What games do you guys play to cope with herpes after drinking tainted water?

What games do you guys play to cope with herpes after drinking tainted water?

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>Gf (female) has cold sores
>I don't

Should I be worried?

Like 80% of people on earth have Herpes Simplex A. Don't sorry so much. Don't kiss when she has cold sores.

Wait what? How do you know you have herpes?

That is fucking disgusting

>american education

how does one get herpes? i've never kissed a girl

>not being chaste


I'm from the U.K.

Yep good thing you personally never have to worry about getting it unless you buy bath water

Life is disgusting. The flu is significantly more disgusting and dangerous than herpes. Live your life, germs are fucking everywhere, everything alive is trying to kill us all the damn time. If you don't want to get herpes, don't ever go outside again and you should be fine, I don't think it'll be too hard for you.

Tons of ways, the shitty ones however usually you have to come in contact on mucous or thin skinned parts of the body.
Besides, there's a cure for herpes now.

> Had mouth herpes
> Gave GF Vag herpes
> Broke up last year
Happy i left her a little something for the rest of her life

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Diseased, fetid animals lashing out. I'm not exactly surprised.

>tfw just realized what this thread is really about

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>humanity could wipe out all STD`s in a single generation
>creating a hippie free love and sex paradise
>but it would require the whole world to learn some self control
Yeah fuck, I take it back its clearly never happening.

>Its okay, we all have this disease user so why don't you get it? Don't you wanna be cool?

i literally never met a person IRL that had herpes.

a large majority of the virgins on earth already have herpes, I know it's sad and disgusting, but it's the way it is.

would that really happen? would people really start fucking on the side of the road if there were suddenly no more diseases?

It gets passed from mother to child at birth?

Just by statistics alone, yes, you have. Unless you've never met more than 2 people.

normies are seriously fucking disgusting. They ALWAYS, ALWAYS, resort to the "dude everyone got herpies bro haha its okay bro"
no, it's not okay. you got fucking herpies and you will have it for the rest of your life.
The truth about sleeping around is that you go to the doctor several times a month to get checked and you're constantly on one sort of drug in an attempt to lessen the symptoms or cure it.
and if you hit them with this fact they always lash out "LOL BRO YOU DONT NEED TO WORRY HAHA AM I RIGHT??"

probably at least 2 or 3 girls in your high school class, and maybe one of your parents. at least.

Fags are doing the same with HIV.

It literally gets passed by almost anything, including during childbirth. Simplex A is fucking everywhere. A can of coke, the door knob, everywhere. I used to work in the medical field, they don't even do tests for it anymore.

Yes you have, 67% of the world have it. Most people will never know they have it though.

We aren't talking about Genital Herpes here bro. Not all Herpes Viruses are the same.

You guys do know that you can't get herpes through water, right?

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What the fuck!? I drank her bathwater am I at risk of getting it? What are my chances! I'm not fucking joking I'm actually scared now

ok next post?