Holy shit minimum specs for this game is at least a I5 8600k with a RTX 2080 lmao poorfags cant run this.
Holy shit minimum specs for this game is at least a I5 8600k with a RTX 2080 lmao poorfags cant run this
That so? Oh well, guess I won't play it or tell anyone else about it either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>min spec
lol come on now.
>that manly face structure
Its a console game. A toaster could run it
It's going to release for PS4 and XB1. If it requires an RTX 2080 to play at all it's quite obviously a dogshit port and nobody should buy it on principle
Is that the "Quantum Break: Wamen edition" game?
What's the last this gen console port you've played?
>that faggy post structure
Epic exclusive so no one can run it.
Has there been an actual gameplay video yet that can actually convince me that this isn't just a glorified tech demo?
dilate you shitface
for anyone dumb enough to believe any OP on this board
those are recommended specs for ray tracing
Lol, what's the matter, PCQueers, can't afford to play a new game on the PC your mom bought you at Best Buy 3 years ago?
Just have sex already, I beg you
>muh strong wymyn
Kill yourself kike
>tfw my pc doesn't even meet the minimum requirements
So this game is like SCP inspired with with telekinesis right?
The devs ever mentioned SCP at all?
Godammit, this promising game is gonna get buried like dishonored 2 because nobody is gonna be able to play ffs.
I-I just don't want to is all. I swear!
>promising game
>literally just a gender swap of quantum break
Based. We should increase the min specs for games so poorfags and third world shitskins cant play.
I'm-a-big-moron-who-can't-read dot org
my xbox can play it just fine
>With like 1 frames per second on high
>ray tracing
lmao who cares about that crap
I bet the suckers that bought rtx got second nvidia cards fot physx (or as I like to call it,shitx) 10 years ago too
>All women should be blobby, babby faced anime girls that I can wank to
Said no one that lives in the normal world.
If anything my actual concern is how much they'll take from SCP.
No need for worry. I have a i9 9980X with two RTX 2080TIs on SLI with 128 GB RAM.
clearly says "recommended for fucking Ray Tracing" you retarded fuck
>have a PC and a PS5
oh no what will I do
Oh wow another western fps game. I better spend a thousand dollars in a new graphics card
Even worse.
It's third person.
>epic exclusive
>high specs requirements
>Generic TPS with no redeeming values
don't forget hairworks®
>there will never be another Crysis like god tier tech demo that actually plays like a real game
Dope rig, user
Even if you included the Ray-Tracking minimum requirement, it says 2060 is minimum for Ray-Tracking, not 2080. 2080 is recommended.
Whats the point of ray tracing on min settings.
It's the minimum supported video card to play the game with ray-tracking, not the minimum supported video card to play the game at all. Maybe some autist out there wants ray tracking without having to buy the highest tier card on the market.
Hmm, not bad
Pretty much every major dev does?
Inflated specs are inflated, I will play it just fine on my 1060 6gb.
Nah I reckon my 2500k and midrange GPU is gonna run it at 1080p60 like every other game for the past 8 years.
>you need latest high-end hardware to run this
What's a console port?
That Jesse is so sexy...
I like the aesthetic but yeah I'm expecting a shit port on par with QB despite looking even worse, Remedy are incompetent.
I wouldn't say they're incompetent.
They're just way too desperate to make their games "look like movies" to the point where it really harms the optimization.
>look like movies
Is that why Sony wants to buy them?