
>tons of people using mics/headsets
>lots of communication/trash talk/micspam being talked about/played

>barely anybody uses a fucking mic
>strictly text chat
>nobody trying to make jokes/laugh
>complete silence
>maybe somebody calling out positions/enemies every once in a while
>every online friend you group up with just ghosts you after the game is done/they exit

what happened

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Other urls found in this thread:


What happened? Discord happened. Find an LFG / LFT server for all your favourite games.

HR culture got involved, too much risk for what should be carefree dialogue. What, are you going to do, engage in some casual banter on an EA or Acti-Blizzard run game server?


People that use mic unless explicitly asked to are cancer. Every time I get a fag in CS that can't stop talking I mute him within three rounds. You're just cherrypicking shit you remember, I can think to as far back as playing CS 1.6 with nobody wanting to use voice-chatting. This is infinitely more the case for MMOs.
The problem is that the pace of online play has been increased to such an extent that you don't have time to interact with anyone. You're either playing or you're not connected. There's no more time spent in a lobby just talking to people while a match is being prepared, no more 2-3h dungeons during which you can make friends. Now it's wham bam thank you ma'am. You queue, and you're done in 30m-1h at most.

>google lfg
>looking for group
it was that easy the whole time

>HR culture got involved

more like HRT culture amirite

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Autism. No wait, MEGA Autism

The good days are over. :(

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>in the day and age when "toxicity" is a thing
Why would i risk getting banned for some bullshit?


>can't open your mouth without being an insufferable faggot

ok this is now a friend thread

who wants to add me on steam? I have a good mic and am a good buddy.

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The influx of normies into videogames has destroyed the industry forever

Please im conversation starved

post steam id
I will add everyone who replies to this post

Everyone's in discord/private chat with their friends. Public chat is dead. I miss talking shit in Halo 2 and Left 4 Dead- I met a ton of people I'm still in contact with through them, good times. It'd be constant shitty maymays now though, based on the state of discord.

we all got personal discord servers we only invite our handful of IRL friends to and exclusively chat to them while muting in-game chat because its filled with toddlers and 40yo misanthropes

Matchmaking killed community servers and neckbeards got replaced with normalfags.

>tons of people using mics/headsets
>lots of communication/trash talk/micspam being talked about/played
Sounds more like you're just playing with shit people/not friends, because that's my every night and has been since the 2000's.

Reminder that Metalocalypse got fucking cancelled in the middle of the climactic story arc. And when Brendon Small approached the people at Williams Street to ask if he could just do a little thing to at least finish off the story, he was turned down.

>proving his point

You Redditors would never last playing an online game 10+ years ago. Literally everyone talked how he probably talked. That's why the mute button exists, for pussies like you.

nothing happened besides you being in the wrong communities

Voice chat has always been gay and it's the first thing I turn off in every game.

t. graduated high school before the 360 came out

Fuck man reading this hurts


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>admitting to being a consolefag
Because SJW culture ruined basically everything and you can get banned for the most mundane, inane crap its not worth talking.
At first it started with blatant unfunny crap or direct harassment getting you banned. Now, because SJWs can't take any inkling of criticism, you can get banned "for any reason". They'll dox you and nothing will happen to them, and if you try to dox them back you'll end up in court.

You give them an inch, they take a mile.
People with no self control and hyper-inflated egos are the reason I stay away from voice communication. If you're not intelligent enough to type it out, don't waste my damn time.

My steam account is probably older than you, niglet. The difference is I know how to communicate without being an obnoxious cunt.

You’ve received a 10-day in-game suspension from chat for using the following derogatory speech

Please remember, Yea Forums is for everyone

I got fed up of dealing with retards. Fact is, a lot of people online think they are smarter or funnier than they really and they are a chore to listen to. Randoms online seldom talk like normal human beings talk, they are always spouting memes or taunting each other or giving their team commands most people will never follow so really why bother? Voice chat should only be reserved to friends you know are not spastic.

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Dude you're like 30 stop trying to chat me up on steam.

>The problem is that the pace of online play has been increased to such an extent that you don't have time to interact with anyone. You're either playing or you're not connected. There's no more time spent in a lobby just talking to people while a match is being prepared, no more 2-3h dungeons during which you can make friends. Now it's wham bam thank you ma'am. You queue, and you're done in 30m-1h at most.

and this

>post steam id
hydraxon91 (or Hydraxon. Can't post I'd cause I'm at the gym)
Gaben in vr headset avatar

>also 2019
>everyone shits on nintendo for not supporting a childish fad

>what happened
kids became adults and realized that voicechat is the most retarded, unneeded crap ever.

>Move to australian outback
>only satellite internet
>never able to play online again
>Still don't miss 10 year olds calling me a faggot on rocket league

now's your time to call them sʇoƃƃɐɟ

Truly, the world was a better place when you didn't have the threat of being fired for saying nigger online in the back of your mind.


Bitch I'm in a call on discord with my actual friends I can't VC with randoms.

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That's actually not even true. The pace is far slower than it used to be. This is coming from someone that played during the "golden era" of FPS. I could leave any match and join another on the fly.
Now if you try to do something like this, you're punished in some form. Also the wait times are heavily arbitrated. You have to commit to everything in a disturbing way that holds you hostage.
Games are slower to artificially extent their value. People's patience remained the same. The result is the illusion of people having less patience, when the reality is game developers/publishers are tampering with people's patience.


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Talking to teens when I was a teen was barely tolerable. Talking to a screeching teen as a grown ass man is not on my list of priorities

People are afraid of being banned from their game so they are talking solely with their friends in private chat programs.

Why bother with randoms when you can just stick with your friends?

>friend threads have to be snuck in like this because actual steam friend threads have been absolutely ruined by gay ERPfags

Genuinely hate ERPfags

why the fuck would you use google? what the fuck is wrong with you?

modern gaming is full of self conscious trannies who already reported everyone for slight banter and n-/f- words, of course they won't be turning on their mics to reveal their true gender

go outside and have sex

>Play FPS with no mic
>Text to comm
>Well liked on server I frequent
>Get goaded onto Discord and use mic while playing
>Suddenly get friends to play vidya with
>Non-stop banter and shitposting while playing
>Gaming becomes secondary to entertaining ourselves in discord

What the fuck

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Go back to /g/ u faget

In europe it was always like that, like hardly ever you could find a funny nerd, only jocks who suck ass and rage and kids. So fuck those people i want my funny nerds.

>what happened
Death of dedicated servers with tight community
matchmaking with random plebeians you will never meet again

this and also if you just wanna tell a joke then write it on the chat cos it's nothing much anyway and in cs you are making people unable to hear the autistic steps n shit

Cope harder faggot

this, people were CASUALLY calling each other niggerfaggots and then 1 min later screaming real insults at each other like loser virgin nerd fucking kill yourself cos you are more stupid than my fucking inbred dog that got run over by car last year you excuse for a human from faggot bitch

it's fucking pathetic you cant call niggers niggers anymore in our white power imageboard

fucking moot lil niglet bitch sold us out

and why does the jap owner like niggers? Is he even true japanese?

>giving their team commands most people will never follow so really why bother
this is the main reason i dont play cs:go

It's not worth potentially losing your account to a mod with an itchy trigger finger trying to make jokes in an online game

the entire point of CS was to scream abuse at 15 people also screaming abuse at you and maybe there was an FPS going on at the same time

Stop being a nigger faggot

Is it really so difficult to not say nigger or faggit that your inky option is not speaking at all?

Turner Boardcasting hates good shows. They cancelled World Peace for no reason.

I love it honestly, no trolling in the 90s can compare to getting some teenage cunt banned because I baited him into calling me a faggot.
Will never stop being funny.

>Use a mic
>People accuse me of using a voice changer because they think it's too deep
>I'm using my real voice
>All proceed to cuss me out or block me

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Galaktikon 2 finished the story when you use the vinyl track order.

>no (((reason)))


Because snitchass bitches ruined talking shit.
No sense of community or random encounters because everyone huddles up in party chat instead of in-game chat.
People care more about livestreaming than good bantz.

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Great post OP, but I'm still mad theres no 5th season.

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Maybe you're just playing wrong games sweatie ;)

if you have fond memories of being ear-raped than I have nothing to really tell you.Nowadays I have faggots doing everything over the mic from eating, watching telly, dealing with families, breaking up over skype and some other bullshit. I fucking hate hearing some dude's lips smack and I don't feel compelled to make friends with every stranger just because I played a few games with them.

Thats how i read the post at first