What video games did you play today?
What video games did you play today?
1 match of CSGO, waiting for Dragon Age Origins to install so I can play that.
star wars knights of the old republic
Civ VI , how about you friend
Digimon Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory
Devil Engine
Played a lot of 7th Stand User after reinstalling it, game's fun as fuck
I've played with my penis. Does that count?
Lobotomy Corporation and Death Road to Canada.
Hope you nerds had a good day.
Mass Effect 2, spent about two hours reading the Codex then doing shitty galaxy assignments.
Minish Cap. Pretty fun.
i just finished doom. i like it because it was easy to pick up and play.
i put some time into finding all the secrets and getting a fuckton of upgrade points. really made me feel like a killing machine. i played on hurt me plenty.
played some hitman 2, hit level 20 mastery in india
played some assetto corsa, went fast
started crash bandicoot nsane bundle thing, pretty fun
played some silent hunter 4, ran into a task force and sank two carriers plus a big battleship while listening to the red october movie score
Warframe and 3 to 4 random mobile games to fill the time at work. Nothing mobile fills whatever weird niche I seem to be needing right now.
the one where i chug a 40 and chainsmoke for 2 hours
im gonna play more shadow of Chernobyl today.
I tried it a few months ago but gave up a few hours in. im enjoying it a lot more this time.
also played a bit of salt and sanctuary today, got around halfway through. its good but i dont think ill play anymore of it. its basically dark souls but not as good and also its 2d, so why would i play salt and sanctuary when I could just go and play dark souls?
Solid choice friend. I just replayed it recently, it's as good as I remember.
I did set analysis for matches I played yesterday in Smash Ultimate. Technically I played, on the definition of having it powered on but I didn’t actually do any battling.
>i played on hurt me plenty.
very much bluepilled
I'm near the end of The Witness and just kind of stunned they saved the worst puzzles for last. Feels like a slight kick in the dick for the buildup to the mountain versus what is actually inside the thing.
I finished reading two .txt files for this airplane
>contextual history
>flight crew training manual
EDF5 with a couple of my best friends I didn't tell them I lost my job today
then Apex with one of my other best friends I told him I did
I haven't played a game in months
3 hours of NepVIIR. Felt more like procrastinating today but I think I'll play something else in a bit. Don't want that feeling to stick, should finish one of the two singleplayer games I have in-progress first.
destiny 2, sc6 and fighterz
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
God damn Velvet is stunning
Warframe. I finally got MR22 but screw me I need a lot of plastids
I've been going through the series for the first time, chronologically, and it's easily my favorite 2D zelda right now. God tier pixel art, great music, fantastic attention to detail to really give it personality, puzzles aren't obtuse but not completely straightforward, the humor has actually made me laugh a couple of times.
My only issue is how often the game interrupts you.
>Shows something happening on screen
>"Hey Link, did you notice that thing happening on screen? I wonder if you should go and find it"
But I guess that's an issue with all the Zelda games.
Team fortress 2
Playing Minecraft while waiting for the Spla2n splatfest. Want to make a village on a decently sized island but so far all I've done is make my own home, make a boardwalk, and replace all the dirt on the designated beach with sand. Intimidated on going forward since shit, time to do the entire rest of the island.
Just a bit of Detroit. Yeah I know "game," but I enjoyed it. Pretty decent western VN.
I like you. Haven't played in a couple of months but I'm needing that TF2 itch scratched.
The “decide if I should just resort to an escort” game
What do you usually like to play user?
if it makes you feel any better, my roommate lost his virginity last week and he hasn't been acting any different than normal.
Beat DOOM, played a couple matches of CSGO, and a few hours of Splatoon 2 for the final splatfest.
Some Fortnite since a friend asked for help with a challenge and a couple hours of Bastion on Vita.
I started the division 2 that I got off a prime day sale for $20.
I'm pretty sure I already regret it.
Outrun and Sonic 1
Was fun, I fucking suck at Outrun though, but the crashing animations are so over the top I can't help but enjoy it anyways
>I tried it a few months ago but gave up a few hours in. im enjoying it a lot more this time
Ah, I remember when this was me. Welcome to The Zone brother.
How old is he?
lil bit of overwatch, lost 2 comp, went to deathmatch and shot down some kikes with mccree got first place 3 times, got bored. played some league, zilean supp, destroyed enemy both times in normal, got bored but ranked is still cancer
played lil bit of isaac, was fun
played haydee cuz this board, was kinda fun but died without save and instant alt+f4
it's 12pm right now and i've got whole day ahead of me, im already super bored, probably will play little bit of csgo, then continue my three kingdoms playthrough or if im lazy i'll just scroll fb, text some hoes and watch cancer youtube vids until im tired
being a neet is a hedonistic nightmare
Never do this.
If it can't seem to happen don't force it, it's a massive waste of money and will make you feel like shit afterward.
Sex is about the connection, if you just need to blow a load use a fleshlight.
>he thinks that hooker will solve anything
FFX. I've gotten Auron, Yuna and Rikku's Celestial Weapons, working on Tidus's and Wakka's.
ive begun playing dragon's dogma for the first time. it seems fun so far
Single player games. I'm looking to get a switch for astral chain, that rice farming game and maybe odyssey.
I like platformers but I also like games like MGS, DMC, Shadow of the colossus, Fatal frame, Resident evil.
I think the last good game I played was Titanfall 2
Yeah I know it won’t fix anything, I just want to know what it’s like. But I guess it is a waste of money anyway, I’m just so tired of being alone. Thanks Yea Forumsros.
Take it off your priority list for now and focus on making yourself fuckable (aka a better person in a better financial state).
Do you like Castlevania games? I'd recommend trying out Bloodstained if you do. I was completely expecting it to be a pile of shit, but it's actually the most competent Metroidvania I've played in a good while.
I'd honestly only do it if there's some fetishes you want to try out that might turn a girl off, but if you're just doing it out of loneliness it really isn't worth it and will probably make you feel worse after.
This user is correct.
Fucked some chick once when I was on vacation and I don't really regret it but it wasn't all that special either. I know what it's like now but if I had the opportunity to do it again I probably wouldn't, spanking it got the same effect.
just accept that there is a very real chance you will be alone for the rest of your life
I used to let that shit keep me up at night but ive learned to just accept it and roll with it.
If I find a partner, thats cool, if I dont, thats cool too.
Persona 3, which is pretty ok for the most part, Travis Strikes Again, which I'm stuck the the shitty stick shift mini game, and SMT 4 which I'm just getting the hang of
I’m in between jobs at the moment (one contract finished and I’m waiting for a call back about another one), but my biggest problem is my social anxiety that I’ve had my whole life. It makes it really hard to meet new people, in fact I’ve only had the same friend circle since 8th grade, and haven’t met anyone since. I know I probably sound like an insecure faggot typing this though.
it feels disorienting being intimate with another person for the first time. almost like time stops and sometimes you feel like you're out of your body, especially if it's with someone you love. you cant believe that it's actually happening.
for the actual sex, it's alright. but it's not something to kill yourself for not having. being intimate with someone is much more rewarding than any ejaculation or foreplay. if that's what you are looking for, you have to actually love someone and forget about yourself for a second, which is not something you can force yourself to do. it will just happen naturally once you start enjoying life and doing social things in general
It's pretty easy desu, be comfortable with yourself and revel in that freedom. The most annoying aspect is the expectation of others that you have a partner, but that's fading.
I have the same anxiety problem. Try looking for a friend rather than a partner, once your comfortable with her then try to take it further.
How do you deal with not having a group of friends to play with everyday?
I played Resident Evil 3, it's really hard to get dodge timings right for many enemies. The window feels so vague sometimes.
I don’t know.
A bit of AA6
i know what you mean, but i just wanted to pick it up and whip through it. fuck, i only died a handful of times and mostly from falling off ledges.
what job did you have user? how'd you lose it?
Single-player games are better, I play vidya to relax, and I want to do whatever the fuck I want.
>Devil Engine
based. that game's hard as balls. got it on launch day and still haven't finished it.
>which I'm stuck the the shitty stick shift mini game
That level is kino, but yeah it does feel like you rarely get a level with just the core game mechanics and no shitty gimmick. You'll like the next level a lot though.
Even when I had friends they didn't play games with me. You get used to it.
DQ builders 2, 1.5 hours of shiny vulpix huntingDidn't get shit, Dwarf fortress and gonna hit up OW later too
>switched to night shift beginning of the year
>friends trying to establish a D&D campaign
>I'm finally hardcore feeling the loneliness
just fucking kill me familia
I used to play with mates everyday, but after a couple of years we all acquired different tastes and none of us could agree on what he wanted to play, so now none of us play together anymore.
It's Thursday do you fucks not have jobs? I'm literally shitposting during lunch and might have an hour or so to play vita in bed before i sleep. PC shit is strictly for the weekends.
FE7, florina best girl btw
FE Awakening and Realm of the Mad God
The Lost Vikings on Mega Drive. The exclusive levels are noticeably cunty and I didn't even look them up before playing.
>what job did you have
airport security
>how did you lose it
a couple of reasons. i definitely made some mistakes i shouldn't have, but i was also very vocal about conduct and procedures in general.
can't say much else, still under NDA and much of the rest is in regards to procedures.
Here's a tip:
-Go to the Gym
-Get money
Congrats you are more desirable than 90% of the world
It's 3:00 A.M.
But I'm so lonely
Like I said.
You get used to it.
I've been playing Castlevania games through that collection
They're pretty good but Simons Quest is pretty annoying
I hear romhacks make the game more understandable, maybe I'll try them sometime
It's difficult to function though as I've had terrible migraines. I hope I don't have cancer but when they're at their worst I ponder living
one of the first things women learn in their 20's is to have higher standards than "cute and ain't broke"
like, say, actually making you feel cherished, and not flaking out on you in a crisis situation that requires empathy & understanding
Thanks. Going to MS Paint the fucking lonely guy in this.
Pretty much this.
Yeah, being desirable and being emotionally healthy arent mutually exclusive
I had to work a double today
I get off in an hour
By contemplating suicide every few hours. You get used to it.
i play singleplayers games mostly.
also randos are usually pretty cool in games like tf2
hahaha I would if my crippling anxiety didn't force me to stay at home 90% of the time don't worry I'm seeing a great psykologist and making progress, we hope I can start studying next year
>Simons Quest is pretty annoying
It is pretty bad. It's one of those games where it feels like the developer hates you. At one point I found myself trapped in between 2 lava pits and no way of escaping. Had to restart the entire game.
>as I've had terrible migraines
Go see a doctor.
I work from home.
Max Payne 3 and DMC 3 on PC. I am appreciating mp3 more now than when it first came out. Using the amd control panel for the graphics as much as possible rather than in-game. It runs and looks better than I remember (that was using the in-game settings like aa). Forced cutscenes are still ass. Make an option to not waste resources on that and just have a passing screen dammit! First time playing dmc3. Before I had only played 2 on ps2 and DmC. This game makes want to enjoy more fun Capcom games. I hated having to fix the fucking controls on this shit port, but at least I discovered the style switcher mod. I wish I had money for Onimusha HD. Fucking love that trilogy so much. I also never played RE, so I kinda want to check that out now (since all three were originally built on the same engine). Taking a break from dmc3 though because I play very intensely and my forearms are getting tight (arthritis or something, fuck doctors) and my left thumb is getting fucked up. It hurts but feels numb at the same time.
T. Rapidly Declining Boomer
I feel like I'm rapidly degenerating like old snake or something.
Sorry to hear about the job loss! Something will come by, keep your head up!
Hopefully you've some savings to fall back on, but at least you have experience if you want to stay in a similar field.
Finished Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea. The story was just as absurdly nonsensical as the main game but was fun and still had more soul than most games nowadays. Also Apex Legends cus I'm an Apex Legend.
thanks user. i've got some money in reserve, hardest part's gonna be resisting complacency and finding new work in a timely manner
>if you want to stay in a similar field
nah, i want to get into voice acting
I don't want a lot of friends, I just want one really good one. And I think I have that for now, too bad he works full time and goes to sleep a couple hours after I wake up because of my retarded sleep schedule.
Singleplayer games are the best anyway.
Trying to into Dorf Fort, I think I'm doing okayish. I got really overwhelmed at my first wave of migrants tho, like three new families with a bunch of children. Otherwise just some WoW while take care of my dad while his back is all fucked up.
I hope you live in the Texas area, if you're wanting to go into animation.
And yeah, I know the feeling of having a sweet gig, you'll get there again.
1. read some books, preferably nonficiton selfhelp like how to win friends and inlfuence people, no more mr nice guy, power of habit, models. or just start with classic fiction; cannery row by steinbeck is my 2018 favorite. really just read something to kill time
2. get a fulfilling hobby, start small; draw something, write about anything, go for some walks around your neighborhood. learn a language maybe, rock climb, scuba dive. the possibilities are endless, just get out of the house. you don't even have to talk to anyone yet if you're scared like me, just get yourself out of the house.
3. the loneliness is so much easier to deal with when you did something in the day just for yourself.
I just binge-watched old GTLive livestreams. MatPat’s wife Stephanie is so fucking cute.
CDDA and Starsector
as much as I dislike gt
Those livestreams are strangely nice and comfy
Yeah. MatPat and Stephanie are really entertaining. They’re a cute couple.
The Navi "HEY!!1!!" bullshit is present in every game from OoT onward sadly.
That's why I like Tatl, at least she's sassy about it
Star Ocean 1 and Lagrange Point.
I need to buy a ps4
pc gaming isnt comfy
I appreciate the advice, user.
diablo 2
my crt doesnt work anymore though :(
checks out. i'm going on 24 soon and haven't had a gf since i was 19. i don't even feel right about trying to date until i move out of my mom's place, so in the mean time i've been (trying to) travel a bit and get into some interesting hobbies. i've been skiing for 3 years now and my next move is to get scuba certified. probably start rock climbing at some point. i try to read books and expand my world view.
when i do move out, i'll probably have a place with a couple friends, but it'll be so much off my mind that i can invite a girl back to my place and my mom and handicapped sister won't be right fucking there.
that is if any girl would actually want to come back to my place, but one step at a time, i suppose.
if comfyness is all you're going for get a switch, going from handheld in bed to TV&couch is so fucking comfy
None. Vacations at the beach.
I figured out the best way to decrease my damage score by one and increase my defense by one to activate a couple of talents in Division 2. Then went to battle for loot crates.
Finished a relatively long stint of FF9. Was going to do everything I could in the game (unfortunately forgot about some missable stuff early on), but I decided to just beat Necron and be done with it for now. Good stuff, though I forgot how much I fucking hate the hourglass minigame.
Dota2 and TW three kingdoms, it's actually pretty fucking good even though the balance is all over the place and the field battles are weak. I also don't like the UI but it's nice to have working diplomacy.
Played Witcher 3 all day since it's my only day off this week.
Going to play The World Ends With You on an emulator when I get home. Anything I should expect?
Maybe stop playing shit "games"?
So... PoE?
Nice! I've dropped that game several times after trying to start it. Once you get a feel for the zone, it's not so bad huh? It's pretty impressive on it's own too imo. How far are you so far? I am supposed to break into lab x16 iirc, but I stopped playing because m+kb fuck up my wrists.
It's a fun and cute game. I'm glad you're enjoying it and a great series.
I don't recommend it, but make sure whatever decision you make is your own.
Is it lack of content or just shitty core gameplay?
Even with a nice one who makes you comfortable doesn't compare to a real connection. Just allow it to happen at the right time, user. Plus the post-nut clarity is even worse.
Well fuck, I guess I've never really loved about to this guy who gets asmr from fucking or some shit. inb4 it's a chick.
By being so used to being completely alone that you've given up on anything else every being an option at this point.
If you're lonely when you're alone, then you're in bad company. Adding others won't fix that problem.
>Start small
>3. the loneliness is so much easier to deal with when you did something in the day just for yourself.
Gr8 advice m8 I give it a yup
I'd say just get a controller, but I'm doing that right now and I know what you mean.
a bad time because you're using an emulator
Replaying Bioshock, I'm going for the I Choose the Impossible trophy, almost done in Neptune's Bounty
I remember when I was this style of newfag.
I wish I could stop coming here.
I was a pure soul but now i only play apex legends.
I got to leave work early and finished metro last light and I have to say, Exodus>2033>Last Light
>get a switch
was actually thinking of getting a wii u for the same reason you mentioned
>just get a controller
still have to set things up (graphic settings, controller mappings etc), fix any issues/crashes that may occur and the PC is connected to my desk monitor rather than tv
Yeah, I noticed if you dont follow a guide to a T you could easily get fucked over.
thanks for the advice, I'm already getting a CAT soon
Nigger, I've been this brand of autistic since 2006. I wish I could stop coming here too. The board is garbage and the janitors suck. i wonder what that day moot is up to sometimes. But sometimes you get a decent thread.
Get a flash cart and play it on real hardware - emulating that game feels like ASS.
I'd recommend the shitty ports over emulating it, it's THAT bad.
Work on yourself man. That one sexual encounter will feel alright, but working on yourself could change your whole life. You can have a real girlfriend if you fix yourself up.
I'll try to find some cheap second hand DS then.
He's just trying to facilitate conversation and get those tasty (you)'s.
That's actually the same year as me. I wish I could escape this ever shittier Hell.
I found out about IHNMAIMS, got halfway through
For real, you're doing yourself a disservice on anything but a DS. Should be able to find one for cheap.
That's it.
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.
You can play through it just fine on an emulator. No game is worth buying an entire console for. Just remember to bind the mic input to something.
Dragon quest builders 2, legit GOTY for me. Very entertaining
Been playing SMT Strange Journey it's c really fun
I played no games and I'm ordering this because I've truly given up.
Probably gonna play Dead by daylight ,again, instead of ruiner, who I should be finishing, and I like.And yet I keep finding my self playing multiplayer game instead of finishing my backlog. Why?
Was it to a gf he cares about or did he waste it on a one time thing??
>Was it to a gf he cares about
looks hot
This, but it felt more like work than fun
I’m having the most fun I had with video games in years.
>Better financial state.
Don't bother if you care about long term, she's not worth it if she's not gonna stick close to you through thick and thin. Just get a job you're fine with and go from there, mainly try and work on being healthy.
I have a hard time looking people in the eye some times, don't like going out, prefer staying indoors and doing things on my PC when I'm not at work. People get along with me, seem to like me and try to invite me out and invite me on vacations, I just don't feel alright about going out like that, unlike them, I have other problems to deal with before I can even think I'm remotely ready for a long term relationship so I'm not looking, that part seems like solid advice to me, work on taking care of your self before you consider adding another person to that list. Also if you plan on spending time on your PC, you'll have to be picky, some people try to take up a lot of your time, while others are fine with a bit more time off from each other, you'll probably want the second, since the way you both use your time can send one or both in to a unenjoyable existence where you feel trapped with each other and need to get away, instead of feeling like you mesh well.
Kirby 64. Dear god this game plays like everything is in slow motion.
these are the only threads I come too anons
keep your chins up
By thanking God. Hell is the other.
Emulating is fine, but you will probably have to play it in an expanded window to avoid accidentally resizing the window during gameplay.
I'm thinking on marathoning something today, my sister invited me over but I'm so tired, I'm sorry sis but I need some rest and I can't sleep much with you next to me. I'll see you tomorrow and you can have me all of the weekend~
>lonely guy
Wait i-is that ... wojak(feels guy) or forever alone guy? No, it's probably feels guy right? When was the last time some one even used forever alone guy?
Just a Doom wad I've already played before. Something I could play mindlessly while I listened to the TV. Was too depressed to play anything more involved.
In the last 24 hours
F-Zero X
I'm going to play Dawn of War 2 and then later Homeworld 2
Sleep tight, Popper.
The point is that if you still hold the belief that you can find a woman you "care about" then you're still a virgin for a very good reason.
well, it's 11AM, which means i just woke up, so i haven't played anything today yet. but i imagine i'll fall into my classic routine of meaning to get around to playing something only to keep procrastinating on it before i quickly fit in some time to do the star trek online summer daily mission before i go to sleep.
at this point i just want to actually play some decent games for once
The point is that if you still hold the belief tht you can't find a woman that you "care about" then you're probably a jaded, very sad person, who severly needs to meet a wonderful caring person to knock that notion out of your mind.
Tomodachi life since that one Yea Forums stream's been playing it
what stream?
Channel's normally about a wwe game with vidya characters but it's on break from that.
I just woke up, but yesterday I played Yakuza 0 and Overwatch.
I'm not who you're replying to and I agree, but what the fuck are you talking about? You should see the incels on /pol/ talk about the Bianca situation.
Gun. I'm looking to knock some of the shorter games out of my PS2 backlog.
Watching ciel nosurge on yt because I dont have vita