Yes, and you call it a Switch despite the fact it's obviously restricted to handheld.
Yes, and you call it a Switch despite the fact it's obviously restricted to handheld
Did you rike it
formerly wii
You know these switch games seem awfully familiar to the ones we had on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
Check out my bifocal lite, bro.
ah but super nintendo chalmers, you forget! Our playerbase is rabbid, moronic, and has the power of umbilical credit cards!
This, it would make no economic sense to put a brothel out in the middle of nowhere, plus there's no way it was zoned correctly.
stay mad faggot
Hmm, yes. But the same goes for every platform's brand-loyal users, Skinner.
formerly switchable
Oh ho ho, it's worked for us for a few decades now hasn't it? Old family recipe!
Steamed hams? No, I said Shit games. It's a NOA expression.
I hate to sound like a faggot and use the, "it wasn't made for you" argument, but it was clearly made for the casual audience who gives a shit about the mobility. And unlike other "it wasn't made for you" arguments, this one is valid because making a new Switch doesn't take time away from any game developers.
It's like the 2DS. It's just kinda there. Harmless. Not doing anything. A slightly cheaper alternative for families or whatever.
>For families
>"Hey everyone, huddle round me and watch me play on this 2 inch screen"
Did you try to be this retarded?
unfortunately, if it were given a different name the tarded general population would mistake it for being an entirely new console and get upset when they realise it's still a switch.
>Hey everyone, huddle round me and watch me play on this 2 inch screen
No, retard. I mean "a slightly cheaper version of a Nintendo console that's slightly more marketable to younger kids". The 2DS got rid of the 3D feature that damages eyesight in kids (which wasn't a big deal to anyone but the soccer moms who read about it, IE the audience the 2DS was targeting) and the clamshell meaning it was more durable if a kid dropped it. In the same vein, the Switch Lite doesn't have detachable Joy-Cons so kids can't lose them and, again, might survive a drop better.
Explain how I'm wrong.
>a handheld portable
>for families
You're too stupid to be ever be anything of value in the world. Neck yourself, you fucking worthless mistake.
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it.
And yet you said it's for families, retard.
I actually agree with this. A product that's cheaper for families that might have rough housing kids. You'd be more upset if a $300 console broke, but a $200? Maybe not so much.
You're a Nintendo user. Grow up and get a PS4.
nice pasta incel
You have to have sex incel
Sure, samefag.
have sneed
>I thought you said we were getting exclusives.
>Oh no, I said ELUSIVES. That's what I call 3rd party support!
>Beautiful full color design
>Looks small enough to hold comfortably, yet large enough to be a beefy handheld
>Smaller form makes games look better in 720p, higher pixel density
>Improved battery
>Attached JoyCons, won't feel flimsy
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm making the Switch to Switch Lite.
Have you two been around kids? Do you think they are going to wait patiently for their go on it? Do you think the one playing is going to willingly give it up when their turn is over? Do you think they won't fight and cry?
The term "family friendly" refers to products or services that are suitable for all ages, specifically young children.
I'm sorry I'm not an autist and I didn't use layman's terms.
"The Switch Lite is made to appeal to the parents of children who want to get them a Nintendo Switch; the Joy-Cons can't get lost and the system as a whole has less of a chance to get damaged with attached Joy-Cons, and the lower price makes it seem like less of a risk".
Happy now, faggots?
Not me.
this isn't america
kids share here
It's Switch as in "Gypsy switch"
Is it confirmed that you can't use pro controller on it? If you can, then it's still Switch. You switch between pro controller and this.
It's stupid because it's still called a Switch when it can't switch between portable and TV mode. Nobody gives a shit that it wasn't made for them because some people aren't retards who wouldn't pay that little bit more to have an actually worthwhile and fully functional console.
Yes? That's exactly what I did when I was a kid.
You can use Joy-Cons for games that require their functionality so it wouldn't make sense for them to block the Pro Controller. Oh wait, we're dealing with Nintendo here.
I'm not American, kids don't fucking share.
I said "families or whatever". Why be so aggressive against me when my terminology was so vague and my entire point was just "it's just some shit to appeal to casuals"? I'm not saying you're a faggot for not wanting this awesome new Switch version, it's just some shit to market to people who haven't bought the Switch yet. That's it.
I'm guessing you're an only child then.
If it were called something different and dropped the Switch name, it'd have the direct opposite effect of the Wii U name, where people would think it's an entirely new system and not part of the same family. You can't exactly pull a 3DS and 2DS here.
I'm not him. I guess it's just impossible for Yea Forums to comprehend a reality where there's more than one person with a different opinion.
I said stream, streamed from the streamed games we are playing! Mmm streamed games!
guessing you're a brit then
>grow up
More like turn into a 9 year old drag queen. Dilate.
I predict they will patch in docked mode and sell a new dock for it seperately.
Switch lite has the docking holes on the bottom and the docking gravity mould on the back.
It also has the same ventilation on the back and the top.
It's still using a dye-shrink to deliver better battery life but it's still just as powerful as the standard switch, it can be overclocked for docked mode just like the standard switch.
They will patch in docked mode like 6 months after launch after the current switches are all sold.
Then they'll release the new more powerful switch that had its existence leaked in the same firmware patch that the switch lite was leaked in.
>make a Simpsons thread expecting no sneed
>all of those upgrades to a console you already payed Nintendo for
>"Yeah, I'm thinking I'm paying Nintendo again to fix their own mistakes"
>It's stupid because it's still called a Switch when it can't switch between portable and TV mode
Casuals don't care. The whole reason it's so popular with the casual market in the first place is because of the novelty of having a console that's portable.
Why would the logical integrity of the name of the Switch matter? Did the Wii's name make sense? Did the Wii U?
>some people aren't retards who wouldn't pay that little bit more to have an actually worthwhile and fully functional console.
The Switch Lite was made for that market.
Something you'll realize as you grow older is that not every product is made to be fantastic and appeal to the highest demographic. Sometimes people like things for stupid obligatory reasons and corporations aren't gonna care if people find it stupid that they use those reasons to expand their audience.
I know Yea Forums is retarded but I'm honestly astonished that they're so retarded that they can't grasp the concept of a videogame product not made for them
Imagine playing Nintendo games lmfao
>If it were called something different and dropped the Switch name, it'd have the direct opposite effect of the Wii U name
...So it would be successful if it wasn't called Switch? Are you actually retarded?
You could say the same thing for the 2DS but the 2DS sold well enough that they kept making them and made more versions of it.
What is this ""Sneed" word?
>literally explains what the implied meaning of "the direct opposite effect" is
>So... the opposite effect means it'd be successful?
Learn to read.
Yea Forums is full of manchildren you dolt, there are no video game products that are made for them.
I honestly don't get what's so aggravating about Nintendo making a cheaper, worse version of the Switch for the people who only care about docked mode and for whom the $100 price difference matters.
I mean, I get not liking the "it wasn't made for you" argument when used in the context of stuff like Let's Go PE, where it takes up development time/resources for an existing team, but making the Switch Lite doesn't take any time or resources away from actual game development so it has literally zero impact on you if you don't care about it.
It's not even like they announced it during E3 or a direct or anything like that, they just kinda humbly plopped the trailer into the world because it's not important, yet people here make it out to be like Nintendo's shitting in their mouth.
Granted, Nintendo is still shitting in our mouths, but over other things completely unrelated to the Switch Lite.
it has a usb-c port, they'd have to do something software side to restrict it from being able to dock. And if they do that, people will have it restored as soon as it gets hacked. Probably under 2 months.
No, patented Nintendo exclusives. Old company policy
Yes, and you call them exclusives, despite the fact they are obviously Wii U ports.
>not pissing your pants and crying over a console name means you are a corporate shill
these summer kids need to be contrarian at least in a logical way
Most of the brothels in Nevada are in the middle of nowhere. Prostitution is legal in Vegas city limit. I don't even think it's legal in the whole county.
So wait, the Switch lite doesn't even come with an HDMI plug? Or a seperate dock/controller you can purchase later?
Because if it doesn't that's really dumb.
>Then they'll release the new more powerful switch that had its existence leaked in the same firmware patch that the switch lite was leaked in.
You mean the 'new more powerful switch' that's confirmed to be the regular model but with a 4 hour battery instead of 2 hour battery
the only reason to buy the Lite is if you know you only want to play handheld and want to save some money, why would it have an HDMI plug?
seeThe chipset is fully capable of HDMI output over USB-C, the system just doesn't come with a dock and they're saying it can't do TV mode.
It's possible that will change post-launch, we don't know.
Steamed Hams>>>>>>Sneed
You can not refute this in any way.
Gonna be switching to a new unit whenever the joycon drifts.
the handheld shit is honestly great for nintendo but terrible for families. I've seen kids go through multiple 3ds that they broke from being dumb kids. If it was just a console that sat in a room it would be a lot less likely to break. nintendo probably realized this with the wiimotes causing retards to break shit and they've just been making hardware thats easy for them to break so they can sell more