New Casino Update coming to Grand Theft Auto 5 Online?!?
New Casino Update coming to Grand Theft Auto 5 Online?!?
based rockstar for another /free/ DLC
When does the Casino Update drop?
Late July is most likely.. Hopefully the trailer drops tomorrow.
Nice samefag faggot.
When's single player DLC
Can't wait for CEO Missions: Casino Edition because copying it for the 7th or 8th time with a new skin is quality content. I'll just get some modder bux, buy everything and drop the game for another 5 months like always. Get fucked jewstar.
It doesn't appear single player DLC is on the horizon for now but GTA:O still gets solid updates all these years after release. It's one of the reasons Grand Theft Auto Online has remained such a popular mainstay of modern gaming.
>million updates later
>game is still a boring pile of trash
so you can play poker against other players? wow amazing.
It's a shitty portion of gta and it's the sole reason everyone wanting quality dlc (sp dlc) is never going to get it.
They used to retrofit all the updates into Singleplayer but they stopped doing it after they were told to focus all content solely on GTA Online. It’s pretty much confirmed that any expansions to singleplayer aren’t happening.
Virgin GTA online VS CHAD GTA fivem modded servers....
Based. RP shit is unironically more fun than "lol driving around in my flying bike mk 2 xD"
no skin will be under 10 mill. screencap this.
good thing some modder gave me money
Why are there so many trannie Nazis I wonder
Will I be able to make hundreds of millions of dollars gambling so I don't have to treat the game like a full time fucking job just to buy one new item like with previous DLCs? If not, you can fuck off.
you'll have to spend at least 20mill+ to make less than the bunker/import/export. think nightclub etc etc. just a reskin.
With the government investigating lootboxes, is this a play to create content that isn't exploitative of players, or is the industry going all out after paying off investigators?
I want RDR2 on PC because I think FiveM rp servers could easily be implemented on that game.
Just give us gta5 switch for fuck sake rockstar
>That bed
I guess you never've been to a girl's home
>still hundreds game breaking bugs from launch
>including several ways to get god mode/endless off radar/crash other players games/glitch out players business stocks.
>not even going to mention the free roam exploits or mk2 or r2k missiles on every new vehicle
>ignoring all this
>adding more shark card content
Oh Rabbi, never change.
looks like FiveM got them spooked. They're pretty much adding a bunch of RP shit.
trailer is up on ytube
absolutely embarrassing.