It really wasn't that bad

It really wasn't that bad.

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It really was.

It's got major issues - cardboard dialogue, poor character progression, low enemy variety - but ultimately I enjoyed it.

And then the postgame content was so bad I wish they just kept the main character dead.

It was actually quite good, and Yea Forums kinda liked it back in the day. Things only changed when all the aglets and redditors started nesting here and jerking off nu Yea Forumsegas. Then that one balding commie larper made a video so that the redditors didnt have to argue or formulate opinions themselves.

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You have to go back

I went into F3 blindly and liked the shit out of it. Not perfect but I like the setting (I live in the desert in irl life) so it was refreshing seeing fucked up DC and all the Americana and art deco.

It needed the confidence to do its own thing rather than try to retread Fallout 1 & 2, I'd love a completely fresh story with new factions and conflicts in the Capital Wasteland, not a mix between the Enclave and getting the water purifier (water chip) working again

They tried that, it was called Fallout 4, all their faction ideas were fucking stupid.

It is pretty bad, but still enjoyable.

Yes, things can be enjoyable AND bad.

Literally all they had to do was make the door too smell for him to fit through.

It is unironically cooler if the protag dies

Game came out, was revolutionary. Not too long after different company uses same assets and makes a much better game. There isn’t much else to this, cry elsewhere

>too smell
How smell would that be?

>too smell for him to fit through

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Charon refuses to do it too, even though he is bound to do anything the person with his contract asks him to
The robot refuses because programing or some shit

No, it's just shit writing that's trying to be 2 deep 4 u

Nah, because then the argument would be "why doesn't he just bend over like he does for the protagonist since his introduction".

My solution would've been to just add some contrived dialogue where he outright just leaves before the final room. "Oh there was an explosion by the back guess we better split up byyyyeee".

no it wasn't, even if you are trying to ironic shit post.

Rubble in a completely intact metro station.

Of course not, for your kind at least since it was your first (and only until NV/4) Fallout.

the gameplay was bad
the writing was bad
the quests were bad
the worldbuilding was bad
the level-design was bad
the world-design was bad

Or you know, have some kind of reason you are separated from your companions on the final room.

It wasn't but Yea Forums can't resist a 3 v. NV pissing content

>Charon: Nah fuck you
>Robot: Explodes immediately upon entering
>Fawkes: I can't fucking fit in there
>Raol: Ay wrong game esse

Nah, it's better that way. Especially in a game that opens with you being born.
Preferable to picking a single one of the shitty factions in NV and getting your big dumb ending.

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Holy shit the bethesdrone who made that pic was salty.

No I just think the hatred is too much for its legit flaws.


I just don't know why they didn't write in something like my companions all getting trapped in some cage or something by Colonel Autumn and simply make it too time sensitive to rescue them. Or yeah, just a rewrite.

you know nothing user, and I haven't played F4.

Like Fallout 4, it was fun for exactly one ( 1 ) playthrough, because both games offer almost no meaningful choices at all, so no matter how often you play it, you're doing the exact same thing again and again.

It wasnt as good as people pretend it was for fucking certain thouhg, but that goes without saying with all bethesda games after they started to make them for consoles first and foremost.

You must've been salty to post this

Good thing I didn’t take Fawkes along for the final battle, otherwise I would’ve seen this abomination.

Why the fuck didnt the enclave use their surprise attack to destroy the only credible threat to them in the whole of dc?
No lets attack 4 scientists

Its only saving grace is that it revived the IP and lead to new vegas.

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>why didn’t Bethesda write a proper ending
The last good ROLE playing game they made was Morrowind.

I mean yeah, everyone blew up Megaton
Thanks Oblivion

>started making them for consoles first and foremost
Bullshit, Skyrim and Fo3 played like ass on the PS3.

Todd recommended you play morrowind on the Xbox as it was the best experience

I like it more than New Vegas. New Vegas feels like a bad fanmade Fallout 3 mod.

Oh yes it was. Fallout 76 unironically is not that bad. It's actually Bethesda's best Fallout game to date.

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kek, is this true?

what don't you like about it?

It’s true 3 and NV were really popular around here for years until people started proof as to why 3 has shit writing. Didn’t really ruin it for me.

You have to go back

The first Fallout was a janky mess with no direction and poorly implemented turn based strategy mechanics. It lacked any of the charm that 2 added.

Fallout 2 is god tier. Also, how the fuck is shelter and 76 about 3? Thats just fucked.

Not him but I dislike NV because the world has zero charm or incentive to explore at all. I like rpgs because I can go wherever I want whenever I want, having any story is always just a small bonus to me but if it gets in the way of exploration it becomes a massive turn off instantly. NV was far to consumed with smelling its own wet fart of a story and the world felt like a real desert I.e. awful.

fair criticism desu

The story and writing was garbage, treating it as any kind of a fallout game is a mistake. It is an acceptable Bethesdathon though, if you just want to soak up some time by wandering around and finding decent quests.


Fucking finall someone acknowledges the truth about Fallout 76. Nuclear winter battle royale is pretty damn good. Even after 30 hours played I only encountered two minor graphical bugs. It's so fun to explore the game world and a lot of the indoor areas have a surprising amount of depth to them. Spent an hour looking around a huge 5 story building, just looting. So many friendly players, nobody's hostile, microtransactions are unnecessary. After a few wins in nuclear winter I spent some atoms on a bear suit! Funny game.

Typical Yea Forumsirgins in here shit on games without even playing them, go figure. Fallout 76 is better than people would have you believe. Game on!



no i was saying, no it wasn't bad.

3 easily has the best map. It’s one of the best maps in open world games. It has the best ratio of cool places too find to empty space I have ever seen. So many cool little places and small touches, not to mention the atmosphere is amazing.

I've always been confused by the arguments that NV actually forces you to go toward primm
Just fucking kill the deathclaws and cazadores. The game gives you a fucking Grenade launcher at the start

Everything plays like ass on the PS3. But they wanted to make it play like ass on PC too.

>not to mention the atmosphere is amazing
if the setting was immedietly after the nukes went off, yeah

okay, cool user :)

I agree. It was pretty good.

They do, Bethesda doesn't develop well for any platform. Without mentioning the memory leak issues.

But you didn't think that Fallout 3's big dumb brick menus and Skyrim's crab menus were born from a desire to do right by the PC market, did you?

I'm pretty sure you only start with a grenade launcher if you have the DLC for it, unless there's a specific place to get one I've never known about.
Saying that, Cazadores have 0 armor. You can get a 9mm machinegun in Doc's house.

>Just fucking kill the deathclaws and cazadores
We all know that first time players will almost never have the ability to do this. Those enemies are straight up rape machines when you first start playing. Can you really pretend otherwise? Maybe if you’ve played the game a bunch you know how to get past them, but when starting they are very clear signs of “don’t go this way”

Who cares? Just imagine the game takes place 20 years after the nukes instead of 200. Nothing really changes.

Just make up your own writing to cover up the shit writing
Wow if you ignore the shit parts everything is a 10/10


The time it takes place is the smallest and most irrelevant part of the writing. It’s a stupid forced complaint. They could simply have set the year to be 2097 and literally everything else about the map and story would be the same. The map is good for what it was trying to do, show a post apocalyptic wasteland

I love FO3. I don't know what is the deal with this new found hatred for this game?

This made me maximum butthurt. There is some ghoul there too which literally gets healed by radiation, but hey suicide is the new hip thing i guess. Fuck Bethesda those hacks haven't made a good game since Daggerfall.

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*lobs a chunk of itself at you*
*eats up half of your hp in one hit*
*uses up half of your ammo*

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There exists more than perfection and disaster, you know.

Did you get that from a fortune cookie you dumb zoomer cunt?

Imagine letting contrarianism dictate so much of your preferences that you're going to gorge yourself on a lump of shit just because Reddit went for the alternative.

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>Yea Forums kinda liked it back in the day.
history revisionism at it's finest.

>and Yea Forums kinda liked it back in the day.
>because people's opinion must remain the same forever
>and Yea Forums is one person

also about the pic


So.... a challenging fight?

76 is worse than Shelter

>Nuclear winter battle royale
What does that have to do with Fallout ?

OST of the first game was just amazing
>Moribund World
>City of the Dead
And the New Reno's theme in Fallout 2
How did they do it Yea Forums?

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Running around in the giant open world(barren or not) was amazing, did you play it back then? It was sort of amazing actually, despite it's faults. HALT

Hi Pete

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Roaming around the world with that music has this amazing ambient feel no other game has captured

it wasn't
the memes are funny though

heh, nothing personell

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the best part is having to listen to the same 10 songs each game!

it's better than new vegas at least

4 is better in just about every way.
So yeah it was that bad

>a challenging fight?

Making it so that with every passing level it is more and more common to waste five minutes on downing an enemy, is tedious - NOT challenging.
I mean, gee, I sure as hell would love to unload a dart gun into enemy's legs and run backwards for several minutes, slicing away at an errant ghoul. Except it is less fun and engaging than working.

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I am just trolling user, I never played Daggerfall. It does not look like my cup of tea though. Maybe I should give it a try though.

You played New Vegas? You could be discribing any strong enemy from there also.

Who knew that a larger, recoloured radscorpion could be more unnerving and annoying than a pack of nightstalkers or giant cazadors.

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>Maybe I should give it a try though.
Unless you're a boomer don't bother, it's a rose tinted goggles thing. It's as garbage as it looks today, but back then it wasn't. IT WAS A DIFFERENT TIME YOU SEE..

I straight up turned off the music. I couldn't stand the constant fucking interruptions by that dumbfuck radio host.

The ambient soundtrack is fine. It's there.

>You played New Vegas?

Did you? Cazadors and nightstalkers could be dispatched fairly quickly with a right setup, positioning and situational awareness. Same goes for NV's deathclaws. New Vegas had one - ONE bullet sponge, in the form of a singular, overgrown bloatfly in a single crevice of Big MT. Fallout 3 has feral ghoul reavers, albino radscorpions and supermutant overlords that become more and more common as you go further past level 20.

Attached: Bloatfly_of_Big Mountain.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>*uses up half of your ammo*
Eh, by endgame you down them in 5 seconds with the flamer/laser pack.

Fallout 3 really wants you to use Big Guns for the endgame.

I mean it did get game of the year

This is literally the acceptable and reasonable answer: everyone dies protecting you and you sacrifice yourself. All your companions and yourself become heroes.

But no, "it's your destiny bro".

>it's a rose tinted goggles thing
suspected as much, hence my original troll of saying >Daggerfall >Good. It usually is the case that this stuff is incredibly boring and frustrating and its but kids have a high threshold for this boredom so enjoyed it when they were young. I replayed some shit from my Childhood recently and found it mind numbing.

Cazadors are as annoying as anything from F3. I have played FNV with the most maxed out combat playstyle and there are plenty of tedious encounters. All Bethesda combat is shit though, and Obsidian did not do much to change that, using the exact same tech.

If we judge it on its own:

- The FPS element is terrible.
- V.A.T.S. is completely broken and unbalanced.
- The writing is bad and leads to nonsensical paths.
- The world has little consistency.
- The models and textures are bad.
- The green filter is cancer.
- Voice acting is repetitive and uninspiring.
- Movement is janky.
+ The music is nice.

If we judge it as a Fallout game:

- All of the above, plus the music doesn't suit a Fallout game at all.

I'm not about to tell others what they should or shouldn't enjoy, though.

>Cazadors are as annoying as anything from F3.

Okay, you got me, I fell for your bait. Would rate your troll at least 7+/10.

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>post your face when the RPG Codex considers Fallout, Fallout 2 and New Vegas the #2, #6 and #7 best RPGs of all time respectively, and Fallout 3 isn't anywhere to be seen

no troll, Cazadors are annoying and if you particularly hate feral ghouls, they are easily comparable. All Nu Fallout is a case of taking a shot and walking backwards and taking a shot.

Should my junkie psychopath garden gnome liberator character even care about some foreign substances in wasteland fluids? While we're at it, should he even care about his useless father?

Fallout has the most direction of any of the Fallout games.

>- The FPS element is terrible.
I hear complaints to this effect revolving around ironsights missing, then I hear Yea Forums complain about ADS all the time
>- V.A.T.S. is completely broken and unbalanced.
It seems pretty straight forward to me, unless you mean the calculations being off
>- The writing is bad and leads to nonsensical paths.
The writing is flat, but not senseless (save the ending)
>- The world has little consistency.
It is pretty consistent?
>- The models and textures are bad.
Oblivion faces are terrible for sure
>- The green filter is cancer.
I agree
>- Voice acting is repetitive and uninspiring.
Didn't see much better elsewhere desu
>- Movement is janky.
>+ The music is nice.
I actually find it boring mostly, only the menu theme sticks cos of the Pavlov effect

It's a better game than new Vegas

It's not just about kids, games were generally a lot more simple back then. No one expected quest arrows or cool story telling, you just played a game to see what would happen. People neglect to realize how much the mentality of the player and his expectations for the medium has changed, boomers wont admit it because they hate change, and zoomers will just shit on anything that doesn't give them the goodfeel of being on rails to success.
People are just dumb, if you take anything away from the discussions here let it be that, if you want to try out old games, go ahead they're easy to pirate, just don't expect them to work in comparison to recent games.

Cazadors are manageable. Fucking scorpion bots in Old World Blues were really annoying; they don't even come close to the enemies in that redneck swamp F3 DLC though, now this was made of bullshit.

Imagine actually getting butthurt over this I bet these are the same fags that think their courier should be the second coming of Christ in NV

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why are you black

>I bet these are the same fags that think their courier should be the second coming of Christ in NV

Meanwhile the kid from the crypt 101 is lauded as either Saviour himself or devil incarnate based on a shittastic karma system.
Fo3 drones are projecting, as usual.

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There are many specific issues to all of my complaints so I will elaborate.
>I hear complaints to this effect revolving around ironsights missing, then I hear Yea Forums complain about ADS all the time
Regarding gunplay:
1. No iron sights.
2. Barely any feedback when shooting. It feels like you are casting spells, which makes sense since FO3 is Oblivion with guns.
3. Very poor enemy AI makes for unengaging fights.
4. The game is very damage spongy, which goes against the thrill of FPS games.
5. On top of that, RNG determined by skill makes proper aiming kind of pointless.
6. Overall, V.A.T.S. is simply better for actually dealing damage.
>It seems pretty straight forward to me, unless you mean the calculations being off
Regarding V.A.T.S.:
1. It is not an alternative to the turn-based combat of the classics, as some people have otherwise said.
2. It's ridiculously unbalanced: V.A.T.S. gives you VERY HIGH damage resistance, and certain Perks allow you to spam V.A.T.S. non-stop.
>The writing is flat, but not senseless (save the ending)
Regarding the writing:
1. Many skill checks in this game don't make sense. "You fight the good fight with your voice" [INT], "If I listen closely I can hear my cells screaming" [Med], etc.
2. The plot itself has some very far-fetched moments. To be clear, I think Fallout 2 had a retarded plot (tribal against the U.S. army), and I have the same opinion about "teenager against the U.S. army". At one point, one "friendly" character sends you to a certain death to retrieve a fucking satellite dish. Let us remember Fallout 1 had you nope the fuck out of the Master's territory if not wearing Power Armor. No such thing in Fallout 3, you are safe against Super Mutants.
3. We also have a fairly dumb Karma system where the writers shoehorned their personal beliefs, and did so poorly (killing the evil ghouls gains you Evil karma).

I enjoyed it despite the massive flaws but it's foolish to ignore them too.

So people liked Daggerfall cos they just ran through the world like it was Goat Simulator with no real direction?

I get the impression (or it might just be their propaganda) that they believe older titles were at their best when they really dug intot he story and found it out for themselves rather than using markers, but you make it sound like they are kidding themselves a bit?

>muh betheshill
>muh fo3 drones
Thanks for confirming btw

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Cont >The writing is bad and leads to nonsensical paths.
I forgot mentioning that for some reason you (a total stranger) are allowed to interact with a nuclear bomb in the middle of town, and your father only gives you a slap on the back of your hand for detonating a bomb, and even then he allows you to help him on a project that is "crucial" (according to the main quest) and was his life's work.

Detonating the bomb should have been more than enough to prevent you from finishing the main quest the "good" way.
>It is pretty consistent?
Regarding the worldbuilding:
1. Most towns live in absolute isolation. The world feels jarring as a result. It's the opposite of New Vegas, where pretty much every town had some relationship to its surroundings, and even towns located far away from them.
2. The main plot is about people needing clear water, but the only people who actually need it are a couple of wastelanders here and there you can use to farm positive Karma. It's hard to believe this is the main plot of the game if you weren't told it was at the beginning of the game.
>Didn't see much better elsewhere desu
Regarding the voice acting:
1. There is a very limited selection of voice actors.
2. Said voice actors aren't even trying to make different voices.
3. The voice acting delivery is simply poor.
4. This is all Bethesda's fault, because they thought having hundreds of NPCs, all voice acting, was a good idea. This design philosophy carried over into New Vegas, with the same results. But at least unique NPCs had pretty good voice acting IMO, whereas Liam Neeson feels very uninspired.
I admit janky movement is my mistake because of heavily modding these games.
>I actually find it boring mostly, only the menu theme sticks cos of the Pavlov effect
I like certain exploration songs, like the one that was carried over into Novac.

I don't ignore them, hence my OP said "not that bad". I have no particular love for any of the Fallouts, I have played and enjoyed them all for tgeir own reasons.

>that redneck swamp F3 DLC

I still cannot comprehend how the fuck does it take one full month just to get there by steamboat. That is 5,3 km per day.

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It really was, and the contrarians trying to rewrite history on it need to be gassed

fucking THIS. players who couldn't find their way across deathclaw valley literally don't like RPGs. how dare the game be designed to make you change your strategy to get to different places. there's a fucking stealth boy right there in the area.

These are pretty valid criticisms desu, probably many are ones I did not consider. Thanks for the food for thought user.

Fallout 3 is really good so long as you don't think about the plot or mechanics for more than 3 seconds. It relies on successive "wow-effects" that make you temporarily forget you're playing a horribly thought-out game. Blowing up Megaton, seeing Tenpenny Tower in the distance, Rivet City, Little Lamplight, etc. New Vegas has a consistent and well-thought out world on the other hand. New Vegas gets better with each playthrough, while Fallout 3 gets worse.

fuck battle royale
fuck your online "friends"
fuck multiplayer

I liked it. Couldn't go back after New Vegas, though.

fuck off, Todd.

Not really, there was a main plot, it just wasn't as important to most people who played it as dicking around in a open world to see what you'd find.
And yeah, boomers are kidding themselves a bit, but at the same time we're also right about the 'no questmarkers'-thing. It's kind of like driving around with a GPS, if it stops working most people have no clue where they are, with games a GPS(any on-rails type game design) makes it too easy for them to really care about the challenges, and sort of just eases you into the habit of getting from A->B. It's not always the case, but i think that's the general complaint summed up, whether it's story heavy, grinding, or exploring, you want to do it on your own in order to get the most satisfaction from it.
Another thing is conserving mystery, games now tend to offer up a lot of the story and explain it with constant exposition, where before you sort of had to dig it out, which meant you did it out of genuine interest, and not because you were forced to watch a cutscene with Deckard Cain. In other words, the game should make the player WANT to find this stuff, instead of having them expect it to be delivered on a plate like a movie, losing a lot of the fun of interactivity leaving only combat/micromanagement.
I hope it makes sense, i get the feeling i'm rambling here.

Nope it makes a lot of sense. I was unaware that games were designed like this for boomers though. I am 28 so Daggerfall and similar titles were not really my generation. I would have assumed Boomers would try and suck the marrow out of these games by exploring every nook and cranny for their story elements. Interesting take user.

Either it's been a while for you or I'm missing something here. With high luck and the Medicine Stick I can reliably stealth kill any given enemy in one to five shots from simple ghoul up to deathclaws and beefier enemies. Anti-Material Rifle is just straight up overpowered for a stealth sniper. If I try that shit with even the Gauss Rifle in FO3 with Reavers or Albinos all it does is tell them where I am so the rape with no lube can begin. I remember when I first ran into a Reaver in the Presidential Tunnels of Broken Steel, and they almost instantly murdered Butch in the OA T-51b, and Fawkes spent around 10 minutes gatling lasering the fuck while I took potshots that would have killed anything else in a few hits.

I think the reason boomers usually make inane complaints about new games is because they miss the way games used to be, but they're so used to all the modern comforts that they have difficulty enjoying games without those comforts now. So apart from their nostalgia favorites, and a few similar games, they're stuck in boomer lingo between their ideals and the lazy attitudes they've learned over the years. If you want to see this in action just look at the WoW community, it's basically a bunch of old men turning up their air con while complaining about technology making life too easy for them.
At the end of the day, if you want to enjoy a game the best way to turn even a boring title into a glorious adventure is to set your own goals, most people have a hard time doing that, but just look at the autists obsessing over the same game like Mario 64 for 20 years, an extreme example, but as long as you set your own goals you can play garbage all day and have fun.
Gotta run, thanks for listening to my ramblings, i thought this was just going to be another one of those "you're a faggot" and "NO U" arguments.

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I agree with all this except exploring the wasteland with friends is actually pretty fun. Fallout 76 is the kick in the dick Bethesda fans need because their faggy mods are a waste of everyone's fucking time and nobody cares about all the stupid shit you want to ruin your copy of the game with.

Snails pace to avoid carefully mapped debris that would damage/sink the boat I would imagine. It would probably be faster to walk it, but I guess you avoid most of the typical dangers outside raiders taking potshots on a boat.

>All the newfags defending this trash writing

>it's an everyone who disagrees with me is a newfag episode
Man, I hate reruns.

Except they are probably retarded zoomer newfags who don't remember how much this ending was made fun of when it first came out.

Trash writing. Trash game. It was a let down in so many different ways.

That's ... pretty spot on user
Also gotta consider how "precious" the cutscenes and story exposition segments were back then; due to numerous reasons like technical aspects and limitations and thus relying on being resource conservative, cost-effective/efficient, or even improvised and even avantgarde; all of that while these moments were usually an actual reward for completing a challenge, rather that the primary medium of worldbuilding and telling the story
Things like Amerigo cutscene in StarCraft, whole C&C cinematics schtick or Max Payne's delivery of story in comics segments. Writing heavy games aiming for one's imagination through the game's set style and form also cannot be left out unmentioned

99% of first time players won’t be able to do that and you know it. The game very deliberately steers you toward Primm. I don’t know why you guys pretend otherwise. The enemies are roadblocks. I understand if you’ve played the game hundreds of hours and know how to get everywhere and where every item is, but this was not the intention for first time players to do anything but follow the road to Primm

I never finished Fallout 3 and likely never will, what happens here, your character basically does a suicide run in the ending there and dies of radiation but it all could've been avoided if the super mutant company did it for you instead?

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in the ending someone has to enter a radioactive chamber
it's either you or some dumbfuck from the brotherhood of steel
all of your companions will just say it's your destiny even if they're immune to radiation. even if you send the BoS person instead.
(they patched this in the broken steel dlc)

It’s weird how Yea Forums cares about story more than most players, despite this board claiming to be all about gameplay. Fallout 3 is fondly remembered by a lot of people because most players don’t give a shit about the story, really, or how consistent the plot is. They just play the game for the open world and doing the quests and stuff like they do in Oblivion or Skyrim. Most people don’t give a fuck if it breaks the lore of 1 and 2. The story of 3, sucks, but honestly, who cares really? This is how most people feel. It’s like saying that Skyrim sucks because the main story sucks but nobody cares about the main quest anyway

Damn you really didnt think about this for very long did you?

this is an RPG, the story is the gameplay.
the gameplay of an rpg is supposed to be roleplaying and having a world that makes sense is important to roleplaying

It's great I like 3 and NV never got why people shit on 3 so hard

I never played FO3. Somebody tell me how bad is this?

If you defend F3 at all youre a newfag zoomer or maybe just braindead.

Its only good first time around if you never played a fallout game before.

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see you literally either have to choose between sacrificing yourself or another character, even though there are like 2 or 3 different companions who could do the job without dying

The climax of the story has you being sent into a little reactor-like place to finish your father's work. Said place was filled with radioactive material for a story reason.

What's far worse that hasn't been mentioned yet is that Bethesda "fixed" it with the last DLC, where you can get you companions to do it for you. Not only do they for some reason know the password that's required without any info from the player, but the game acts like you murdered whoever you sent in out of fear of doing it yourself even if you send in one of the companions that are immune (which is roughly half of them).

Skyrim has better storytelling.
If that doesn't make you immediately worried about the game's quality, go right ahead.


It wasn't as bad as circlejerks make it out to be, but as someone who played Fallout 1+2 and wanted more of that, it was a pretty big letdown.

Primm eats Ruby's casseroles, BTW. She tells you the recipe and everything.

My wife, who never plays any games, walked straight to fucking Vegas on her first playthrough. Hang a right at Sloan, walk up Black Mountain a little ways, turn left. She barely even realized the danger of where she was and now I use the trail she found whenever I replay.

People play Bethesda games for the open world, quests and general overall exploring and immersion vibe. The main story is just not a concern for most people . It’s just not.

It really wasn' t a fallout game.

I agree with that (and it's what I enjoy about playing Fallout 3) but that's not what people who expect an RPG want

However you feel about the dialogue, it is still astounding to me that a BEthesda game actually ended. There was a very real possibility that a given player would beeline through the main campaign, finish this mission, and then be left unable to explore the rest of the wasteland with the character they care about. Literally what is even the point of the sacrifice? It adds nothing thematically to the story, if anything it makes much of your father's work be in vain, like why didn't he just never go to the vault in the first place if the story would kill his child anyway?

>It really wasn't that bad after a couple dozen mods installed


It's a real Fallout game at least. Choices, skills, random events, etc.

But it's only not the worst in the series because BoS, 4, and 76 exist. It's the most hollow game in the franchise that's not just a straight up bastardization of itself.

Primm straight up is a desolate town if nothing and everyone there admits it. Their main revenue is the casinos and Mojave Express. Also it’s currently being sacked by a bunch of convicts.

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Modded Fallout 4 is fun as fuck.
Get that biraitbec modlist (takes but an hour unless u on shit net) and play. The visuals alone when paired with an ENB like The Enhancer makes for a fucking spectacle when combat start, watching robots fight bos is epic shit. Its sad how console plebs miss out.

i want ur bbc in my ass

>you're an abortion of science
who the fuck wrote these dialogues?

>mods get broken every week by creation club updates


Bump 3 and Vegas up one, bump BoS and 76 down, put both of the originals on the same tier since 2 has more stuff but a lot of that stuff is memey faggotry and bloat.

I will always be angry you can't side with the enclave

Fucking got me with Raul, user. You're alright

But you can

I would like to make an announcement.
Every game after the original isometric games is uninspired, soulless garbage, with shitty graphics, writing, gunplay, gameplay, and even game engine. If you don't play Fallout 1 and 2, you might as well not have played the games at all. That is all, have a good night folks.

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Great contributions user, I as OP do declare you the winner of the thread, best contributions by far.

I didn't say how many I didn't think about though user ;)

>three lines of dialogue
>none of the dialogue that comes before
>none of the story that comes before
>none of the dialogue that comes after
>none of the story that comes after
This is why it's bad to screenshot Fo3, because unlike NV, a screenshot can not encompass everything.

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A genius, "abortion of science" is so insanely corny and perfect in every way.

There is no possible

Why are the enclave considered evil, anyway? I honestly never really followed this story.


Post got send before I finished There is no possible way to explain why the enclave would ever accept you into their ranks.

They basically want to exterminate everyone outside of their insular group because reasons.

>Hey this fella is strong enough to throw a wrench on our plans
>Lets see if they want to join us instead of ruining us

>fact is wrong because I can't refute it
You're the one coping, obsidrone.

You know nothing about why Eden really was and why telling him to blow up the base with a speech check is perfectly reasonable.
Far less retarded than convincing a hardened military veteran that everything he was raised to believe is wrong and that he should turn on his leader with five speech checks.

>Non mutated DNA from being in the vault
>Slaughtered countless mutants and raiders
>Can get shit done
They should want you more then air

The dialogue before is an exposition dump on what it and the Nu-Enclave are. The story is that it wants to purge the wasteland ala the east coast Enclave but with an even more retarded plan as they don't have an antidote and the water even kills people that haven't been exposed to radiation. "Bro just kill yourself" without any sort of actual arguments to back up why Eden should is fucking stupid, along with using the exact same dialogue for successful/failed checks

They're trying to murder everyone that isn't the Enclave, and you can agree with them on that, but they do so through extremely retarded ways. In Fo2 they JUST made an antidote for a poison that may or may not have a lasting effect (along with leaving things like Deathclaws free to roam, who are gaining intelligence at a rapid rate), while in Fo3 their plan is to poison the water of the world even though they haven't mixed up an antidote so they're able to drink it.

Name a more kino fallout town

Attached: Rivet_City_panorama.jpg (1920x1080, 904K)


>>Hey this fella is strong enough to throw a wrench on our plans
That implies anyone in the enclave sees you that way. Especially after you're taken so easily.
You were released by a malfunctioning AI preforming a job it was not made to.
>>Lets see if they want to join us instead of ruining us
Why try to recruit someone they've done nothing but offend when they can just kill you?

>Non mutated DNA from being in the vault
Wrong, obsidrone. Your DNA is mutated, proven by Broken Steel if you had put the modified FEV into the machine.
>Slaughtered countless mutants and raiders
So have they, and with far greater numbers.
>Can get shit done
So can they.
>They should want you more then air
Not even close.

I remember before fallout 4 was announced people thought that the replicated man was the best F3 quest and wanted a full game around that story thread. How did that turn out?

It turned out bad because the institute made no sense in fallout 4

>Da Enclave is so stronk
>proceed to lose to a random loser not once, not twice, but thrice

Let's forget 4 happened and go buy 5 versions of skyrim

Not just some random loser
A random kid from a vault who had never been out in the wasteland and didn't have any idea about how bad it was on the surface

>The dialogue before is an exposition dump
>The story is that it wants to purge the wasteland ala the east coast Enclave but with an even more retarded plan as they don't have an antidote and the water even kills people that haven't been exposed to radiation.
>"Bro just kill yourself" without any sort of actual arguments to back up why Eden should-
Completely false.
>along with using the exact same dialogue for successful/failed checks
Fuck off, obsidrone.

Obsidian ruined fallout, not because of the game they made, but because of the massive drone fanbase NV spawned. Until Obsidian came along, there was nothing to cling to while hating Bethesda, so people were still able to be reasonable.

>even though they haven't mixed up an antidote so they're able to drink it

If I remember it correctly, they tried to rationalize how Eden's 'modified' FEV virus, that he wants you to disperse in purified warer, is somehow capable of killing those and only those whose DNA had been largely affected by mutations. Meaning anyone whose lineage hasn't gone through the vaults since the day of the great war. Eden gave player's character this option because he assumed that said character had been born as a product of such a lineage, despite the opposite being true.

In short, by doing Eden's bidding, player's character elects to die a horrible death regardless of whether he survives purifier's activation or not, as drinking fresh water will kill him after drinking a few pails.

Retarded writing? You bet it is.

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>You are all mindless drones because you don't want to deepthroat Bethesda's shlong like I do! Yum, yum, Todd Howard's cum!

Attached: Bethesdrone.png (869x781, 83K)

Primm is literally a ransacked ghost town. There's like ten people there holed up in a casino, and they probably trade food from the NCR stationed ten feet away or hunt the ten thousand geckos/radroaches/bloatflies running around nearby. Or they just send someone to trade with the people at Goodsprings, which is also like ten feet away.

Megaton is a thriving settlement which somehow manages to subsist solely on a single trader that shows up once per week plus some molerats.

Yeah no shit. It's the best 3D Fallout.

Attached: fallout quests.jpg (1420x2204, 512K)

Speaking of food any creatures you'd be willing to eat from fallout?

>>You are all mindless drones because-
Fuck off, obsidrone, no about of your whining is going to make facts go away.

Obsidian started to go under right after NV, the important people left and since then they've done nothing but produce absolute fucking garbage.

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>this bait garbage
Nice try, faggo, but I literally spent 2 hours counting up the total number of quests with more than one outcome per game. 3 has 17, NV has 40. Fuck off.
I bet Yao Guai meat is pretty fucking good once it's cooked.

This whole "what do they eat?" question is retarded in general.

It's like you if you'd ask "why don't video game characters piss and shit?". Because it's a fucking video game, you mongs.

You don't have to SEE them piss and shit, you just need to have some kind of indication that they have a place to piss and shit. Literally just toss in four toilets and you're good to go.

When you create a world, you can't overlook these small details if you want to claim to have good worldbuilding. Everyone says Bethesda has great worldbulding, so the "what do they eat?" argument is brought up to counter that claim, since they regularly overlook basic shit like this.

>but I literally spent 2 hours counting up the total number of quests with more than one outcome per game.
You just admitted you're a retard and that everything you say is wrong.

The image literally says quality > quantity, and all you just said was that NV has more than Fo3 and that that makes it better.

Lucky for NV, it has both quality and quantity

FO3's ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''choices'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, as their effects will be strictly localized, with only Three Dog giving a damn about what you did.

Blow up Megaton?
-Three Dog suspects you
-From time to time Megaton survivors attack you, spawning as random encounters
-Moira relocates to Underworld
-Your father is disappointed in you, but still loves you

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but NV is better in both quality and quantity, evident by how 40 quests have more multiple options and endings compared to 3's 17. Which is what the image is comparing.

The crux of your entire retarded pic is that FO3 has more quality quests, making it the better game. If branching paths/alternate rewards = better quests, then NV still has more, making it the better game. It has both quality AND quantity, containing 4x the quests and 2x the branching/alt reward quests.

>Completely false.
>Fuck off, obsidrone.
Not a single argument, but keep seething at your strawmen. You'll 'win' an argument someday.

Just a remind that Bethesda is incapable of creating an interconnected world with choice and consequence, they can only create "epic" moments in a static theme park.
Bethesda is a cancer.

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It's the tuna problem but with radiation. Toxins accumulate as you go higher up the food chain.
Stick to brahmin burgers unless you've got a deathwish

He sounds like this

He's dumb don't argue with him

Here's a thought: what if when you enter the monument there's a collapse and you and Sarah are now separated from the rest of the brotherhood and your companions?

>they can't even read when it's NOT in an image
Fucking obsidrones.

>get btfo by three people
>just call them drones and run away
Every single time.

Attached: ok2.gif (500x500, 800K)


>Not a single argument, but keep seething at your strawmen. You'll 'win' an argument someday.
If everything you/they are saying is a lie, then there is literally no other way to respond.

>"epic" moments in a static theme park.

This about sums up my main beef with FO3:
>Locations are like theme park attraction booths, with a brief period of amusement that is strictly isolated
>Unlike a theme park, however, said 'rides' are spread apart so much that they might not even exist at all

>FO3's ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''choices'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, as their effects will be strictly localized, with only Three Dog giving a damn about what you did.
That applies to most quests in New Vegas too. You only really see the effect of your actions in the ending slides, the world itself is really static.

>image makes a simple argument of quality > quantity
>user replies saying quantity > quality
>say he's wrong
>three anons get mad and scream quantity > quality
>call them drones for literally ignoring everything
>but now I'm "btfo" because they were in the wrong
Fuck off, obsidrone.

>There are people paid to shill and peddle crap across social media
>The ingenuity of Bethesdrone's condition is that he does it for free

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>the ants will not spawn until you start the quest in the mojave outpost
Nice game Obsidiots.

I’ve been saying this since morrowind but retards keep lapping it up

>misunderstanding three posts that all said the exact same thing
Fascinating. To reiterate: our arguments are that NV has quality AND quantity over 3. In other words, what you consider to be "quality" in 3 (branching quests paths), NV has more of. Therefore, by your logic, NV is the better game.

see >I'm now a "shill" because I'm refuting people when they're wrong

>Fallout game
>one ending
>that includes bullshit railroaded "ITS YOUR DESTINY!" cop outs from followers who wouldn't die turning the purifier on


>can't look down the sights of your fucking gun
Or, alternatively
>four dialogue options that all do the same thing
nice game dumbass

You're forgetting that most of the so called branching paths in NV quests consist of "press speech to win".

based ghoul boomer

Fallout 3 is a good game, but not one that I would play through more than once.

I agree with this. Fallout 3 feels like it's made up of a bunch of individual places with their own side stories going on. New Vegas feels more streamlined and everything is geared toward the Strip.

>he STILL can't read
>he's STILL screaming that quantity is better than quality
That said, "quality" can not be established in this situation as one side in this argument will say anything it can to promote their side as perfect in every conceivable way while doing the exact opposite for the opposing side.

Words too big, can't read: You're lying about everything so there is no way to decide what "quality" is.

>The smallest sidequest within the entire game
>Meanwhile Enclave crawls out of their hole in full force only and ONLY after few lone scientists begin repairs on the Purifier

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Careful, don't hurt yourself moving that goalpost.

What are you? Fucking retarded?
You can disable the updating so that its only when you directly launch it from steam. Which you never will. Only through F4SE and MO2. Fucking idiot.

>>he's STILL screaming that quantity is better than quality
How are you still misunderstanding my posts? My argument is that NV has quality and quantity. It has both. It has more quests, and more GOOD quests. This is objectively accurate.

If you want your picture to say "I like FO3's quests more so it's a better game" then make it say that. Don't imply that FO3 has more good quests because it does not. NV has twice the branching quests that 3 does, so if that's your gold standard, NV wins. Period.

>still ignoring everything that does not fit his narrative
Alright this is over, this is my final reply to this thread. Fuck off, obsdrone.

Fallout should have died with 2.

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Fucking lol. This is either low effort trolling or low effort debate. Either way, eat crayons, troglodyte.

>theme park attraction booths
This is about the best reason I can see why so many FO3fags rely on atmosphere when talking about the game. There's a shitton of unique elements by creative writers, but none of it actually connects, it's just a theme for the area you're in to make looting more interesting
>the town with the two superheroes that doesn't actually matter
>republic of dave which doesn't actually matter
>creepy lovecraftian building with a necronomicon that only matters for 1 quest (in a DLC)
>oasis which doesn't actually matter
>entire faction of brotherhood outcasts who you can spend the entire game without seeing and only matter for 1 DLC

They had to spray the objectives all over the map because there's no real reason for a player playing "as normal" to give a fuck about anything but the main questline because you're given a clear objective in your backstory. It's the same deal with 4. Why should I spend 8 hours fucking around with the minutemen building ransack shacks and scrounging for generator parts when I have a son to find?

shhhhhhh user, you're not supposed to like stuff on Yea Forums, you'll get in trouble

they likely trade using their tourist money from the casino

this but my own modlist. fallout 4 is underrated if you just take the time to customize it and know how to troubleshoot mod issues

the left cant meme

opinion discarded

But, the cave full children, and the vault with Gary, they are like, cool and shit.


it's ok if you judge the game by itself, in a objective fashion. in that case it's a good game even.
but in context it is everything wrong with modern Bethesda and i fucking feel for Fallout fans that saw their game go from the brilliant 1/2 to this pile of garbage writing

i like it for the gameplay and autismo building, and it looks good. but the writing, dialogue and absolutely horrible bugs ruin it for me.

I've said this many times here but people generally didnt hate fallout 3 because it was seen as just as bethesda's retarded take on the series. it was just a proof of concept game that surely was going to fix the problems it had in the future installments. but now that the series' direction has been set in stone with the release of 4 and 76 people hate it because it is the precursor to braindead cancer. nu vegas only amplifies this hate because it shows what fallout series could be if it was in the right hands instead.

The only thing new vegas has going for it is it's writing, if you're not an autist who likes rereading the same stories over and over again it becomes very clear just how weak of an entry new vegas actually is. Hate my opinion all you like but fallout 4 just shows that bethesda is making the smart move of improving on gameplay and leaving outdated bullshit in the past where it belongs. If they were smart they would keep improving the gameplay until their games weren't just a lazy video game adaptation of a tabletop system and then worry about hiring competent writers to make good stories for their games.

Gameplay>story in a video game and it's what all developers should focus because everything else is just icing on the cake.

tried fallout 1
its shit

tru senpai

Fallout 3 is fantastic, just a regular good RPG. But when NV came out it took much of its attention away because it was a better in many ways. A while later than that Fo4 came out which took away the majority of what made fallout good. Getting rid of RPG elements and good writing for various new systems that didn't pan out that well leading to a lot of backlash after the initial praise for it. Eventually the backlash against 4 turned against Bethesda in general deriding all of their games as 'not true RPG's' and 'Trash' Which included Fo3.

Now Fo3 and most pre fo4 Bethesda games are prefectally fine, if not great games, but that hasn't stopped Yea Forums from falling into a strange double think where they accuse Fo3 of not having choices, or good quests, or skill checks, or morally ambiguous scenarios out of retroactive applying Fo4's faults onto it.

It's strange because none of those things are true at all, but Yea Forums will never accept that

>The level and world design was bad in Fo3
Then you must hate New Vegas because Fo3 blows that game out of the water when it comes level/world design.

>Fallout 3
>No meaningful choices at all
Pick one

Is it better than I think?

Depends what you think


the vault dweller from FO3 was born outside the vault though
it could only apply to the vault dweller from FO1 or FO4

T. Never played Fallout 3
>Writing is bad
Why do people this meme? They never explain why the writing is bad. If they try they only bring up the main plot or original ending. Both things heavily criticized are not even that large of the portion of the game. They never also explain what exactly 'good writing' is either. It's what happens when your opinion is paraphrased from a group of circlejerkers playing telephone

You know the whole point of an RPG is to chose what your character is, right? That includes whether your character is going to be good, bad, or neutral. You complaining that you have to be one or the other is just you playing that way.

Hey anons what are some good Mods for Fallout 3 and New Vegas that wont break my cheap computer?

>thinking that the people hating fallout three aren't just the Zoomer newfags who never played it and instead just heard people shitting on it and decided to parrot it like a game of fucking telephone

worst enemy in the whole game seconded only to albino radscorpions

bethesda doesn't understand that an enemy with more health and that does more damage alone is a good way to make high level enemies in a clunky game, it feels like a chore to kill them and it destroys the immersion

It doesn't even break the lore of Fallout 1 and 2
Maybe in a JRPG but western RPG's focused much more on side quests, exploration, and sandbox feel. And to all those ends Fallout 3 does fantastic
When Fo4 came out people started to hate Bethesda enough to retroactive place Fo4's faults onto earlier games like skyrim and Fo3 without actually thinking about if they applied. Since Fo3 in particular, is hard to play on windows 10, people believed what was being said, and like a game of telephone more and more ridiculous non nonsensical claims came to be believed about Fo3. Eventually even those who played it started viewing it not on it's merits but instead looking for a basis for their existing beliefs on it. And now it's shit on Yea Forums daily

That's no better than saying that Megaton survives off of hunted food and Brahmin milk. At least go with trade, which is the actual reason why they eat

>Things Fo3 has but no one wants to admit it.
>Good writing
>Side quests
>Interesting characters

>T. Boomer
No one wants to play clunky, boring Isometric RPG's anymore

I agree in general, but that scene was fucking stupid and written horribly

If you blow up Megaton you can destroy a bobblehead collectable, many named characters and questgivers, And if you blow up megtaton before finding out from Moriarty where your father went, you can perminently lose track of your father, only being able to continue the story if you happen to stumble on one of the quest locations. Even in fucking New Vegas if you killed Manny or that guy in Primm, you would be given a holotape or note.

Sure pic was bait but it shows that fo3 quests were often just as complicated as the best quests in New Vegas.

Fallout 3 has THE Fallout atmosphere.

I've been playing it through TTW starting in DC and honestly it's not bad. It's certainly a step down from NV but unlike 4 it felt like they were still trying to make an actual RPG.

NV’s choices are so overrated, because all the factions have basically the same quests where you try to recruit or kill the same groups like the boomers and brotherhood. And even if you kill big characters like House or Caesar, little about the world actually changes.

It's terrible to navigate. I'm sure it's actually accurate to the insides of a 1960s aircraft carrier but it's all the samey corridors with signs that only vaguely point in the direction you need to go.

I really hate the notion of "people won't care about the story so there's no reason to put effort in it".
DOOM 16 actually has a good story when you hunt down the data files, but they knew the player would ignore it so it's in the background. But the important thing is, that story is still there.

But FO4 still plays badly because of the shitty engine they refuse to stop using, because they keep adding terrible ideas to the gameplay, because they wanted to still make it an rpg while stripping away the rpg elements. The only really improved thing is the gunplay.

Which DLC is the best for fo3?
I'm currently playing far harbor (pretty sure it was at least top 2 when i last asked) and it's nothing special. Sure, it's better than the main quest but when does this actually get good?

The Pitt is the best one story-wise and worldbuilding-wise. Chief drawback is that it is rather short. Point Lookout would be my second pick, if one wants to explore something a tad longer in an environment that doesn't consist of endless ruins amongst grey dust.

Anything else is cringeworthy.

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Because they're an evil empire and Todd loves Star Wars. No joke. Also
>High Tech = More flowing lines
why do people like this man

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