Things that should be banned from video games forever

Things that should be banned from video games forever.

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Weapon degradation

Riddle me this, OP, why would I post in your thread and get killed? I just don't get it.

gender exclusive classes/roles (i.e. Sorcerer only being Sorceress forcing me to either play as a girl or pick a different class)

>weapon degredation without an interesting way to repair them


RNG in competitive games.

good point, but haven't you effectively killed yourself by asking said question?

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Everything that isn’t male on male gangrape or slutty female cats.

- QTEs

- escort missions

- fetch quests

Those two unskippable cutscenes in the game, where the others can be.


Lootboxes and microtransactions

Yea Forums.

Political messages

Timegated activities. I don't want to waste real time dicking around for a bar to fill. Dragon Quest Builders 2 is usually fine but shit like gold ingots make me want to just leave the room rather than play the game.

Kill me Pete
Actions tied to framerate.

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- piss easy zelda-esque puzzles

>hurr go over there, flip a switch so the crate falls down and now you can push the crate over there to get higher up

What's the point? Such a waste of time. Unless the puzzles actually make you they're pointless. You could just as well just put a long corridor in the game that you have to walk through if you want to pointlessly waste the player's time.

- food that somehow heals your wounds

Why? Why not have food "heal" your hunger bar and have bandages or something to heal your wounds?

Before being able to released on a console a game must pass a minimum standard of input latency.

I would peg this number at 100 ms as the absolute maximum.

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dating and/or romance options
brings the biggest faggots to the series when they're implemented

Survival mechanics

PRC players.

I hate Zelda puzzles usually because
>the solution is just that crack you missed in the wall
>backtracking and maze like structure that often goes on for way too long
I don't get why they get so much praise. But I guess it's really not up my alley.

Alternatively, "RPG puzzles", which usually suck butt. Either dead simple, or incoherent.



Pay to win

Mobile shovelware

t. Bungie dev

dating games are the only good games, you pleb

Actually was thinking of Halo 2 when I wrote that, nice call.



>having to level up in competitive supposedly skilled based games
>releasing games at full price with no content but with the promise that it will happen later on, not a guarantee

Walking and talking sections

personal gripe: anything that restricts your mobility or freedom of movement. especially in anything pvp related.
my serious answer summed up by another user

in their own game, maybe to (You)
in other games, fuck no

one major reason i didn't play destiny was the dumbass mmo features (and subsequent grindfest).
i just wanted dark souls with guns in space
instead, the game is so focused on loot and raids and other mmo jargon that really scared me off.
i thought bungie bros were all about the single player campaign that you can play with a bro or two? what the hell man.

so yea, i want this live service fad to die already


Drop rates below 10%.

open world

Touch damage from enemy's using weapons. I know it's not a popular opinion, but fuck you it's mine.

Console wars

Get out of my MH threads

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