Why the fuck was he intentionally faking his internal thoughts the entire game?
Why the fuck was he intentionally faking his internal thoughts the entire game?
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because he had to make big poopies in his poopy pants
To destroy the evidence
Because David Cage is a hack
Nobody even suspected him in the first place though
ask david cage the mastermind behind this game
idk but it was one of the few twists that made me go "WHATTTTT" out loud.
> Amazing premise
> All the potential to be a genuine masterpiece
> Ruin it with two nonsensical plot twists that make you want to break your controller
Is David Cage unironically worse then M.Night Shamalayn?
How did he spread all that broken glass through those tight vents when he's an obese fuck?
The only reason is so the twist can actually work.
Because otherwise he would have given the big twist away. That's literally the only reason. David Cage is a fucking joke and I can't believe people actually praised this game for its story.
No cause Shymalan's twists come at the end and leave you going "oh, well that sucks" whereas Cage's games all go batshit at the midpoint and are unintentionally hilarious until the end. Much more entertaining
Because Cage is a fucking retard and incompetent writer.
>The player character is a murderer, secretly plotting shit the entire time
>Somehow, NONE of this is conveyed to the player at any point while they are playing as them
As retarded as this is, at least we can say that the Japs do it too.
he wanted to trick us
Why didn’t he just make Lauren the protagonist instead?
The only good twist in the game was that the CIA guy's magic techno detective glasses were the addictive part, and the drug he was popping was actually to counter it. It was extremely obvious, but it was still well done compared to everything else. The fact that you can die for being too slow in those sections is neat.
That game is full of dumb shit, the wacky ending twist was just overcompensating for how weak the rest of the game is.
Because then you would've suspected Shelby instantly.
>she gives him the letter
>he doesn't even open it, just goes "oh ok, well thanks, bye"
>later down the line she starts to point out pertinent shit that could put him in trouble
>he clearly starts spilling his spaghetti
You just don't even consider he could be the killer because you spent a chunk of the game playing as him and literally listening to his thoughts that pretty much lie to your face the entire time.
She wasn't nearly as retarded as heavy rain's twist. her internal thoughts never straight up fucking lied to the player
He probably got one of the kids to do it
How the fuck do you even fake your own thoughts?
It's because he's in character trying to think as a detective to cover up his crimes. That's how he kept getting away with it.
Then shouldn't he have killed the kids too to tie up loose ends?
when is this coming out on pc?
i googled this to find out more but what exactly did ronald knox mean by this?
"No Chinaman must figure in the story."
Because the killer was supposed to be either random or based on what you did and it proved to be too difficult to implement and they ran out if time so they pushed it out like that.
>narrator is literally lying
what a twist!
what the fuck are internal thoughts
The only good dialogue in David Cage games comes from the actors.
He is probably one of the worst writers in the industry.
the worst part was manfred though.
>you thought you had control over shelby? well actually in a 5 second cutscene he went and killed manfred lololol
also that part where he becomes john wick and kills 15 people in like 30 seconds was out of place
Thoughts you don't voice?
I think the game would have been stronger if the game dynamically changed the killer based on player choices. Given who the killer actually was, and how contrived the explanation of "oh lol this is what was really happening", having it be any of the other playable characters would have been just as believable.
A "chinaman" is basically a scapegoat killer, the obvious choice. "Oh wow, it was the butler."
>oh it's so weird that he can fake his own thoughts
are you kidding me? have you seriously never done this? when I was younger I thought the CIA would hire people based on their thoughts, so I would stay cool and collected and patriotic until I figured out they didn't have that technology
I remeber playing indigo prochecy where your like a detective or something and all of a sudden you're flying around battling this homeless guy with phsycic powers and kungfu. These games are amusing in a retarded sort of way.
You can do that?
Better question, why didn't use his jacket to sweep the glass out the way?
No, you're basically just really autistic.
He already a suspect considering neither he or Ethan can die no matter how bad you mess up
to differentiate between his own views that could make him overlook mistakes he made and the viewpoint of an investigator that is hunting him.
badly done, of course, but there is a psychological reason for imagining that you are someone completely different acting only on the clues you find.
Because David is a hack who can only write Sy-Fy tier stories.
This, Steins Gate 0 did this sort of thing with the masked woman.
Fu Manchu used to murder writers that slandered glorious Chinese people.
Yeah but you don't know that unless you go out of your way to fuck up.
David Cage is neither competent nor smart enough to do anything that ambitious.
already on the epic store
You fucking douche, user didn't even specify if he liked it or was surprised by how silly it was. Fucking reading into shit onions reaction posting troll.
Fahrenheit was brilliant. It starts out as an interactive crime plot and before long you're fighting giant bugs and angels.
I dont see anything too wrong with supernatural elements, as long as said supernatural elements are made clear and the relevant ground rules for how they function are clearly laid out at some point.
You are a complete idiot. I was agreeing with him/elaborating on the joke, you flaming white knighting faggot.
So how is Detroit now that it is on ps+?
it was shit but now that it is on ps+ it's truly a masterpiece
Fahrenheit is like video game Illuminatus fanfiction written by a eight years old. Stealth shenanigans were beyond awful though.
Conner's good, everything else about the game is meh.
Because he's a psychopath with a mental illness, it's not that hard to piece it together.
Who made you the archbishop of narrative rules in storytelling?
In a parallel universe, some contrarian, bored user made an onion wojack post with greentext implying that you can't have skeletons as vidya enemies because only gay babies think skeletons are an acceptable enemy to fight in vidya and real video games have zombies instead.
We almost hired you but then you suddenly stopped thinking our way.
>criminal must be mentioned early in the story
tell that to Agatha Christie
>Because he's a psychopath with a mental illness
If he had some form of dissociative mental illness then this explanation would be fine but he doesn't. And the writer is perfectly aware of dissociative disorders because he uses them as a red herring with the father. The game just lies to you. Not the character, the game itself. It's shit.
Play it for Connor and Hank
Fuck everyone else
This. Heavy Rain is absolute shit as detective story.
Bullshit apologist.
The most retarded thing about it, is that you could hear his thoughts. He was triying really hard to find the killer.
Cage is a fucking talentless hack
Do you not fake your internal thoughts on a regular basis? How else do you expect to deal with mind readers?
>faking his own thoughts
Wasn't he just delusional? I thought a big part of it was supposed to be that the trauma made him develop an alter ego of sorts.
>The detective sections in these games are always more interesting
>Not more than one secret room or passage is allowable
Everybody knows two is the proper amount!
Becauze it iz zee artful zing to zoo in zee game zat had a totally zexy creator who dezervz more Ellen Page nude modelz... for zee art
My tomodachies. I thought my mom could read if I had lewd thoughts so I always sabotaged my mind with random thoughts to distract her mind-reading ability.
This. Its The Room of videogames
David Cage is what the contrarians on Yea Forums think Kojima is
Just in case of mind reading psychic detectives
If you pay attention, she never denies being the killer. She just uses words that tip-toe around it.
At least there were hints to Kaede, like her needing to look at the shot put to advance the story.
where does Ubik fit in this? Just another genre defying anomaly from PKD?
She didn't kill anyone though.
>didn't play this game until about a year ago and somehow managed to avoid all spoilers
it's like a magic trick these days
And she says that she puts "everything that she's holding" into her backpack. Including the shot put ball, which she hadn't put down.
Sure as hell tried, though.
I was in the same boat but I stopped playing it about 1/3rd of the way in because it was so tedious. At least indigo prophecy let's you sort of roll with bad decisions more this on the hand is more boxed in
>oh no what happened to the shop keeper we just talked to him a second ago
>the killer must have broken in while we weren't looking and just killed him i guess
that was some weak shit cage
That's just an idiom of the times.
A "Chinaman" is a character whose motives, languages, customs and basically way of thinking are foreign to the rest of the cast. A mystery isn't too fun if it goes "Chin Lao Pai murdered Colonel mustard because the great DRC demanded he paid in blood."
indigo prophecy can suck my dick, those mini games segments practically rubbed my thumbs raw there was zero need to make them that difficult
Mental gymnastics. Jews and women are great at it. You think one thing and do another, usually to advance in some field of work or decieve people out of money. You have to utterly convince yourself that this is the truth, reality is a dirty lie.
Rules were made to be broken
They're not really rules, just recommendations how not to write shit story, which Cage failed at.
What about a game where the Jew is the enemy
Yeah, he's worse than M.Night, maybe even Kojima
Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are our friends. Jews are
No he wasn't. He was covering up the evidence, and his internal thoughts are consistent with that.
M.Night Shamalayn is an innovator you shut the fuck up.
To break the rules you have to be exceptionally talented and Cage clearly isn't.
i love david cages games i don't give a shit
he's an insane person
Yeah, when you know what you're doing you can break rules and get away with it. When you're a talentless hack the rules are there to protect you so breaking them usually makes you look dumb.
You need to understand the rules and reasons for them before you can break them to make your work better. Classical music artists can make good rock and jazz, but it seldom works the other way.
is this game actually any good? worth getting?
It's glorified movie, not a game. If you're interested, just watch it on youtube.
maybe he has multiple personality disorder and when youre playing as him you play as the good guy and othertimes it's the bad guy.
Aren't there some rules a crime story has to follow. don't know the name, and this one broke all of them or something?
Already breaks the first fucking rule.
The funny thing about David Cage games is that he always takes the blame for how shitty they are, but what about all the other people who were brazen enough to let their names be displayed in the games' credits?
Like, were none of them brave enough to stand up and say, "Hey Dave, Shelby being the killer is definitely going to surprise players, but not at all in a good way. They're just going to be upset at being blatantly lied to."?
There were hundreds of people and 40 million euros behind Heavy Rain. How could they let this happen?
example of what you mean?
Because he literally owns the studio and puts himself as 'director and head writer' on everything they put out, I don't think they have a say at all
Also reminder that Cage isn't his actual name
I'm not saying they could necessarily coerce him to make changes, I just want to know if anyone points these things out to him and how he justifies himself.
Cage is a narcissistic twat, he probably thinks he's the smartest man alive and he'll take no advice from anyone cause none of them are as smart as him
I just want Quantic Dream to be freed from him so I can see them actually make a good game
He's the French Kojima. He tells people what to do and they do it without question.
Because David Cage fucked up. There were supposed to be supernatural elements in the story (hence the weirdass blackouts that Ethan has) but they removed them at some point for some goddamn reason. I guess they then had to butchier Shellby's story to make at least SOME sense, considering that Ethan's blackout are still in the game despite making no sense whatsoever. The result is just a huge pile of bullshit.
Nahman Jayden is a the only thing that somewhat redeems this "game". It can only be enjoyed ironically.
A LOT better than Heavy Rain but still no masterpiece
Except Connor's story, that one is actually pretty thorough. Shame the rest of the game can't hold up at all
Watch HR on YouTube (I recommend Northernlion) and play Detroit instead
This is what happened in Detroit with Connor's story. The actors (Bryan Dechart and Clancy Brown) insisted on changes to make their characters more believable and likeable. There's also one instance where Connor's actor asked a line to be changed because it was too jarring. The actor was really invested in that role (it was pretty much his first big role, he was a literally who indie actor before) and understood his own character way better than Cage would ever be able to, despite writing and creating it.
Actually it *is* conveyed, but in a way that's impossible to tell on your first playthrough.
Because David Cage can't write for shit.