Why aren't there any decent VR games?
I have the CV1 and my Index is arriving tomorrow hopefully and I need some good new games to test out on it
Also Comfy vr thread
Why aren't there any decent VR games?
I have the CV1 and my Index is arriving tomorrow hopefully and I need some good new games to test out on it
Also Comfy vr thread
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one day 2d gamers will be a thing of the past and ridiculed
because VR is DEAD
its FIN
its DONE
its a MEME
because there's no consumer base and devs don't know what to do with the tech. The best games are sims:
Elite: Dangerous
Project Cars 2
because regular AAA devs (and sometimes consumers) are cuckolded retards
>muh we can't add full loco or people will get sick and our games won't sell!
>muh we can't even try VR at all because it will make us sick!
>muh we can't port flat releases to VR or VR will fail as a platform, so instead we need to make low budget indie trash!
>muh VR is a console not a peripheral because i said so! i don't care you will forever be able to play new games on gen 1!
it is true that there is no consumer base but we could have much more than facebook funded trash
Because nips are terrible with new tech, and they're the only ones with any hope of making something good.
VR is one of the biggest disappointments around. At least we get Tetris Effect next week, I guess.
Only fucking idiots would develop for a 1% market share, dude. The problem isn't AAA devs, it's that the hardware is massively overpriced.
Even Valve are overcharging because they know they have no games to sell.
It's not overpriced for what it offers: top of the line phones, graphic cards and processors are overpriced they just give you a marginally better experience and you pay premium a thousand EUR is typical, this is what I see as overpriced. VR gives you a new experience for roughly half that price, I think it's a good deal.
AAA are cancer: what is the worst AAA publisher? EA are the ones that have done jack shit in VR, others (Beth, Sqenix, R*...) at least tried to some extent. Fallout 4 VR has flaws but it shows the path. Both Outer worlds and Cyberpunk need to be considered for VR support, and I am hopeful it will exist.
grats on getting a steamvr system. Remember oculus don't want you to play their games so dont pay for them.
theres into the radius which is an alfa but you get free keys from their discord, basically stalker vr with more emphasis on roadside picnic than shooty looty
H3VR is an absolute must have anyway.
Compound is nice but not really worth the money.
Iron wolf is sub sim with multicrew.
Contractors is between onwards hardcoreness and loadouts and between pavlovs shit game but arcadey playstyle.
blade and sorcery is a neat combat system but absolutely in no way shape or form worth the asking price until he adds fucking proper gameplay.
Karnage chronicles and dungeon knight are vr dungeon crawlers.
Swords of gargantua is a great mp sword game
Fast n low was said to be good.
elite dangerous is absolute bliss space x3, just grab an utility that lets you put a screen inside the cockpit and watch tv shows while you mine and explore for ultimate comfy
defector is meme trash
superhotvr proves pancake versions are shit
NMS is sketting full VR conversion so you get full game but all the vr controls. Expected in next few weeks.
Obligatory panzerwehr 1949 shilling a wip game thats going to be ww2 mechwarrior mercenaries and mp.
problem with vr is most devs dont want to get too deep and spend years developing full games. It's too early for those who do to be finished so mostly we have shitty experiences and wave shooters shitting up the store.
The games and systems sell really well, its just that the proper games aren't ready yet. Can you have enough fun in vr until then? Absolutely depending on if you're a fan of shooties and fps games. But the golden age where you can completely ignore nonvr games is not here yet.
>Only fucking idiots would develop for a 1% market share, dude.
Make a good vr game and you can easily make your money back. There are games in works just remember games don't take 20 minutes to make, they take more like half a decade.
Why hasn't anyone made a full fledged RPG with combat like that Blade and Sorcery game?
Why does VR only get tech demos and bad ports?
>it is true that there is no consumer base
beat saber sold 1 mil. That is a considerable amount of profit. Issue is to sell those numbers you can't get away with some shitty asset flipped trash, you need to put effort into it.
>VR gives you a new experience for roughly half that price
But only after you've already bought an overpriced video card or phone
Because vr has picked off in like 2018 or so, before that it was kinda on the fringes and any devs who want to make big expansive games started work only in past few years. And as you surely are aware games take a long time to make especially the ones you want.
Beat Saber doesn't have enough music. Fuck the Imagine Dragons pack.
970 is like sub 100 bucks.
I don't understand why everybody is so obsessed with making "VR games"
I don't want gimmicky games made for VR, I want normal games that just have VR support and can let me look around using the headset
Y-you know that you can put your own music in if you are on PC r-right?
it has like a million songs dude wtf are you talking about
thats literally every fucking game ever made. Shame vr is pointless without wiggle waggle unless its a racing game or flight game.
If you're at all remotely interested in space, Lone Echo is great. It leaves a bit to desire in terms of gameplay, though. I'm tempted to call it walking-simulator-tier, but that does it a huge disservice since the (space)walking part is a lot more than just holding W.
when i had oculus briefly before getting vive the echo games movement was fucking amazing.
It's moddable
Wasn't aware. Still needs more songs out of the box.
>I don't understand why people want games that make the best use of VRs unique functionality
>I just want games with VR lazily tacked on
I bought a vr-ready gaming pc. Should I buy the valve index or is a second-hand oculus enough?
To me it'll never matter what it gets out of the box because the devs have shit taste in music. Every last song they added was complete shit. Thank fuck the modding scene exists.
The resolution on current VR headsets is simply unacceptable and absolutely kills the technology's potential.
literally who cares about stock songs, custom ones are the ones that matter.
best get vive and if you like it you can get knuckles or hmd.
It's dumb to get oculus unless your room is too small for vive or index tracking.
Save for index, I tried a htc vive and the screendoor effect is fucking annoying, I assume the oculus is on the same level as vive
It's not that bad. Current gen ones are good. Old ones are functional.
Can you easily pirate the game? I'm not comfortable with buying a game where the only worthwhile content is made by modders
I imagine it's partially because companies are afraid of it, since no one knows how to ensure success. Imagine being a fat management dude, pouring some serious money into development of a big title like la noire, and learning that you barely got your money back while some random made a shitty arcade-ish unity blade and sorcery: the stabbity stab game that outsold yours ten times over. It's easier to wait for nerds to figure shit out, and then hit the market with polished versions of successful titles. See boneworks.
screendoor is only noticable if you literally stand still with nothing to do and look for it. Same for glare and all that shit.
Once your hmd is properly set up and put on lens flare glare screendoor aren't that much of an issue. Issue is non index sets are hard to consistently mount the same way making faults more aparrent.
I was a little worried about that going in, but it was fine. Resolution didn't get in the way of gaming when everyone was playing on CRTs, and it doesn't get in the way here. It's there, yeah, and you notice it when putting it on, but once you're playing it is a complete non-factor.
Boneworks is literally bunch of nerds except unlike most devs they actually have experience and talent to pull shit off and ambition to do something more than a cash grab.
It really isn't bad. Text could be a bit easier to read though without having to set msaa to ridiculous levels.
The difference is CRTs are usually not pressed right up to your fucking face and are intended for SD content in the first place.
If you want to see what text has to be like before it's comfortably legible in VR, hold Ctrl and scroll up 3 or 4 ticks.
It's really noticable when you're trying to read text. God it was painful to read shit in VR. Gonna save for the index so I don't have to squint my eyes and try to figure out what the fuck I'm reading.
Spoken like someone who doesn't remember the awkward transition from 'SD' displays to HD ones.
I agree playing ED i just have to lean over but I don't care I got an index on the way.
Complaints about the screen are always
>people using shit google cardboard
>people playing shit boring walking sim games while they try it for first time and act like they own a set
>people parroting memes and having never seen a vr headset.
Honestly its something that could be improved but it doesn't ruin anything.
I can watch movies and shit and read subtitles comfortably in ED where there's a virtual in cockpit monitor running subtitles that is the size of the keyboard in starter ship
honestly only time that was an irritating issue is with steamvr desktop and they could easily fix it software side by
virtual desktop is good but not exactly what I want. I want what I think you're getting at with being able to move windows all around me and resize them.
wait a minute is valve index really using LCDs? yikes, no buy from me then.
I just use presteam version of ovr drop for ingame stuff and when I actually want to use pc in vr to watch movies I just use bigscreen.
But shit like manually changing audio devices and replying to messages in steam desktop is a fucking nightmare.
Other than contrast not being as great it's better than competition and the contrast issue is way overblown
are there true blacks
PC VR is the superior tech but most of the good games are on PSVR, you may want to dismiss them because for the sake of contrariarism or b3cause most sites are shit at reviewing vr games but Astrobot, Blood and Truth, Wipeout, Firewall, RE7, Driveclub (with a steering wheel) and, hell, even Borderlands 2 are top tier VR games. Moss, Dirt Rally, Arizona Sunshine and Skyrim VR are excellent too but you guys already have those in PC
If you werent told its an LCD you wouldn't know.
What's the issue with this? Is there really that big of a difference between oled and lcd?
>Is there really that big of a difference between oled and lcd?
Literally don't care
>Blood and Truth,
Literally don't care.
Literally don't care
Shit version of contractors/onward/pavlov
Aint gon lie I'd want that.
> Driveclub (with a steering wheel)
its a fucking shit driving game nobody who likes racing sims thinks is any good. Thank god we dont have that trash
>and, hell, even Borderlands 2
Only if it had h3vr gun interaction and then it would be literally only any good for h3vr style gun interaction. Game was shit when it was new doubt vr improves it. Just like fo4.
>What's the issue with this? Is there really that big of a difference between oled and lcd?
oled has
>mad screen door effect
>darker blacks
LCD has
>no screen door effect
>higher refresh rate
>less dark blacks but you are not going to notice them unless you have them side by side, which you won't.
not sure what that guy is talking about about, but there does seem to be a weird vertical SDE when its in motion in some screens that were handed out. My index has it and its pretty distracting. It's only in one eye though.
any other index users get this?
honestly if mine didn't have it, it would be the perfect headset.The resolution is actually very doable.
Anyone waiting for hmd+knuckles?
I got mine reserved at 18th june. Anyone got theirs who reserved later than mid may?
Maybe it is not set up right?
Ive been browsing plebbit index since I was in hospital with nothing to do and seems like many report drastic improvements to similiar issues after they set the ipd and headset fit on the head right.
Also settings with refresh rate, frame smoothing and vsync and other software things
ill probably have to do some settings and lurk in the plebbit a little bit. i was afraid of RMAing because i feel like RMAing any hardware is like playing the lottery, i could just end up with a refurbished one with much worse problems
>>less dark blacks but you are not going to notice them unless you have them side by side, which you won't.
true blacks make a hell of difference, you're able to see more detail and the colours pop
Payday 2
its all i play in VR anymore
In non-VR, the only part of your body visible to NPCs while stealthing was your character head. Is it still the same way in VR?
yeah sure if you have shit art direction but if its calibrated correctly and the people who made the game know it it won't be an issue.
Bad color and value usage will look terrible no matter if its an LCD, OLED or idunno fucking super eyes that lets you see infrared and ultraviolet.
Good devs can do more with 32 values of grey than shit devs can do with entire visible spectrum of light.
It's like basic fundamental knowledge of color and light.
I remember trying it once and hating it. It also was the only game that ran like complete ass
yup. so if you just put your head behind a potted plant they dont see you
there is also ton of undocumented buffs and debuffs vr players get like AI not aiming for VR players that are far out due to VR not being able to clearly see them but closer VR players get more aggro
lol have you ever even tried a headset with true blacks?
what you said is nonsense
>his computer can't run a game that ran on consoles from 2005
Okay fuck all this "it's dead" shit. There's gotta be some obscure hidden gems. Suggest me some.
Have you tried getting 5 iq and understanding how vision, color and light works?
And yes I have vive and index is better in every single way and the black issue is not noticable.
I tried it when it was new and it was optimized like shit. Every other vr game runs fine. Every other vr port runs fine. Payday 2 ran like shit.
Does it have two handing weapons?
youre either retarded or a valve shill
>everyone reports blacks issue is not an issue
lmao try arguing irrefutable facts you are too retarded and uneducated to be aware of.
Doom, skyrim, fallout 4, infection, resident evil 7, the forest and blade and sorcery are decent games for ve
>blade and sorcery
shitty tech demo meme. Not worth paying for until theres actual gameplay and levels that dont consist of standing in one place and having ai run at you
that's you though
i know both displays back and forth, and he said whatever the dev has set through software overlaps the hardware = nonsense
>beat saber
>spint vector
>payday 2
>Talos Princible
>Arizona Sunshine
>Alien Isolation
>blade and sorcey
>Red Matter
>In Death
>Karnage Chronicles
>Job Simulator
>Serious Sam 3
>The Forest
>Duck hunt
>Virtual Virtual Reality
There is too much games and not enough time
ooooo is that mech game singleplayer? I used to be obsessed with Mechwarrior. I'll give it a shot.
>ooooo is that mech game singleplayer?
Kinda, but no. You can play against AI by yourself but it's essentially a multiplayer game. It's in early access and a coop bot-killing mode is on the way, but no telling when (if ever)
the resolution isnt the issue its other factors
Thanks for the Radius VR Recommendation. Got a key now rad!
Got Elite, got Iron Wolf, got super hot but dont like it because theres no locomotion
Will NMS have knuckles support?
Looking at the reviews and the average play time is 3-6 hours. I'll pass. If I could figure out how to get vorpx to work with Mechwarrior Online that'd be cool.
>panzerwehr 1949
has there been any progress on this? I've only ever seen people post the same youtube link from 2 years ago
I got these during the last Sale.
Wow loads of good suggestions ITT. I recently got my dusty WMR from storage again and have been playing Redout and BallisticNG. I've been looking for some story driven stuff.
>Why aren't there any decent VR games?
There seem to be plenty to me. I don't have enough time to play them all.
that looked like a college project titled by someone who has been clamped
how is arizona sunshine, dead effect 2 and gal gun
>I've been looking for some story driven stuff.
Try Robinson: The Journey, Hellblade, Moss, The Solus Project, Kona (VR was kind of rough around Release, dno if it's better by now) and maybe Obduction (although it's more of a Myst-like Puzzle game, there's a lot of background story).
Also some of the Oculus stuff if you can play it like Lone Echo, Chronos, Wilson's Heart etc.
because VR is a dumb gimmick meme
check primordian
it is in EA and might release soon
Has anyone played defector is it good?
Also is moss worth getting?
Arizona Sunshine is fine if you are just looking to shoot some zombies in the head to pass some time, Dead Effect 2 is very eh and I've had more fun with the Doom3 VR Mod/Port. Haven't gotten to Gal Gun yet.
>Also is moss worth getting?
It's pretty gud but very short (think 4-5 hours at the most). It's worth getting, but maybe not at full price. They recently released a Free story expansion though with "Twilight Garden", maybe that made it longer but I haven't played it yet.
I played gungal on ps3 once and it sucked ass.
>Only fucking idiots would develop for a 1% market share, dude.
A dedicated market that buys lots of games without that much competition or a crowded marketplace where you compete with thousands of other titles each year? Which is better and why?
well not really worried about the price since im just gonna pirate it, but maybe ill give it a go
whoever makes the first definitive vr game will make a shitload of money
Wait for panzerwehr 1949, we want to make a ww2 mp mech game with sp mechwarrior mercenaries like campaign. Wont be out for geberal public for a while but we want a build out in winter. Maybe even sooner seeing how well work is going
This, as long as you make a good vr game you are guranteed sales and marketing via word of mouth.
DOTA underlords and artifact
enjoy your new games bro
>There are games in works just remember games don't take 20 minutes to make, they take more like half a decade.
>Facebook Signs Deal for ‘Assassin’s Creed’ & ‘Splinter Cell’ VR Games
Also there some upcoming larger titles like Asgard's Wrath and Stormlands and whatever Valve and Respawn (Titanfall, SW: Fallen Order) are working on: vrfocus.com
Vr remakes often require a lot of work for anything good
Doom 3 is god like desu
>Also Comfy vr thread
No because VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
Beat Saber
Excuse me?
Posting this in every VR thread doesn't make it true
>There's gotta be some obscure hidden gems. Suggest me some.
Who said anything about Remakes?
>he doesn't know about meme magic
Its almost the same thing with how many changes are required. Its nit just tickign a box. If gamedev was as simple as you think youd be rich from making your dream game with your current skill level
>Beat Saber
>Zone of the Enders VR
>Trover Saves the Universe
>Tetris Effect
>Red Matter
Plenty of good games user
Porn i shit from what i understand we have in the pig disgusting category: skank looking skanks doing things to a passed out dude, some virt a mate which a pain in the ass to set up and require near developer level skills to craft anything in.
In the anime category: custom maid, illusion crap with janky animations and no smooth animation transitions, waifu sex simulator (don't bother), what else the sims ?
Because in order to truly take advantage of VR you need to flesh out interactions to a degree we've never seen before. Various devs have been approaching this from different angles--working on one system or another, but nothing has brought it all together. In addition, some of these things require fundamental rewrites of low level engine subsystems and that is something that takes years and is not shared across the mainline branches of major engines. Lastly, this stuff is still largely in "research phase". I'm not talking about gimmicky bullshit like rotating handles with a motion controller instead of a button, but rather the mechanics seen in stuff like Boneworks and Blade & Sorcery--but even these are just the tip of the iceberg.
AAA devs are not interested in experimentation or small markets. Indie devs are slowly widdling away at the problem. Valve is the only large company that I could see actually trying something interesting with the medium and amalgamating the ideas of indie devs and expanding on them--if they can actually release something.
Price is not the issue with VR. You could give them away for free and still only enthusiasts would use them beyond the "wow stereoscopy" period. AAA devs aren't going to help us even if FB gives them bags of cash--their business is in well oiled assembly lines, not innovation. Flat ports are a waste of time and are better off played in flat (maybe some day headsets will be comfortable enough to play flat games on but we're a long ways away from that).
No, VR's problems are in comfort (visual, sim sickness, ergonomics), limitations (limited agency due to sim sickness worries, limited haptic feedback resulting in clunky interactions), and the technical challenges in software necessary to take advantage of the medium.
VR will stay an enthusiast thing for a while longer and there's nothing wrong with that. The issue with VR is that it was hyped (largely by FB) as something your average gamer should desire.
There's plenty of good VR porn, and entire sites dedicated to VR porn.
Beat Saber
Office Simulator
Whatever Valve is working on
Everything else doesn't matter
With cellulite prostitute and janky MMD animations ?
The majority of fetishes are not even represented.
>Because in order to truly take advantage of VR you need to flesh out interactions to a degree we've never seen before. Various devs have been approaching this from different angles--working on one system or another, but nothing has brought it all together. In addition, some of these things require fundamental rewrites of low level engine subsystems and that is something that takes years and is not shared across the mainline branches of major engines. Lastly, this stuff is still largely in "research phase". I'm not talking about gimmicky bullshit like rotating handles with a motion controller instead of a button, but rather the mechanics seen in stuff like Boneworks and Blade & Sorcery--but even these are just the tip of the iceberg.
I got into fucking vr because i wanted to feel present in games, interact with things, turn door handles myself, slowly creep open the door while I'm trying to gun its residents down, throw flowerpots at the enemies attacking me, push buttons myself, insert mag and cock the gun any way I feel like.
So far devs have been working on figuring out basic shit like movement actually aiming guns and replicating 3 points of contact, figuring out contents of avarage consumers stomach, thinking of what to do if player puts his head into a wall and so on.
Bone works is the first game of second step of figuring out how to make games. It focuses on environmental interaction and figuring out systems so you don't have to manually make everything interactable
Entry level.
There's no anal gaping goth girls so I'm out.
Who care about VR, Kyoto Animations is dead.
I think he's one of those "3dpd"fags. There is good shit, but it's buried in a sea of shit. Post good ones
>Bye Bye Bro Code
>Introducing Nikita Diamond
Rift S. Index is exorbitantly priced.
Index is reasonably priced rift s is overpriced wmr.
I tried O+ and loved it, but the tracking is honestly improved with the Rift S over WMR. Support in games is much better as well. The diffusion filter was a meme and SDE is minimal and not noticable to me with the Rift S. I can read text just fine. Only thing I wish the HMD had was higher FOV, but the Index doesn't even get much a boost in the horizontal, which is what matters to me the most.
The Index HMD is actually very well priced, but the base stations and knuckles are worse than HTC in terms of being overpriced.
actually rift s and index can both live in market comfortably since rift s is better for smaller play areas and people who can't for some reason put up light houses.
Light houses may be expensive but you can replace them with OG vive ones.
Knuckles are by far the most advanced controller and its only like 30 bucks more than vive wands so its price is not that bad. Fucking xbox elite controller is half the price of knuckles for literally no reason. Now thats an overpriced controller.
I bought vive ages ago because I knew knuckles were coming but now its cheap upgrade to index for me.
I can appreciate that, if you have the upgrade path from the original lighthouse stations. I never considered the Vive. Hope you haven't had any joystick issues. I get the white static flashes on the Rift and will probably return it within my 30-day refund window.
nobody likes innovation and new things anymore
everyone wants to just consume same thing and get excited for next release of almost same thing
consumer-driven economies always end up this way
I considered vive after having oculus. I didn't like the joysticks and the tracking infuriated me.
Joystick issues are overblown, the not clicking at edge is easily avoided by clicking joystick while moving it to edge instead of trying to click it where it can't like a dumbo. There are some people with actual issues but it's most likely a bad component. If it gets worse I'll just RMA it.
Hope you get your hmd issues sorted frien
scanner sombre is garbage, the gimmick wears off after the first 10 minutes
you can play og penumbras with vr mod.
VoxEl when