efficiency and arguing for lower control complexity despite the fact that the most popular and sought-after gamepads every time are the ones which introduce more buttons and inputs onto the original like with the Elite
You are only arguing against yourself kiddie, the rest of society has evolved unlike yourself and obviously thirsts for more complexity and input freedom.

>You are only arguing against yourself kiddie
>responds to no one but is definitely buttblasted


>That Yurofaggot that took half an hour to cook up a rambling response but is too pussy to quote anyone directly.

you okay there buddy?

in before the Turkish government makes it Epic exclusive as a stab at fat american Valve corp

o i am

That brainlet who is butthurt about everyone else but himself being able to handle complex controls in games.

Turks would do anything to be considered white/European they won't back stab a western company like steam.

Did you mean to quote? Forums

>multiplayer beta

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I updated my pc in 2013 to play bannerlord. Now i need to update it again.

>The controls are not the gameplay, and the gameplay is not defined by the controls.
Is that why the only big gameplay advancements we ever saw in the console industry happened only when default console controllers increased their inputs?
You seem to be retarded mate.

Developers develop with the default controller in mind which comes with a device.
For consoles that is the gamepad, nobody expects console players to get a keyboard or a flight stick, therefore games are left in their inefficient when aimed at consoles.
For PC that is the keyboard at the very least, and a mouse on the side, which pretty much propelled the Space Sim, Space Combat, Air Combat, RTS, RPG, FPS, into advancements that wasn't possible on consoles and even invented many new genres and combinations which can't be done on a console controller.
Your entire argument is smallminded.

>made more efficient, not stripped
>if you can't figure out how to fit your controls onto a gamepad, it's arbitrarily complex
this second statement proves the first one incorrect.

Do you believe it was a bad thing when adventure games stopped having over a dozen buttons for "push, pull, talk to, give, etc" and started having fewer but more condensed options?

Attached: img_scumm.gif (320x223, 18K)

Fewer options means less interactions. That is naturally a regressive thing.
Condensed options as in reducing them to a radial menu for example without sacrificing response if those options aren't relevant to response-heavy-situations like the middle of a battle, those are the only argument you can have.
Even then, commanding an army to do a task with 1 button while you are in the middle of a battle as opposed to having to go through a radial menu and extra clicks to input that task, or having to deal with vocal command response offput because clicking is faster than you saying shit, is always going to be better.
The 3rd way is modifiers, but modifiers then reduce parallel actions as a possibility.

casual detected

I'm not even sure if I care anymore. It's been so long, I'm playing other games.

What are you talking about? It's literally a 4 directional combat system. It was never complicated, and it doesn't require skill outside of memorizing character animations to know which way they're swinging.

if you're arguing about controls, warband was already released on console you fucking morons.

If you think they're stripping out features because of consoles, you are objectively wrong. Go on, back up your claim. You cant. Why? Because you're objectively wrong. Every gameplay feature they've talked about has been expanded on since Warband.

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>I said the controls aren't powerful enough in the first place
Literally learn to play the goddamn game you pleb.

Funny, cause that's a classic example of bad UX. Let me give you another example. In Dune 2 and Warcraft 1, you had to either use the hotkeys or click the attack, move, patrol, etc buttons before issuing the order. Do you believe that the sequels of those games are regressive by introducing the right-click action?


Right-click/Left-click action was literally a 1- click bind, people still used the shit out of hotkeys with those games except now they didn't have to go through multiple clicks to do certain actions which was an inefficiency owed to the console controllers and fixed by those games you mentioned being evolved on the PC. Hotkeys still rule in RTS and 1-click action is still the rule of both competitive and SP. What point are you even trying to make?

steal a nasa supercomputer so you can play on the best settings

wtf is this thread
bannerlord won't be in console like in fuckin forever after pc release

>What are you talking about? It's literally a 4 directional combat system.
It's literally 4 directional combat + blocking + drop/equip ground weapons + mount/dismount + secondary action + troop command + movement options + equipment menu and map menu in the battle + cycling, and more, all of which are desirable as 1-click-binds in the midst of the chaos of battle for fast response.

Bannerlord won't be on console like forever. They took 6 years to port warband to console, and that was based on Android port.
Just stop.

I mean, only Dune 2 was on the Sega and Warcraft 1 had the same issue and it never came out on the console. Not sure where you're getting the console controller inefficiency from. What I'm saying is that convolution does not equal complexity and that by making controls more efficient, you don't have to sacrifice complexity.
Hell, I prefer the radial menu in most FPS games. Know why? Because I don't have to take my fingers off the controls to switch weapons. Try hitting the 9 key without taking your fingers off W or D. You don't even need bullet time or pause if you're good at remembering where the options are on the radial menu.

Attached: keeptrying.png (452x105, 4K)

ya got me

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ah shoot

Attached: file.png (531x97, 10K)

Aw fuck, here's irrefutable proof

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Attached: file.png (230x171, 8K)

>They took 6 years to port warband to console
And removed mechanics and made the game inefficient to fit it on the gamepad.

>Not sure where you're getting the console controller inefficiency from.
Playing video games?
>What I'm saying is that convolution does not equal complexity and that by making controls more efficient
You aren't making controls more efficient by increasing clicks and slowing down response time.
>Try hitting the 9 key without taking your fingers off W or D.
Easy peasy because i have the numpad on the left side of the keyboard, or I can rebind the 9 key near the movement schematic.

I have 28 buttons in the immediate left hand area with instant finger-access at any time and an additional 7 buttons in immediate access on my right hound plus a wheel.
Games that utilize this schematic are perfectly efficient no matter how complex or convoluted those controls seem to you yourself.
Games that utilize this schematic however can't work on a console gamepad which doesn't have over 20 buttons with instant access and therefore have to be stripped or made inefficient or less responsive like your radial menu shit.

>muh mods >>>>> anything
Warband MP was the best shit

>Bannerlord thread
>People think complaining or joking about the delay is funny and original when it's neither
We all know it's delayed, just shut the fuck up and discuss the game normally.

To help you out, here are somr basic, but very nice questions that can spark conversatiom about the game:
>I can't wait to play it! Anyone else excited for making a kingdom that gets split up in wars because your sons both want the throne?
>Oh man it's gonna be so much fun! Will I be able to permakill other lords?
>Will it be moddable to the point of someone actually making it coop?
>I can't wait for my favorote mod from Warband to be ported, ____, how about you?

Attached: a09.png (680x708, 387K)

Wait it isn't going to be coop?


Attached: obey.jpg (640x544, 25K)

>Playing video games?
which was an inefficiency owed to the console controllers and fixed by those games you mentioned being evolved on the PC
Warcraft 1 never came out on the console, so its issues were not due to the controller.
>You aren't making controls more efficient by increasing clicks and slowing down response time.
Exactly. So like in the example above, you don't need 18 buttons that do 18 different things when you could have 6 buttons that each do 3 things based on context.
>Easy peasy because i have the numpad on the left side of the keyboard, or I can rebind the 9 key near the movement schematic.
You're still taking your hand off the mouse to use the numpad. And for rebinding, you'd have to rebind other weapons as well and sacrifice other keys to do it.

Sadly, no, my friend.
Singleplayer is too complex for them to implement a system that properly allows two player controlled characters to move on the map.

COOP campaign sounds kino. Imagine me and my friend have a tough campaign to create our own kingdom and then our characters die. Our sons inherits but decides they want more so they go to war on each other.
I'm very excited for singleplayer nonetheless.

>Exactly. So like in the example above, you don't need 18 buttons that do 18 different things when you could have 6 buttons that each do 3 things based on context.
I do if I have them.
>You're still taking your hand off the mouse to use the numpad.
I just told you that the numpad is on my left side of the keyboard. It's nowhere near my mouse.
>And for rebinding, you'd have to rebind other weapons as well and sacrifice other keys to do it.
Never happened yet, even with crazy old games like Jedi Knight.
I literally have 28+7 buttons in the immediate finger areas of my both hands which give me faster response than radial menus. Trying radial menus has always been slower no matter how many times and no matter which game i've tried.

>tfw playing butterlord while reading winds of winter and downloading HL3

Well if you're gonna go into personal experience, I play modded Doom and I have ran into that issue. Thank fuck I found a weapon wheel mod.

the only thing I can think of that wouldn't be able to be fit onto a gamepad is the troop/army commands instead of player control, and you think those are arbitrarily complex even though they're clearly categorized for each set? this sounds like a bad case of git gud you dumb cunt

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they literally announced it on their site a month ago

They're imprecise and could make better use of the mouse. I can't, for example, select the left half of my infantry to split off and do something else. Unless I set them into custom groups before the battle but fragmenting your battle line like that brings other issues.

plz bind me these senpai. keep in mind there's the standard FPS controls like melee, kick, grenade, ROF toggles, oh and I want to be able to do all three kinds of taunts easily during battle
ty sweetie

I was so excited for you, I forgot my picture

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Warband could be played on a console gamepad. Sorry you're just a shitter.

They competitive tards have been playing the game for about a month now

I don't like how Talesworlds is focusing on the MP portion of Bannerlord more than the single player. Major red flag.

Both are getting improved though, they need to test MP if the rumours from years ago are true. 300 player MP isn't a joke.

Just like Counter Strike can.

Coop battles but not campaign i think

And did counter strike being on console and total war being on ipad somehow make the PC games worse?

Attached: 3max.jpg (497x639, 73K)

>total war
yes actually

>Last game was released nearly a decade ago.
>Games development cycle is on par with star citizen at this point.
>Closed beta get's announced
>OP get's hyped for a shitty 5v5 beta.
>Claims it's big news.

Attached: 10061_464531846943073_2085416222_n.jpg (672x712, 69K)

>rome 1 was developed with the ipad in mind

Attached: 1484890680332.jpg (470x595, 47K)

oh ho ho ho

there's 0 (ZERO) (ZILCH) reason for total war being a PC exclusive


>ports have the power to make the original games retroactively worse, decades after the fact
So this is the power of consolefaggotry...

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Unless I'm mistaken, this is old news. It's the same email we saw maybe a month ago. There were also threads about it.

Anons, have you seen /mbg/?

Attached: mbg the image.jpg (1680x1050, 162K)

I know why OP bought console war to m&b discussion
(to bring it life again)

why would you go on mbg lmao