Can you guys recommend me some GOOD fps games? Not the usual CoD shit

can you guys recommend me some GOOD fps games? Not the usual CoD shit.
So far the only ones that come to mind are F.E.A.R and S.T.A.L.K.E.R

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Half Life series is pretty good



Metro Exodus

For multiplayer RS2, KF2, Day of Infamy and Insurgency are pretty fun.

cod games before BO2 were actually pretty good

You're trying, OP
I'm sure your thread can make it!
Even if one of the posts after the one I'm quoting is you offering suggestions to yourself!

DooM 1-2 and 64
Duke Nukem 3D
Half-Life 1-2 + expansions
Far Cry 1
Underhell: Chapter 1
Serious Sam -series

also, while not exactly FPS games, do check out Max Payne 1-2. They play practically like an FPS. Look up their widescreen patches.

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>DooM 1-2 and 64
>Duke Nukem 3D
Do you know what year is it, you delusional boomer?

>Mentions far cry 1 but not 2

Wolfenstein 2. By far the best fps ever made

those are good games, stop being a contrarian


>Clive Barker's Undying
and more recent
>Amid evil
also can't go wrong with these

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You mean 2009?

quake 1

>lists Reddit-Life but not Quake
opinion null and void, NEXT!

Destiny 2


this child has terrible taste, do not listen to its advice

DUSK is the most uninspired piece of shit I've ever played, it's honestly a 6.5 at most
not even mentioning the fact that difficulties are completely fucked ranging from normal to horseshit (Cero Miedo to Duskmare) and then every difficulty before CM is easy as shit
mouse aiming feels unnatural but that's to be expected from a fucking unity game
movement is extremely floaty as well, no excuse for that although I appreciate that he tried to add a version of bunnyhopping in even if it's not 100% accurate to how it is in Quake
skip DUSK and play Quake honestly

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis

>shits on someone else's recommendations
>fails to give any of his own
Underage spotted.

All your old Build Engine and Id games. Duke Nukem and Quake are probably the stand-outs.

I'd also say to pirate Receiver for some quick but fun gun 'tism. Don't buy it, it's like in terms of content.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, that too, why not.

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>giving out that you're underaged/b&
>proudly boasting of shit taste
If there's ever been more fitting time to kys, it is now.

Only Q2 was any good.

ah yes the sequel that has nothing to do with the original game nor does it have any of the qualities that made the first game special
fuck you, and fuck stroggniggers

You OK with older stuff? As in more than 15 years?

>it's honestly a 6.5 at most
so pretty good overall, I'd say grab it on sale though.

Dark Corners of the Earth
Lost in Vivo

Call of Juarez : Gunslinger

Half-Life 2
Doom II
Final Doom
Doom 64 EX
Turok HD Remaster
Turok 2 HD Remaster
Duke Nukem 3D
Shadow Warrior
Kingpin: Life of Crime
Rise of the Triad (1994)
Postal 2

Cryostasis is a TERRIBLE shooter. But it does have a very, very good story.
Dark Corners of the Earth isn't a shooter at all, and is massively broken, but it has its moments.
Lost in Vivo is sweet once you get past the first few hours, that are terrible.

This is a god awful post and you should feel terrible.

time shift
goldeneye/perfect dark with the kb+m emulator

no, it's shit
t. New Blood shill
how many DUSK-Bucks™ do you get paid?

Sure kid. Keep screeching about shills every time someone points out what a retard you are. It's pretty much the only thing you have going on in your life, I really don't want to take even that away from you.

shill bill drill kill.

Yeah, but sometimes you don't necessarily want a good game, just a weird and interesting one.

Oh no, I'm definitely not saying you should not check out these games.
Cryostasis, as much of a massive mess it is, is fascinating and well worth playing through for the story and atmosphere alone. Shame that it is very, very hard to get your hands on it, and even harder to get it running on any decent stability.
Same goes more-or-less for the other games.

I just thought I'd offer a bit of a heads up, so that people know exactly what they are getting into.

Metro 2033 (not redux)
Metro Last Light

Good is too subjective to even make a decent recommendation