Cyberpunk 2077 hardcore difficulty

>"The most fun one I think will be the Hardcore setting where we turn off the UI you have as well. And that will be a real challenge for a lot of players."
Looks like hardcore gaming is back on the menu boys

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tried this in metro exodus and had to give up because i didn't know how a fucking radio worked.
Making things unclear is not "hardcore".

Can't wait to do my HARDCORE blindfolded run of Cyberpunk 2077

I thought the UI was part of the augmentation?
I guess TW3 had a hardcore mode as well since you could do the same shit.

This. If you want to make a game hardcore atleast make the AI more advanced and cunning.

but muh exploration, muh finding a location like a needle in a haystack

>disable HUD
woah dude thats hardcore

hardcore mode should be backstory: gamer

>no UI
Sounds more like Inconvenient difficulty but okay.

Maybe if you want to do a HARDCORE no augments all human run.

>only turn off the UI
literally not going to buy this garbage game made for cuckolds, black people and communists

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>"Also, at the same time, if you want to play more casually for the story and maybe you’re not experienced with shooters, which was a real big concern for us. We want to tell a story and maybe you’re a big fan of The Witcher and you’re not comfortable playing a shooter, we have settings available for that. We even have weapons for that. If you recall from last year’s demo, we had a weapon called the smart gun, which helps you aim. The bullets were much slower and usually a bit weaker. But if your aiming isn’t your forte, you can always pick up the smart gun"
They thought of everything

yeah its fucking sad

how about they make shit less "videogamey" like in Condemned where you have to take out the magazine and check the bullets to see how many you have left in that mag instead of a convenient number on your monitor telling you

that's how it works in most games and honestly it just encourages people to cheese the Ai and find out the limits. At least thats the case in stealth/horror games. AI only goes so far, removing UI is fine as long as you still have indicators for what they stand for, like the number of magazines left and a visual represenation for your health.

woah thats pretty hardcore... just for gamers like us
can't wait for the ultra jewish downgrade of a shitty game

This is mainly for console lemmings, isn’t it?

Option to limit the UI elements might make the game more fun, MGSV is a good example.

Why the fuck would I want to play a Cyberpunk FPS/RPG which is supposed to give me all kinds of cool information on UI without them!? That's like playing Super Mario with the jump button disabled.

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>Less Videogamey
>Gives an example of a very videogamey method of inventory checking

At least that shitty king kong game the player just up and told you approximately how much you had left.

thats retarded unless you can have body modifications that get the UI back

stop crying, its a video game, it cant fix your problems

This is what i want. The problems is that devs don't design the game around that idea and they assume that people will use the GPS.

>That's like playing Super Mario with the jump button disabled
Imagine being such a fag you don't like parallel universes

>checking the mag is more videogamey than a fucking text telling your constantly how much ammo you have left at all times
lmao retard

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an a press is an a press you can't say it's only half

>hardcore mode
>enemies have more hp
>you take more dmg

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This, there are plenty of shit that is missing in the UI and make no sense, cause the game doesn't telegraph how any of stuff works diegetically and expects you to guess command prompts during scenes that were obviously made with UI in mind. And I can't say that A4 made the game mode as an afterthought, cause it's present in every metro game, so what the fuck were they thinking.

I just hate that we get like ONE good sci-fi/cyberpunk game every 2 decades and the one thats about to come out seems to have adapted all possible mechanics created for tidepod eating american non-whites.

it really is a shame. I guess i go back hunting for cyberpunk books instead.

Not even, more
>"Artyom use the radio to find a signal"
>"Hurry up and find that signal or this semi cutscene won't progress"
>Nobody told me how to use this thing
>"Found that signal yet, no?"
>"That's okay we'll just repeat the same dialogue until you get it"
"Hardcore" mode.

Pointless. The game is designed around UI, so playing it without UI is a shitshow.

If you want a good minimalist game, design it like that from the start, dont tack on a mode that removes features which are otherwise core and pretend you're doing hardcore gamers a service.

Fuck just everything about this game has been one big fucking disappointment.

Wouldn't a HUD be pretty fitting for the setting where every one has augmented reality cyber-eyes and shit? I guess if you wanted to do a pure-human no augments run it could help with the immersion.

>"ok MC go left, right, left, right, straight to the fountain, left, straight, right to the rock, do a 360 and walk away, and you will find chief faggot to bing bing wahoo"
yeah good luck making it in an open world, the design u want can only work in linear games and even then they are so self evident and impossible to pass that there is no real exploration

>single player game

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Nigger, the whole point is that you need to explore a bit. The game gives you hint, that's all.

God I fucking hate this shit, especially in shooters. It makes all your guns feel weak as shit

>bro just explore your keyboard

>Go in that city, the NPC house is at the end of the market

Have you played Morrowind

>meanwhile in the real world


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>in concrete jungles with thousands of similar objects
>explore A BIT
youll be exploring more than a bit, have fun driving to district 9, grove street, house #45, room #456 when first coming to the city, this isnt a jrpg or bethesda game with "towns" having 2 houses and an toilet

Or you can just say the general scene and specify the location with few more words, like "look for the big two boulders" or "last time we saw him near the cafe, try asking locals where he went", HOLY FUCK MINDBLOWING WORLDBUILDING. The funny thing is, most of the shit is already present in a lot of RPGs, Devs just don't follow those with the proper systems to make the player actually listen to convos and read the logs instead of following the big red arrow on their GUI

>play a game in a setting where you can have literally a computerchip in your brain that gives you full access to VR and AR
>can't have an UI on the highest difficulty
thats fucking retarded

for you

To be fair, Morrowind does it well and horribly.

They're in over their heads now after getting a GOTY. Fully expect them to be bought by EA next.

haven't played exodus but did have similar problems w/ the 1st two metros, I just played a bit w/o it before starting over to learn the controls, also you can still look at keybindings as well

Which end?

this. just rush through content that is fed to you and move onto next product. getting lost in video game worlds is wasted time you could be spend on consuming the next product.

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I was talking about open worlds in general. I don't mind GPS in a modern world of course.

You need to get at least 2 augs - the eye and the grip

i dont understand how you can get lost in a weeb game

There's no reason you can't do that in a city just as well as in the wilderness. Head to x plaza, it's in an alley this way, take the door that says "Jim's Dilators" and it's on the third floor. Of course you can direct players to the right street since GPS exists, but you don't need to point out every single door with a "20 meters this way" marker

Stupid fucking poles.
>one of the first things that come to mind when I hear "cyber-whatever" is fancy lens/prosthetic eyes with HUD
>hurr-durr turn it off cuz it's hard
Metro series had exactly the same thought. Fucking slav hivemind.

>"we gonna shoot these crackers, lets steal and kill their shit my nigga... uhhh so to get to nearest bus stop, climb into bus #23, get out at...."
yeah right

Seriously even pokemon, WoW vanilla were fun because there were no fucking GPS and you had to explore a bit which enhance the immersion.

Get help.

Remember them promising hardcore mode from W2 where you can't reload if you die in W3?

>he thinks people will play wow classic without guides and questbots

id rather start killing you subhumans.

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Based and redpilled.

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>forgot to crop the image
well, fuck.

you weren't supposed to do this in your first playthrough you pleb

>muh orc axe
nobody cares about your dead games

>he use GPS
how does living your life on easy mode feels like scrub ?

You have a car, just drive to the right street. Then look for the right place to go. Like what the fuck. How do you get around in real life? How could Julius and Vincent find the right motel if they didn't have augmented vision?

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multiplayer is the cancer that ruined games

How about when hardcore mode was DLC and you couldnt even check how many bullets you had.

Those games are dog shit

>where we turn off the UI you have as well

POLAKEN KURWAKEN CD TURD EJECT braindamage console dick sucking ass licking retardation stirkes again. these subhuman vodka fetal alcohol syndrome chugging potato fuckers are probably the most overrated company in the entire industry, bar none.
Imagine turning off the UI in a game that is all about body augmentation and artificial enhancement and supporting gear.
Their game design was always amateurish trash where they desperately tried to copy and ape bigger and more successful companies, but this takes the fucking cake.

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>game has hardcore mode
>adds a thirst / hunger mechanic that needs satisfying way too often
>you die in 1-2 hits
>enemies are bullet sponges

hardcore modes are always trash

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>"just drive to the other side of the city bro"
how many directions can a person ask until it becomes comical at that point?

>more successful companies
which ones?

Hopefully it's not as retarded as the hardcore ranger mode in Metro. You can't even count your ammunition in that one. It's literally like playing games in photo mode.

Rockstar :^)

You never drive to the other side of the city? Just use GPS. Why are you being so difficult


SO HARDCOREEEE!!!!!111!!!11
fuck this industry.

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didnt know rockstar had a hardcore mod, remember when they said they will give directions in rdr2? good times
"just find the hideout in grove street bro"
why? cp isnt old and dead and it will be remembered for far longer than gothic ever will :)

do you not check the controls for a game before you play it?
fucking zoomers.

>You gotta annoy yourself with bright, obnoxious hud elements before you can actually enjoy your cinematic, story focused game.
Ranger mode worked fine in the others.

Have they mentioned whether there'll be non-land vehicles; planes, helicopters, boats, etc.?


>"just find the hideout in grove street bro"
Why are you pretending to be stupid on a video game web page, why would you choose to use your time like this

Isnt the author of the source material heavily involved in the game design and more importantly an actual nigger?
Yeah, hard pass on this one, will be just as disappointing and soulless as RDR2 and Sekiro,
so perfect for 90% of the subhuman Npcs on this board

>disabling quest markers in a modern RPG that's made with quest markers in mind and have no journals that describe the place where you need to go
>a menu toggle is a hardcore mode now
God this is so pathetic. Like saying that RDR2 works with analogue movement as if it's a feature. Why not give us New Game+ instead?

And wait, isn't an UI upgrade literally a story related augment that you can't avoid? So they'll force this shit as a separate mode anyway yet not allow us to play with no augments?

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Red Dead Redemption 2 has an option to turn off the hud, it's the games hardcore mode.

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Cyberpunk, as in, the property this is based on was made by a non-white American. You're such a fucking retard, you know that?

I plan to play on PC in the hardest difficulty and will most likely use this.

Sekiro is a masterpiece though.

These "hardcore modes" generally tend to work very poorly unless the game is designed from the core around them. Look at the hardcore mode for New Vegas, Bioshock Infinite, or TW3.

iirc they said they were working on the flying cars
which mean "sorry but it won't be ready for game release, look forward cyberpunk 2077 2 !"

what are the odd i still need to some sort of bullshit vision mechanic to solve quests?

They weren't there, fuck you.

>he uses the jump button in mario

just make the journal yourself bro
they should include a journal you can write on if playing on hardcore

>How do you get around in real life?
With GPS desu

Hey, I'm a real badass myself for using the pro HUD in BotW. Totally hardcore bro.

>hard pass
you better stick by your word you wont, but keep telling lies on internet

Yes, as I've said like three times already, direct the player to the right street with GPS. When you arrive, use other means to direct the player the right way

>Imagine turning off the UI in a game that is all about body augmentation and artificial enhancement and supporting gear.

Doesn't Nier Automata let you do that?

I think CDPR are actually acutely aware that was the most criticized element of TW3, and probably will try to compensate for it this time.

But we'll see. It's quite possible there will be some kind of electro-vision to display interactable and hackable items.

youre a special kind of retarded arent you?
I bet you will love the game then

can you have sex with keanu reeves in this game that's all that matters

I think I went through my first playthrough of exodus with no hud and did just fine. Why didn't you just check key bindings?


its not a bet, its a given, the game looks good

No, he's a hologram. There's a scene where the main character hires a male prostitute and Keanu Reeves morphs around him in order to fuck you by proxy.

yes, also let you kill yourself by taking off the wrong chip
kinda wish some of the UI chip took more inventory space so taking them off would be meaningful and let you actually benefit from it

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you know what man i'll take it

oh no a game that will be a GOTY how will i cope

And this is why nu-Doom is boring fucking shit.
Weapons feel like they have no impact.

I did, saw nothing on radio controls.
Plus it was during a story moment and i didn't know i was already using the radio, so no clue how to turn it on and use it.

It's okay friend, there's a lot of people who'll probably buy it, they'll probably let you know if it's worth playing or not and if it's hard enough, if it isn't but it's propular enough there might always be mods to make it a better experience, don't give up yet!

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That's the problem though. There are only two options.
>needs to be so easy to understand that it becomes the same as a circle on the map instead of a dot
>needs to be unintuitive just for "difficulties sake"
Exploration only works when there are things to find outside of your goal to justify going off the beaten path.
GPS doesn't make you ignore everything to get to the destination and games with great exploration can mark where you are supposed to go while giving you reasons to get side tracked.
Fallout 3, Vegas, 4, Oblivion, and Skyrim all have GPS but exploration is rewarded with quests, unique locations, and challenges.
I have yet to hear of a game that makes exploration "fun" by simply removing GPS without being focused around the detective aspects.

>no HUD in a game set in 2077 where you could have cyborg eyes
>we already have glasses that offer a HUD in real life in 2019

pathetic and desperate. soiberpunk is going to flop

Casuals already filtered in this thread

Nvm my bad, thinking of the wrong metro game.
Also found this, not sure if it helps you but here
>For keyboard, at the table with the radio... W A S D. W should be the lamp, D should be focus on the radio, S should be check your travel log, A should be get up.
>When focused on radio, holding right click turns on the radio, holding left click focuses away from radio back to the table. Use A and D to tune. A goes left, D goes right.

>Turning off UI in the game that actually makes sense to have UI
I hope there's an upgrade that gives it back.

Will there be a way to check HP/Ammo/Items without hud? Like holding reload to check ammo count? or going in to inventory to check vital signs?

Unless you're baiting you legitimately have a 1 digit IQ

>as well
there's clearly more to the hardcore mode than removing the HUD but go off entire thread of retards

Lot harder than you think, you moron. What end? Which house. It's made even worse when your NPC's are not nailed to the fucking floor.

Seriously, it's painfully obvious that you know fuck all about basic game design. Setting up direction that actually work properly and don't end up being frustration is a small science, and very few games have accomplished it.

>You don't get to use the user interface
>This counts as hardcore

>game is harder if you cant see information that makes it easier for you

LITERALLY artificial difficulty, thats like saying a game is harder if you turn the brightness to the lowest setting so you cant see shit at all. What a hack

I mean i completed it by now but yeah, those were the controls.
But when i checked i didn't see shit, so i would have to guess.
The game also had tons of button prompts that weren't there so you'd have to guess.

Man, what is it with this game? Every new piece of information that comes out just makes the game look worse. Starting to debate even wasting bandwidth on a pirate.

Yeah the enemies are sponges and you take more damage. Wow.

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You aren't a real CORE gamer.
Get OUT.
REAL difficulty for REAL gamers. Man, it just overwhelms me how REAL this game is.

>Yea Forumsirgins crying that a game will be harder
Holy fuck. How did this board go from the Chads that beat redditors In Tribes to crying that having no HUD is too hard?

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>Enjoy and have fun with our cyberpunk-themed game where you have a UI installed in your eyes just to have the UI disabled
I don't understand. I legit don't.

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It's called mass hysteria, buddy. Don't worry, happens all the time around here.

>it's painfully obvious that you know fuck all about basic game design
my fucking sides you oblivious goon, Morrowind did the exact same and yet it worked perfectly fine
perhaps less handholding isn't a problem and spending two minutes instead of 3 seconds to find a npc isn't bad game design

Read the thread, retard.
People are saying it makes no sense and doesn't make the game difficult, just annoying.

It makes sense in a game about realism and shooting like stalker. Less so here.

The most hardcore part about hardcore gaming is setting up your keybinds and figuring out what each item does without help. Either than that its child play.

I think they mean hardcore mode removes the batman vision. You're still just stripping gameplay elements from the game by playing it. Those things will probably be cyber upgrades in the base game, and gone from the hardcore mode.

>mass hysteria
I don't think you know what this means. Unless the devs of the game are lying, all the new info is fact.

Can't wait for devs in the future to market their """Hardcore""" modes as "You can play this game by beating your dick against a keyboard lmao, enjoy this new feature we worked on".

>Read the thread
Yeah nigger, you're a bunch of pussies crying. Literally the Yea Forumsirgin.

>hardcore mode
>just give enemies more hp lol they wont notice

>all the new info is fact
Until they change it.

>my fucking sides you oblivious goon, Morrowind did the exact same and yet it worked perfectly fine
And that is how I know you talk about games that you never even played. The direction in Morrowind were NOTORIOUSLY broken and there was a major reason why it got changed for Oblivion. And while I'm not saying Oblivion's solution was a good one (in true Beth tradition, they fixed a problem by dumbing shit down some more), Morr's instructions and frankly the entire quest log managament was a fucking textbook example of how to NOT do things.
Again, you never did not play those games, you never designed a game either, you are just a cretin parroting shit you heard around this board to score some "hardcore" creds.

V turns his hud off because real cyberpunk chads and stacies don't need no hud. That's how hardcore V is.

>I don't think you know what this means. Unless the devs of the game are lying, all the new info is fact.
It does not matter what they say because you are literally unable to read in the first place. Look around you fucking mongoloid. 99% of the shit spouted around here has nothing to do with with what the devs said - it's random speculation of hysteric children circlejerking how cool they are for bitching something that is highly hyped up.

>turning off UI
I wish companies would stop using words they don't understand

>couldnt even check how many bullets you had
But you could in all games except the original Last Light

Did you even play the game or opened the fucking keybinding menu? There's nothing there.

no it didn't
It also didn't tell you the keys to do anything else. I ran into the same problems in the other games. I just stopped being retarded and played the first playthrough with the UI on hardest.

2077 is going to be GOAT and i can't wait to see you fags seethe just like fags here seethed for BOTW

At no point was I ever talking about what random anons were saying in this thread. Stop making broad sweeping assumptions, retard.

as if that exist here, they might seems notoriously broken for someone who grew up being guided with red arrows and autowalk from one npc to another, but when you read dialogues and quest logs things are simple to follow, getting a name and a place was enough to find them
I guess you also have a mental breakdown when point and click games don't give you all the indications to immediatly finish the game
if searching things are such a chore for you then rpg are not a game made for you, shit like Skyrim, Oblivion or TW3 ruined the genre and attracted mentally retarded people who can't open a few doors without tearing up because the game is too hard
a quest is a quest, if you need to find someone you shouldn't have a marker on your map with a big arrow showing you where he is

>nu-gaming in 2019
yeah right I learnt my lesson playing trash like doom4

Again, nice attempt to sound all tough and jaded and hardcore, kid, but no. It was broken because it repeatedly send you in a completely wrong directions, often letting you wander for hours and effectively only be able to complete your quest by accident. Remember the naked nord man quest, or the fucking directions to Arkngthand? Of COURSE you did not, you never played the fucking game in the first place.
Love how your entire argument lies on completely basesless assumptions about me, not a single actual fact about the game we are discussing. How old are you?

>load up Cyberpunk 2077
>playing Hardcore Mode so I don't see hard numeric values of my Health
>query my vitals monitor about my physical condition after a shoot-out with corpos
>"My legs are okay."
>just walk away and report to my handler the mission is done.
>Keanu: "Beautiful. You've gained brozouf."

How is turning off the UI hardcore and not cinematic mode?
Reminds me of the retarded Ranger mode in Metro, more inconvenient than difficult.

lol u mad, you're the only one claiming I didn't play the game and basing your entire post around it
the game came out more than 10 years ago, only a maniac would remember every quest, or a wikiwarrior

Less handholding = hardcore

but this is Cyberpunk, why would my cybernetics not show me hud

Vanilla Metro 2033 had a perfectly fine hud on Ranger hardcore, yet in LL it felt forced it at the last minute (it was even a fucking dlc) same goes for Exodus but at least it wasn't that bad as LL.

Since when is having a UI hand holding?

So its like witcher 3 hardcore mode where you turn the question marks off from map.
Thats neat I guess.

>Keanu: "Beautiful. You've gained brozouf."

>not "breathtaking" instead

>show map
>huge red path until the next objective
what the fuck ? how is that handholding ?

Lol u mad
Great argument once again, I can really tell I'm talking with a grown-up.
Seriously though, are you so dumb that you do not realize that when called out on shitty argumentation, posting U MAD isn't going to help your case?
And yet I remember that shit, because you know, I wasn't prenatal when it came out. You see, people old enough to actually know that game will all remember this shit, mainly because how fucking horrible it was. There is no fucking way you would not remember these quests if you had played it.
But so much for the argument of which one of us two played the fucking game.

Again: How do you fuck up basic argumentation so badly? Am I bullying a tard here?

I guess since the introduction of witcher senses and quest compasses,which this game will inevitably have.

>no boosts to AI or difficulty
>lol just turn UI off

That’s it? Lol they can’t even do difficulty settings right

Nu-DOOM is great, do you not know how to have fun?

No, that is not it. How hard it is to read and process basic information?

Yeah he forgot the part where they make you do less damage while giving the enemies more health

would be something if they introduced something like a handheld gps or even a map you have to look at, but i know they won't

No, he forgot the part where they say "One of the features is the removal of the HUD", with absolutely no other clarification what so ever.

This. Pure garbage. Atleast make it obvious or give a way to know what you can do or have in your inventory.. I didn't even know you had a lighter for example. Irl you would know u had one in your pocket.

Niggerlicious post

Your comment is in the same vain as this pic.

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Which is why you need help, kiddo.

Threatening to kill people you don't know over features in a video game means you're not OK, and you need some help.

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Only good "hardcore" I've seen is the metro games and stalker

First of all: "vain"? Second of all: Is it really that hard to just not project like a little bitch?

>>TFW this retard doesn't know Mike Pondsmith, the author of those books, is Black.

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remember when this game was supposed to be an RPG instead of some action game?

fuck modern gaming

>shoot monster 3 times with shitty feeling gun
>press E to execute
>rinse and repeat
What's worse is the game forces you into these executions because it's the only reliable way to get your health back up.

>>Ignore the game instructions and aids in game that make the mechanics clear

>>Is my decision making awful?

>>No, it's the game's fault

You can admit you're wrong or just stop posting. You already admitted to being too dumb to know how a radio works, so it's not a stretch.

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No one is projecting, retard.

>check the bullets to see how many you have left in that mag instead of a convenient number on your monitor telling you
Yeah, how is this game set in the future have futuristic shit like this?

>>Pro tip: eventually you get good enough to dodge projectiles and attacks, and don't need the health

>>Pro tip: you don't like the game because you'll never be good enough to do that

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Only if you're shit and keep getting hit, chainsaw is superior.

Why must every thread about this game be consistently awful?

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it's just mirroring the state of the game.

Because these they are not about the game in the first place? They are just a flag-posts for the worst scum of this board to gather and have a little wallow in their own filth.

Why must every piece of news about this game be consistently awful?

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>>Calls Sekiro "Soulless"

If you don't have the pride to print that comment and put it somewhere everyone that knows you can see it, then you should.

You're a special kind of loser.

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I came to this thread to read seething trannies comment on a game that hasn't even been released lol

The last thread was complaining that the game was going to be too easy, what's the complaint now?

sounds like they dont know how to difficulty
>hurr durr lets take away the interface, soo hardcore xD
fucking retarded, much like those stupid assholes that think giving enemies higher health and damage output in higher difficulties is "hardcore"

might want to consider suicide, dumbasses

Can't you read you stupid shithead?

>turn off the minimap in BotW for immersion
>end up constantly bringing up the big map to see where I'm at

Are you being paid or do you just really enjoy the taste of cdpr's cock?

yeah, vanilla 2033's ranger mode was excellent and how the game should be played. Last Light and Exodus seemed to be competing about just how shit they could make the mode on the other hand

>you can only see your current ammo reserves in LL when you're at one of the 3-4 shops in the whole game and nothing else

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I thought it would be like The Witcher but in different setting, with leveling, side quests and shit.

What prompted this response?

>normiest game in the history of vidya made for Chads
Yikes, ain't nothing more difficult than having the game hide the UI from you, I bet that is going to leave a couple Chads scratching their noggins.

Right here. I can always count on Yea Forums to have the worst opinion possible on anything, so when I see these threads I know that these morons are too scared to post their awful racist opinions anywhere that doesn't afford them anonymity.

I come here to watch them eat themselves inside out.

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Your loud cocksucking I reckon.

Because you are the only one in this thread defending the game with every post.


dumb euro nigs cant into diffculty, you dense retard

Turninig off the UI in a cyberpunk theme game doesn't really make sense because it's a cyberpunk game and the in universe character has a HUD

>not even a minute apart
Hello newcunt.

Post timer is less than a minute, retard

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That was literally my first post in this thread

You're either lying or retarded. Which one you gonna go with?

you are so sad dude

>irony: the post

Hol up
So what this implies is I can play as Cobra and have my psycho gun to go with the character?

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>people defending quest markers in rpgs
fucking zoomers holy shit

Who exactly defends quest markers in RPG's again?

whatever cp2077 does the contrarians will claim it's the worst decision in game history

of course they're there, in the controller settings, how would you change them otherwise.

Except nobody even mentioned CP77 in this regard. The sole people talking about quest-markers were an idiot who thought they are easy to circumvent, and me, pointing out that actually doing them well is very hard.
I also did make a pretty clear point about how Oblivion's solution to the problem was not an improvement.
I'm just curious if the guy was so fucking dumb he honestly thought I was "defending quest markers".

>where we turn off the UI you have as well
Meaning there is more to it and they just don't want to say? I'm starting to get pretty tired of how clammed up they constantly are with this game. They haven't shown fucking anything in a year.

It's not coming out until next year and is still in active development. Why would they tell you about everything when nothing is finalized yet?

look at the bright side

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Yep, meaning precisely that. And the relative sparsity of info is completely common in the industry nowdays. Early announcements of gameplay mechanics have turned out to do reliably more harm than benefit over the last decade. Mechanics get scratched even fairly late into development, spoilers don't benefit people especially since we live in time where games can be easily pirated, bought for a test or reviewed in game footage hours after release, and miscommunications are more plentiful than actual communication. See how even this announcement has INSTANTLY blown up into their face here?
That is why they don't release more info. I'm actually surprised they even bother letting these tibits go.

I think I'll just stick with Cinematic mode and let the game play itself

To be frank it's pretty easy to speculate how the game will play. It's a CDPR massive-budget AAA title, it's not going to be anything blowing your mind.
There is going to be basic shooting largely stat-based (think Prey, where your skill determines your shot spread and shit), simple melee combat probably with block and two types of attack changing on the weapon type, one-button remote hack alla WatchDogs for various interactable items in the environment and later with upgrades againt enemies directly (blowing up fuse boxes, detracting/retracting cover, disabling enemy weapons or coms etc...), remotely operated drones, and a wall-hack upgrade. You'll have fairly basic skill sets probably divided into three or four paths - weapons, stealth, hacking most likely.
You probably will have some form of "social hacks" in the vein of DX:HR.
You'll have ground vehicles, fast travel in the form of a air taxy, and missions that largely involve inflitration that can be done by brute force, stealth, or hacking around enemies, but nothing complex. Some missions will probably involve some kind of digital space where things will be more geometric.
That is it. The quests will involve a lot options in terms of how do you approach them, but majority of it will involve dialgue choices. Characters will probably be fun.

Not sure what else would you want to hear.

I should also mention that there is some form of hacking minigame, a slow-mo ability, double jump, and wall-running and wall sticking, and your mobility including speed, jump height, and noise you make will be modifiable by cyberware and probably also skills.

This works if the game is designed around the idea that it should be playable without UI, like Metro 2033 accounting for it by making UI stuff visible o your character/weapon model or Red Orchestra having a dedicated button to check your ammo.
Just taking a finished game an removing the UI works out poorly most of the time

fuck off with this stupid shit

>wall-running and wall sticking
No wonder they haven't revealed this when the slowmo is still janky as shit

They won't do directions correctly if they don't have the markers.

You'd think an American city would be easy to do this on. But game devs won't or can't

They had reveal it, you can literally watch it in action in the 40 min gameplay video. Did you not watch it?

Didn't they show wall climbing in the gameplay?

Unless hardcore disables the grip and possibly the eye

>cyberpunk game
>mandatory augmented implant
CDPR is fucking retarded.

Must have been so miniscule I didn't even remember it

*augmented vision
Tried to write a sentence in two ways at once.

Nah, it was a pretty big feature, frankly the only part of that demonstration that took people by suprise and stood out. It is more likely you have brain issues.

Hardcore modes should be faster deaths for players and npcs, and resource reduction.

I think you made that up, because there's not a single thing mentioning how cool the wall running was on the internet

I'd like this. One thing that I can already see annoying me is bulletsponge enemies, that are inevitable in any shooter that has character levels

Arkngthand actually had really good directions though. It was like, leave town to the east then walk up a hill by moonmoth legion fort, and it was right there.

>Go to "City District" of "City" and search for the "road crossing" there's a yellow house on the left side of "road", the "NPC" lives on the second floor.

>Go to "City" and visit the NPC that lives there.

One of them was specifically designed as an explanation without magic UI. The other wasn't even considered when they made a non-UI mode.

Same, I hope that they can pull it off in a way that feels decent, but it's something I've been worried about for a while.

Remember from the demo "these guys are way higher level than us"? That means there's going to be random fags walking around (and it wont tell you their levels) that can wombo combo you into the dirt. That'd be fine I guess if the game wasn't so linear.

Did they mention if it turns off all HUD elements or only elements you don't have augments for?

Everything, you just have a blank screen, as if that's a feature

Dude, it's literally in the video that you can go and watch on fucking youtube. How brain-damaged are you? You would rather assume that I'm making it up than spend thirty seconds looking that video up?
THE FUCK is wrong with you?
42:30 and onwards you god damn idiot. Fucking choke on it. And get some fucking help, because you are broken.

They did not specify it in any ways.

The problem actually is that there generally does not tend to be just one road crossing and just one yellow house in the entire city.
It's even worse when you have roaming NPC that can be in one of many places at the same time.

Again: Actually giving good directions in an RPG is hard as fuck. You have to design the whole game with it in mind, and implement multiple layers of elements to make it work. It is, in fact, a small science in and off it's own. And even then it will always present an issue to a pretty major part of the population, massively decreasing your games's appeal, which is why most main-stream games just give up on it.

Yes they did, they said it's a blank screen.
>"The most fun one I think will be the Hardcore setting where we turn off the UI."

Are you brain damaged?

Do you know what the user interface is in a game?

Yes. Can you read?

>game difficulty automatically checks option in gameplay/graphics settings
truly darksouls of videogames

I liked Morrowind's imperfect directions, felt more believable that random NPCs don't know the exact location of everyone and everything.

Just check the key bindings bro, before the handholding tutorials of old you’d have to read the instruction manual for that shit or figure it out yourself.
Most of Metro 1 and 2’s mechanics are intuitive enough to figure out on the fly, idk about exodus though

>We turned off the user interface

I think it'd be real hardcore if you could kill story npc's.

Nah, Morrowind got very frequently very obnoxious with its directions.
Imperfect directions can be done, and can even by done extremely well and hugely contribute to the game's atmosphere and immersion, but they are a real challenge to tackle. One of the few games that did it well was Gothic. But again, the game was designed from the ground up with that consideration in mind.

Yes. Which does not actually translate into blank screen at all: I'm fairly sure you do not know what those words mean either.

and it will be useless because just like witcher 3 you only way of knowing where to go will be the quest compass

Oh you're actually a 60 IQ drooling nigger

that sounds like the laziest way to make a “hard” mode

Yeah, i hate Fallout 4 too

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Typing in toggle hud in the console is hard YOU FUCKING BIGOT

Says the person saying that turning off the U.I. means "blank screen"? Really? Did it not occur to you to double check the meaning of the words over which you are calling other retards?
How can be a single person this broken?

Blank screen, my retarded friend, means nothing being displayed. Not "game rendering fine, just parts of the HUD being off". And before you turn out to be a fucking autist that claims that U.I. actually means everything displayed on the screen, it's called basic reading comprehension and context, so no.


I sincerely hope this is not some excuse to be lazy.

>turning off the HUD in a game where it actually makes in-universe sense to have a HUD for once
my immersion will not stand for this.

>still forces you to get the eye augmentation
Immersion is not only dead, it's getting raped in the grave.

fpbp the game has to be designed to be played organically if they have something that does away with HUD or UI elements. Even the "Pro HUD" in BotW was just a tacked on element

What's really weird is they mention right after this the "smart guns" that kill badguys for you. The more I learn about the game the more it sounds like they're going for some sort of immersive sim in the worst way possible.

Great come back. I can see you are really putting your absolute best into this.

Or - and this is going to be absolutely insane suggestion here - but MAYBE you just did not understand it properly.
Fuck me you people are broken beyond repair.

What part of "don't have to aim in a FPS" and "no HUD" doesn't scream immersive sim?

>games hold your hand too much
>wtf why isn't the game clearly telling me how to play it?


actually this..

>GPS magically solves unknown or ambiguous destinations for the player
That's not how GPS works user, and it shouldn't be an excuse for lazy game design, since that means any game taking place post-GPS would never be able to require players to figure out a destination for themselves rather than in a quest marker.

The most fun I'll will be killing each and every single people in this=game.

>No UI in a game set in the future where everything is soaked in technology
So basically making the game difficult for the sake of being difficult without giving a fuck about the lore. Welp, I guess enemies will become bullet sponges too...

It's more promising that CDPR is labelling this as part of a hardcore mode as opposed to just a menu option since that means they'll design for it ie give the player hints where to go. Most games where it's just a toggle don't design for it that way.

They said along time ago that they would make the game in a way that you dont need the HUD to play. The world is detailed enough for you to not play the game with hud.

>everyone in this thread

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>Yea Forums constantly bitches about not wanting cluttered UI, quest markers, toucan sam vision
>when this game does it its bad

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>lol just toggle the UI and sell it to people as "hardcore mode"

Turning off the UI in games that were designed around having it on usually turns out very poorly.
With that said, I wish more games went for little or no UI as the default. I consider almost all types of UI to be a violation of "show, don't tell". Examples:
>ammo counter in a third-person shooter
Instead, play a slightly different firing sound when the clip is running low and show the remaining replacement clips in an ammo belt around my character's waist. This is harder in first-person, but I can think of ways.
>health bar
These are dying off, fortunately, replaced by natural indicators like reddened vision and pained walking animations.
>objective markers
This is well-explored territory. I think the only acceptable use for on-screen location markers is where my character is supposed to be familiar with a location that is new to me. Imagine holding down a "think" button to see an overlay with place names and rough (definitely not exact) objective locations. This should /not/ be available if my character is not familiar with the location.

The hyperbolic hatred of a game that isn't even released is foolish

Purchasing a game before it's been played is foolish

If a game isn't built from the ground up around having minimal UI then removing it will be nothing but a chore.

Neither you cretin. Also it's not an FPS. What happened to you? How the FUCK is basic comprehension such a difficult task? You are not clinically confirmed retard, aren't you? So get your fucking SHIT STRAIGHT. You have no fucking excuse to be this fucking dumb. None at all.

Less intuitive is hardcore bro

How is it not an FPS?

Who the fuck said anything about purchasing is you spastic. Are you literally seeing things?

But I thought the whole point of cyberpunk games was that my vision is augmented as an in-universe explanation for HUD

How is a sandbox light RPG not an FPS you ask? Hmmm... I fucking wonder. Maybe - and get this: BECAUSE IT'S NOT AN FPS FOR FUCK SAKE?!

If the new Deus Ex games were first person shooters then this is a first person shooter.

Except they weren't you mong. God dammit. Again: What is going on here? How are there so many broken people in this thread?

Pretty sure it's an FPS

>fps is not fps because it's also an rpg

No the point of cyberpunk is that it makes for a really nice immersive sim to get high and look at the colors

I don't give a fuck what you think: you are factually wrong. Only people dumb enough to ever call it an FPS are post Halo-gaming cretins who literally know only three genres. Deus Ex or System Shock were never called FPS, because their core gameplay loop is not about shooting. Do you think Thief or fucking Arx Fatalis are also FPS, because they take place in first person and there is some weapon you can shoot too?
What kind of insane newfaggotry are we dealing with here? How fucking clueless are you? Do you know nothing, and I mean NOTHING about the industry? What the fuck are you even doing here?

So FPS's stopped existing after 2007?

Hardcore Mode

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Are you having a stroke or something?
Dude, again.
PULL YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. Stop and fucking THINK before you post. Act like a god damn human being.

Take a deep fucking breath, think very, very hard about what the fuck are you trying to say, and try again.

It's clearly an FPS

Are you a burden of the state?

Do you even videogames?

You all sure extrapolate a lot based on a single sentence.

I played the first Metro on the hardest difficulty and the fucking QTE's wouldn't pop up on the screen and you would just die in a cutscene. Who the fuck came up with that?

Well you pretty much have to chloroform a CDPR exec and take them to some abandoned warehouse to even get a sentence.

Last time they talked too much they got crucified when they changed things, so maybe it would be in their best interest to remain silent till the game is finalized.

Every time they talked about the game before the reveal in 2018 what they said turned out to be wrong, and even then they barely said anything. It's almost like nobody knew what the fuck was going on.

PC gamers better need a kiddie mode though because they cant even beat sekiro without cheating these days.

People tend to draw their own conclusions. Which leads to speculation, which leads to people mistaking the speculation for facts, which leads to people basically building the a game that caters to literally everything they've ever wanted, which leads to disappointment. It's a cycle of naivety and people eat it right up. People set their expectations so impossibly high that the only result could be disappointment. There's also falseflaggers who were going to hate the game regardless of what it was.

>game is "hardcore" and instead of giving any sort of quest markers the NPCs says the general area where something is
>no way to go back and have them repeat what they said or a journal so you have to screenshot the dialogue
>sometimes they intentionally mislead you from the actual goal of the quest
fucking slavs

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hardcore as in hardcore fucking orr?

more like based slavs

It's not like the game's goign to be especially complicated with every district having a fast travel point right next door to the gang that controls the area. Every gang will probably have some sort of merchant and a quest giver, and as we've already seen the quests are initiated in extremely linear cutscenes once you enter an area

W3 death march was a cake walk. It's nothing. And we have no mod support to actually make it hard this time.

>hardcore turns off the UI
Of all the games to do this, why the cyberpunk one? Does hardcore do anything else?

We don't fucking know, jesus fuck, why are people acting like that's the only thing it does.

Yeah it turns off mouse input

Who shat in your cereal today? I was just asking a question, damn. The OP literally says "How Cyberpunk 2077's Hardcore Mode Will Work" and yet we still don't know how it will work? That's kinda dumb. Clickbait wins again.

Pretty much they hinted at being able to turn the difficulty up so high that it will approach "dark souls" level difficulty.

>dark souls level difficulty
What does this mean?

It means "I don't actually play games but I write about them and I heard Dark Souls was hard."

Doesn't matter, sun incels will cry about it and tell the based slav devs to dilate while posting wojaks.

>hardcore mode will just be a disabled UI and damage sponge enemies
What in the world happened to game development

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>We want to tell a story
Go direct a movie
Go write a novel
Go develop a visual novel
Why the fuck are you in game development

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So this is going to be like Ass Creed or some shit?
Sounds like they're trying to do "you can't follow a waypoint arrow on screen and have to check your map so it's SUPER HARD"

what are you quoting

thats the stupidest thing i've ever heard.

Game development has turned into the dumping ground for writers who couldn't make it elsewhere

you act like tv or movie writing is prestigious or something

What the fuck is the point of being a cyborg with CYBEREYES if you don't have an electronic hud to make life easier on yourself.

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his ass

Some other interesting tidbits from that interview
>We’ll get to explore the outskirts of Night City, too?

>Absolutely. You’ll be able to go out in the desert of California and view things like power plants, abandoned highways and stuff like that. So you’re not just limited to Night City. It’s a really cool place to use our cars and drive them fast, as it’s hard to go super fast in the city. We do have street racing, though.

>Is the whole of Night City open from the start? Or is it like unlocked over time?

>We’re not going to have this locked, invisible wall where you can’t go past it because we show a message on the screen saying you must go back. It doesn’t make sense, right? It’s like I just crossed the street, what’s the issue? So we won’t have anything like that.

>But you might venture into some places where enemies are way tougher than you can handle.

>Yep. We have UI to help lead players. Actually, in the demo, you can see the NPCs levels and that will give you a quick gauge of how to make sure that you want to engage. We are an RPG after all and that’s one of the implications of an RPG, you want to do progression. But like in The Witcher 3, you could always just run to Novigrad, you could have skipped the Baron quest, you could even go to Skellige if you managed to get enough money to pay for the boat. That freedom in an open world is pretty awesome and I think Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be very similar. But of course, you know, in The Witcher 3 when you were like level one and went to Novigrad you didn’t have a very fun time. You might expect something similar here, but you can still go if you want to.

It used to be. When shit like netflix exists there's really no reason for you to NOT be able to make it into tv/movies.

which game has the best description based quests?
like you need to find a guy and go to the first tavern to find out your dude is in some other town. you go there and keep asking until you found out it's some blacksmith just outside the walls.
no markers on the map, no magical gps, nothing.
is there any game that managed to do something like this? gothic comes to mind, any other?

Crpgs, this shit doesn't exist in modern games

In Prey turning off the objective markers etc. actually made the game better. Will it work here?

Keep in mind they've mentioned overleveled enemies will be wandering the streets and the only way to see what level they are is to have upgraded augments to see that. I assume there will be an active "focus" for them even in hardcore

Every new piece of information about this game kills my hype a little bit more

It makes the autistic "LUL NO SUN" posting a little fishy

Man, I would say I felt this best with Morrowind
However, I felt like rushing to the end halfway through, honestly.. was not a fan of the landscape

Shut up subhuman

The only game I’ve seen where turning the UI off actually works and makes the game 3x as good was BotW

2006 Runescape.

wrong game

Every game

I was talking about a big russian stalker mod you fucking shit eating retard

I thought the UI came from upgrades. Do your cybernetics just not work on hardcore mode?

That actually might be interesting. I hope they come out with a detailed manual, though.

>as well

>how dare they add an optional choice

You probably have to press a button

What a silly idea for hardcore mode. If anything, Cyberpunk is gonna be one of the few games in which it makes sense for UI to exist, especially since the first augment that you get installed is the optics.

Destiny 1 nightfall with the 4x elemental damage perks for enemies and players did it right. Guns and abilities were dangerous for both sides, and the players are rewarded for prioritizing targets, positioning, and getting the first shots off. More games need to prioritize that last one.

Difficulty in FPS games are held back by god awful AI, that's why most games are just upping the health or damage reduction so they don't actually have to program any meaningful AI. If CDPR actually manages to have decent enemy AI (lol) hardcore mode might actually be fun

But you can disable the HUD entirely in Witcher 3 options menu, how is this any different?

AI are made to be bad on purpose, you don't want zoom zoom to complain he's getting shot by "invisible" enemies.

Maybe that's what is gonna be the difference? There could be different places to get information on your character and what your hud would be alternative to how the typical game UI is

They've already shown that using your eye augments is a "toggle" ability meaning you'll probably still be able to used them in hardcore.

It will be shit if from the beginning the game was designed with a detailed UI in mind. Just like if you were to remove quest markers from Skyrim

>games are held back by god awful AI
almost all games have an AI that is intentionally clamped so it won't shit on casuals

>not turning off the UI whenever the option presents itself

I even turn off reticles in FPS games (not all of them though)

yes. HUD being removable as a clear developer considered options makes me hard.

This. Aimbot hacks are literally AI controlling the player character's aim. You can make NPCs into gods by giving them aimbots too.

holy based!

You realize you could use your journal to check your ammo count. I thought that was funny to mention.

If they don't have this shit telling you exactly what's going on then the UI removal is soulless

Sometimes that's all a game needs though.

Maybe 10 years ago

If the UI in question is part of the protagonist's implants then this is pretty fucking stupid. I have to agree with this guy here

The worst part of this was in LL it hid the QTE popups. So if you didn't open up the menu and look at what controls were QTE, and spammed it in a cutscene where it looked like you were supposed to do something, you would die and go back to a checkpoint

no, it's literally hidden on ranger hardcore mode man. Unless you're talking about 2033, which is absolutedly irrelevant to LL's ranger mode