Animal Crossing is a great game that teaches valuable life lessons
Animal Crossing is a great game that teaches valuable life lessons
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Please direct me to loans that have no interest and let me pay them back at my leisure
Federal student loans are capped at around 6% interest rate and the federal government reimburses you up to $2,500 per year of interest paid. If your loan is under $41,000, then you do effectively have 0% interest. And you can pay it off at your leisure, just defer your payments if you want. Lenders happily oblige, since that means more months of interest accrual (which uncle Sam ends up having to pay)
This is how boomers actually believe
Damn, how could we be so blind, all we had to do was pay a 200,000 dollar loan with 8.5% APR using basket weaving degrees
they're right though nobody forced you to make a dumb investment
user I was 18 and my family told me if I didn't do this I was disowned
Goyim should be grateful that they're allowed to have any money or education at all. Goyim exist to work for their Jewish masters.
Jewish free loan society (only jews need apply)
Plenty of folks are forced into college right out of highschool, are you living under a rock?
If you're 18, what the fuck do you need your family for?
so your family is shit why should everyone else pay for that
>18 year is old enough to vote, drink alcohol and have sex
Then you're a retard! Congrats, you lost the genetic lottery!
By who? How? Why? College is basically a massive gamble where you wager tens of thousands of dollars on the bet that you get a decent job.
t. unaccomplished incels
Boomers are retards who like to wax poetic about how they were independent by the time they were 18 but dont like to think about how much stronger the job market was in their time, or how their parents enabled them in ways they "can't afford" nowadays due to the state of the economy which is LARGELY their fault.
>forced into loan without complete knowledge of what you are getting into
>loan company knowingly gives loans under these circumstances
>schools know it and charge insane ammounts since you arent even seeing most of the bill anyway
>entire livelyhood is based on going to college
>presented with the idea you have no choice
user its retarded as fuck. As usual the reason people are conservatives are because they are extreme us and them tribalists with little empathy for people outside their small tribe.
Student debt should be a national issue, its fucked our economy for like 2 or more decades already.
Dont feel bad user. We are all in the same boat. That user is a retard.
Kill everyone over 50 at this point
MFW loan cucks seething.
user, kys. How many kids out of highschool truly realise they are getting into 10s of thousands of debt? I was told I would be easily pulling 100k a year on a fucking CS meme degree. We are lied to and believe it.
Your retarded highschool dropout ass can acr smug as if you are smarter, but you would have done the same thing if you hadent failed everything else.
he just wants the world to fit his pre-conceptions
pay denbts Papadoulos
This. My parents life insurance is basically what they should have saved up for me anyway instead of wasting everything pay check to pay check on retarded shit that we have nothing to show for today.
K, I don't have to money to pay it back, now what?
Just defer or do 0 income based payment assuming you dont have a job
So you're saying you were too smart to not fall into debt?
Don't worry, the housing crash is going to do that for us. Can't reap investments in real estate if everyone's broke now can we.
Im too smart to understand what your asking
Cause if no one has any money, your economy is going to grind to a halt.
I will never understand this 'force your kid out of the house as soon as they're 18' meme. Do these people not care about the wellbeing and success of their kids in this messed up climate?
I don't understand the concept of student loans. You borrow money so you can study, but you have to repay it at the same time you are studying? Wouldn't make more sense to repay them once you are finished studying and have a stable job? Don't you have scholarships for everyone that has a minimum grade and has low income at home?
But people do have money. Just because some people made poor life choices doesn't mean everyone did.
They did, they just didn't understand how high the price was and how bad the markets are.
My grandfather was able to pay for his schooling, home, and finance his vehicle after purchasing it worth a small party time job he got at a Fucking grocery store in the racist with he grew up with in Tennessee while being black, but still thinks knee and my mother are heights for applying for a loan to evil instead of working a small job to pay it all off.
I love the dumb bastard, but it makes me livid hearing how how he had it and how ignorant of that he is to it. I feel genuinely sorry for you guys with ass loads of debt, but I believe y'all gonna be alright. If there's a problem then there a solution.
Should i download animal crossing on my phone or the designer home game on my CFW 3DS?
>going to college and not studying accounting
No, automation of clerk duties and 1040s isnt a threat to the profession.
No one will have money when I vote a commie into power that ruins the contry. I'll fucking do It, I'll take you all down with me.
Loaning money from your parents assuming they're nice
Boomer logic and caring. Boomers hate their kids. Especially the conservative white christian types.
They think their kids act entitled by wanting money. They save literally nothing for them for college or moving out, offer no assistance, and then call you a man child entitled piece of shit son while postinf about it on facebook for their boomer friends doing the same thing.
They hate having kids and just want to get rid of them but convince themselves this is how you teach kids indepedence. This is why boomers lose contact with their kids too but they blame shit like athiesm gays or liberals for it
You dont have to pay them till your out. You will be paying for lots of shit in school anyway. Textbook, housing, food, its all pretty expensive when your only possible income is a minimum wage job part time.
My single mother attempted this me and my younger brother even though she still lives with her father and it made us worse of in a financial sense. If we had a proper household with parents who actually attempted to groom us for the world, then we'd have been okay. I think it's just an American thing to do and people blindfold do it without thinking. Still, I love having my own place.
>Wouldn't make more sense to repay them once you are finished studying and have a stable job?
What you describe is more or less how it works in Ontario.
>went to a school with a co-op program, so for 5 years straight I was either working at a placement (I did 6) or studying
>no summer breaks
>graduated at 22 with $26K debt
>got a job
>paid off the debt the same year I graduated by busting my ass and clocking tons of overtime
>now debt fee with $25K in investments and $8K in cash savings
Maybe in America this can't work because I hear you guys take out hundreds of thousands of dollars of loans.
>dude just pay back loan lmao
Reminder that the whole world economy is built on debt. We loan money that doesn't exist to pay lifestyles we can't afford. Companies are looking for infinite growth on a finite planet.
We are all fucked.
You don't repay them while you're studying dummy. The issue is that people cannot find jobs in their field to pay it back. Or they were fucking retarded and chose some non-existent field and now want to bitch about not getting free education that they didn't need.
ITT: Millennials blame their Boomer parents for their petty problems, knowing damn well that A. Gen Xers are doing fine even with Boomer parenting and B. They either skipped college or got a shitty meme degree like gender studies.
Based insanity run user
Save me from my debt Bernie you're our last hope
Might as well download the 3DS game since you can.
I should also mention that I've had the job for pretty much one year at this point.
Boom Boom
>A. Gen Xers are doing fine even with Boomer parenting
My mother and plenty of co-workers i know it would stand you disagree with you, friend. They Fucking HATE them.
I'm happy for you user.
>have debt
>cut back on extraneous expenses (like videogames and eating out)
>pay off debt
>don't take on debt again
t. Retarded loan taking youth
I think the problem you run into these days is that everyone goes to college. This makes having a degree worth less unless you go beyond Bachelors, but unis just keep jacking up those prices.
That's stupid. The loan should cover everything. I don't see why you should have to spend your studying years suffering in such a way (going to class, going to work, doing projects and studying at the same time).
Still. Do people really expect you to find a job right after you are finished? What about wanting to live a little or study a bit more or what if you don't find a job?
>be european
>go to uni for free
Feels good not being a mutt
>Mom constantly complains that I'm not moved out and making money after I hit 18.
>Move out at 20, get a minimum wage job at a gas station. Shit pay, amazing benefits, plenty of overtime.
>Spend the next 8 years actually moving up, am a district manager now and get paid decently well.
>Still renting though.
>Mom constantly says I could've done more with my life and I should have a union job.
>This is a woman who was a single mother at 17, with my older brother, yet still managed to coast through life literally living in an apartment on the beachfront, doing menial shit like operating a switch board and working at JC Penny beauty department after she got fired from that.
>After she married my dad she got a railroad job as a ticket clerk, making $30/hour with insane medical and a retarded number of sick days, vacation days, family leave, and the ability to effectively force shifts onto whoever she wanted with seniority due to it being a union job, giving her days off whenever she wanted.
>She doesn't see how this exact mentality drove Amtrak to implosion and has effectively killed the economy.
>She also constantly insists that I should've went to college, even though my older brother did just that and he's 48 years old and still $90,000+ in debt with student loans and credit cards and has a job that pays less than mine.
>valuable life lessons
i got this shirt from uniqlo
Sadly this, current US debt:
$22.5 trillion
>dude give me free stuff, pay for me to exist, oh but I don’t want to pay high taxes though
your average person
this is why we just print our way into further ruin and make our dollar weaker in trade, you can’t have low taxes and “free” (not actually free you and everyone else is still paying for the shit) stuff, you can pick only one.
what Animal Crossing really taught me was that I immediately wanted off this world and be there, in that foreign foresty village/town with all these weird villagers and a few other humans.
it made me realize that vidya in general has really interesting worlds that are worth checking out, even sexually (which is always part of the whole package). don't go and use that fine incel word of yours now my dear shitposters.
>pirate videogames
>pay off debt using saved cash
>Pay for my retarded decisions or I'll call you names!
I'll take tribalism, thanks.
I fucking wish Tom Nook existed. Try to take a loan in real life to see what happens.
>tfw you were so stupid that you dropped out of the broken system and got a decent job by 18 and never wasted your late teens/early twenties slaving away for "educators" that exist to indoctrinate you into thinking that knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a definitive form of invaluable self improvement.
Every single one of my friends went to college. Every single one of them is working at or just above minimum wage in dead end jobs and only a mountain of debt and their wasted youth to show for it.
if people just saved their money instead of blowing it off on shit they don’t NEED there wouldn’t need to be govt free shit gibs, but because Americans are too stupid to do that, it seems taxing people higher so they get their “free” stuff is the only way.
The difference is that in America, colleges are greedy as fuck and the more tax breaks that get made for loans, the the exponentially greater the cost grows.
>if people just saved their money instead of blowing it off on shit they don’t NEED
The shit that people need is the most expensive shit, retard.
Yes sometimes people are lucky to have scholarships cover books, which mind you in the sciences can cost fucking 300 dollars per book and no less than 100. And you cant buy used due to using online programs that require a one time use code from thr book and cant be sold then either.
Yes, my parents expectes me to find a job immediatly and I still havent got one in the field of stem. I have internships even. I have applied all over the country and used recruiters even.
I wanted to go to mastwrs but they wont pay a single cent so I would need to take thousands more in debt and not even be able to afford a place to live.
The reason for this all is because our parents are psychotic and hate their children and feel its "entitlement" if their kids want even a dime.
wow user your so smart can we fuck pls I want to bare your children
This is the most meme field ever. If you succeed, great, you basically have an amazing job for about a decade, if you don't, or you lose that job, you're fucked into nothingness.
>pirate 1 game 1000 times
>pay off debt with tens of thousands $ I've stolen from the devs
Two can play THIS game!
I bet none of your friends studied finance or healthcare.
>create a system where you can only get a good job with a degree but make it so people have to take massive amounts of debt just to get one then pay it back with interest and continue to push that this system makes sense
This is why the rich continue to win. Rise up and kill the rich. Bash their heads and string up the bodies around their mansions. March on Washington and burn it to the ground. The people working there aren't there for you and ones that are, are trying to work a broken system which gets nowhere.
Me having to loan my parents around $4,000 just so the house doesn’t get bankrupt.
user I know that now. At the time I was told by my family, friends, teachers, and advisors Id be pulling the big bucks no problem right out of school. How was I supposed to know everyone I trusted was retarded and or lying?
>spent a long time thinking about whether I should go to college
>come to the conclusion that it's not worth the cost
>go straight into working and avoid all the student debt
>years later a bunch of my asshole peers who took irresponsible amounts of loans without a second thought demand that my taxes be increased to pay for their shitty life choices
No, fuck this shit. You have to fucking live with your choices. You didn't HAVE to go to college, you didn't HAVE to take those loans, you didn't HAVE to not get a job each summer, you didn't HAVE to pick whatever shit major pays so little you can't afford the education that got you the job. I made the choice not to participate in that shitty system back then and I will not be made to pay for it now. Fuck every entitled prick who thinks I should pay for their college loans.
There are so many people who know personally who live paycheck to paycheck but just have to have the new iPhone X and a new car that had $38k window price, I’m not saying a house and car are cheap obviously, but when people don’t save but “need” the newest phone or car but are one bad luck incident away from further debt, that’s just moronic. There are a ton of people like this.
>or healthcare
Three of them did. Firs might finally become an RT after ten years of trying, the second is a struggling doctor in pain management that has to work 16-18 hour shifts to pay off the literal hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt he's accumulated over the last ten years, and the third is stuck as a vet-tech, a job with shit benefits, shit hours, and pays barely above minimum wage.
All three of them are miserable and only the one in pain management has started pulling himself out of the sinkhole that is student debt in the medical field.
Public debt = Private savings
People who moan about the debt just really hate pension savings
>finance or healthcare
Are these the only fields worth pursuing?
No but you can get jobs. I studied accounting. If you go to the recruiting events and can have a conversation you will have an internship as a sophomore that'll turn FT after you graduate.
Colleges are genuinely like videogames.
>Subscription Based Multiplayer
>Hyper expensive cash shop items required for progression
>Events that try to pull in new players with tiny in game rewards that mean nothing in the larger scope
>Have to grind out levels for any substantial viability in the next stage
>Terrible RNG
>Expansions are usually just rehashes
>Game gets worse with every update
People like that generally don't make enough money for it to matter whether they spend it or not. If you're in a lower middle class family that live pay check to pay check, buying a new car that costs $400 a month isn't going to ruin you. Your kid breaking their leg through their femoral artery and requiring a $2000 ambulance ride to the hostpital for a $1500 emergency room visit, and $5000 in medication, will crush you and your family into poverty, and no amount of saving is going to prepare you for a single instance like that if you're already living poorly.
You have to live with everyone else's choices. If the economy tanks because all those students in debt aren't buying shit then it becomes your problem as well
Boom boom
>never directly paid for college
>even got paid for my achievements
And ancaps say state property and taxation are bad.
>tfw live in a country with free education
>matter of fact, you can even get paid to study, so you don’t need to take out a loan or get a part-time job to pay for your rent and food
Feels fantastic. Free healthcare too, of course.
I have friends who complain they can't afford their student loans and then go out for drinks every weekend and spend over $100, eat out for lunch every day, make useless impulse purchases on novel junk they'll use a couple times at best and never touch again. If you try to point out that they could just skip going out every other week and make lunch at home and they'd have hundreds of dollars per month more to pay into their loans, they just roll their eyes and balk and say you just don't get how tough it is and how they can't reduce their spending on anything for any reason. There's just no reasoning with financial illiterates.
The economy isn't going to tank because of student loans, retard. The only thing that will happen is that the shitty college system will crash and need to be reworked to be a viable platform for making money.
Buddy of mine was forced into taking out a loan and going to university by his parents or they were gonna kick him out of the house. He ended up dropping out because he no idea what the fuck he wanted to do because he was just out of highschool and now has debt he's paying off.
>If the economy tanks because all those students in debt aren't buying shit
That's simply not going to happen. Mostly because all the students in debt DON'T stop buying shit and that's WHY they're still in fucking debt. If they focused down their loans for a couple years they'd be free, but they'd rather just pay their minimums and complain.
>I don't understand the concept of student loans. You borrow money so you can study, but you have to repay it at the same time you are studying?
Nope. You don't have to start paying until I think 5 months after you graduate
>Don't you have scholarships for everyone that has a minimum grade and has low income at home?
Yes, there are tons, but some people chose to go to expensive for-profit private colleges instead because they want to live to party lifestyle just like in the movies
Alternatively, consider jobs that aren't ones you need a friend of a friend of a mutual fund manager to get. Nobody likes to admit it, and every teacher and life coach is going to tell you to aim high, but there's pride to be had in 'lowly' jobs as well. Never forget that even the most idealistic society is going to need someone willing to cook or scrub the toilets.
He could've just gotten a credit card and a job and moved out for less debt.
>All the shit you've gotta do at 18 already
>All the extra shit you've gotta do if you want to go to Uni
>All the extra extra shit you've gotta do if you want to keep studying and working
>"Just learn about taxes lmao"
How about instead of useless fucking highschool classes they taught you the basics of how to fucking manage your adult life.
Oh yeah, an 18 year old would know all about that with all the education in finances public school provides.
Only in America could education be considered a "dumb investment"
ROI for MDs is astronomically beyond the cost of attending. I know an MD with 700,000 debt and he’ll pay that off easily in urology after a number of years. You are just struggling to cope with the fact that you will be stuck in your low security, low wage slave job forever without a degree. You’re telling yourself they are worse off than you but you’re lying to yourself so you can sleep at night. Kys cleetus
>How about instead of useless fucking highschool classes they taught you the basics of how to fucking manage your adult life.
There has been a massive push since the 80's to get rid of history as a HS req class and replace it with an actual econ+life lessons class.
The teacher's union owns your kid's education though, and they have a ton of money and control all the teachers, so the push dies every 10 years before it's revitalized by another generation.
>nobody forced you
nigga the economy literally forced me to do this shit. I literally have NO choice. Its either this or STARVE.
Vet tech is not healthcare, vets are meme providers. There is no money in vet medicine
>How about instead of useless fucking highschool classes they taught you the basics of how to fucking manage your adult life.
How about your useless fucking parents did that instead? My parents taught me about debt, interest, bills, savings, and all kinds of financial literacy. That's what parents are fucking for, high school isn't there to do their jobs for them. If you made it to age 18 incapable of understanding how compound interest works then your parents are the ones who failed you, not the schools.
>Its either this or STARVE.
I never went to college and I'm making $40k per year after taxes. Fuck off with your "economy forced me" bullshit, there are more jobs in the world than just the ones that require a degree.
>tfw 0 debt, own my car, own my house, learned a trade and didn't go to jewish tricks university
Feels fucking good man.
It's basic fucking algebra like the problems they put on the SATs.
>Here, we're giving you this $20,000 loan
>Interest is 7% per year
>We'll put you on a 5 year repayment plan
>Your first payment is right after you graduate 4 years from now
How much total will you pay? If you can't figure that out, you don't deserve to go to college.
I thought it was extremely difficult to pay the loan off in AC.
My parents taught me how to cook, drive, fish, have a thicker skin and not act like a sperg whenever someone disagrees with me. Pretty balanced I'd say considering they weren't always at home, still had plenty of time to do the things I wanted and actually feel JOY and not be an accountant, because that's what being a teenager is all about.
>Highschool isn't there to teach you about adult life
>However we're going to teach you philosophy, music, art and history even though uuuuuuh what do you mean you don't give a fuck about all that and would rather focus on your career choice? Get back in line
Eat a dick, you underestimate the sheer amount of time you waste in highschool.
Doesn't matter since you have unlimited time to do it
So uh, what about Nook forcing me into the loan? Why the fuck was I on that train anyway?
t.greasy NEET living off parent's money
Not education per se, just this one type of heavily corrupted "education industry".
Just yesterday we had a calarts thread, someone post that screenshot of a professional artist discussing the state of education with their professors.
Fuck you, I've lived on my own since I was 22 and could afford to move out with the money I saved from my job. Now I'm 29, making nearly twice as much money as I spend, and on track for a healthy retirement. All without college.
>low security, low wage slave job forever without a degree.
I own three gas stations and two McDonald's. I could literally sit on my ass and do nothing and make more money than 95% of people that attend/graduate college these days.
>You’re telling yourself they are worse off than you but you’re lying to yourself so you can sleep at night.
9/10 of my friends have literally been, and continue to be, worse off than me since they started college. Only ONE of those 10 is getting out of that hole in the foreseeable future. A single person out of my ten closest friends that attended college, and he went through and continues to go through hell to get to where he's going. Yeah you sure showed me, retard.
He went to school to become a Pediatric doctor, struggled through college and never got off his feet, so now he's a 28 year old that's somehow become a vet tech.
>marxist brainwashing
All the resources you need to learn whatever you want are on the internet. College only exists to give you a piece of paper that proves to Mr. Shekelstein you're a good goy.
hard to pay off your loan when you've effectively made social mobility harder than it was when our boomer parents were our age.
>t. jealous idiot with 100k in student debt
I moved out at 19.
>Now I'm 29, making nearly twice as much money as I spend, and on track for a healthy retirement. All without college.
And then all the marines applauded.
Honestly the best solution is just a reset on student loan debt. Education is so obscenely expensive. And don't even get me started on college books. A fucking mafia.
>tuition prices have gone up
>wages have gone down
Thanks, boomers
How'd you get into franchising, user? Always wanted to invest in a hot franchise if I came into money/went to graduate school and got a 150k+ year job to make passive side income.
That requires a decent job.
I-i-t's because of gay marriage and imm'grunts!
wtf you mean I'm accountable for my choices in life
Nope, thanks to having marketable skills I built up in my spare time throughout high school as hobbies.
its because of the libtard solution which makes the problem worse as per usual.
Healthcare in america is high because of many preventable diseases (Americans are fat fucks). Opioid crisis created by pharma.
>Federal student loans are capped at around 6% interest rate and the federal government reimburses you up to $2,500 per year of interest paid
None of this is true. I have 80k in loans and after paying it off for 5 years at $800 a month I still owe 78k.
>tfw my biggest fear is being thousands of dollars in debt and not finding a good job
What degrees will guarantee me a decent job?
Yes it was the liberals who are responsible for predatory loans. user stop
Just don't pay. Your credit resets after 7 years anyway.
College is free
time to do porn
Suicide, being mulch is a great boon to society
Why'd you poster a zoomer? This thread is all millennial manchildren whining their gender studies degree doesn't guarantee them a 6 figure job.
Learn a trade. They literally pay you to learn.
Graduate in video games.
>but dude, boomers ruined everything and I just want to watch *urp* cartoons in my 30s and get shit for free
I'll trade some chickens for your goat
>$800 a month
>Just on loans
What degree did you get?
No. They'll sell off that debt to a collector and at some point you will get garnished to hell and back. Trust me, I did that. My credit is back up to the 700s now and I've recovered
>all we had to do was pay a 200,000 dollar loan
for fucking what?
>college prices are fairly reasonable
>more people start going to college
>college starts becoming a requirement for more jobs
>need a way for poorer people to go to college, so introduce government funding and loans
>college tuition increases
>more people going to college thanks to government subsidies and loans
>college degree becomes de facto requirement for even entry level shitjobs
>everyone must go to college
>college tuition increases
>less people can afford college, increase the loans
>college tuition increases
>loans increase
>tuition increases
>loans increase
>everyone has a degree now and they are completely meaningless
>wages go down for college grads because degrees are worthless shit every joe blow has
>loans increase, tuition increases.......
It's a terrible fucking cycle. The colleges just inflate their prices and everyone just gets more loans. There's no price control because everyone is too far removed from paying for it and they see loans as free money.
So dont pay that either
I legitimately don’t understand how you end up being obese. Surely, at some point along the way, you’ll realize what’s happening and try to stop it.
Getting in shape might be rough, but just not being 250+lbs is not a challenge.
it was democraps who wanted federally backed student loans
Chances are, it'll be a Chinese "commie" (as in not a real commie)
Have fun with your white genocide, I've always wanted to massacre white people and if the Chinese will pay me to do it, I'd gladly accept
>America education
they don't teach that anymore
>*Donates to twitch streamer*
>*Buys lootbox*
>*Spends money on fortnite girlfriend*
>*Pays for HRT prescription*
>*Doesn't know what a savings account is because he only has a checking + debit*
No user that's not the complaint. The complaint is boomers paid for college, a house, kids, with a normal job. College prices have exploded and what they were able to do is now impossible.Wages haven't increased.
>"free" healthcare but 60% income tax
Started as a car washer at a gas station. When I turned 21 I became the CW Manager, which was a pretty substantial pay raise. At 22 I was made the manager of the gas station (it was a Shell) when the previous one was fired. What followed what another pay raise, at which point Speedway/Marathon stepped in and started buying up locations.
When that happened they issued special low-cost franchising fees. So I got my savings together and sold my car, and paid the franchising fee for the location. After that you just follow the rules of being part of the franchise, and as long as you do, your store stays open, you get tons of money, and you pay royalties to the franchise, in this case, Speedway.
From there I bought up other gas stations and then took out a loan for a McDonalds, which I used to buy a second one about a year ago.
TL:DR; If you have the ability to fork over $15k-$20k you can get into franchising, but I highly recommend you get a management position at one of the locations first, because that you'll know the ins and outs of what's needed at the actual location itself.
What country?
You aren't going to like this but, join the military.
Your credit will be ruined user. There is no fucking escape.
>Don't pay the garnishment
Do you now know what a garnishment is? They forcefully take money from your pay check. There is no way to stop it.
>cant afford college bucko?
>die for israel
>implying your credit score matters at all.
Not when the economy is on the verge of another collapse
Marginal taxes on the extremely wealthy. Oh wait, I forgot people here don't know how taxes work.
>free healthcare
>free tuition
>free government pension in retirement
>taxed to hell and back
>unable to save money
>reliant on the government and forced to work into old age and retire when the government says so
Yeah, fuck all that shit.
How do you own 2 mcds?
Frabchise buy in is like 2 mil.
We were fucked the moment a sperm hit an egg.
Depending of what you're doing, it may not. I like having a Credit card. I like being able to rent or own. You can find unlisted apartments but at some point if you decide to get a new car or a house, you're fucked.
Our taxes are pretty high, but I’ll gladly take that trade.
the taxes are the free stuff right?
I'm looking at taking a master's in America (assuming I can get some scholarships). Is there anything I should know?
Why didn’t boomers and schools teach their kids the dangers of loans and the debt that surrounds it?
This. Aside from STEM or some other technically complicated industry like medicine or law, you can learn pretty much anything online. You can learn to code for free and get a damn good job from that.
Europeans absolutely love preaching this eat-the-rich high tax philosophy while simultaneously offering our rich Swiss bank accounts to hide all their money in. Truly you are the real jews.
we didn't realize how dumb you kids are
Should have gotten a trade user
>become plumper
>can literally never lose my job, go anywhere and still have it
>60k a year which is fine for a single man
>smell like shit but am immensely happier than college niggers drowning in debt
Heres my card. Call me when the toilets backed up chump. Lol
>Only in America are people starting to realize that education is a luxury that needs to be tempered with reasonable assumptions of payback
17 degrees in useless shit is not an improvement. You still exist in a world of limited resources.
>giving your life just so that a government gets richier while you kill real people
Lol no, im not a cuck
>unable to save money
What? You can save up just fine. Just don’t spend it.
I’ve got about ~5k USD’s worth saved up, personally, while still in university. I’m not even particularly frugal.
learn a trade
The fact is that people at all income levels pay significantly higher taxes in European countries than in the US, especially when you consider the high sales taxes and VAT and shit. But since your sales taxes are baked into the price tags rather than calculated at the register, people walk around blissfully unaware of the government raping their wallets.
Bingo. Can take my 14 years tool and die experience anywhere in the country and demand 25 bucks an hour minimum.
Loans are an excellent way to gain upward mobility if you know how to properly use that money. If you don't, your debt is wiped clean after 20 years anyway. It will drop your credit score like a rock but if you can't pay back 50 grand in twenty years you probably have no reason to care about that shit anyway, poorfag, since it's not like you ever had any hope of doing things that demand a good credit score. People are also crying to forgive all existing student loans anyway (which is a stupid idea for a myriad of reasons, but I won't get into it) so one way or another you won't be shackled by your own stupid decisions for too long.
Boomer are basically the credit kings, my father own seven credit cards and he basically use them to juggle his debt to pay almost zero interest
Actual solid advice. Thanks for sharing user
Literally entry level. By the time pay it back it'll be nearly 200k for most people. Then for some careers that's only the fucking starting point. And people wonder why it costs so much to go to a doctor or hire a lawyer.
Boomers were raised in decadent era where businesses and banks weren’t entire comprimised by bloodthirsty kikes and schools don’t teach anything. Of course, boomers will pass off the blame to their victims like
>education is a luxury
i bet you think clean water is a luxury too
>No amount of saving
Less than two years of saving that $400 for the new car would pay for literally all of those medical expenses. This sounds oddly specific user... Is you family retarded :( Is your leg okay
Holy shit. An actual smart user. Lets be friends i need to surround myself with good people
>Why didn’t boomers and schools teach their kids the dangers of loans and the debt that surrounds it?
My parents did. Sorry you have shit parents, user.
Boomers are a bunch of entitled morons. I work for Geek Squad and help these people every day. Boomers got really sweet deals and knew it would fuck over Gen X and Y. Here in chicago/Illinois we have a horrific Pension problem. Boomers got super sweet pensions which everyone knew would be impossible to pay into in the future. You know what these faggots did? They put it in our state constitution so that the pensions cannot be touched or modified unless our state constitution is amended. So now my taxes have to pay for these boomer pensions because they're promises and we have to legally give them the pensions even though we LITERALLY do not have the cash for it. Thanks boomers. I'm paying into a system that existed before I was born. Welcome to "Fuck you, I got what's mine"
I'd rather take higher taxes and have them actually go towards something that benefits me, the citizen, unlike in america where your tax dollars go towards israel, planned parenthood, and welfare for nogs
>If you don't, your debt is wiped clean after 20 years anyway.
Normal loans, yes. Student loans, no.
You make more money opening your own business versus franchising. But of course its riskier and requires much more knowledge and effort.
Debt is always bad. Never be in debt. I don't even use a credit card.
>Boomers were raised in decadent era where businesses and banks weren’t entire comprimised by bloodthirsty kikes
Are boomers 200 years old? Because the last time banks & big business weren't compromised by kikes was when Andrew Jackson was president.
I'm 26 and I was very well aware of loans and their dangers. What kind of person doesn't know corporations are innately self-serving and don't give a single shit about you? How sheltered do you have to be to not realize if it's legal, they will do it?
Imagine being poor
Sooner or later your trade will be over saturated and wages will go down.
they want everyone low IQ, brown, and living on credit in under 100 years
>I'd rather take higher taxes
Then move to Europe, faggot. If we had high taxes that paid for free healthcare 99% of that money would still be going to niggers and illegals.
Quiet, poornigger. Debt means success and if you can’t understand that, you will be poor forever.
You can say that about literally any job.
>your debt is wiped clean after 20 years anyway
Student loan debt never goes away. Never. It is forever. Either you pay it off or you die.
Nope. Industries are literally begging for workers these days because stupid faggots thought college was going to make them rich.
This, don't spend what you don't have.
You've got it. You've fucking got it right here. It's such a simple thing that so few people seem to understand.
>The entitlement in this thread.
>Sooner or later your trade will be over saturated and wages will go down.
You mean like what's currently happening to every job that requires a college degree?
This is why you get multiple trades. My dad had plumbing and carpentry under his belt and lucked out and became a super at a nice building.
Heres a tip. Barber school. It costs like 5000 dollars and you can make a fucking fortune cutting old mens hair all day in a comfy shop.
>because stupid faggots thought college was going to make them rich.
No user that's not it. We were raised our entire fucking childhood up until being 18 that college was the ONLY way to go, by boomers. Boomers swore to us that college was the answer because, hey "it worked for me". Except these fucking morons didn't tell us that the costs of college fucking quadrupled, meanwhile wages did not. We got conned. Now if you're a Zoomer, you have no excuse because Gen X and Y have warned these little fucks,
Then just pay it? You already pay for stupid shit like bing bing wahoo toys and soi milk, why not just pay off your debt like a normal human being?
When your choices are pay your stupid high student loan debt or pay rent and food what do you think people choose?
Which is why I needed a loan for the first one. Once you're in, the fee is substantially less, so after I paid off the loan for the first one I was able to get the second one easier.
Depends on what kind of business you're opening. I know two guys that run their own business and they've both been in a rollercoaster of income from year-to-year. One of them lives in Cali.
mommy was a empowered feminist slut, and daddy left her when I was 3. now give me shit I feel is owed to me, I deserve it. me.
Legally they can do this, but no lender has reason to. Debt is an investment. An investment is something you, eventually, want to cash in on. If a credit union or Sally Mae or whoever invests in you by offering a debt — we'll say 50 grand — and after twenty years you've only paid back 20 grand, they don't want to wait another twenty years to not even make back their initial investment. As you get older and the market changes there's a risk of you simply losing the ability to pay, whether due to unemployment or dying or whatever, and you've made it apparent you were a poor investment by paying this back so slowly. Student loans aren't MEANT to shackle you for your entire life. So eventually the lender will come at you and go "will you settle for paying back 10k?" or something, you can negotiate them down even further, and suddenly you paid off your 50 grand debt by paying 25 grand.
This. I'm budgeting and saving my money so I can go to school without going into debt. If
>I manage to negotiate that 20% raise I've scheduled a meeting for
>don't have any major trips to the hospital,
>costs of education continue to rise consistently
I'll be able to afford start going to school when I'm 36. It really is that simple.
People are entitled to not be taken to the cleaners user.
This. If you work in a black or latino neighborhood its also easier because they all just want their heads shaved anyway
They sell of that debt to and overly litigious debt collection firm. Trust me, I know.
Learn computer science (actually useful languages only though)
Learn Excel + SQL and find some job analyzing spreadsheets and as long as you have minor experience you'll find a job and can easily change industries or do a grad degree.
Is there a single post in this thread which is actually about video games?
What's so wrong with being poor
>mfw my third world shithole has free education and it pays you for studying
it feels nice
Maybe your dad was just a piece of shit lmao. But blane the one that raised you and suck the cock of the guy that left. Honl honk
>What degrees will guarantee me a decent job?
Repeat after me.
No degree guarantees you a decent job
No degree guarantees you a decent job
No degree guarantees you a decent job
No degree guarantees you a decent job
No degree guarantees you a decent job
Nothing. Most of this thread is poorfag self hate.
maybe they both were? no girls here to impress, bud.
Don't live in an area with inflated prices you dumbass.
I make below the average salary of an American and can still afford a good one bedroom apartment and useless videogames while still contributing to my retirement.
You know why? Because I don't live in New York, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, San Fran, or New York.
God you people are fucking retarded.
If you can't even get a job that pays you 30k a year in a mid-tier city like Salt Lake, Kansas City, or anywhere else like that then you screwed up somewhere along the way and have only yourself to blame.
But that's almost never the actual choice. Go out to eat less, buy less video games, keep your phone until it literally breaks, drive a used car, downgrade your 100MB/s internet, run your AC less to save on electricity, cancel some of your subscriptions for a while (Netflix, Amazon, etc)... there are a lot of ways to save money that people just refuse to consider because their priorities are fucked. They'd rather stay in miserable debt forever than to give up going out to eat for lunch or some shit.
>piece of paper
How cute. Tell me, would YOU hire some hick who bounced into your office with zero official qualifications and a whole load of dubious claims to competency? Would you allow them to handle your finances, take care of your health, and teach your kids?
You think shackling the guy who can't pay back his debt with legal fees is going to get you your money? It doesn't work that way and they know it. That party will just do what the lender would have, by making you pay back some much smaller number determined by a judge to wipe the debt clean. You can only garnish wages so far and they aren't going to repo your belongings.
I'm on track to pay it off by 2029. They won't let me increase my payments at all, so I can't "just pay it." Otherwise I'd be able to pay it off a couple years sooner.
this is a typical AC thread, you new?
Your expensive piece of paper guarantees you nothing
No guys to impress here either hypocrite. Sucking off every dick you see is just as bad as white knighting. But clearly if his dad left his Mother at least raised him