Big willy melee or feminine peen magic?

big willy melee or feminine peen magic?

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What if my willy is magical?

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Big Schlong Magic Dong. Only fags don't prefer magic.

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I have a huge hard on for spells that enchant your weapon.
I do not care how fucking bad the spell itself is or if it doesn't really add that much to the final number, I fucking LOVE enchanting my weapon with elemental stuff, such as fire or thunder and others.
Where does that put me?

life tap kite annoying stealth whatever it takes bastard

this makes you a spellblade, the chadest of classes

>Enchanting your sword with flame/lava and when you swing it swings out like a whip.
Aside from Ratchet and Clank and Souls, where can I find this feel?

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Good lord it smells like vile magic using heresy in here

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>dude melee combat is manly lmao
Chad can flex his biceps and brag about his Muay Thai training all he wants, none of it matters when someone with a gun arrives.

With magic you can buff both your strength and your weapon to be more powerful than just melee could ever hope to be.

>implying feminine peen isn't an upside

Either really, as long as you aren't a filthy Ranger subhuman

What is this, a tiny peen convention?

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>gets killed by uneducated peasants with crossbows

Literally every masculine figure in human myth is a warrior. Spellcasters are almost always either old men or bitches.

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Magic is the dominant force.

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Go fall off a ladder.

>Not just using both melee and magic

Why live.


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>being so indecisive and lacking the courage to pick a path and sticking to it
>willingly being a mutt

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A book would be most loved.

>mu dick nigger jokes
>bending the laws of physics through arcane might

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>ones real
>ones nerd virgin make-believe

really makes you think

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it's mostly an exaggerated myth, you cuck.

Gods I was strong

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I enjoy being a magic knight but almost every rpg is fucking stupid and they balance it so that you have to be one or the other to be a decent class.

I just want to be like dark messiah and augment melee combat with cool magic tricks, is that so wrong? Is that a crime?

>wizards are a nerd power fantasy where even a scrawny old man can be the most powerful being in the universe if he just KNOWS STUFF
>warriors are always boring bunga tanks that just run up and hit things with little mechanical spice
>multiclassing never works

Good times.

The Chad magic knight. Even if it's mechanically inferior it's often the most interesting and fun choice, bonus points if the devs design it so there is decent synergy between magic and melee.

fuck divinity 2

Master of sparks is far and away the most satisfying play style in that game.

>Literally every masculine figure in human myth is a warrior.
Actually, most of them multiclass or dump skill points in Use Magic Device.

the ONLY acceptable form of magic (including "bad" faith).

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Who witchhunter/anti-mage here?
>natural magic resistance built up from years of dealing with mages
>the best weapons and light armor money can buy, including a crossbow, longsword, and the signature witchhunter hat
>a host of magic disrupting techniques and tools

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Try the Magic Knight in Dragon's Dogma, but play on PC or suffer constant FPS issues because the game can't handle how flashy he is.

For me, it's hybrid classes. We may not be good at anything and nobody wants us around, but it's still worth it.