>Hey Gamers! Thanks for spending $15 on that Zenyatta Skin, and buying Lootboxes more and more as we pump out conten- I mean, skins
>Anyways, here's your new Summer Games event!
>Lucioball again!
why do i still play this shitty game
>Hey Gamers! Thanks for spending $15 on that Zenyatta Skin, and buying Lootboxes more and more as we pump out conten- I mean, skins
>Anyways, here's your new Summer Games event!
>Lucioball again!
why do i still play this shitty game
Because you're retarded? That or a masochist.
>h-harder d-d-daddy
I don't know, why do you?
I had the good sense to stop playing after like five hours (unfortunately I didn't have the good sense to not buy the game in the first place).
Forced 2-2-2 across all modes a good idea?
no, forced class is cancer
It's coming to comp tomorrow on ptr
Yea. Everything is ass now so hoping it makes teamplay a little better...
>when people can't choose the hero they want to adapt to the situation at hand
Wait, it wasn't enough to ban duplicate picks, so they're forcing you into having a set amount of each class now? This is fucking stupid, so glad I stopped playing this shit by the time season 3 hit.
You choose the hero in your bracket that fits. But no you cant go from tank to dmg....
Yeah and that's fucking retarded. Sometimes you need something other than 2-2-2
>meta heavily favoring shitty tanks and lucio
i fucking hate balance team of every multiplayer game
Lucille Ball
>can't balance your game's forced competitive scene to save your life
>just say fuck it and put role caps
So you telling me that I can cuck everyone by running powerfull rig on shitty settings and instalocking widow every match even harder than before?
Why wont those imbeciles just add role que?
>Jeff Kaplan announced that they're decreasing the support for Overwatch and that the remaining upcoming characters will now be once every six months along with less skins, sprays, lines, etc
>earlier he had announced that no more modes would ever be made, and he even tried to remove some because he personally dislikes them
Remember when "Tigole Bitties" ran an EverQuest guild and constantly demanded nonstop content and updates or else he and his guild would leave the game? How the worm turns when he's put in charge of making a game, he became the very thing he raged against.
In an advanced team with communication sure. In pub teams with lol randoms? Id like more structure.
This is so retarded I have to assume you are trolling.
>changing seats
Games at D3 stage already? Where did he say this?
everquest has monthly fee overwatch doesnt. they have no obligations to update the game at all.
>Falling for the shekel Zen skin
I liked that skin but if you are spending 15 on a fucking skin of all things you should reconsider your priorities.
Somehow worse than Riot.
That's right, keep defending Blizzard, good puppet.
To be fair I doubt that was solely his decision. The game simply isn't as big as it once was. Suits are pulling the plug.
The same retarded autists that still play Team Fortress 2 i believe
It was his decision to focus on making it an e-sport instead of making content. Its death is solely on Jeff's head.
is it really going to change anything? Last time I played Overwatch, every team I'd get had a mandatory Widowmaker and Hanzo. So you know those "forced damage" guys are just going to continue being Widowmaker and Hanzo every game.
I'm just pointing out flaws in your retarded reasoning. i uninstalled ow in 2017 because it's irredeemable garbage.
Fuck Tigole, but it wasnt his decision. Hes not making decisions. He just makes his team execute will of shareholders and a director board.
The reason why games don't last as long as they used to is because game companies no longer give their communities autonomy. In order to keep the game alive, they need to keep updating it to keep it fresh, because people inevitably get bored of doing the same thing over and over again. If they had community hosted servers and allowed players to add their own content to the game, Overwatch would have lasted practically forever.
And no, the scripting thing they included doesn't do shit for this because it's just playing with a bunch of presets, you can't make new maps/heroes/whatever and Blizzard still controls the hosting lobbies.
Fuck, I thought about maybe giving the game another shot but nevermind
Does this game still have only 3 game modes for comp? Hybrid is just two modes combined.
Also is brig still a fucking nuisance to deal with?
lol genji picker
>If players change roles between maps they will change seats
The OWL is an actual ponzi scheme
>In order to keep the game alive, they need to keep updating it to keep it fresh
This is so fucking retarded, why would you play a game only for the new content? especially a shooter
You play to improve, to get better at whatever you want not because a new map came out or some new skins, those are a bonus not the objective
and moneywash
>play 2-3 matches of comp
>get bored
why do zoomers need all this constant engagement and shit to play games?
I played Wolfenstein ET for years because it was a genuinely good game. It only had a few maps and the classes were static without retarded "balance" patches every week. The game was also free.
Nowadays you need some super colourful terribly voice acted normie meme machine with assloads of skinnerbox design built in to keep a kid engaged for more than an hour
Even in pubs you frequently have to switch off a support supporting morons who can't do anything to someone who can actually make an impact and break a stall. More structure just means less agency to change how the game is going in a game that is already sorely lacking it.
There is no bigger indicator of failing game design than arbitrary locks like this.
short attention span
Ok fine
>Can’t switch heroes during game
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
it says can
>Can't switch roles mid game
Reading comprehension have really dropped over the years
>One non standard comp becomes viable
>Shut it all down
Why are big AAA companies so afraid of off-meta shit?
>First "Broken" comp was Tracer, lucio, X
>Next came Dive after hero stacking was removed
>Finally kill off dive
>Suddenly all the DPS players screech now that a tank comp have been meta for 1/10th of the dps meta
>Blizz shuts it all down
Dps players are a mistake
Blizzard has no one to blame but themselves. I called back in 2016 that tanks and supports were the BEST heroes because of their consistency and how tanks just straight up beat non-tanks in 1v1's, all of the onus is on a damage hero to outplay a tank player in a significant fashion to the point where it isn't even satisfying when you do kill them.
And then people played only tanks and supports! Shhhhhhhhhhh.... *inhales* shhhhhhhhhhhhh-SHOCKER!
Shit my bad
Tanksluts and healsluts moba players were a mistake, game should have been 1-4-1/2-3-1 heavily dominated by skill demanding characters.
Because the game mechanics of today's games are simpler. ET, for instance, had different classes that played very differently. You could disguise yourself, you had to worry about limited ammo, and actually accomplish specific objectives beyond "shoot the guy". Games today are too simple with things like unlimited ammo, few, if any movement techniques like rocket jumps, and even matchmaking systems result in being less invested in the game/certain servers. Instead, these games will try to distract you from this with flashy loot boxes and constant patches that fundamentally change things about the game for the sole purpose of changing the meta.
I agree. it should've always been 4dps, 1tank, 1support to the point where you'd insta lose if you tried being memey enough to stack tanks and supports.
>he bought lootboxes
Would have been so much more fun that way, currently it feels like 2 kids yelling I SHOT YOU and 4 kids yelling NO YOU DIDNT I HAVE DEFENSE FIELD GENERATORS SO IT DOESNT COUNT
The game is really fucking boring when there's more sustain than damage.
> T. Widowmains
if you want a pure shooter go play a pure shooter, there's a ton of them out there.
OW was never meant to be that it was meant to be a mix of team & hero mechanics, you can't foster teamplay with a team of DPS
Dps fags are shit.
>had friends that would only log in during the events and drop ~$200 on lootboxes to get the new skins
>they don't play anymore
It was designed that way from the begining. Role ratios prove it with only 3 healers at the start(one of which also requiered to aim) and very few tanks aswell. It only later game was turned into neverending sustain faggory.
>still playing overwatch
>still caring about overwatch
kill your selves and go play a real game like fucking peggle or something you losers
So only 3 support characters at the start of the game designed to be played 2-2-2 was a pure coencidence?
No way, imagine some fucking useless retard dps main refuses to swap after doing shit half game and you can't play another dps because of a forced 2-2-2
This is my POINT and you WILL help me capture my MEDIC!
>Lucioball for the 4th year in a row
>4 new legendary skins
>2 new emotes
Blizzard have given up on Overwatch. Most of the OW team are probably working on the PvE spinoff.
Did someone in upper management come up with Lucioball and think it was such a great and clever idea that it has to be a regularly recurring event? I can't think of why else the OW team is so fucking obsessed with this mode.
They need to change Sombra for SURE. I hate playing against her, but I like playing her.
>Love playing Zen
>Get taken down to 25hp when hacked
>Sombra in 50% of matches
Makes it almost impossible to play Zen when your team is retarded (100% of the time) and won't peel back to help. When a good tracer comes to fuck your ass, you're almost always dead, but at least you've got a chance and 200hp to deal with them.
Why are you still playing it if you hate it so much? Are you retarded?
Sorry, taken down to 50hp*