Stardew Valley modding community is in turmoil over a skin lightening mod for black characters
Stardew Valley modding community is in turmoil over a skin lightening mod for black characters
Okay? Are you just trying to start some controversy or is this actually significant in any way shape or form.
autistic no matter which side you are on
based and redpilled as it should be
it's a /pol/ thread in disguise
nose is too big
glasses look dumb
literally white bad black good with added mental gymnastics because they can't accept personal preferences for aesthetics
>game has a Greek character
>Yea Forums assumes it's a nigger
The absolute state
The white Dimitri mod is so old though, who really cares if they did it to Maru.
I use the mod that turns everyone into animals so whatever.
Anyone who gets autistic over a MOD is certifiably retarded, regardless of what that mod is.
The carpenter's husband is black. She's just got a tan. These amerimutts really need to calm down.
That wouldn't be wrong
No one assumes it's a nigger.
Am I supposed to be outraged over their outrage?
why wasting time on this garbage
cause a turmoil for What They Did to Popuri on the new Story of Seasons
>Yea Forums
you mean the modding community right?
Here is your whitewashed Maru
It's pretty much impossible to really crack down on mods so developers shouldn't try (and it will almost always make you look bad and give the mod extra attention). But this is a fucking stupid mod.
Low effort mod. Should try a little harder like other race swap mods. Turning Evelyn into a Mexican grandma and Haley into a sexy lamia are great.
what's the difference?
but it's okay to do it to spiderman, 007 and ariel, huh?
This. If you get upset, or offended in any way, shape or form at a mod you need to get yourself checked out for a mental illness.
It's the same as me buying the local newspaper, and drawing a dick on someones head.
Mods are a lawless lands people should know by now that you can't hold the game developer accountable for the mods for their games.
No one said that.
Stop trying to force controversy over pointless shit.
you need glasses
>not playing with the furry mod for cute bunny girl Maru
the modder nor the OP forced any sort of controversy. they simple created/posted a mod. The controversy, if there is one, stems from others unreasonable reactions.
>when you get a white dick for the first time
It's okay to go back to
God damn would slam
Opinions from irrelevant people have not and will not matter. Forcing minor issues into full blown controversies for shiggles is fucking retarded.
Kill yourself, /pol/tard.
We get it sargon, you want to start goobergate 2.0
Stardew Valley modding community including or not including AllTheFallen?
Bleached kino
Why are you making this so controversial? It's just a thread about mods dude.. Wtf..
Why does pale skin look do much better bros..
Anything that highlights black fragility is "controversial"
>Implying ATF would shit on delicious brown lolis
both are fucking disgusting
>idpol is just videogames dude!
>Stardew Valley modding community is in turmoil over a skin lightening mod for black characters
Didn't they have a melt down over pedo mods as well?
>No one said that.
except for every big creative company
>harem mod
>turn bachelors in big boobed bimbos mod
>Jasmine wife mod
Games has great mods. Just need a mod to steal the wives in town and it would be beyond perfect
>litteral colorswap
Pick one and only only one. Everybody's not a bunch of triggered reddit snowflakes
Have sex.
Does Disney have anything to do with Stardew Valley, or video games in general?
What are some good mods if I want to replay the game?
Any good lewd mods?
check for allthefallen, have fun
You have to admit it's a bit racist making black characters look white.
You have to admit it's a bit racist making white characters look black.
>implying niggers wouldn't stop being niggers if they could
Just look at Michael Jackson
>white knighting schizophrenic rincel central
That was a skin condition.
Now now both of you settle down. It is a bit racist, but they both make my dick hard.
Link to mod?
Finally some common sense
It's simple. OP wants Yea Forums to react in response to the mad normies reacting. Thus putting the issue into a cycle of reaction. That is essentially how controversies are made and perpetuated.
If he's really devious, he'll probably spread the word that Yea Forums is talking about it, along with some of our comments. Because it's easy to get anons to say racist shit. So see those comments will get people to say "well everyone who likes the mod is racist. Look at what the incels say anonymously."
It's exactly how Feminist Frequency got their kickstarter from a modest $6,000 goal, to a whopping $158,922 in support. They weaponized Yea Forums's outrage.
Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it's /pol/, Reddit. Calm down or go back.
So they're giving the modder what he wants? Yeah, that's gonna show him.
people who fear such a mod are the same types of people who deep down inside, think their race, or another, is superior
Not any more racist than gender changing mod would be sexist
Where's Stonetoss' comic about this?
if you retards would stop giving this vocal minority attention, none of this shit would actually go anywhere
you're right, its not racist. it's just revolting.
>A Developer gets so mad at your mod they remove it from the Community Hub
Fun times
Allthefallen is dead. Apparently the Netherlands changed their laws so shota/loli is now counted as actual cheese pizza so they need new server providers.
allthefallen is down, isn't it? Even their .ninja link doesn't work. It no longer exists.
This. It's all a psyop to make us look bad.
Fuck you OP
>parliament pedo rings and kids getting raped, murdered and sacrificed across EU
>let's crack down on fiction
Fucking niggers
make all the characters whatever colors you want that's the whole point of mods, make the game your own. make the characters all black, white, yellow, pink, purple or fucking argyle tartan, who gives a shit.
>political post
>not /pol/
Hey, we all know blacks aren't industrious enough to set up a pedo ring. Take responsibility, whitey.
What does skin color have to do with politics
OP did not make this thread with the intentions of discussing video games.
Idpol should by default go to /pol/
Remember when Tumblr sent thousands of death threats to some 16 year old Argentinian girl because she drew Garnett as 'less black', fun times. So this doesn't surprise me in the least.
>You have to admit it's a bit racist making white characters look black.
I have some bad news for you, people actually think that turning white/asian character black is good but turning a black character into white/asian is racist.
sand niggers are niggers too
based mod
Topic regards racism
That is a political issue
No, whiteys are perfect. It's only the niggers who rape kiddies and if any cumskin rapes someone they're obviously a Jew.
The same reason why everything is.
Blame /pol/tards
Kill yourself larper.
Sorry, but if you care about Stardew Valley in any way, you're part of the problem with video games. Lousy farm sim bullshit like this is classic Tumblrina-core gaming.
This thread is going to deleted soon anyway so who cares? Jannies have gotten incredibly based lately.
It's ironic that fighting game fans coined the term "unga" to describe only certain characters. When the entire genre is basically geared toward cavemen.
What the fuck is wrong with Amerifilth
Why do you dipshits need to spam your idpol fetish everywhere
God just fuck off and go play video games
And farm sims are geared toward cavewomen--they're just easy ways to soothe the urge to nest without actually having kids.
The fact that people are upset over the fact there's ONE mulatto bitch in the entire Stardew universe. How do /pol/iggers leave the house without having a mental breakdown?
Would the opposite be considered a black-face mod? Like, making all the white characters black.
>you damn kids should play a REAL game like Spiderman for the Atari 2600
I've never played this stardew valley game, but this is pretty retarded. This isn't candy crush, it's a farming simulator, it's sim city of the modern age, there's literally nothing wrong with liking animal crossing or stardew valley.
Topic regards video games
That is a video game
Greeks were black tho
Nah, it's like drawing a dick in the newspaper, then taking a photo and posting it online.
>we wuz Greek n sheit
>oog fighting games good, farming games bad. Me am real gaymer
>hey if we ignore everything else it doesn't seem to so bad now does it
wow great argument
We should go for another GG
It was such a shitshow on both sides it was really entertaining
Have sex.
Niggers and anyone who defends them needs to be beheaded ASAP
ur in trouble now mister!
Let me guess, you originally tweeted pic related, didn't you?
>right: Soul
>left: No Soul, therefore not human and perfectly Christian to subjugate.
I thought Boats was sick, but honestly Boats 2 was a fucking HUGE letdown. and who the FUCK thought it was a good idea to put so many Cars in Boats 3?
You're the one who jumped into a Stardew Valley thread, complaining about women. And you're the one who apparently has material saved of women you hate. So don't act like I'm the one acting like an asshole.
Both versions are white; there's no such thing as white.
>hey let's not ignore everything that isn't video games on a video game board
Name 1 instance of a video game character being black or white washed in video games.
>s-stop ruining my racebait thread with your sexism!
And who complained about women? I said SW is "Tumblrina-core gaming" which is gender neutral. You brought up cavemen, I retorted with the truth.
>Topic regards video games
By the looks of this thread it hardly seems like it.
>"rina" suffix
>gender neutral
wait are they having drama again?
or is this just a repost of old drama from ages ago back when this shitty game was alive
I was about to explain the feminine suffix, but I see someone already has. So I'll just say that "Tumblrina" implies women, you retard.
And if you argue that it doesn't. Then I could use the same logic to argue that "caveman" is gender neutral as well.
greeks are probably worse than niggers, disgusting folks
Does she come with a paper bag to put over her head?
Yeah? If "prima donna" can be gender neutral when it literally means "leading lady", how is that a stretch?
See . And you could copy my logic, sure, but the difference is that you'd just be lying to try to hold onto some imagined moral high ground lile the Tumblrina you are
Difference is, you're the only one who uses tumblrina to be gender neutral. Or so you claim. I think you meant women specifically, but now you're claiming neutrality as a petty way to turn the altercation in your favor, after embarrassing yourself.
Leave black characters black, leave white characters white.
Don't these fags make blackwashing mods and gay-making mods all the time?
*Tumblr people actually think
SEAnon here, am I allowed to call Tumblr out on turning Asian-made characters into fat black ugly things, or is my privilege rating too high because my tanned skin is too close to white skin?
What business is it of theirs what people do with their own games?
They do, but whitewashing is prime outrage bait for anglosphere leftists. Getting angry over nothing is an easy way to get your dopamine hit.
>Difference is, you're the only one who uses tumblrina to be gender neutral.
The only way you could believe that is if you've never seen the term used before this thread.
>but now you're claiming neutrality as a petty way to turn the altercation in your favor, after embarrassing yourself.
First off, "altercation"? Who describes a Chinese basketweaving forum topic that way? You either have the worst sense of drama or the funniest sense of humor. But besides that...
>but now you're claiming neutrality as a petty way to turn the altercation in your favor, after embarrassing yourself.
Twice now, ( and )
you've ripped off something I said to defend yourself. Is that all you can do?
>? If "prima donna" can be gender neutral
Since when?
Seriously, you asians need to rise up and start calling these faggots out on their bullshit
I dont get it. Making a tanned white person less tan is white washing? Is EVERYBODY retarded???
You'll be fine. Racism is power + prejudice, and americans invariably hold all the power in any exchange in the modern world. Therefore, you can never be racist towards americans of any colour.
You're supposed to use the word "was" when referring to shit that happened more than two years ago.
Have you ever watched sports, particularly basketball? Commentators call asshole male athletes prima donnas a lot.
Stardew Valley is shit anyway, who cares. Harvest Moon is where its at
If the character was changed from white to black then 0 (zero) people would care
But if it's from black to white then it's suddenly a big fucking deal.
What happened to that marriage one that the internet got pissed off over that let you marry a girl? Did they make the creator kill himself?
>What does skin color have to do with politics
it's called identity politics
Yeah that's meant as an insult. Implying they're acting like a woman is part of it.