Mechwarrior 5 FAQ has removed all mentions of Steam

>Just wanted to keep you folks in the loop with MW5. PGI has cut down the faq on massively, and all mentions of both steam in any capacity and also all mentions of the preorder beta have both been removed. As someone who preordered this, I am also in the preorder discord and PGI has said nothing about this there. Worrying.

Old faq:

New faq:


Attached: mechwarrior 5.png (1560x691, 78K)

>PGI being absolute jews
Was there ever any doubt?

All videogame companies are Jewish, including Valve.

Of course, comrade. We must acquire the means of vidya production for ourselves.

isn't MW p2w as fuck now? Who cares

This is a single player entry you goof

Wrong you pinko fuck: you need to make games that are good, not money grubbing, and offer good refund options.

Don't care, companies who encourage p2w should be boycotted

Not surprised in the slightest. I won't bother being upset until the game is proven to not be shit which I very much doubt will happen.

>Imagine caring about MW5
PGI are cunts, incompetent and greedy as fuck.

This man is delusional. Take him to the infirmary.

This smug madlad just keeps on winning.

Attached: tim_sweeney_epic_3.jpg (1000x563, 103K)

There was a time when you could return videogames to the stores you bought them at like regular electronics.


So does he have fetal alcohol syndrome or down syndrome?

How is Tim Sweeney alive at this point? Even Yea Forums managed to rise up while Yea Forums remains cucked.

yea but its mechwarrior so does it even matter

Plenty devs try, but they don't have AAA budget and marketing so you assume they're shit.

He released a genie trapped in a TV remote and wished to be human and make things for humans to play with like how they made TV remotes for dogs to play with.

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Is paying people to be your friends considered winning these days?

He just keeps giving us free games!
What a bro.
Another round on him, lads!

are the games still on you, Tim?
eh, who am i kidding of course it is based Tim wouldn't let me down

I love this cope, as if the majority of players will pirate rather than just download another .exe and the handful of autists that will make any difference whatsoever.

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You know most viruses are just another .exe. I don't care about having another launcher (I've gotten over it, at the least) but fuck off if you think I'm giving my CC info to some Chinese run malware.

i didn't even realize there's another mechwarrior game
i guess they will be using this now as some sort of marketing

Another shitty BT game?

Attached: BattleTech.png (1231x566, 473K)

Why do developers keep marketing platforms without committing to them?
Also why does Epic keep investing in projects that has already marketed other platforms, if they know it'll cause bad publicity?

>b-but all publicity is good publicity!
It absolutely is not. The Epic Game Store has by far the biggest hatebase of any PC store. If they had played their cards right they could have easily been the most beloved platform around right about now.