2,5 hours until the Splatocalypse
get ready

Attached: splatocalyse.jpg (1024x576, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Mr. Grizz: Neutral
“Don’t be so worried. The sea answers all questions.”
As far as this mysterious being is concerned, the shallow affairs of Inkopolis are insignificant next to the vast depth of the seven seas. No matter what fate may await the world, the sea watches silently, biding its time.

Attached: grizz.jpg (1280x1810, 288K)

I cant wait to dab on chaos shitters
Remember to worship your choco mommy

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Can't wait for all the shifty stations. Missed a few splatfests so I hope I can catch them while they're in rotation.
Bridge to tentaswitchia is best. Special mention to bunker games and cannon fire pearl.

Attached: Shifty small.jpg (2765x1036, 2.75M)

Sheldon: Team Neutral
“Go on! Give it a shot!” So long as the Turf War battles rage on, so too will Sheldon dedicate his life to crafting ink-based weaponry. This horseshoe crab cares not for the fate of Inkopolis…so long as he can continue to invent new ways to splat.

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I want to protect Marina's balanced life.

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I'm ready.

more like shitty stations amirite guys

>One hour until the beginning of the end

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>put in vacation days so I can dab on timmies with my .96 all this weekend
Feels nice

Can you still join a Splatfest if is already started?
I haven't choosed a squad yet and i'm at work right now

Yeah, that's fine.

Cool, i'm gonna join Chaos tonight

Starts in just 25 minutes right? I'm ready chaos bros

good luck chaosbro


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I feel kinda bad missing out on the splatoon 2 train when it came out, splatoon 1 felt so lackluster but the aesthetic of the second one and new gamemodes seemed so nice
I hope a splatoon 3 comes out at some point

5 minutes early!

You know she's sexually abusing those poor immigrants

I'm gonna try and get to the highest rank for once.

Is it up yet

Attached: 1561574834668.jpg (958x1188, 207K)

Nevermind, you can't.

>Normal stages
I thought it was two shifty stations per

It begins

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>Ink me up
Right in the feels. Also holy shit this ink is Shiny

Attached: 1559310145001.png (342x463, 119K)

Liking this metallic ink

Remember if you're a law nigger, You hate freedom and the right to free will. You're sacred of change and will never grow as a person. Let's plunge the world into radical chaos and freedom

Attached: 1563446124926.gif (400x360, 310K)

>just got off of work
>too sleepy to play
Ill do it later
Good luck team order

>chaosniggers conflate anarchy with growth
Every fucking time

Attached: 1531118377351.png (379x347, 71K)

The chaoscucks tears will be delicious, in a chaotic world you would be the first to be raped lol

Well you will be neutered because your genes are not perfect enough for the evolution and safety of our species.

In your ideal perfect world

Much better than risking being shot in the head because someone felt like stealing my food

Wow that's innocent and not at all suspicious.

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I don't think he's eating those eggs guys.

>Forgot the most important one

Attached: 1563388347672.png (430x630, 11K)

>Just trying to play splatoon when I hear KyoAni had an arson attack


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that ink, so shiny

>current shifty stations

Oh shit does this mean that they're cycling through them?
Holy fuck I hope I catch when the cannon shifty comes back on

Attached: shiftys.jpg (664x428, 32K)

Attached: jevil.gif (230x240, 77K)

>thinking anarchy leads to regression
Orderfag begone you are all rigid uncreative bastards

Attached: F026C38A-3E42-4D59-BD61-E98E0D244A8F.png (583x702, 342K)

>game starts
>orderfags immediately hound our spawn
fuck YOU

Tell me how the fuck you would even have a refrigerator working in full chaos

Build an ice pit/Yakhchāl you fool. That’s how people did it back then in Persia.

>Bothering to refridgerate your own food instead of just finding the refridgerated food you want and taking it for yourself

You just don't get it.

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Yeah just to have a nigger shit on it while I'm gone trying to hunt a pidgeon or somethinf

-1000 iq post

I hate shifty stations.

>Not having guards or a system in place to protect food from sabotage
>not using your strength or knowledge to put them in place
Orderfag you are not helping your case

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Is there a Judd one? Did Pearl and Marina get one?

Tell me how the fuck you can have guards in a system with no law
Tell me how the fuck you would do strong enough to survive entirely on your own with no technology order in place and STILL have time to somehow advance humanity whatever it would mean

yes, just check the twitter

>in a world of Chaos
lmao. Anyways why would you want to go through that shit when you could just live in an actual society and you know, not have to live like a savage?

>Chaos fags are getting demolished.

Order is love, Order is life.


Attached: MetatronSH.JPG.jpg (1228x1520, 1.7M)

Cap the mid user. If you can at least contend it of course they are going to try to bottle you up in your spawn.

Temporary alliances with other people, slaves, trained animals can be used to deter people from messing with you directly.
You can be strong enough on your own by making weapons from nature to arm yourself, building traps or decoys to fuck over people who actually try to hunt you or your stuff down.
Society have its own fair of savages as well that abuse their positions of power to mold everything to their needs.

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Alliences and slaves are literally the two ways laws get defined

>the splatfest has just started
>already seen three different flash news for 100x battles won to the order team

Attached: 1540064829079.png (411x396, 292K)

>already two disconnections
"" order""fags can't even follow the order and buy an ethernet adaptor.

There are more 100x battles. Since chaos is more popular Order will need to gut it out to win, the least popular side usually losses like most wars.

>yfw splat 1 splatfest music

Not even one hour into a 72 HOUR splatfest and order squiggers are already getting full of themselves.

Attached: 1562782290872.jpg (602x802, 88K)

>3 matches in and I'm already going up against teams who all use the same setup
Oh boy

Same, tryhards are coming out

>game starts
>opposite team starts playing the game

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Seems like chaoscuck are literally unable to form concrete strategies and tactics. Absolutely pathetic.

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where are my Aerospray friends?

What was it for you? I ran into a group of Octos with afros using kensa splattershot,the fishskull, and the friendship bracelet.

I haven't played in a year. Tell me what loadout to use.

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>got two friend requests already

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Is it too late to get into this game now?

Should I just wait for splatoon 3?

We ain’t called Team Chaos for nothing.

You ask this in every thread for weeks now.

why the fuck are there still regular maps in rotation
I hoped it will be 2 shitty stations per rotation
my disappointment is immeasurable
I'm only gonna play up until Queen with my friends and then probably drop the splatfest, for the first time in months
can't wait for all grizzco weapons salmon run

Attached: 1529574709231.png (1893x1629, 921K)

Splatoon 3 is years off and Splatoon 2 will still have an active playerbase for a couple years probably.


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It’s the last Splatfest what the fuck do you think.

85 is the best NZAP

So, yes?

Not really.

>Three takoyakis join the team
>Named Pk fire, pk freeze and pk thunder

Why the fuck does the game let orginized team fight against random who can't voice chat this is ridicolous

>tfw level 14 squid joins your team with a stock roller


Git gud

Attached: 1561429902562.png (1024x486, 354K)

Just had a chaos team fight chaos
Is this a normal splatfest thing

IT DOES? No wonder there's such a gap in games, sometimes we roll other times we're ROLLED.

Also choice team names.[/spoiler[


>first match of the day
>chaos vs chaos

>play Chaos
>play 15 matches so far
>10 of them were mirror matches
>get paired with Ouch spammers that keep dying
>more songs were added for variety, but somehow got Ink Me Up 7 times in a row

This will be a fun 3 days.

Attached: [cries internally].png (1200x643, 335K)

Literally just do "pro" mode instead of normal. No idea why they named it this way, but basically pro mode means solo queue only. You don't get any clout for losses but you never get pubstomped by a 4 guys on discord either.

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you utter lie.
>All 7 matching odeals is people with fully stacked main weapon up gear. Earn 0 clot, all losses.
>The game places me at like ~1600
>I still only get people with stacked fucking gear

>2 teammates idle then leave

Nigga I never fucking touched this game after finishing the story, the fuck is going on.

But in normal you get some clout even if you lose. In pro you get 0 if you lose

Orderfags and Marinafags will finally see

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>chaos fags right now!

Attached: chaos.jpg (900x576, 143K)


You got that backwards. I only lost twice and one of them were chaoschads.


Attached: splatoon_2_splatfest_ketchup_vs_mayo_results_screenshot1.jpg (1200x675, 151K)

Im level 14 and I just bought a roller last night. I'm sorry user I wanted to try it.


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More evidence

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So when are Marina and Pearl supposed to show up during the match? Is it not happening until the final 12 hours?

Of course you’re getting Chaos mirror matches. Us Orderfags all have jobs

It's a win win situation

>Not around for two work days
>Already missing 16 of the 72 hours
>Have to go to sleep early for work
>Missing 8 more hours
>Still have to sleep on the weekend
>Missing another 16 hours
>Orderfags will miss 40 hours of the Splatfest

>fight team of nips
>get steamrolled
Fuck me :)

Post those setups
surely you aren't using random gear to dab on ch*osfags, right?

Attached: Game Screenshot 2019-07-18 10-41-55.png (1280x720, 990K)

>he played Splatoon for the single player
lol you retard, you missed out on the main portion of the game

Holy shit this ink is so bright. I kind of had a hard time focusing.

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Same. 4 Chaos Rollers with Fish Skulls. At least they're on our side.

>Order f*g
>Black Octoling

of course.

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Here to mention that since whatever side wins takes over inkopolis, order winning means we get to be agents of chaos in Splatoon 3. JSR timeline best timeline

what do you mean missed out, he can still play it


Attached: file.png (557x385, 212K)

one has a higher level than you user

And all three have a higher rank than you.

34* is higher than 36

The guy has a star meaning he's level 134.
I had the game since Octo launched and didn't even reach level 20 yet, it's a case of "Tryhard who plays relogiously every day complains some people just play for fun"

Based retards who bought the game yesterday.

The star means he got to 99 and started over. He's essentially level 133.

t. two of the children on the team with him

>get put on team with someone name claire12
>oh no, a girl
>She sits there running around in circles and jumping into walls

Wait, am I an idiot? I could've sworn defender was higher than fiend.

didn't even know that's possible
I have the game since launch and I'm lvl 43

Defender is higher than Fiend, but that doesn't mean anything other than how long you've been playing the Splatfest.

Amount played today=/=overall skill.

>shaark bytes comes up in turf

Attached: 0GZMib2.gif (500x282, 3.71M)

>took a break from splatoon
>man why'd I ever stop
>Join game
>shitters who play like it's team deathmatch and charge to their death's rather than trying to establish any map control
Fucking hell

I once had a team called SorryIm9, GayNuke and Little Timmy, truly the kiddest of kid squads.

Attached: c8mytKman5dI_img.jpg (168x139, 22K)

>shark bytes isn't playing all 3 days
A travesty if you ask me.

its not?

>It's a team of Japs in a win-streak episode

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No, Spicy Calamari Inkantation plays exclusively on the second day, and Fly Octo Fly on the third day.

fun part of splatoon are ranked battles. Splatfest are only special events.

>mfw I'm the only non-Jap on BOTH teams
>mfw my team loses

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Is Nasty Majesty not playing?

It plays during the first day with a bunch of other songs, iirc.

Please post images of the splatfest. I want to see how octos and inklings look in grey and gold.

I'm on a 10 win streak wtf is going on

Attached: file.png (216x178, 61K)

>unlock at 2040 instead of 2200 like i usually do

Attached: me.png (1024x1024, 658K)

truly the worst feel

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A Nasty Travesty

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I didn't hear it once

Excuse the shitty quality

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Not sure why Yea Forums uploaded in reverse, here's my octo

Attached: IMG_20190718_135932.jpg (720x1280, 448K)

dude, screenshot button
use it

Here's the timing in EST.

Attached: 1555010243445.jpg (600x1555, 1013K)

Attached: splatfest 1.jpg (1280x720, 358K)

It's easier to take a photo with your phone and directly uploading it here, rather than taking a screenshot, uploading it to Twitter, saving it, and posting it. Or alternatively, getting the micro out, transferring it to PC, and then post it.

>Have to stop playing
>Have to upload to twitter or somewhere else and grab it
Do it yourself then you bitch.

People will make fun of you for not taking proper screenshots everytime you do this. Take the effort to take proper screenshots.

Attached: 1556024771868.jpg (600x1512, 948K)

>final splatfest
i hate being a wagie

I had other stuff to transfer so I plugged in my micro

Attached: splatfest 2.jpg (1280x720, 342K)

extremely dumb question, but standard multiplayer servers will still be up after this, right?

Yes, of course. This is just the last special event.

Grab her hand Yea Forums....she'll lead us to Paradise...

Attached: splatfest 3.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Yes. Splatoon 1's servers are still up and the final Splatfest for that was 3 years ago.

Then laugh as much as you want, it's still easier and faster. If it's something I want to specifically show because it interest me, then sure I'll make an effort because I want others to see it well, but if it's to show something to other user that doesn't concern me then take it or leave it. I won't go through all those steps just to satisfy a rando.


Attached: he's done it.png (223x572, 94K)

The abilities on these suck but this is what I would use for a max chaos outfit if you were allowed to change the shirt.

Attached: chaos.jpg (1280x720, 265K)

get some paste and brush yo teeth

Attached: 1544302285545.gif (250x250, 942K)

>living in a wasteland, where you can trust no one, where you could get killed any time, where everyone will steal everyone's supplies, living in dirt, trying to make shelter out of cardboard or metal scraps
Lmao Chaosfags are delusional
>not wanting a comfy, safe life, with a loving family, friends you can trust, safety wherever you go, a fridge full of food and a sturdy home
Lmaoing even harder

Why are they named after baby books? They could have at least used English class-core novels. Treehouse confirmed manchildren I guess.

>Treehouse confirmed manchildren
This didn't need confirmation.

I'm noticing it's becoming a thing to booyah sarcastically - people go too far into the enemy side and get mowed down only to cheer. Especially when losing

>comfy, safe life
>under the leadership of a dictator who no doubt is angry at her peoples crummy life for the past hundred years.
>implying you'll even be allowed to go out with friends and family
I guess orderfags are used to their parents making every decision for them. Why would they want that to change in the future?

You imply as if your team won't go towards extremism as well.
Neutral is the only true choice for those who don't want their lives as they know it to end. So of course, it's unavailable to us.

Chaosbros.....how can we even compete....?

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This. I missed the entire thing since I was all focused on Splatoon and didn't browse Yea Forums for once. Just learnt about it just now. I am utterly shocked. I almost can't believe this. It's terrible.

They booyah to get the synchronicity bonus or something

>whole team silver Aearospray
>all release ultimate at once
>so many curling bombs

peace was never an option.jpg

I woke up and immediately started playing too. Holy shit, that's crazy.

I shouldnt be surprised at the amount of orderfags on Yea Forums missing the point of both Splatoon and Yea Forums and yet here we are.

what is chaos even doing?

Attached: file.png (1258x710, 780K)

having sex

sorry user, I want video game threads on Yea Forums and not off topic shit

It's just a video game. Everyone's taking this shit too seriously, the most that's probably going to happen is an aesthetic change for Splatoon 3.

looks like it was a 4:3 match

Reminder to never stop inking, you never know how close it will be.

Attached: close.jpg (1280x720, 266K)

You're the one assuming there would a dictator, and if anything, nothing says s/he would be bad. On the contrary, law ensures that every citizen lives a nice life, where everything is taken care of and they don't have to fear anything. Just live peacefully, don't do anything illegal, and you'll have guaranteed stability and happiness, surrounded by people you love and comfort. That's much better that running around a scrapyard looking for rotten food because you have nowhere to go, no one you can trust, while being covered in dirt and shit and wearing rags.
Order can be either good or bad.
Chaos can only be bad.
Chaos can't bring a positive change if there's nothing to change because everything has gone down the shitter. I really don't know what the fuck you expect. Seriously, Chaosfags are just a bunch of kids upset that their mommies didn't give them the latest iPhone so they want to start a revolution and "fuck da police". How pathetic.

>one of the guys on my team was named "cunny"
Which one of you fuckers did this

I’ve got a great idea. Let’s just say fuck the rules and declare Order the winner regardless of the results. Who gives a shit about the rules, amirite?

I don't know how many matches I won because the enemy team didn't inked their base

>get to royalty in an hour and a half tops
>rest of the weekend is taken up by the worst mode
>it's not even all shifty station, 50% of the time will just be normal turf war

>orderfags can only win when they're against a disconnect

Attached: howembarrassing.jpg (500x458, 67K)

>chaos isn't even golden
>their ink is fucking copper
Oh no no no

If believe it if Chaosfags weren’t braindead enough to not only not get splats but also to not even use their special

>chaosfags so delusional they think that someone with 0 splats is a dc

>check map
>wonder why we're doing so bad so fast
>find 2 members of my team circling each other in Squid form not even trying to play
Why do I even fucking bother

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So I’ve never played splatoon, but these constant updates and events kinda remind me of glory days tf2. Is it as comfy and should I play it?

>getting this mad at friendly banter
>taking things this seriously as if anything is actually at stake
Why are orderfags so delusional?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 373K)

>get blown the fuck out by logic
>i-it was just banter
Good to know you don’t have any brains on your side

0 splats AND 0 special is next to always a dc

If Chaos wins the setting for the next game will be inspired by Mad Max-Hokuto no Ken stuff. Shit if they used 2pac and Biggie as inspirations then have no doubts about a mad max setting.

This is the last event but it's got a lot of content and unique mechanics so it's worth playing. The playerbase won't be going away any time soon.

Chaos is doing a bad job of proving why people should join their team. Step it up, surely you can do better than this.

What logic all I see is opinions considering orderfags ar one-track minded when it comes to interpreting chaos

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Well, if it's worth anything, both Splatoon and TF2 are my all-time favorite games, so you could say they share some essence.

>thinking a massive wall of text is "logic"
>he's still this mad
lmao. Those losses getting to you yet?

>all I see is opinions
Just because you’re too dumb to understand the point doesn’t make it an opinion

>time to log into my second account and throw some matches for team order
nothing personal team order, but I hope you like some CHAOS

Here's a reason.

Attached: 1562938945126.jpg (3840x2160, 718K)

>character not even from Splatoon
This proves nothing.

Fear not, user. We’ll be canceling each other out

>there are STILL players with [WUT] in their names.
>I STILL dont know what this is
And this game is how old?

>kill enemy team members
>finish charging booyah bomb
>throw it back in front of their spawn and kill them again

Attached: 1546905124262.jpg (181x188, 27K)

There is no point considering chaos doesn’t lead to just bad things happening all the time you big baby

>need to sabotage the other side in order to win

Attached: image.jpg (749x375, 32K)

>having to read more than two lines makes his tiny brain hurt, so he dismisses it
I'm very sorry for you, user. Must be all the rotten food you scavenged for making you dumber by the day.

It's literally a group dedicated to throwing. Assume the worst whenever you see that tag.

Woomies United Today.
Basically a clan for squidpartiers. If you see one one your team, give up hope.

what does Splatoon 3 look like if Order wins? Communism?

Attached: 1554412395851.gif (500x278, 647K)

It does when it rules society as a whole you big dummy

Cyberpunk dystopia
Or 1984
Or just Inkopolis with more sci-fi tech
Nobody knows

splatoon 3 hasn't even started development, plus there's still more stuff coming to splatoon 2


>ad hominems
>more larping

Good morning bros, hows the fest going so far?

Attached: 594FB485-ED3B-452B-AE91-00BFCF67B052.png (500x637, 288K)

Who can’t handle the bants now?

Not bad, not bad at all.

Attached: fa1f9cf9-d1bc-4790-bb3c-3108a04395d3.png (900x900, 394K)

Chaos and Order, instead of debating properly, are lazily shitflinging in this thread.
As for the fest itself, it's going well so far. Kicking Chaos' asses right now.

It's great but this is gonna be the last update to the game. So you're a bit late to the ride friend.

It's not really larping. If you unironically think a chaotic world is good then I'd like to see how you fare irl. Everything I mentioned is how you'd be living.
This is why Chaosfags are so delusional, they think they're all edgy and shit but they wouldn't last a day living in post apocalyptic conditions.

Hey man. I'm just having a good time baiting you along between matches. No need to get angry at the fact that I'm not taking you seriously.

>Orderfag misunderstands chaos in response to a post about misunderstanding chaos
Literal pottery

>massive losing streak
Sorry orderbros. I never expected to be constantly matched up against clanfags.

I think someone else said it best.
In Mad Max, you aren't going to be Mad Max. You're going to be the dude chained to the bumper of a car.

I won my first 10x battle! But it's been drowned out by the constant stream of 100x wins for Order.

Awesome, I’m glad you can get some enjoyment out of looking like a horses ass. That way we both enjoy our time here.

Like modern day London.

Bros....she's so cute.....

Attached: chaos pearl.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

Glad to see your finally getting over the fact that order is a lie and are stooping down to insulting anyone who disagrees with you. How chaotic! ;)

This user gets it.

Why do you retards think chaos is mad max. Pearl LITERALLY says she doesn't want anarchy she just wants things to be different and unpredictable day by day.

Man, I wish I was at home playing this. Definitely going to call in sick tomorrow

You think she'll have a choice in the matter? She's not the only one on Chaos. She's in something bigger than herself. If it all goes wrong, who's to say she'll be able to stop it? Will she even stop it? After all, controlling a situation is more orderly than chaotic.

Order is the only way we’re having this silly slapfight instead of beating each other with clubs, my friend.

Is it too late to join?

god I hate these french G&K fags so damn much

Oh fun fun. On this site, even in these threads I don’t expect proper debates really.
First thing I did when I got on was win my first ever 10x so that’s fun. Not sure how I’ve never gotten one until now, but I can tell most of team chaos is a bunch of shitters, barely was able to carry their fatasses

Attached: 60803BD9-7C31-48E8-945D-82A64937E8DF.jpg (725x1024, 84K)

>Get into into my first and only 10x battle as my first match the entire day
>Been playing for 5 hours
>not had another since
I kinda hate it...

Not at all, it goes on until Sunday morning. Still plenty of time left.

Yeah and Marina says she just wants to keep what she has but that doesn’t stop Chaosfags from saying she wants a totalitarian regime.

We’re all ad hominiming each other for fun

Fuck it. I know I’m late, but I’m about to buy this game. I want in on some fun

And that can only lead to disaster. In order to have a happy, fulfilling life you need stability. Wanting life to be unpredictable is literally the mindset of a teenager who does drugs, or like Pearl, a rich kid who was spoilt since birth and normal life bores him because to them there's no sense of discovery anymore, no wonder in life, so he looks for other things that amuse him till it escalates out of control. They can't appreciate things that actually matter in life. It's a pathetic mentality to have.

Holy shit get a load of the wagie

What I don’t get is why you people can’t be creative about the setting. Chaos doesn’t automatically mean a mad max setting, it could mean more of a ruined, run down, broken inkopolis, maybe more akin to bioshock style run down.

Attached: 8CA61E7F-DEB5-45AB-ACE5-DDB1538B4177.jpg (680x1024, 85K)

That's not even a rebuttal. You ignored everything from the post to try and get in a quick zinger that says more about you than anything else.

>for fun
some of us are doing it for fun. others are being autistic and serious about a hypothetical situation in a kid's game.

Attached: 2019062723272200-CBA841B50A92A904E313AE06DF4EF71A.jpg (1280x720, 242K)

By leaving replies on an image board? Communication isn't limited to an orderly world. Have you ever visited a public restroom?

You'll only be missing on Splatfests after this one, but there's still so much to do in this game, you won't regret it. Different game modes on multiplayer, a long single player campaign, an amazing coop mode which is the best thing in the game, and if you decide to go for the DLC you'll get an expansion actually full of content and lore. Plus veemos.

Lotsa words to say you like black girls

>as hominum

People mention Mad Max because it’s a story about world of total, brutal anarchy. The helmets that Chaos has look like something from that world. Nobody says it has to be a dessert

Not to mention the barbed wire around Pearl's flags.

Are 3v4 matches counted in the Results? Also, I am really tired of playing 3v4 and 2v4.

The gear for Chaos is akin to Mad Max than Bioshock

Attached: 0d322b79-3223-4d40-8450-1f762fe9f8d5.png (1637x800, 1.34M)

That’s good to hear. Do splatfests offer anything exclusive?

>being autistic and serious about a hypothetical situation in a kid's game.
It just bothers me knowing there are people who actually think like this irl, is all. People who genuinely can't appreciate the nice things life has to offer and would rather live in constant fear, hunger, dirt, etc. It's like they WANT to be miserable. That or they think they'd be edgy heroes when in reality this is more likely

>nobody says it has to be a desert
Tell that to the people who are usually in these threads talking about how a cyberpunk city is a better backdrop than a desert wasteland

>can’t comprehend that both sides are chuckling to themselves and smiling while writing dem sick bantz

>Have you ever visited a public restroom?
Those also wouldn’t exist in a society devoid of order ;)

>woke up early so I could enjoy a relaxing breakfast and cup of coffee with my first few matches
>keep getting put into mirror matches
>any time I fight the opposing side it's 4 people with moonrune names that dab on my squad, ink 90% of the map in the first 20 seconds then just relentlessly keep my team from leaving spawn

Maybe things'll be better when more westerners are playing in the afternoon and evening.

Attached: 1562359971522.jpg (1280x720, 102K)


BEEG beebo

Attached: fishnet8.jpg (887x2048, 123K)

>wall writing doesn't exist in a world without order
Lol what?


The reward, depending on your final rank and whether or not you were on the winning team, is this item called Super Sea Snail. You can use those to add slots to your gear, or reroll its abilities in hopes you get a setup that works for your play style. I'm not sure you can get them any other way, so many people are saving them like crazy now.

Yeah I know but again, we’re all strawmanning for funposting purposes

don't do this, splatfests shouldn't be taken this seriously and it completely ruins what should just be a series of fun matches

>beat a Japanese team into the ground
Chalk one up for West boys. Too bad it was a mirror match.

Blame NOA for making Splatfests into super serious dramafests. They don't get that it's supposed to be for fun.

>Only NOA can make people heated enough to cause a serious dramafest
Blame yourself for lacking control of your emotions. What a weak excuse.

The ink is so pretty now, holy shit.

Attached: __iida_splatoon_series_and_etc_drawn_by_dclzexon__157ccc3b3c7e59c8d277e787b60c2fbe.png (1274x1826, 1.55M)

you're team chaos right?
I've had a couple mirror matches already as well. Wondering if there's a very low percentage of team order. Would be a shame if the teams are this skewed, splatoon 1's final splatfest was extremely close throughout.

Attached: Callie's coat.png (2481x1749, 1.44M)

I had 2 mirror matches on chaos this morning before work.

You think NOA constantly playing up the drama between Splatfests and adding in dumb shit like Splatfest Law doesn't affect the perception of Splatfests amongst the fanbase? You're delusional. And I can't control how other people act. They have a role in making these Splatfests so heated.

I never said I’d be canceling him out by throwing matches on his side. On the contrary, I’ll be carrying his ass to unwanted victory because I’m amazing

I can't commit to either side I'm so lost anons

Well great. Only got 3 matches in before work. Won a x10 and the rest were mirror matches. I’m having a feeling chaos is the more popular team, unless you orderfrens are also getting a lot of mirror matches?

Attached: 155429B7-19BF-41AA-A051-CD26443D09FD.png (868x634, 237K)

Chaos vs Chaos? That's Chaos. Chaos built into the system.

Attached: nsf terrorist deus ex.png (1024x768, 593K)

Play pro mode you retard. Pro is solo que only.

Flip a coin

Play salmon run, they have a special one going on right now

Why is it so hard to find orderfags to fight? It's like nobody fucking picked order.

Because all the kids and teens picked Chaos. They'll win anyway, because the current system gives the most popular team the win 90% of the time.

What's different about it? The rewards?

Why am I always on the losing team?

We’re at work, user

Chaos is without a doubt the more popular one. Here and in other platforms it's all chaos, even most randoms I have added on the Switch are chaos. I'm order and I haven't had a single mirror, not seen any other order claim to have one, only chaos.
I can only hope this ends like Mayo vs Ketchup

It’s all gonna be grizzco weapons

Attached: 211EF772-D590-49F0-9A93-C64BF0EF1AE1.png (750x1334, 572K)

what happens when you win or lose a mirror match anyway? do they even affect anything at all?

Poor Callie so flat.

Attached: tapioca sisters.jpg (1000x1000, 535K)

I believe it doesn't count at all, it's like not really playing.

Seeing how bad some of the people are on my team I don’t have much hope...

Attached: 25598751-2686-4C0D-9344-3284976EFC3F.jpg (768x1024, 148K)

I love the special feeling of camaraderie you get with Splatfest teams that stick together for a while. I just spent a good hour playing with the same people. It's so different when you're not shuffled around.

Attached: 1533237569060.jpg (420x300, 20K)

They affect literally nothing

>I can only hope this ends like Mayo vs Ketchup
That splatfest ended up the way it did (and many others) because of the way it worked before 5.0. Least popular used to always win. Now the more popular team is favored.

Attached: 1555979411168.jpg (902x787, 710K)

>splatoon 1 music

Hey user, here's a better version of this.

Attached: D_r2Q43XsAIKlDe.jpg orig_waifu2x_art_noise1_tta_1.jpg (1536x2048, 2.38M)

Thank ya kindly user, could just be mobile compression since I’m mobilefagging at work

Attached: 931188B4-3C3D-4248-B51A-2ADC72CF6EA7.jpg (1024x629, 57K)

Who knows, I have been on the experience of losing constantly yet winning a splat fest in the end.

Attached: ff95e115-0180-477d-a1b1-58090874e5f9.png (1700x1100, 1.46M)

It's not as much as people might think. It's actually pretty equal now. Hell, in Japan the most popular team still loses more often than not.

Attached: D-3FY6kU4AANW9e.jpg orig_waifu2x_art_noise1_tta_1.png (1900x1800, 1.56M)

Then how would you know how bad the people are on your team?

I am order and have mirrored within my first 5 games.

If you win it just increases your personal level progression, it doesn't add or subtract from your team's points

And then you get a connection error. It makes me genuinely sad.

Might be. Here's another better version.

Attached: 75317526_p0.png (2288x1406, 851K)

I hope come Splatoon 3 they implement Grizzco into the Splatfests, like having teams work independently of each other to get Salmon Run points. It would at least make sense as to why Grizzco is even running during Splatfests.

Of course, given that salmon runs and engaging the salmonids is of dubious legal status in-universe might not be best to have the two game's idols screaming about it from a TV screen.

Callie is less of a woman

Attached: 1521361029237.jpg (1360x1924, 479K)

Attached: cuddle pearlie.png (899x2362, 1.34M)

That's not true, don't pull this shit.

That is blatantly untrue.

Attached: Callie17.png (2345x2239, 1.76M)

Probably because I played a couple matches before work? Scroll up a bit and you’ll see I said it in here

Grizzco's open during Splatfest because Grizz doesn't give two shits about Inkling society's traditions and wants you to collect his damn eggs. Plenty of people are willing so he may as well.

>he never established a telepathic link with the Splatoon severs so he can sneak a peek at whoever's winning whenever the need arises
Fucking casuals

Attached: 1554095160710.png (1280x775, 663K)

Marie always with the correct choices.

Attached: tubeveemer.jpg (1000x1018, 85K)

>Loved Splatoon
>Got the DLC
>Stopped playing for a long ass while
>Haven't played any Splatfest for months
How bad am I gonna get my ass beat?
Jesus Christ, this fucker is going to go full Ulysses on everyone in Splat 3 ain't he?

>marie not on ass when she wears spats under her skirt

Fuuuuuck at work can’t wait to play when I get off. How’s it looking chaos bros?

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

Attached: largevapor.jpg (600x449, 22K)

You’ll be fine splatfest brings out all the kids shitters stay at home moms

you're gonna get a loooooootta mirror matches

Just got on. Despite my shitty connection, I must play!

Attached: D4iI1fUUYAARgoq.jpg (1200x675, 187K)

They had to put her on Tits because hers are bigger

But you're being just as much of a faggot framing order as "the nice things in life" when your gear is literally called the Eye of Justice and Hivemind Antenna. Your "nice things in life" is the USSR with boots to the citizen's necks throwing you in the Gulags if you fall out of line. You can't be surprised that the western world nuts for muh freedom and goes chaos when you've literally got China becoming a big brother state and citizens afraid to speak out and lose social credit.


Splatting people with MOM or DAD in their name is the best

Why does she have a nutsack?

We're gonna win this EASY.

>sexualizing squidkids

We're winning but not for long. I've been carrying my team mates at every match so far.

Attached: 1556202845555.png (1125x1274, 593K)

>NEWS FLASH! 100x win for order
>NEWS FLASH! 100x win for order
>NEWS FLASH! 100x win for order
>NEWS FLASH! 100x win for order
W-We're gonna be okay, right?

Attached: suid.pnj.png (1280x1268, 1.02M)

pearl isnt ugly! shes cute!

Ay she cute

>literally tribes today in 2019 who live peacefully without the oversight of a large government, simply banding together and living by their own customs
>Every totalitarian forced order system in history has collapsed due to corruption
>Orderfags still think they have the high ground and portray chaos as degenerate

Attached: 1561568094816.jpg (1280x720, 139K)


Jesus fucking Christ I swear people are throwing team chaos right now. I was just on a team with three fucking squid floppers who sat in spawn for half the game. One person was afk completely. Are waifufags so desperate for Marina to win that they joined the other team just to purposefully lose?

>literally tribes today in 2019 who live peacefully without the oversight of a large government, simply banding together and living by their own customs
That's a form of Order, you dumb fuck, and the only reason they're still around is because our current Order says to leave them alone. If this were Chaos, they'd have already been conquered under the boots of some warlord.

>Europe shirts are sold out
>They didn't even let people know they were available
>Not even a single fucking tweet
Holy shit Nintendo how do you fuck up this badly

This is the same fucking problem I've encountered. My team mates have been total retards.

>chaosniggers stay in danger the whole match because they only focus on one side and we take the entire map
Can't wait for the Tokyo Millenium in Splatoon 3.

We both know both sides are doing this. Hell we had a Chaosfag say he was in this very thread.

>choaskiddies getting mad when people act chaotic
How's those no rules treating ya?

Attached: 1557610409278.jpg (316x309, 69K)

*ahem* chaos always finds a way

Attached: boom.jpg (480x360, 33K)

>link now 404's
>only for order
>only in small
Soon user, its not time yet

I'm a neuterchad so I relish in the creation of a new world only to bring it back to humanity.

Alright orderbros I just got back from work and I'm ready to offer my decent fantastic skills.

I was seeing the opposite this morning.

Better than how your mom sucks my pp!

Attached: 1554607641046.png (692x568, 243K)

Everyone sees different news flashes, don't expect a victory for either team based on just what you saw.

Why do you think the order side gets to have varying degrees but chaos must be 100% lawlessness

>10 wins in a row


Attached: tumblr_mzett0u4Zi1rtjnyeo2_500.gif (500x375, 383K)

>10x battle
>half my team gets less than 2 splats
>keep getting notifications that chaos is winning 100x battles

Attached: another orderfag hunt complete.jpg (1200x675, 167K)

That's not what I said. Assigning Chaos as the reason for those tribes being tribes and being left alone is retarded.

At least I'm glad it's not just me. I bought Splatoon 2 quite recently and have been doing quite okay, but now that the splatfest started I got stomped almost every match.

how did that guy get the order helmet?

orderfags are you okay?

Attached: 1537884474058.jpg (774x850, 197K)


My point is that they didn't need a government to force order on them. They're able to live relatively free just agreeing what's cool and not cool to do.

orderfag here
it's really funny I'm getting a ton of those and every single one lists at least two japs on the team

The orderfags are fucking obliterating us right now, what are you talking about? Every time I see a newsflash, it's team order who's winning the 100x battles. People joined our team just to fucking throw, because they want their overrated waifu to win THAT badly.

The government has forced order to make sure people leave them alone and let them continue to be a tribe.
Of course, I won't deny that Order at its worst would probably crush said tribe. But Order in some form is the only reason that tribe is still around.

you get both sets regardless of team if you open the gift box from the news

>keep getting splooshomatic shitters and n-zap fags
Come the fuck on Order.
I had to switch from tenta brella to splattershot junior because of this shit


Attached: rabid horde REPELLED.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

So they're living in an orderly manner, cool. Order is order, doesn't matter if the government is involved or not, truth is they're living peaceful, orderly lives. Not in chaos.

Holy fuck Chaos really does just zerg rush people

Why are they so perfect, Yea Forums?

Attached: ezgif.com-optimize (1).gif (600x338, 2.97M)

top kek
nice shot user

Attached: elon_dies.gif (728x408, 3.09M)

For real? I've been winning literally every match. I guess it's time to use my little bro's account and throw away some games.

C-Chaosfags...I'm scared. I don't want the waifu pickers to win. Though we have more numbers than they do, Order is visibly full of japs that play the game far more than we do. We need to step up our game, bros. Stop zerg rushing and coordinate.

>going full SherlockHolmes2AGameOfShadows with the squiffer against chaosfags
holy fuck, it shouldnt be this fun to beat weaklings but it is

Attached: snepper.gif (320x180, 1.32M)

You think Chaos isn't also full of waifu pickers? There's a lot of people who picked Chaos for Pearl and Callie.

Delete this shit NOW

How do you make webms user?

That metallic shine to the ink is so fucking cool



Attached: golden.jpg (474x258, 11K)

Thhat ink is fucking great.

Attached: 1542584003570.png (1190x1670, 2.39M)

>tfw won the match with a 0.2% different
chaos chads always win baby

It's really stunning in bubbles.

hey pearlfag if you're here i got a new one for you

Attached: D_waXrZUwAIY1VE.jpg (1200x899, 222K)

I hate it. It looks like we're just splashing around make-up everywhere. It's too glossy.

>get squidbagged by Japanese player
>find and kill him and squidbag him back, twice
Eat shit nips.


You are playing with EU.



Attached: HERETIC BURGER.jpg (280x268, 82K)

I'll have two numba eights..

Attached: 1562567739944m.jpg (729x1024, 85K)

No, Platinum is better than gold.

You're the same kind of brainlet that thinks anarchy means mad max murder in the streets lawlessness

>Chaos's garbage ink color
Whatever you say, bronzelet.

Did they all fucking pick order or some shit? Out the almost 10 fucking games I've played, I've only won one

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Attached: D_FGJQGXkAAqq9O.jpg orig.jpg (2000x2624, 415K)

Team Order's secret battle plan leaked.


and because the sound is just that sweet

Attached: dumb chaosfag.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

wait are you fucking serious

is this the future?

He's just joking.

well Yea Forums?

Attached: D_x1L27VAAANhFU.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

This is the silliest shit ever.

good, i almost died because i missed the last 2 splatfests and this is the only one i'll get to play

Attached: 1557958814654.jpg (400x400, 11K)

Attached: 75167715_p0.png (2000x1197, 2.77M)

>retards shooting a mile away from where I am
>still get killed
Not surprised really, but its annoying.

Also why the fuck am I only being put in chaos vs chaos matches?

Because Chaos is wildly popular compared to Order.

>lost a 10x battle
really love feeling like the past hour of wins was fucking wasted time.

Yeah I chose your sister.

Oh shit he's on to us!

I'll be back from work soon. Chaoscunts better hide before I log on.

No worries bro we'll still win. Unless you're order in which case good job

fucking Nintendo and their future telling cardboard

>3 will let me play in a Mad Max-style wasteland if I pick Chaos
>3 will let me play as a Jet Set Radio-styled rudie if I pick Order
Please help me pick

Attached: 1531447356139.jpg (641x478, 58K)

fuck chaos

Attached: 1553277128559.png (1300x1548, 720K)

If those are the two outcomes I'm picking order when I get home.

Jet Set Radio can happen on both you uncreative bastard, just flip a coin

>Order overwhelmingly more popular in Japan
>Chaosfags think they have a prayer of a chance

Just won a 100x battle.

Chaos will prevail. The Japanese may be an orderly society but deep within their soul yearns for it. Why do you think they make all that freaky porn?

Just got a time ten too chaosbro


Attached: 1445826008614.gif (216x178, 717K)

>another squiffer bro

Overthrowing Marina's Mirror's Edge world will be fun.


Attached: 1557359557231.jpg (1008x600, 100K)

Holy fuck, that's beautiful
Reminds me of when some chaosfag tried to use their baller on just me, popped all 4 layers with my squiffer and that was that

>switch keeps dropping connection repeatedly
what's the fucking point

Then Order has won either way.

Either they’ll win the splatfest and Nintendo writes the story so that Chaos gets resentful for losing and becomes evil or they’ll lose the splatfest and Nintendo writes the story so that Chaos goes mad with power and becomes evil because Nintendo only cares about Japan

>managed to snag at least five X10 wins against order

Attached: 41627CC3-9E51-4E37-83AD-1780C353D620.jpg (2000x2439, 329K)

Why is labo so good for cute shit
why is splatoon the cutest
I wanna ditch work and go home and play


Attached: 1560031911806.jpg (285x384, 43K)

Quit my job just in time to play this splatfest?

If you don't play it for the entire 72 hours you are a disgrace.

god DAMN it I keep losing


Attached: jevil trigger.gif (560x442, 185K)


Just lost hard to some Japanese super soldiers glad they're on chaos though

I'm halfway through Champion and I think I can count how many wins I've had on one hand.

Attached: 1554418806221.jpg (866x707, 113K)

>love Chaos
>part of me wanna join Order because that's a pretty chaotic thing to do
Decisions, decisions

It hates dealing with Nintendo’s shitty service or is actively trying to make your team lose. Put it in it’s place!

I think I'll try to make King today but I don't have the will help me order bros, we're getting our asses kicked and I'm so so tired that fucking stage with the lines is rigged against us

I don't know why it keeps doing it, only my switch is doing it as well. Every 3 matches or so it drops connection entirely, kicking me out the game. It only drops for a couple seconds but it's enough to ruin the match. Fucking sucks as I have decent internet normally but it's making the splatfest unplayable.

join chaos but intentionally throw matches

im a failure. i asked for these days off but work didnt give me em

Attached: 1551076271424.jpg (384x542, 47K)

yes of course, the retarded nigger is going to win because of her selfish desire to keep her life balanced.

How does the invincibility special work in this game? It's nothing like in the first game. I get that it has startup now so it isn't as "broken" but it seems like it lasts literally two seconds.

Meanwhile that giant hammer lasts for ten years.

So far I've really liked the gusher shifty and the one with the dash pads.

Too late, I already joined Order. Besides I don't need to "intentionally" throw.

What special are you talking about?

>doesn't want her life destroyed
shit guess every person on earth is selfish
do you realize how retarded you sound

Dang, I can’t really help you there. I had a couple of times where my switch acted like that but I couldn’t pin down what was wrong with it since my internet was decent as well. Best “advice” I can give is that it to play it at another time and hope for the best. Sorry.

Of course it is, japs are all about conformity

When will the friendship bracelet come back
I want octo feet

I made a /c/ thread for Chaos vs Order fanart. Feel free to post your own if you have some, though check the thread to make sure you don't accidentally post a duplicate.

Attached: D_s3H4wUIAAT_aR.jpg orig_waifu2x_art_noise1_tta_1.jpg (1200x1366, 1.18M)

appreciated. thanks user

Thanks for showing me the art user

I'm sorry chaosbros I'm so fucking bad at this game

Unfortunately you're stuck trying to get it randomly in the capsules and that piece of shit bear will give you literally anything else except the piece of gear you want.

well i calliefagged my total of 2 images i had that werent already posted

Attached: 1550647491587.png (1120x1574, 878K)

I guess you could say they lack Order.

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Ink Armor. Reading the description now, looks like it only protects from a single attack. I could swear in the first game it put a bubble around you for like five whole seconds. Guess I could have just read it instead of asking.

I'm getting fucked too
Damn nips and their good gear

Attached: 1562435588195.jpg (640x513, 59K)

>Reading the description now, looks like it only protects from a single attack.
It essentially gives you double health for a short while.
But yeah, there is no true invincibility super in 2.
Even Boohya Bomb and the Stamp only give extra health, you can still kill them.

I don't think any of the specials are fully invincible in this game (in fact, a few of them don't even give you armor).
The closest to true invincibility are the hammer, as you mentioned, which only protects you from the front, and the baller, which is still just a shield, just a pretty big one.
I think the armor you get from booyah bomb is also pretty big, but it's a short-lived special that makes you immobile, so I didn't really count it.


Booya bomb is 500hp armor, rollers do like 2.5x damage to it chargers 1.3x but regular shooters do 0.6x.

Just keep playing normal and keep building up Clout.

The new music sucks

Excuse me? Fight me right now.

I do, I just want her to lose

Go away Tartar you SOULESS Bot

Attached: F4020334-91C5-4528-A025-0F4F2D712532.gif (477x269, 1.67M)

Do you mean the Splatoon 1 splatfest music? I don't really like it either. If you meant Shark Bytes, kill yourself.

>finally won my first 100x battle
It's a fleeting but wonderful feel
Orderfag btw

>not liking splat1's music

Attached: 1540703511980.png (499x591, 161K)

Just hit Queen with my veemo. Ended on a really good note with a team order victory for a 100x battle. Excellent way to end my splatfest career. RIP splatfest.

Your making Marina proud.

naisu my brother

Attached: thanosmile.jpg (2932x2932, 862K)

Holy shit this flooder shifty station is cancer

Excellent work
Best girl thanks you for your service

Attached: 1561531080051.gif (480x480, 204K)

Well, she should not have gotten in the box.

Jesus, 100x battles are intense

Why are the little Octarians on Order's side while Octavio is in Chaos?

>everyone on my team is below level 30
>enemy team is all above 60 and one guy at 88 with a star
Haha, at least they were chaoschads :)

My first round was a 10x
Like, the very first match

>just won a x100 for chaos
feels good

why can't my switch hold a connection for more than an hour?
I just want to play the splatfest dammit

I don't really get the point of the one with the spreaders.

It's definitely difficult to push past mid and into the enemy's flooder area. Many matches come close.

My heart says chaos but my brain says order what do

Splat Tim option when

Octavio is just the Octo king, his people don't nessicarily agree with him. Why do you think all the Octolings wear hypnoshades?

Because he knew if himself and the whole Octarian army were on one team, there’s a higher chance that squids would wise up and recognize which was the true evil side

>about to reach bump limit.
Gonna make a new thread once this archives

Your heart is your true nature.

> have had the game since launch
> triple digit hour count
> winning about 70% of splatfest matches so far
> "lol look at these retards who aren't over level 100, they just got the game"
> took me like 80 hours to hit level 30
o-ok I guess

Attached: 1554130035880.jpg (145x145, 6K)

Splat Tim says flip a coin/go with your gut feeling!

Attached: E0AB0349-5F77-4427-82AF-170D8C8622B8.jpg (500x587, 69K)

Octavio wants to overthrow Inkopolis.

My heart said Order, but the T-shirt said Chaos.
But EU never got the fucking shirts, so I'm order now.

Buy an ethernet port

Trust your brain, it knows whats best for you and your brethren.

Attached: hugo-shin-megami-tensei-iv-8-1374751229.jpg (210x240, 11K)

>time to warm up and fuck some kids up
>first match is a 10x god damn it
>barely won
feels good man, order btw

>shifty station has bouncy pads
>mfw bouncing off and hitting things 100 miles away with the jump shot on my dynamo roller
>mfw even splatted someone at some point

Attached: 1563473671405.gif (310x292, 28K)

i wish the octo expansion was on sale. i want to be a weyyo.

>splattershot pro
>this fucking asshole is just jumping up and down
>kills me from halfway across the stage

Attached: 1550394322630.jpg (237x173, 24K)

It is on sale on Target's website.



new thread

i aint seeing it

Don't overextend. Most maps are really defensible close to the spawn point. Overextending gets you killed.

The last 30 seconds are what matters most. Till then, focus on maintaining turf over pushing. Getting a kill at 30 to 10 seconds left is supremely optimal.

Oh, I guess not anymore. It was 15.99 a couple days ago.

This Shifty Station is pure shit, like the rest before it. Thank god these backward ass maps won't be included in the godforsaken mess that is Turf War.