For me it's Altmer because:
>tall as fuck
>gold skin
>rich culture with refined taste
>long ass lifespan
>smartest on average by far
>predisposed to magic (my favorite playstyle)
What's your favorite Elder Scrolls race to play as Yea Forums?
Nigger elf
Breton because they're great mages with good magic defense.
What’s the deal with Breton anyway? They seem neglected in overall storytelling along with Orsimer.
For Skyrim I used to play nord, dunmer or altmer and some breton. Though for Oblivion I always rolled orc that everyone hated.
Warrior = Nord
Mage = Dunmer
Thief = Bosmer
Breton because
A) I like magic
B) No way in hell am I playing dirty knife eared freak
Khajiit because I like stealth.
The reachmen are bretons sort of at least
Currently playing as an altmer joining the storm cloaks cause fuck the altmers.
That helps the altmer though
How can you like magic when it's consistently the worst form of combat in the series?
Explain how it's worse than melee. Making custom spells is fun.
Breton because magicka resist
Breton because 25% resist to ALL magic is so goddamn OP nothing else matters
it makes me feel like I'm playing as Todd Powers
>fuck the altmers.
Fuck Thalmor you mean. Not all altmer, ok?
Redguards because of their curved swords. Dunmer because they look cool.
Every other race is trash.
race or class doesnt matter because you all end up as sneak archers anyway
Breton with Atronach birthsign. Its funny watching some Telvanni crackhead think he's hot shit until his spells bounce off you like nothing
I'm gonna fuck me a strong nord man and give birth to powerful nord babies and there isn't shit you can do to stop me. I'm the fucking dragonborne
>give birth to powerful nord babies
Strong altmer babies you mean. Unless you play male altmer and impregnate Lydia, then you will get nord babies.